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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

AA Help? by phillipby11  •  last post Mar 26th

Hi! I’m new to the industry, I have a rep on AA along with their phone number and email, and quite a lot is happening at once within the last week or so, I think i’ve mostly got my Actors Access(AA) account set up, small resume, 2 photos. Should I upload a 6min sides videos? What should I do from here? How do I text my manager/agent? Are they even an agent if I haven’t done official “signing” with them yet? Where can I go from here? Thank u!

Which Dragon Ball Actor died? by PowerfulButterfly185  •  last post Mar 26th

New actor, looking to understand best way to get myself out there and book roles! by Fit-Fortune4099  •  last post Mar 26th

Hi so I’m based in London, here’s a quick run down of me! I started going to a part time acting school because I had zero direction in life and was looking to try new things and challenge myself! I quickly found that I fell in love with acting and had great feedback (for a complete beginner). I started setting myself goals like get cast in a small play that the school was putting on, which I achieve! Did a lot of rehearsals but it fell apart due to clashing schedules with other actors, however I was great full for the experience! I then aimed at getting great feedback on a showcase, graded by a top level agency, to which they gave me phenomenal compliments and had no criticism and have achieve small goals around that also! So here’s the question! I have never worked in the industry and have only done part time school so spotlight is out of the running, I am at a complete loss at how to get my foot in the door and start honing my craft, I would love to just get some experience, any advice?

Director requests to sell stock images? by Frequent-Mix-5195  •  last post Mar 26th

TLDR at the bottom for those who don’t need the background! Hi all and thank you to anyone reading this. I’m not an actor. At best I was a bad slam poet when I was younger. Through a friend who lectures at a local film school, I was invited to audition for a role that both my friend, and eventually the director, thought would suit me. Some of the scenes turned out great but I still wince at some of my wooden expressions. That aside, it was generally a wonderful, if not surprisingly emotionally taxing, experience. The director and I still speak and are on great terms. He’s passionate about film and he’s introduced me to some wonderful art. His enthusiasm is catching! A few months down the line from the screening, he says he’s looking to make some passive income and wants to sell some of the stills to a stock image company. While I don’t plan on, or currently, have a career where my image is a sacred piece of branding, I do like to have control of how my image is used. My previous employer used my pictures for internal marketing and I rejected their request to use it for external purposes for this reason. If this deal is made neither I or the director will have any control over that. I don’t want to prevent him from profiting off his hard work, but I’m having a difficult time deciding if I sign off on the sale. Any advice or thoughts from people in the industry? TLDR: Director wants to sell stills from the film I acted in to make passive income and I’m uncomfortable with the idea of my image being used for unknown purposes.

PAID STUDY OPPORTUNITY by moberndorf  •  last post Mar 26th

*We are looking for volunteers, who identify as professional actors or are training to become a professional actor, to take part in a virtual focus group where you will be asked to discuss your experiences with mental and physical health while acting and as a member of the entertainment industry. Participation is compensated and will last approximately 90 minutes. Participation also includes a short questionnaire that will last approximately 5min.* *To learn more about this study, or to participate in this study, please follow the link or QR code below in order to complete an interest and availability form or please contact:* *Principal Investigator:* *Madison Oberndorf, BA* *201-889-5632* [**]( *This study has been reviewed by the Pace University Institutional Review Board.* *Interest and Availability Form link:* [\_aVK0oxH2XxOFTjE](

Need voice actors for the demo of my indie Action RPG called Edrick's Conquest. by KingEdrick  •  last post Mar 26th

Dear voice actors, I am developing an Action RPG and need voice actors for the game. Take a look at the trailer to learn more about the game: [\_vp9.webm?t=1648243147]( If you are interested then please reply to this post or send me a DM so I can share character descriptions and dialogue with you. Participants will be given due credit if their work is approved. Pay rate: between 1 to 100 USD. Terms: payment will only be given if your work gets approved + I will be the copyright owner of the dialogue files

Can a Famous Actor Ruin a Video Game? by Play-It-Games  •  last post Mar 26th

Question about Central Casting by Wydogg  •  last post Mar 26th

I registered for Central Casting in LA to be a background actor a couple days ago and I've just been waiting to get job offers. It's only been like 2 days but I haven't gotten any emails or texts from casting directors yet. How long does it usually take to start getting offers with Central Casting or is it just random? Is there anything I can do to better my chances? Thank you

UK: Can you get with a top agency without someone recommending you? by lovetempests  •  last post Mar 26th

I'm a recent drama school grad, and I have an agent (pretty decent - initially things were slow, but for the last few months I've been getting roughly one audition a week). I was with my actor friends, and someone said that getting signed with Curtis Brown is impossible unless you know people to recommend you. And that led me to think that actually I don't know anyone who's (young and new) signed with one of the "top" agents... without having close friends already in the agency, or some kind of connection. That's not to say they are untalented - they're amazing actors. My actor friends were basically saying that the top 5-10 agencies are monopolising the industry. I don't know how much I believe it as I am getting auditions and my agent isn't big by any means, but it led me to think... Is there any validity in this? How much are other actors auditioning? I'd love to hear people's thoughts. The UK industry is very unique and honestly as a recent grad it's hard to understand how it works.

Tips and Advice for Voice Over Acting by Antwuan89  •  last post Mar 26th

On my last Sub Reddit Voice Acting post, I took everyone's advice about taking Voice Over classes and I have found a Voice Over Class/Studio in my City. My question is what are some Advice & Tips you would give to an aspiring Voice Over Actor? And once I'm able to get done with the Demo, how would you say is the best way I should go about landing a Voice Over role?

What voice acting-adjacent or behind the scenes roles are there in the game industry? by backtoril  •  last post Mar 25th

I’ve been looking for the best place to ask this question, so if anyone knows where I could get the perfect answer please let me know :) sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I should probably just find a careers counsellor! I am super passionate about voice acting - though I have no desire to actually do any voice acting myself. I’d love to work with and around voice actors, in an adjacent field or just behind the scenes. I’m currently studying Game and Narrative Design at university, and have a degree in Communications as well. I don’t really have a ‘dream job’ right now, but I really want something I can work towards by combining my love of games/writing/communications and voice acting! If anyone has any advice or can point me towards some roles that exist in the industry that I can research, even if it’s the most niche job imaginable, I’d love to hear it!

[Need advice] I (14F) want to get started in acting but difficult to find casting calls that wouldn't interfere with school by Lost-Mitochondria  •  last post Mar 25th

Hi Reddit! I am 14F, about to be 15, and I think I really want to get into acting but it's difficult to find casting calls around my area that wouldn't interfere with school/education. They're not in my location, and to be honest my parents would probably not be willing to travel to those places for it. After watching the *Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts*, it re-ignited my admiration for actors/actresses, and for a while, I've been wanting to become an actor. In middle school, I was part of a play we did, *Singing in the Rain*. I played a supporting character, and to be honest I was not a very good actor. I don't know how to act, and I've tried to fit acting classes into my schedule since my school offers them but due to graduation requirements sadly I can't fit it in. My hope is one day to be in a big movie like Harry Potter but right now that just seems super far away. I know this post might come across as kind of negative, but it's something I've been wanting to do for such a long time now. Any advice? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Also, if it helps, I'm Asian and I'm pretty average height and build. I'm in high school currently.

How do you get into acting with no experience or agents? by emmanuel_eo11  •  last post Mar 25th

I think I’m a very good actor naturally. Since I was young I’ve always played games with my mates and like acted out scenarios and I always thought I was sick Just a few months ago I had some guy who runs some theatre come to my school to help us with public speaking and i was messing about, taking the mic (not of him), just being a class clown kinda thing. And he was loving it, he was saying how he thinks I have a future in acting and how he genuinely sees Hollywood in me. I know he might just be making me feel good, but my whole life people have said comments like that to me. And I just saw a TikTok explaining how there are social media pages who are willing to take up young actors and find them shows and movies to be in (even if it’s a very extra small role). Like I’m not interested in proper theatre though, just show appearances and stuff . My main question is how do I get into that actor kinda thing, like a lot of the people in top boy(show) have never had any experience, how do I get into something like that

Gay Nudity Scenes - Dive In or Steer Clear? by kidpassion  •  last post Mar 25th

I’m a young actor starting fresh at 27. I say my commitment has been great this month to the craft. I’m reading books on acting techniques, acting classes next month. I work out every day! I’m pursuing martial arts, some singing too. In my first ten auditions, I got two callbacks and one gig! (Currently filming) \[I’m still Non-Union and not ready for representation. I need more work under my belt.\] I submitted my headshots and mini slate for the role of a gay teacher, and the emphasis in the character description was a person of colour. (I’m straight) A day later, I got an email from the casting director requesting an audition. It seems like a solid production! It’s SAG-AFTRA, a web series, and the producer worked on ABC for many kids' series. Here’s where it gets tricky: I need to know from any of you seasoned acting veterans on r/acting of how to approach this audition. First: Is it wrong that I applied for this role? Second: There is a scene where my character strips (not full nude). Should I strip or not strip? Now to the hypothetical: I got the part! Oh wait, there’s a gay sex scene. The coordinator is present to guide us through the intimacy, and it feels safe. I’m a try anything once type of person. The questions I have are: 1. Is this a role too big to be played by a new actor? 2. Will this help display my versatility as an actor? 3. Will it draw me back in being typecasted in future productions? Thank you.

I have a couple of questions about the Acting Industry by Fruitcakespy  •  last post Mar 25th

1) What should I do in order to start my acting career? I think I should take acting classes but I don’t know of any acting classes in England, the only thing is Stagecoach 2) For anyone who does Stagecoach, is it film and tv acting or theatre acting? I’ve watched a couple of videos about Stagecoach and to me it looks a lot like theatre instead of film and tv 3) How does one get an agent? I read online that you need acting experience, what does this mean? Like taking acting classes or already having had a role? 4) I’ve nearly finished school so this shouldn’t be a problem however if I get a role during school what do I do? Can you simply leave school like that? 5) Is there a major difference between film and tv acting and theatre acting? From what I can tell film and tv acting is more realistic where as theatre acting is sometimes exaggerated. 6) I have a book about acting and it mentions union and non union, could anyone explain what that means? 7) In order to become an actor do I need to take drama as a college degree or A level? Is that necessary? 8) Can one live off being an actor? I understand that you don’t always get the roles you audition for therefore for some time you may not have a ‘Job’ but when you do get a role, does it pay well? 9) American accents. Most casting calls require an American accent and I have a British accent seeing as I grew up in England, is it hard to learn the American accent? Where can I learn an American accent? 10) I don’t usually hear about actors with mental illnesses, could I still become an actor even though I have anxiety? (It’s not anxiety about performing)

Second City in Toronto - are the acting classes for comedic actors only? by FinzujiCane  •  last post Mar 25th

I see Second City mentioned a lot for aspiring Toronto actors. However, their description for acting classes seems to revolve around comedic acting. Is it even worth it over places like Armstrong if it’s just catering to comedy? Thanks.

NYC actor looking to change schools by AssEaterKeanu  •  last post Mar 25th

I attend Kimball Studios near Union. Not liking the program, there isn't much sense of community and the teacher-student relationships are abysmal. I don't feel that my art can really grow. Plus...they don't do monologues... wtf.. how do u teach students to audition w.o monologues... How's HB Studio, the Barrows group, or Stella Adler? I'm looking to learn Shakespeare or perform Greek classics. I take acting very seriously, it's an incredible craft. Please if you have any knowledge for an actor in NYC look for Shakespeare/The Classics lmk!

Need help with my first steps as an actor. Please read the description :) by lxurin_hei  •  last post Mar 25th

I am going to write my finals in the german equivalent of highschool and I really don't know what I want to do afterwards. Movies have always been an interest of mine and I also often fantasized about acting / being an actor. I never took an acting class or anything and I don't even know if I am a decent actor or not. I am also rather introverted and I assume that will make it more difficult for me. Now to my question: Where do I start acting? How can I find out if I am a good actor or not? Is it a full-time thing or can I study something else at a university and practice acting on the side? Any answers / tips are greatly appreciated.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Mar 24th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Dealing with frustration by torontogal1986  •  last post Mar 24th

Hey everyone! I’ve been feeling a bit frustrated lately. I was on a nice consistent level of work before the pandemic and that has just completely gone away. I’m not trying to be ungrateful, I work a fair amount for a Canadian actor but lately I’ve been kinda pissed. I’ve been on hold like 6 times with the same casting director and I’m waiting to hear about a supporting role and I know I won’t get it because it’s been about a week and a half. Im trying to focus on my auditions but I’m stuck in this funk. Like I know I’m doing good work because otherwise I wouldn’t be on hold but it’s just so aggravating to not break through. Ughhh just venting. Hugs to everyone.