We’re seeking a persuasive presenter/actor, Male/Female, 40-65+ Years Old This will be a self-shoot, at home, video for supplement product related to.Longevity. Video Script will be provided, but some improvisation will be required for naturalness. If you consider yourself having these qualities: \- Expressive, able to convey emotions not only through words but body, face language. \- Persuasive, you have high emotional intelligence, and you know what to say and how to say something to get your desired action. \- Well-Spoken, you are able to convey your thoughts simply, with clarity, you’re fluent in the English language. Please attach a video of you presenting yourself. You can speak about anything that you like, what we’re looking for is how confident you’re in front of the camera, your language fluency and most importantly your character “taste”. Just be you.
Hey there! So, my daughter submitted to a casting call on Actor’s Access. She ended up quite sick (cursed Covid and yes, vaccinated and boosted) so couldn’t submit to the audition by the deadline. I did put in the little box the reason I was declining it. Is there a way to resubmit on AA that I’m unaware of? I did try to find a website for the casting company but have had no success. Thoughts?
I was really excited when I got cast as a Henchman but during dress rehearsal the other Henchman, Jamie Taco, kept taking my lines. He says my lines before I can even get them out and the director doesn’t do anything. Jamie took like 15 of my lines! He says them so fast before I can say them, then they become his lines. I wanted to quit because I could never say my lines faster than Jamie Taco! I tried to tell him that some of the lines he says on stage might be my lines he asked me “who said the lines?” And I said “you did but they’re supposed to be mine” and he said “you have to be much quicker than that if you wanna have those lines. The audience doesn’t know whose lines they are and if I say them, they’re mine and I’m quick!” Then he walked off with this kid Brandon to get food. But I was determined to say my lines during our first show. During a scene where the henchman are intimidating a guy who is roped to a chair, Jamie got the first line out before me he yelled “I’ll slap your head around, you jabroni. Now give some pozole, I’m hungry.” I did not want to let Jamie do it again. My next line was “Don’t talk to me like that. I got fifteen-hundred guys that’ll pop you. Ah, my pozole!” But he said it faster than me again. However! The next line I exclaimed “Grab the keys, and get in the frickin’ truck, you jabroni! I’ll slap you jabronies!” I couldn’t believe that I got my line out so fast! I was really proud of myself for finally saying my line faster than Jamie Taco. So was my wife, she gave me two big thumbs up from the front row, she’s amazing. She’s the kind of person who laughs when I pretend to be a hippo in my bowl of cereal, and the kind of person you dance with on Christmas and thats why I felt bad about that joke I made to my friends that they’d be clugging a few cans if they had my wife. She helped me I freaked out about Jamie Taco and I love her, I love her. Anyway thank for reading!
Not an actor but am a filmmaker and we are dealing with a somewhat overwhelming experience and not really sure how to proceed. We just posted a casting call for our largest project to date and were very unprepared for the volume of submissions. In the past we just had the handful of actors audition and let them know we chose someone else as that was the easiest way to deal with it. Now we are experiencing hundreds of submissions and emails keep coming in. We are trying to figure out the polite way of telling people they aren't a fit for the role so we don't waste their time or ours. We also just don't want to ghost people. What is industry standard when it comes to respectful rejection? Thanks for your time.
Hi all, I’m a female in my 30s. I’ve had a growing desire to be an actor for the last 10years and have applied to drama school this year in the UK. I’ve had some recalls and have some more coming up. I feel that my Shakespeare monologues are letting me down and thinking to find a new one for my next recall. Can anyone make any suggestions for my age? And any advice about how to nail a Shakespeare monologue would be really appreciated! Thanks so much
As a young legal woman who plays 14-18, I just graduated from undergrad (studying accounting) and want pursue a professional tv/film career in LA. I have a solid resume full of hometown theatre leads and workshops, and I train weekly with a Los Angeles young actors studio. I used to be a child model. I know the typical route is to self-submit before seeking representation… but as a young woman, the legitimacy and safety/guidance that can stem from being represented is something that gives me comfort. So as a girl who plays older child and teenage roles only, would it be smart to submit to agencies? I do have a 4-scene professional reel and new headshots, however I just don’t have film/tv credits as of yet. I’ve had many Actors Access auditions. I ask this because most of the threads I find are for actors who play roles a bit older than me. Seeking advice in general! Thank you.
I’m a successful commercial actor with loads of theatrical training struggling to get theatrical auditions. I only have two co-star credits and a couple of film credits one film where I was the lead- they turned it into a docu-drama though : / I have a manager who reps very busy working actors and she seems to really know her stuff. Their actors are always booking and I really only hired her to help me theatrically, but since December of 2021 I’ve had 4 theatrical auditions! One recurring guest star, one series regular (for a soap), and two co-stars. I felt great about all of those but that’s just not enough auditions! Meanwhile im booking a couple of commercials a month so im making this manager money. I did have a baby in July so I took time off, but before I was showing and about 4 months after my baby was born I was back in the commercial game and booking nationals. And I’m cute y’all. Im ethnically ambiguous and I’m really confident in my acting as I’ve had loads of training. My manager says wants me to book a big gig before she shops me to the agents she works with, but says im not getting called in and they’re not sure why. I think I have enough footage/clips on AA. Im a bit bewildered and wondering what gives? Btw my manager is able to submit as an agent on AA. Should I put more pressure on her to at least get me meeting with agents to get their feedback even if it’s “get more credits” somehow? I hate to think my manager is stringing me along for the money I’m making commercially- i don’t really think so. I wonder if I’m giving off a bad smell through my profile somehow…
I’m primarily a film and theatre actor. I have done voice acti bc before bht never for anime. It says the tone of the film is more natural and cinematic. So does that mean I try to act as if I would for theatre or film naturally or do I add a bit of thay voicd acting quality bht not too over the top? Advice please! Sorry I’m so bad at typing
Heyo looking for inspiration here. What actresses (no males please, we all know the world views older men different from older women sadly) started acting in their 30s? I don't mean "had their break through but started drama school when they were 20" - I mean, actually had their first acting classes in their 30s and continued rocking it and paying their bills with acting? I knowwww none :)
Hi, I'be been debating posting about this for a while, but I am a younger male character actor and I was a recurring guest star on a show that came out during the pandemic but got cancelled. I have had credits before this booking, but this was my biggest credit. I got some positive reviews for my performance, but I haven't booked anything in almost 3 years and I'm getting scared that I'll never work again, I am making my own stuff, but it does cost money to do this. my agent and manager look at my auditions and they say my acting's fine. I am very specific looking. I don't really look like anyone and I've noticed CD's are very set in their ways when it comes to casting. Usually for co-stars, I lose out to non descript looking people. I've been pinned for some guest stars, but, alas, they go with, again, very non descript actors, am I mis-marketing myself or just having bad luck? I'm honestly very close to quitting, I talked to the show runner who hired me and they said I was cast because I was unique. How can I use my uniqueness to convince casting I can bring my uniqueness to the show?
So I have a question that might sound stupid but basically I've been told times and times again that I look a lot like a certain actor (only thing changing is the eye colour fr) and I wanted to know how can I stand out? When I get my big breakthrough I really don't want to be known as “X's look alike” for those curious the actor is Timothée Chalamet (yes I even have the same concave jawline, brown curly hair and all that jazz)
I’m 20 and studying business / comp sci. i’m struggling with college and have been home for a few semesters - none of this shit really matters. I’m 6’1 175 pounds lean, strong, brown hair, green eyes, good smile, and good looking. Please don’t mistake me for me being into myself, I’m just trying to get as accurate feedback as possible. i’ve really wanted to become a film actor since 2018, when I was a junior in high school. at the time I was playing baskerball, and training for basketball 24/7 and didn’t see I could even begin my acting career. I now have more time on my hands before I transfer back to university and really don’t want this dream of mine to go to waste. I’ve never taken any acting classes, but i’m a visionary and part of me for some reason believes in me… I seriously want to drive to LA right now and sit outside tarantino’s house until he lets me hear him out .. lol. But seriously, is being an actor just too hard of a career? Is it unreasonable for someone like me with no acting experience to want pursue this dream? i’m really not interested in theater… I thought that meant I was just in it for the money, but i’m not; I really just love film. I don’t even know what to ask, but can someone give me any advice? Thank you in advance and good luck to everyone trying to be someone in life.
Hello guys i am from myanmar,21 years old and mu dream is to become an actor .the problem is there isn't any acting class open atm and some people suggest i should get on modeling class . is there any way to start without an acting class ? what i need to know ?tips and tricks .i really need to know where to start plz help
After years of classes and scene study I’m ready for auditions and having an agent would facilitate this greatly. So far, I do not have a reel. Is it worthwhile to self-tape a monologue and send it, unsolicited, to agents? Any other suggestions/strategies? A little context - I’m a new actor, but an older human. Just turned 61, so I feel the click tick, tick, ticking. Thanks!
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I am looking for a writing partner that might be interested in working on a three hander feature that I have an idea for, and more importantly some backing financially and a viable location for. Send me a message with a writing sample if you're interested in collaborating on something with me.
I have a meeting with an LA commercial agency tomorrow. They have two agents at this agency. Its an older sister (who owns the agency), and then the younger sister, who is a newer agent. I have a meeting with the younger newer agent. The commercial agent that I'm meeting with tomorrow, is also an actor. They post on their agencies instagram, about her booking commercial roles. How would you feel about this? Is it a conflict of interest? I know casting directors who are also actors and they always give themselves small roles in the shows they are casting, and that just doesn't sit well with me. I also know agents who represent a lot of their own family members, and the agencies Instagram is just filled with their families bookings. I have a pretty good gut feeling about things. I'd rather not have an agent at all, then sign with a bad agent. I've been down that road before, and I dropped my last agent because of that. Am I right to be weary?
Yellow actor fam, I have quite a big imdb issue. So I was an extra on a show and I got credited on imdb for it. Well it would seem that I’m not the only Isaac Alford out there. My credit got put with another Isaac Alford’s imdb profile. Is there anything I can do to fix that?
like do they have better personalities, are more likeable, etc.