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I'm 16 and searching for ways of how to improve myself, what do you think I should consider?
For those who live, or have lived, in Vancouver, and trained at either Studio Cloud 30 or On The Mic (or both), which would you recommend?
Hi there. I’m just curious how things are done here. In LA you do CD workshops and self submit on Actors Access. LA Casting, Casting Frontier are also used. You have a website with a reel and headshots. Hopefully a good agent and commercial agent. But the people I know who work the most do CD workshops constantly. In NYC — what sites do you use to self submit? Obviously CD workshops are still mostly online but are there NY places where NY CD’s are? What companies do this? Where do you all go for agent showcases? Is Backstage still a thing? Are there many commercials cast and shot here anymore? Do you usually plan to spend pilot season in LA? Is most of your decently paying work Union or have you found it’s worth it to go fi-core here?
I can’t find any website for the name of the production company or either of the two directors on IMDb or anywhere else online. The page for the project just has a description of the story and some of the characters. They have a partial cast list and I could find those actors on IMDb, but who’s to say they couldn’t have just pulled those names to make it seem like real people are involved? They’re offering $300 a day for shoot days as well as travel, meals, and all of those expenses paid. It just seems kind of sketchy to me that I can’t find anything on the directors, and the company. Also the website was created 2 years ago and there have only been 3 updates posted on it. I’d love an opportunity like this if it were legit of course, but things just seem off. They asked if I had anymore questions when they requested my self tape, should I dig a little deeper before moving forward? What would be the right questions to ask? Just want to make sure I’m not potentially getting caught up in a scam.
Dear band director: I understand that you are here orchestrating our music on your own time. I understand and appreciate the sacrifices you make for us. That said, please stop changing things for no reason. The tempo of these songs is not what you have the band play and I am fucking sick of it. The tempo is meant to be where it is for a reason. And I could get over the weird tempo that screws up our dances and singing, but at the very least, could you pick a tempo? Like, we should not need to be constantly listening to the music to stay on tempo. It really isn’t that hard. The actors are annoyed, and even the band says you don’t know what you’re doing. Everyone is pissed. Please stop. Sincerely, A frustrated student
So I have been applying to several agencies and heard back from a few and this recent one said that since i’m not 18 (but 17) I should use this time to get film/ commercial classes under my belt since it would he hard to suggest me to union projects (understandably) with only theatre credits. The thing is that i’m going to be attending NYU Tisch for drama in the Fall and i’m honestly not sure if the training i’ll get there will count as training suitable to be eligible for these kinds of projects (film/tv). Should I also be taking film study classes/ commercial classes on the side or before I attend? I really want to get at least some commercials in while i’m younger since my eventual goal is to act on film/ tv. I know that you have to be SAG/Union and have an agent to be even considered for television roles which is why I have been trying for an agency but it’s hard when you don’t have experience or referrals. The reason i’ve never taken classes besides the ones offered at school is 100% money (I can barely afford to be in productions at school). I by no means expect become an A-list actor by getting an agent and putting no work in, I just really want to start somewhere in my career and get that door open. I tried backstage, actors access, and other platforms but backstage only has short films near me and actors access seems to prefer union. I know I need training because i’ll get contacted back by an agency due to my self-tape but my cold-read skills aren’t the best. Sorry if I sound green haha no one around me knows about this kinda thing they just support my efforts from afar. Any advice would be gold, thank you!
I’m 18 and I’ll be moving to LA this year in August. I’ll be a college student so on top of auditioning on a regular basis I’ll probably have to get a job on the side. Which job would be the most optimal considering auditions and all the time/energy I’ll already be putting into acting?
I was going to make a trip to NY this weekend for this audition, but before I commit to any decisions, I look up the Director, Producer, Casting Director, etc., to check their credibility. I haven’t found anything about them … I also don’t know if they’re inviting just anyone. I got in touch with the casting director to ask questions like where will this be streamed (don’t know if that’s taboo to ask) but they said they’ll give all the details at the audition. So my question is … is this normal? Should I make the trip or sit this one out due to the lack of transparency?
"Forget about all those expensive courses, activating frameworks, inspirational bootcamps, and acting seminars. As somebody who offers many of these resources, I’m here to say there’s no such thing as a silver bullet to make your acting life easy. There’s really only one thing you need to do in order to become a working actor." Check out our latest blog post from our founder, Broadway and Film/TV actor Joshua Morgan. [https://www.artists-strategy.com/blog/an-actor-is-an-entrepreneur](https://www.artists-strategy.com/blog/an-actor-is-an-entrepreneur?fbclid=IwAR08Ue4as-IYrmnDoKRrykU-dEZK0yY3Q9ep4lc3V6HR0HHWAAnAQfjzCRI)
Howdy hey everybody! I just wanted to stop in here and say hello. I'm new to voice acting (quite literally just getting started) and just wanted to ask a quick question or two. One of the places I had been told about by a friend of mine was Casting Call Club. I understand this is more so a site to just... dip your toes into voice acting and sorta getting used to it, but I still wanted to drop in and ask if there are any particular safety precautions to take when auditioning for some sort of role (paid or unpaid) and if there were other places to look in terms of starting out as a voice actor. I also just wanted to put myself out here and start talking/meeting to other people and connecting with others. I know this post is... more than all over the place, but as said, I'm quite fresh to voice acting and as daunting as this can be, my knowledge is still quite low. Thank you.
Hey so I’m not actually an actor hence this very simple question: when recording myself performing a scene that has multiple characters, am I supposed to at-least say every character’s line or am I supposes to pick one and just stop talking as if the other characters are saying their line? Im in college and my major (speech comm) is grouped with the theatre major so I end up taking theatre classes sometimes. I have an assignment to perform a monologue or scene (recording) from “mother courage and her children” but unfortunately that play doesn’t have any monologues (that I know of? I did a basic google search lol I haven’t actually read the play-i know terrible) so I have to pick a scene. The assignment is due tonight and I’m trying to avoid asking my prof this last minute. Thank you!
I want to start working as an extra/small actor (in Germany) Modelling/acting agencies require a portfolio of pictures and videos of myself. I do have a handful of pictures and one video (small commercial I played in). But I realised I need a lot more pictures and seemingly in different situations and from different angles. Each agency has their own requirements. I setup a session with a Photographer friend and want to take a bunch of pictures and maybe short clips. What type of pictures and clips would you say HAVE to be in an acting portfolio? Is their a template we can follow? Thx for the help!
In their teens, 20's, and 30's ideally?
Are a lot of tv/movie sets still requiring weekly testing AND covid shots (and booster?) or are they settling those rules? Just wondering because I’ve been holding off on auditioning for bigger projects (via actors access, which is why i’ve been using backstage) due to that, while many community theaters/even some small short films near me require one or the other (mostly just proof of 2 doses of covid vax) if even.
Why is it very limited? they can't just get more?
Hi, I have a wonderful and dedicated manager and am consistently auditioning. What value would be added by signing with an agent to add to my team?
Actors always tell me anything in which I purchase that involves my acting I should write it off on my taxes. Now, I don't do my taxes so i have no idea how to even do that. Should I start?
So I was wondering, as a beginner in the whole business/full time hobby as a VA, is voice editing through audacity or Adobe Audition allowed? By editing I mean changing pitches or modifying the sounds themselves? For example, if I make a zombie sound as a base form and I edit it to sound deeper and more gutteral, does it make me more of a sound engineer rather than a voice actor or is it technically allowed? A bit confused...
What is your favorite keeanu movie