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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Commercial Audition Casting Breakdown Help? by CaliforniaStoked  •  last post May 4th

Could someone give me a quick refresher of how casting for commercials work? I’ve done a few non union ones, but have never really truly understood the process and now that I have an agent, I’d like too. So the casting office calls you in and they audition you, then they send the audition tapes to the advertising agency and the ad agency narrows the favorites down for callbacks, and then the actual company (example Best Buy), picks the final choice based on those callbacks? So the actual casting directors are sort of like the middle men and they pick who gets called in based on headshots? And then they deliver the news to the chosen actor at the end of it? I’m in Los Angeles and I audition for both union and non union commercials, if any of that info matters.

Looking for recommendations of any charities/NGOs that promote dramatic arts as a therapy for mental health challenges by AJDon82  •  last post May 4th

While I think we can all agree that commercial (i.e for profit) acting can be a very stressful, frustrating and depressing path at times, I have recently read (after experiencing first hand the mental health benefits of joining a local community improv group) that community acting (AKA drama therapy), whether through drama clubs, improv groups, amatuer theatre etc. can be very beneficial to many types of mental health issues. As someone who has struggled with mental health for a long time, I would like to find out about any charities actively using or promoting community acting as a therapy/relief to help people in the wider community who face mental health challenges, to see what kind of support I could offer. I have read about several organizations, in both the UK and US that support actors mental health, but I'm looking for something more geared towards the general public. There was a charity like this ([]( but they sadly seem to have stopped operating. So if anyone could recommend a similar charity, NGO or organisation, I'd be very grateful! P.S: In case anyone is interested in more information on the topic, here are several links you can use to learn more; []( []( []( []( [](

I’m a 16 year old male and I’m looking to get a start in voice acting and voice over, where should I start? by superdino1234  •  last post May 4th

I’m a 16 year old male and I’m looking to get a start in voice acting and voice over, where should I start? I’ve done research online that hasn’t really been able to lead me anywhere and I’m unsure of the best course of action to not only make me the best voice actor that I can be but also get me gigs and eventually turn this into a career.

How to find auditions by Zealousideal_End3005  •  last post May 4th

I'm curious about getting into this field of work so how do voice actors find auditions.

What does charisma mean in acting? by ohnose34  •  last post May 4th

I hear people say *insert actor* is very charismatic on screen. Is it like they look good on camera? How do you know they’re charismatic?

I'm an Cartoon Artist Looking to work with a Sports/Entertainment Genre Voice Over Actor by travisbklein  •  last post May 4th

Hey what's up all I have been googling around and decided why not post here. So I'm an cartoon artist and I want to start a youtube channel doing documentaries about sports/entertainment celebrities. I have already completed the drawings/cartoons for several documentaries, one about Lebron, one about Elon Musk, but I have so many more ideas that are on queue. I mean in the end I'd like to partner with a trustworthy person and share in the profits from the youtube videos we make but to start off I would understand the voice over actor wanting to be paid so that is totally cool with me. If you are interested in celebrities and sports I'd love to chat and maybe we can work together.

Acting advice by Strict_Carpenter_661  •  last post May 4th

What’s one advice/tip you guys use on yourself that you’ve either learnt or picked up that has made you a better actor.

Where to find diverse voice actors? by Mission_Dog_2748  •  last post May 4th

I know this question might sound weird, especially because voice acting is an art form that doesn’t require the actor to show their face, but I think it’s important to have a voice actor that matches the character and can understand them better. Luckily I have a lot of time to figure this out (I’m no where near the casting stage of this project) but it’s still frustrating. The problem I’m running into though is that it’s very hard to find voice actors that fit certain demographics. If I search up Nigerian voice actors, I just find a bunch of people doing Nigerian accents with no background. And then maybe three people who actually fit the description. And if I try to search something up less well known, like earlier today I was trying to find Yup’ik voice actors, basically nothing comes up at all. I know that logically when looking for specific people with specific backgrounds, the pickings are going to be smaller. But it seems ridiculous that I can only find like, three people voice acting for a population that is in the thousands, all with internet access. Is there somewhere else I could find people? Or somewhere else to be looking? A better way to search? ANY advice is appreciate.

Female VA to read script for company infographic by guys_im_not_a_robot  •  last post May 4th

Need voice actress to read out a script introducing a concept of a new company. Just sound professional, very small, I'll send it to you and you name the price

Is it legit if a casting director reaches out to you? by AYamPapaya22  •  last post May 4th

Title says the basic question: So, I self-taped for an open casting call, and submitted a first audition, alongside a headshot and CV. For the record, this was on Backstage, and I know some people have very controversial opinions about that website. But moving on, now I’m in the second round of auditions, and the casting director reached out to me directly letting me know I’d made the cut, and sending me the script slides for the next round. I looked online for his name and production company, and everything else checks out. If I double-triple-quadruple checked him out, is this normal? I’ll quote his email below: Good afternoon [REDACTED], I just want to introduce myself quickly, as I am usually busy casting with other projects outside of [REDACTED] Productions. I usually have someone reach out on my behalf. My name is [REDACTED] and I am the head of [REDACTED]’s casting, and have been in the film and TV industry since the age of 5. You may be asking yourself why I would be reaching out to you directly. After having had your information sent to me, I was very impressed by not only your profile, but also your drive, as I don’t see that passion from a lot of actors. I would like to ask you myself if you would be interested in continuing your audition process for [REDACTED]. If you still are, please reply to this email as soon as possible, and I will send you the slides as soon as I can.

Any other actors and wriers in the LA area want to collaborate? by LoveExile  •  last post May 3rd

Hi. I'm looking for other actors who want to collaborate on videos. I want to do a lot of sketch comedy and dramatic work. Please hit me up.

Do casting directors let agents know if an actor is released from a hold? by abercrombieNbeyotch  •  last post May 3rd

The shooting date is near and I’m still on hold. I just want to get it out of system already if I booked or not.

should I add my co-star footage to reel even tho it's not a good one? by MaveInfinite  •  last post May 3rd

so I hate the way the footage came out. one of my big bookings, well, big to me is a one liner in a new big show. but the camera was else where while i said my line..I feel like a glorified extra..I still interacted with the main actor.. what should I do?

The beginning of my career by ThinkDifferentMan  •  last post May 3rd

Hello everyone! I am a new (like very new) actor who lives in LA and I am starting my acting career this summer. I have been studying acting for about 5 years (not in school) through scripts, movie breakdowns, character analysis and general youtube videos. I am a newbie to on-set work but not a newbie on what to expect from this industry. My one and only question is **what should I do to get a good jumpstart this summer so I can have a good foundation for the future?** Anything is helpful!

Who are your favorite rom com actors that light up the screen? by Food_Pre-Chewer  •  last post May 3rd

Or your favorite actor that no matter how many times you watch them, they’ll always light up the screen.

Actors who started at 28 to 30? by Federal-Collection52  •  last post May 3rd

Is there any well known actors, who started from 28 to 30 years old, and went on to have successful film or television careers?

High school junior who's looking into acting, what should I do once I graduate? by jjozens  •  last post May 3rd

Hey everyone, so I'll just cut to the chase here. I'm looking into acting after high school and I don't really know exactly where to start. I'm currently taking drama and I'm learning methods on how to deliver on camera, loosing myself up, etc., but I wanna know what I should do once I graduate. I've looked into acting schools but I've seen from multiple sources that casting directors won't even acknowledge you unless you went to a top-of-the-line school, and I haven't even been able to find any schools that would be considered one of those. Basically, I just wanna know from any experienced actors what options are ideal for me to look into. Should I take acting classes on the side while going to college? Or should I focus all my time into acting if I wanna take it seriously? If anyone can help me out, that would be absolutely wonderful. Thanks! P.S. I hope everyone here is able to accomplish their dreams and find a gig soon! :)

Strange? by Fit-Factor988  •  last post May 3rd

I think it’s so crazy how when I was self submitting on actors access I wouldn’t really get callbacks or book and now that I have an agent and go out for bigger things I do get callbacks and book work, anyone else have that?