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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Are there new Actors Access postings on weekends or holidays? by TimPrice2  •  last post Oct 30th

Does Actors Access or Breakdown Express have new postings on Saturdays or Sundays. I'm guessing almost all postings would go up Monday-Friday anyway, I'm just wondering if there are any on weekends or if it's safe to not even check without fear of missing anything.

ReelCall: The Game Changing Casting Platform for Filmmakers & Actors by LouieDuqueJr  •  last post Oct 30th

Greetings everyone, my name is Louie Duque. I am a brand ambassador for ReelCall. ReelCall is a casting platform that enables creators and casting users to post their open roles for talent to book. In addition, talent themselves also have access to the available projects listed. The website utilizes a matching algorithm that combines inputs from both filmmakers and actors alike to effectively fill roles. []( Why should you invest in ReelCall? 1. It’s free. 2. Easy to use. Just sign up and immediately start searching. 3. Wonderful opportunity to network within the industry 4. ReelCall is a pioneer in revitalizing the casting process. Let’s grow together.  5. It’s the first step. If you’re lost and don’t know where to begin, this is an excellent resource. If you like what you read, please do me a favor and type “Louie” in the referral code when signing up. I would appreciate it immensely.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to DM me here on reddit or via email: []( Here is the link ReelCall’s linkedin: []( Here is the link to ReelCall’s amazing founder: []( Here is the link to the official ReelCall instagram page:[]( Thank you.

Got picked as a finalist for the Warner Brothers Television 2021 Actors in Training Program! by Raider9000  •  last post Oct 30th

I got notified yesterday from the WBTV Casting Department that I am now a finalist for the 2021 Training program. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to narrow down the top 10. And what happens if you’re selected? Anyone know what happened last year?

UK drama Student in need of advice by Fanio_cobain  •  last post Oct 30th

Hello everyone, I am currently finishing my last year of university, studying Drama and Performance, right now I'm trying to build up my showreel but the truth is because of my lack of showreel I can't find jobs- the good old " we need you to have experience to gain experience", currently I'm looking for any student films or anything that I can get my hands on, on Backstage and Mandy actors. I am kinda worried that my uni is not giving me any opportunities or overall tips on how I should build up my CV and I'm in my last year of study with barely 1 credit and that of a student film. I do understand that the acting job is one big grind and I can't expect to have anything of a career right now but I feel really let down by not even being given the chance to prove myself. Anyway, I am considering getting Spotlight subscription because it seems like it's one of the most used sites for professional realisations in hope of building my CV. But I would really want to know what do y'all think or give an advise. P.S thank you for taking of your time reading this!

A little feedback by Mui-Mui  •  last post Oct 29th

Hi everyone! Not a voice actor here, but rather an amateur director and an amateur sound engineer. I've been listening to this recording for so long while mastering it that I already can't hear if it sounds bad or not. Previously I had a bad experience that our game came out as "The Room of indie horror games", and although it was hilarious in a way, I'd rather not repeat it and want it to sound well-directed, lol. So at first, I thought this recording sounded bad, but now I don't know... Can you guys please tell me, do you think the emotional outbursts of the female character sound a bit out of place to you or do they sound alright? Do I need to adjust the dialogues in the script a little bit? [\_BzlYgRDX4guKYFACDCa\_/view?usp=sharing](

Really weird job, I need tips by MaybeADeadGuy  •  last post Oct 29th

As the title says, I've been hired for a very weird job. There's a party coming up, and a company hired me to pretend to be a fortune teller. I agreed, but it turns out that a.) there's not even an outline of what I'm meant to say, and b.) I'm meant to be the main attraction. So basically, I have like 12 hours to figure out how to convince people I'm a fortune teller at a party. Apparently I'll have a crystal ball. This is all totally out of my depth, as I've only ever worked in roles with scripts or at least outlines in the past. This is basically 4 hours of improv, and they want people to think that I'm a fortune teller, not an actor playing a fortune teller. Any tips are welcomed! Thanks in advance!

Acting in DUBLIN, IRELAND by marcoantoniof  •  last post Oct 29th

My name is Marco, I am a 20-year-old young actor who is now studying acting at Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin, for one year (part-time course). Meanwhile, I am working full-time to support my studies and life in general. I studied acting in Portugal (secondary school) for three years and I started acting in a few Portuguese short films. While I'm studying and working here, I want to start my career in a place with more opportunities than in my country. I would love to hear some recommendations of websites for auditions, Facebook groups, or in general, any tips that you might have for a very passionate person for acting. Thanks <3

Cutting hair? by moonismyonlyfriend  •  last post Oct 29th

I’ve been seeing a few posts lately about agencies or directors wanting actors to cut their hair. Is that something you’re allowed to say no to? Would it go against you if you were to say no to changing up your hair? I love my hair so much and put a lot of care into it, I’ve never dyed it or used any bleaches/highlights in it. The most I do is trim it every few months. I just wanted to know if changing my hair is something I could say no to without it giving me a bad rep?

I want to interview you about YOUR short film experience! by hooloovootrue  •  last post Oct 29th

Hey all! I run a podcast about short films and I'd love to interview you about your experience acting in a short film project! I've been running the podcast, Cheat the Camera, for a few months, and I thought it wouldbe great to get the perspective of actors who have worked on short films, particularly if you were also involved in a producing or directing capacity as well! So, if you have a short film you'd like to talk about with me, email me at! Please include a few details about the project. The podcast is available at:

How to make face furious-red or saw-a-ghost-white by RichardMcCarty  •  last post Oct 29th

I don’t know if this is possible, but there are no stupid questions, right? Does anyone know of any techniques to make one’s face beet red for furious rage? Or conversely whiter as if one saw a ghost? This is for a theater play in which the actor is onstage and in view the whole time. So no make up changes or other artificial solutions will work. Thanks for any ideas you can offer.

How to be in actor while living in rural MN? by Saskye  •  last post Oct 29th

Its kinda driving me crazy. I just have a great yearning to be on a set on feel that sense of purpose, but there's nothing going on around me. I'm 19, and have had to make my own films with some buddies for most of my life. Now most have moved away. Feeling very unfulfilled at the moment. I'm maybe looking for a place I can send virtual auditions to? Thanks.

Short Romantic Comedy for View by Christina Kasper Babinsack  •  last post Oct 29th

It's turning cold in many places this weekend. Stay in, keep warm, and watch a free romantic comedy short on my YouTube channel.

I really don’t mean to be rude but… Why are amateurs hired over more skilled actors? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Oct 28th

I don’t want to say that amateurs don’t deserve to work or that they shouldn’t have been hired and I am not trying to insult them either… I am just sincerely asking why they hire less skilled actors over more skilled actors. I have been on professional projects where actors didn’t know their lines, didn’t know when to start acting, stopped in the middle of the scene, couldn’t speak loud enough to be understandable, never took the directions they were given, needed tons of rehearsals, just froze in the middle of the scene because they didn’t know what to do, just canceled the project last minute after rehearsals or the costume was made for them, etc. I have taken class with people who made the same mistakes but ended up having lead roles in projects. I had a friend who had an important role in a short film while I had a smaller one and I had to teach her how to do some things because she didn’t have the special skill that I had and that was required for the scene. I really do not want to be mean and say that they don’t deserve to work or are untalented or anything. But why are they casted over more skilled actors who almost never make those mistakes? I have tons of very talented friends who never get work but see others acting unprofessionally still getting lead roles. What I really want to say is that it seems unfair for more skilled people to get less work opportunities than them. It seems like skills doesn’t matter, they only care about the looks or vibe or anything like that. Why is it like that? And what can we do about it?

Acting and Grad School by Mysterious_Fill7507  •  last post Oct 28th

I'm planning to go on to do a STEM PhD after undergrad, but I'd also like to pursue acting. I have the experience and grades to probably get into NYU or UCLA and maybe Columbia and Cal Tech (near LA, in Pasadena). I'm also considering some schools in Chicago. I don't expect to become a famous actor. I'd just like the opportunity to audition for some projects for fun and see where things go. Has anyone here done a PhD/grad school/ a science-based job while pursing acting? How was it? Should I plan to go to school in NY or LA in order to pursue acting while I'm working on a PhD? Would other big cities give me this opportunity? Thanks so much! Edit: should add that I'm taking as many acting classes as I can right now. My school doesn't have an acting minor, but has a strong/well known theatre department

How does your significant other feel about acting in scenes with intimacy? by odub6  •  last post Oct 28th

My wife is against it and we're having discussions about it. I have zero experience and have just started to explore acting and taking classes but she's already told me she can't deal with anything that would require me to be intimate with another actor. Wondering if anyone else has had similar problems and how you dealt with it.

Any Actors/Actresses That Came From Nothing? by Existing-Cherry4948  •  last post Oct 28th

I'd like to hear stories of any well known actors/actresses who came from nothing and who grew up without privilege.

What kind of roles should I be traveling for? by heyyyman14  •  last post Oct 28th

I’m a bit too eager to start building my reel so I’ve been self submitting for everything I’m interested in on actors access. But I live in WA and recently got asked to self tape for a non paying student film in California… I then started thinking whether that is worth flying for… I guess my eagerness is overshadowing logic because that doesn’t seem like a bad idea….but is it a bad idea?

Vague vocal technique question - How do some VA's change their voice enough to sound like a different voice (more info in text) by Armonster  •  last post Oct 28th

This sounds dumb at first, so let me elaborate and hopefully it will sound less dumb. I know a lot of VA's use various techniques to create a voice or make their voice sound different. i.e. various cartilages in their throat, pitching up and down, nasality, fry, etc. But sometimes I see voice actors go into a voice that just seemingly sounds like a completely different person's voice, without any obvious usage of these other things. It's like they're strictly changing the timbre of their voice without even changing the pitch much or anything. Let me know if you would like some examples, I recently noticed it heavily when watching the newest episode of Critical Role, with Liam O'Brien's character, then I looked into him and seems to be able to do this a lot.

Tips so your demo doesn't suck by talksallday  •  last post Oct 28th

While the goal of many voiceover newbies is to get a professional demo produced (it's a very exciting thing!), please stop rushing into getting one. **If you think you're ready for a demo, first ask your coach if you're ready, then ask a professional, successful full time voice actor if you're ready**. If you do not have a coach, you are likely not ready for a professional demo. If you do not know a voice actor you can get confirmation from, feel free to message me and I can give you my honest opinion. Remember, many coaches financially gain from your demo, whether they produce it or get a kickback from a referral to a demo producer. That's why it's important to get a second opinion from a successful voiceover artist. If you're going to be doing any real marketing with your demo or applying for jobs, **you need to use a** ***reputable*** **demo producer**. Reputable demo producers will write scripts for you based on your voice, they will make sure your demo fits the current voiceover climate, they will coach you through your demo production, they will make it sound perfect, and *good* demo producers will also tell you you're not ready for a demo. If you're told "no", it's probably for a reason. I've seen so many people get their demos made by someone who has no business producing demos because it was cheap or because they bought their voiceover courses online and this was the next step. Demos are expensive. They are an investment. Do not get your demo made without knowing absolutely-for-certain that you are ready for a demo, and without doing your researach. The only thing worst than a crappy demo is a crappy demo that you paid hard earned dollars for. If you want to find a reputable demo producer, ask successful voiceover artists who made their demo, or look which producers have won SOVAS awards. Reputable demo producers will charge around $1,500 for a demo. Note: DIY demos are an entirely separate matter.

Actors who’ve moved to a larger market especially LA - what do you wish you had done before moving out there? by And-I-Oopeth  •  last post Oct 28th

I got back into acting at the beginning of the pandemic and have been in a few short films (only one with substantial scene work), a recurring in a tv/web series where I’ve only been in two episodes, one web commercial and an industrial. I’m still building up my resume and now considering enrolling at the Meisner Technique Studio in SF which you have to interview for to even get in. The teacher is Jim Jarrett who is one of the last people who learned from and worked with Sanford Meisner and he seems to have many amazing reviews and testimonials. In order to graduate from this studio, you have to study with the teacher for 2 years and tuition is $1200 for 3 months with 2 classes per week and each class is 3 hours long. And after the first session, you have to be invited back to the remaining sessions. I don’t know whether I want/should make this commitment because I was wanting to move to LA end of 2022/early 2023. Their first available session starts in April. I have headshots that I’m not completely content with that I’m planning on retaking sometime in the near future. I don’t have a demo reel nor any of the footage from the work I listed above. And I recently signed with an agency that sends me auditions maybe 1-3 times a month. I know I need to get all of these things to the next level on top of raising money, getting in shape emotionally, physically and spiritually BUT are there other things I’m missing or that you all would recommend? Oh and I have a car. Thank you and good luck / break a leg to you all.