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What are red flags for kids agencies? by FurmidableCat  •  last post Nov 2nd

I know that agencies for adults shouldn’t ask you for money except for a percentage of the work they get you and where I am from, they also don’t have the right to advertise that they are looking for actors to join their agency and it’s a red flag if they hire anyone who wants to join without any real criteria and represent way too many people… However, most kids agencies I find do ask for money upfront and a lot of them advertise that they are looking for people. I don’t have kids, but a lot of people ask me to recommend agencies for their kids and I never know what to answer. An acting teacher and coach for kids who wrote a book about kids acting said that it’s normal for agents to ask for money upfront because they are taking a risk with kids and don’t know if it will work or not. However, surprise surprise, she is also a kids agents asking for money upfront so it seems like she wrote a book to say that this red flag is actually normal. What are red flags for kids agencies? I am based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada if this helps.

Can I be a voice actor with a lisp??? by Clean_Eye_622  •  last post Nov 1st

I want to join the industry but I have an overbite that gives me a lisp. I want to be able to narrate books and do commercials, but every time I record my voice I feel like I sound like a kid. I know if I got braces it would probably get worse. I don't see any examples of VOAs with lisps in the industry unless they are really emphasizing it for a character. Also, I am the daughter of immigrant parents and I can't really hear the accent people say I have. What should I do?

what does it mean when your agent only gets you seen for commercials and nothing else? by Objective_Sink3874  •  last post Nov 1st

i have a decent boutique mid-level agent and have been with them for 7-ish months. I get 1-2, sometimes 3, commercial castings per week but hardly ever any castings for scripted film/tv. why could this be? is it because they don't rate me as a proper actor but think i have a good look for commercials? so why go to the trouble of pushing to get me seen for film/tv when commercials are easier and they can make better money..? are they trying to get me seen for film/tv but casting directors aren't interested? it's really getting me down. I don't know if this is because the agents don't rate me as an actor or if casting directors don't want to see me for proper acting stuff. but either way it sucks.

A lil’ help for a European actor based in the UK? by tarded_chipmunk  •  last post Nov 1st

Hi friends. So I’ve moved to the UK last month after a long period of striving in my home country(which has a little developed market), in search of… well, tbh the fact that Lord of the Rings brought magic into my childhood and they’ve moved the production to the UK starting next year pretty much put the last nail in the coffin:)). Apart from an arduous desire to be part of that, even as an extra, there was really not much left for me in Romania, as the pandemic pretty much destroyed and already collapsing sector. On top of that I’m of german origins and I’m a blue eyed blond, which makes me one of the… 5 natural blonds I know in Romania? So I almost never got auditioned for roles in Romanian productions since I didn’t look the part. On the other hand I got extremely lucky with foreign productions coming in - I have an extremely good ear for accents and besides a pretty much flawless standard American I can do most major European accents - and I got cast in small named roles as an American in several of those. First thing upon moving here and getting new headshots and showreel, I started emailing agents. Now although I did include my spotlight where you can find my showreel, I did put some links to the showreel on youtube, precisely because I wanted to be able to see the views. Two weeks in, no views and no answers. I’m fairly confident that I’m a decent actor (forgot to mention that I have a BA and an MA in acting) and I just thought that maybe there’s something I’m not doing right, maybe it’s the foreign name that puts them off? Maybe the showreel isn’t good enough? Is it the fact that I don’t have a British accent in it? Was my cover letter too lengthy? If there’s someone who’s able to illuminate me, I’d be forever grateful. I can post my spotlight link in the comments so you guys can have a look if I’m allowed to, I’m unsure if I am - I wouldn’t want to be seen as “promoting” myself. Also I have no friends here, so a few of those wouldn’t go amiss

Advice for Toronto actor auditioning for MFA by shakchunny  •  last post Nov 1st

I'm a 20 y/o actress in Toronto finishing up my BA (not in acting) this year and I'm planning to audition for the acting MFA programs at Yale, Juilliard, NYU, Columbia, and maybe some of the California schools too (I've heard good things about UCSD and USD but don't know too much about them). I've been working on my application and my monologues but any additional advice/recommendations about the applications, coaching, auditioning, or anything else would be super appreciated!

Casting websites are too expensive. The only reason they are so expensive is that actors don't have a choice. SAG-AFTRA should find a way to leverage for fairer pricing. by throwtac  •  last post Nov 1st

I could be wrong, but I think most actors feel this way. Really, SAG-AFTRA should just have their own free casting website that offers all the same features and make sure casting offices post all their UNION jobs on it. That way actors who are SAG-AFTRA wouldn't have to bother with these price-gouging casting websites. It's been like this for years and it's getting worse. Nowadays, managers and agents are asking for like 10 different headshots on 3 different websites. It adds up and it's way too expensive. It's not like the business costs of running an online business are super-huge... Does anyone else have any thoughts?

Best acting training for someone who doesn't want to be a professional actor? by SPELDWR0NG  •  last post Oct 31st

I'm interested in taking some acting training so I can build up some rudimentary acting skills, but I have no interest in becoming a "professional" actor. Do you have any recommendations for me? Here are some details: * I live in LA. * I am a full-time background actor. * I have no interest in moving into "real" acting, but I do want to have some basic skills so that if I'm ever asked to speak a line or two during my years as a background actor I can do so adequately. * I do produce some small projects of my own and I'd like to have passable acting skills so that I can appear in my own projects, albeit in limited roles. Any thoughts or recommendations? Some online classes? Any beginner level classes that might be appropriate?

Want to understand actors' and artists' relationships with agents by Shifty-impala  •  last post Oct 31st

Right now my understanding is that actors, writers, and other artists tend to have just one agent, and it can be a very valuable relationship to have if you happen to sign with one of the big talent agencies. But I thought, why can't actors have multiple agents that source work for them, in the same way other professionals who may be freelancing work with multiple headhunters to find work? Is that not the acting model? Would it work if there was a platform or agency through which you had multiple agents helping? I'm new to the industry and its dynamics so please bear with me. Just looking to understand what's going on from people who are more involved and have experience with this. Thanks!

How to stop acting by Noo_no_noo  •  last post Oct 31st

Actors are always taught to stop acting, and that the moment real emotion is conveyed you've succeeded. This makes a lot of sense to me, but I've never quite gotten a clear answer on how to do that: obviously we are portraying another person, that reacts to emotions very differently than us, and I feel like I have to choose between an authentic reaction (e.g. how I'd react) and a put-on reaction every time I make an acting choice, if that makes sense. How do I get to the point where I act like my character, truthfully?

Bookkeeping for actors by Crista_11  •  last post Oct 31st

Hey everyone! I've been running my own bookkeeping business for over 3 years now and I've been wanting to serve people in the film industry including actors, film producers, agents, casting directors etc. I'm mostly wondering if working actors need bookkeepers or if they do it themselves? Would this be a good client base that I could serve?

Body Double Advice by macabrememory  •  last post Oct 31st

I am a fairly new actress. I’ve been training and staring in student/indie films for the past year. I was recently booked as the body double for a well known actress. However, during filming, I’ve noticed that I tend to get a bit deer-in-headlights esque. Especially when intense lines are being delivered to me. Even moreso considering that the actors are well known. Is this a bad thing? I wouldn’t exactly say that I am star struck, but more so in awe of the level of talent and technique. I realized that being a double isn’t acting per-se and that the focus is on the actor, but am I being distracting? Is consistent eye contact/stillness a good thing in this situation? Sorry if this is confusing, TIA.

How to make the most out of "almost impossible" situation by finnes31  •  last post Oct 30th

Hi everyone, I'm writing here to get some advice on what can I do. This is gonna be long but I hope you read it till the end. So, I am 15 year old male and want to pursue a career in acting. This is not one of those things like you watch a great movie and think I wanna be an actor and then forget it after some time, I am seriously considering becoming an actor. The problem in my case is that I live in a country where there is practically no acting, filmmaking, drama schools etc. nothing at all. My family had to move here from america in 2008 cause of my dad's job.I have been acting in school plays for 7 years now and My teachers think I should atleast try acting professionally. Can someone please tell me what can I do ? How can I get an agent in america whilst living in a completely different country so I can start ?I can act and my parents support it but theres nothing I can think of. I Cannot move to america alone I'm 15 so I dont know what to do.

How do i “become” an actor? by Crustysnail18  •  last post Oct 30th

I’m 17 years old from the North east of Scotland and have wanted to become an actor since i was 14. I’ve been trying to look online for open auditions in my country, but there is either none, or they are in places such as London or abroad (i.e. The USA). How do i find auditions? Am i looking in the wrong place? I don’t trust websites such as Starnow, Famestreet or Backstage as i feel that they are just wanting your money and will give little in return. I’ve tried Theatre, and it was not for me. I want to try and prove myself in a TV series or even a film, no matter how big the role is in it. I know that this can sound a bit ignorant and stupid because it’s very unlikely that this will happen. Is there any tips that people on this subreddit can give me? Thanks.

how to level up from shitty reps to good reps? by wealthtimesinfinity  •  last post Oct 30th

unfortunately i've been stuck with low level reps for a few years now. it used to be so excruciatingly painful, like maybe 5-10 auditions in a year, thank fully the last 2 years have been better, and last year i had like 62 between the handful of reps i work with. i'm doing my part. i've had 15 different major CDs give me 2 or more auditions, sometimes for the same show, sometimes a year later. but 15 is a good sign right? I've been pinned a handful of times over the past few years but no bookings outside of the no / ultra low budget shorts i get on my own. I just feel like there is no way for me to have any kind of semblance of a career until I get more consistent auditions, and the only way I see that happening is leveling up to a better rep. i've been stuck in this boat for many years now, and as much as I don't want to compare myself to other actors, seeing kids 10 years younger graduate from an expensive prestigious 4 year school and get top tier reps right off the bat, and basically skip over the 6-8 years of struggle i've been living in.... it kinda drives you a little nuts. but that isn't productive, so instead of thinking about other people's journeys, i really want to focus my energy making the right decisions that could get me better reps, actual good legit reps, and finally increase my auditions to a point where I can actually book something because there's more consistency. also have some kind of team and strategy instead of having weird low-communication relationships with reps. outside of switching up classes / getting new headshots... what else can I really do here to level up reps without having the "credits" most want? i really don't see the point of continuing to struggle for more years and years with shitty reps when i can clearly see that the people with good agents are the only ones getting consistent auditions and are able to book and make money from this and actually have a career. it's really degrading honestly having this 3rd class actor journey. it feels like a literal joke and a complete waste of time when i see how much faster progress is made when somebody has a good reputable rep.

For those that just moved to LA not too long ago... Any moving tips? by writeact  •  last post Oct 30th

I'm an actor and screenwriter who is originally from LA but out near Vegas as of 4 years now. However, now I have to relocate back to LA no later than January. Any moving tips for moving to LA? Like are you staying with roommates? If so, how did you find these roommates? And are you working a day job while acting? Where did you find your day job? Please excuse the questions. Just trying to get some ideas so I can be smart about my move back to LA since LA is so expensive.

I hate l.a casting so much. I sent them an e-mail complaining about there prices... by banananuttttt  •  last post Oct 30th

They offered me "one month of premium membership for free"... Seriously? here's what I replied. "I'd like to just be able to submit to individual projects without a membership. Actors access is $60 / YEAR. La casting frankly charges actors way too much, and from my understanding casting pays nothing. It's absolutely messed up to charge actors over $300 per year for a membership. IMDbPro is cheaper and even that is too much. I promise, all of my actor friends hate l.a casting. In addition: You have approximately 120,000 profiles on LA-CASTING alone. If we assume that even 50% of your profiles pay for an active membership. You're making about $1,500,000 per MONTH. If 100,000 actors have paid profiles you're making $2,500,000 per month. It's absurd. And that's just los angeles. I understand web hosting is expensive - But I know for a fact the team at CASTING NETWORKS is making a fantastic profit from these actors. Why don't you charge casting / producers to have a monthly / yearly membership? Seems like you're taking advantage of the little guy with this business model. Why take all the money from the actors who book probably roughly 1% of jobs they submit for? I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the justification." Please if you are tired of being taken advantage of. Complain about the pricing, tell your actor friends to complain about the pricing. They are making a killing on us and it's simply ridiculous. "when there is a gold rush, and everyones digging for gold, sell shovels." As an actor I constantly feel like everyone is trying to sell me their shovels. Sign up for this class, better pay for these websites, you need new headshots. There is so much money to be made from dreamers like us and I would just like to see a little more equity from the other side. I fucking love actors access. 60/year is just a phenominal deal. $5/month is totally reasonable. LA CASTING needs to get their head out of their ass.

New to the industry and wondering whether or not it is appropriate to submit a background inquiry claim for principal role. by spinalbloom  •  last post Oct 30th

Hi, I am a (currently) non-union actress who recently worked a number of days on a feature film in a rural area as a background actor. For context, I was given one Taft-Hartley to fill out and told that I was taft'd for my last day as well. On my last day of filming I was bumped to stand-in and then finally, instructed by the director to stay in the scene with the principal actors and given specific instructions (by the Director) to interact with one of the principal performers for a few moments before leaving the scene. I have been given some mixed info by friends in the industry as to whether or not to submit the claim inquiry. A sag friend who worked the project with me says I should submit. I attempted to attain a call sheet to contact someone in production before submitting the claim as I thought that was a better way to go. I have not received anything since, and it has been eating me alive. I don't want to be thought of as ungrateful but at the same time would love to be paid for my work. Any and all advice would be so helpful! And apologies for any useless info, as I said I am very new. Thank you!

Is it worth having a profile on Fiverr if I have an agent that gets me auditions? by justsomethrowawayacc  •  last post Oct 30th

It may seem obvious, as it’d be work I’m finding myself which is always good to see actors doing, but I’m not sure if it would be a waste of time to ask my agent if he thinks it’d be a good idea for me to make a profile. I’ve heard things like it devalues your work especially starting out at the $5 tier, and there’s the issue of commission, and I don’t think my agent would really care about getting a percentage of such a low starting amount assuming I do book stuff through the site, etc. What are peoples’ opinions on this?

Actor Reel Professional Edits :) by BleedingEdge26  •  last post Oct 30th

Hey everyone! Sharing this resource for a video editor with 10+ years experience offering to edit your actor reel! They've been editing reels for actors the past few years. A sample of their portfolio is here and they charge $100 for a 1 to 2-minute reel and $150 for a 2 to 5-minute reel. I hope this is helpful! [](