Hey guys! This is my first time posting on Reddit after a long time of just being a reader. I'm 21 years old and like most people following this subreddit I'd like to find my way of entering the film making industry in hopes of being and actor and filmmaker. My main problem is I have about 0 connections to this industry and all I know about it comes from research online and social media (Reddit, Instagram, Twitter ect.). I'd love to hear some stories on how people here started out cause I'm kind of in the blue and have a ton of energy that I'd love to know how to put to good use. Thanks in advance!
Don't let 'age' in scripts throw you. I had two other actresses this year tell me I am 'crazy' to think I could get cast as younger - but I was being sincere when I said I get cast in a variety of age ranges - and I just got pinned for a role that requires a woman to be in her 20s. I am glad I didn't listen to them because many POC have a bit more options when it comes to age ranges they play. What I did is focus on the 'essence' of the person in the script and try to bring it to life as best I could. (Also I have learned when I refer to a 'character' in the script as a 'person' instead it helps me ground my auditions more.)
I mean I love it, dont get me wrong. But like sometimes I feel that there are too many assholes in this industry. ​ I also work in sales and theres many assholes too but recently I spent time with a friend who works with education in a school and we went to her friends birthday. Most people being those who work in the medical or education industry. Now of course there were definitely some flaws but people just seemed more humble and laid back. ​ In the film industry, holy dogshit, its a hailstorm of asshole people. But I deal with it because I love working with films, love certain directors, certain actors, etc... and of course, we have a great energy that you dont see anywhere else. ​ Theres also a lot of these "silent expectations" from people. They're always expecting you to do something for them but dont want to flat out say it.
Greetings Fam!! I hope everyone is having fun with their passion for storytelling. I have worked as an actor for over 15 years. I am not famous. I do not make millions of dollars. As a matter of fact I took this entire year off from acting to try and better understand the work and see if it is really something I want in my life anymore. AMA
I'm unclear how a role like this is credited. I was recently cast in a non-union true crime show, playing a real named person who was part of the crime, re-enacting the events. I don't speak on screen--instead there is narration over the top of several of us acting out the events. Is a part like that a background actor, a featured background actor, or an actor? I'm going to do the part for the money regardless, but I'm not clear if I can put it on my resume. Thanks in advance!
I don't want to use my real name as an actress, but isn't it complicated when it comes to signing contracts and stuff ? Like, do I put my real name on a contract, or my fake name, or both ? Does anyone here uses a different name in their job than in their private life ?
18M I’ve been working in the performance/entertainment industry for 6 years. I’m currently part of the main cast of a big budget tele novela. I’ve acted on tv in recent years and have performed live concerts for the longest time. It’s still such a surreal experience seeing yourself next to big names, working with directors and technical crew, exchanging ideas with fellow actors, and lastly (I know my youth is showing) kissing a celebrity. Crazy stuff. It feels like just yesterday I was selling candy on the street. I love my craft and I love my job
I am uploading a new performance onto my Actors Access (AA) profile and noticed that the video quality gets worse when viewing it via AA. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed when they upload their media onto the site. I'm not sure if I need to switch up the format when I export my media onto AA or if AA needs improvement on their end... Anyway if anyone has any thoughts or helpful advice I would love to hear about it. Appreciate the help!
Hello everyone! Every year the seniors in my acting program complete these surveys to help “type” or “brand” us in regards to the TV/FILM industry. If you could take a look at these photos and answer the questions it would be a huge help for me! [Brand Survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCjxHlbsGTOgujK1a2d9kP9OPfWlcgz-tSALIXHh8NtIIRKA/viewform)
Sorry for my english, its not my native language. Im not shure if this is the right place to post this but im feeling kind off lost rightnow and need some comforting. I am an aspiring actor and my first play as a paid actor in a big theater is premiering on Friday. Needless to say its a pretty big deal for me. Today the director whom i like a lot got tested positive for covid and now we arent shure if we can proceed to play on friday and even if we can it will be a very bumpy road to get there on friday. Especialy for me because shes some sort off mentor to me and we still have some things to work on. I also feel very bad for her because she has been working on this play for a long time and even if we can play on friday she wont be able to be there. I was already pretty nervous for the Premiere and this is Crushing me right now.
I'm looking into this as a multi-pronged approach to being independent and am wondering what your earning is like. **UPDATE:** All I'm looking for here is ballpark figures, folks, and can we not turn this into some sort of internet argument? Thanks.
Hello. I'm new to this subreddit and wanted to talk about me and my experiences starting a possible career in acting, since I am only a tween, and also to ask some simple questions to older and more knowing actors. I have been in choirs and voice lessons for about 5 years now and still going strong. I have started acting classes and shows last summer and I am just finishing/performing the shows now. I have made headshots and bio for myself not too long ago. I can read and play music on the piano, drums/percussion, and small amounts on guitar. I've been trying to jump at any experience or teachings I can during this pandemic, especially any choreography and dance since I don't have regular lessons. I want to act because I want to show others that if *I* could make it, then they can too. I want to teach others it okay to not get everything perfect the first time and dreams are never too big as long as you sty true to yourself. Now that you know what level I'm on/ knowledge in the acting world, I want to know more about how to continue this passion throughout my life and make a career out of it. Too start off, what would be a good way to practice/learn about theater dancing? Would their be classes or could I just look this up on Youtube? Next, what should I do next? Should I try to start bigger things like looking up potential commercials, small movie parts, or theater parts that are up for grabs? I am trying to get as much as I can at a young age. Finally, what ( in your opinion ) is a good college for acting/theater? I have heard about many wonderful colleges in New York but I want to learn and research about more. Thanks for reading, anything you can tell me will be helpful!
50 Minutes of interview into the life of Mr. Kenny James where we discuss his thoughts on Jack Black as the voice of Bowser for the Mario movie, to his advise on how to become a successful voice actor. The interview will air this Friday. Hope you guys enjoy it and get a lot of value from it! [https://youtu.be/smljM-mx2s8](https://youtu.be/smljM-mx2s8)
I’m a 21 year old white woman and have recently decided to take an acting class. Acting and film is something I’ve always been interested in. I chose to take acting classes to hopefully boost my social skills and creativity as I am an aspiring writer. I think I’m going to benefit from this even if I don’t pursue acting professionally but now it’s something I’m seriously considering. I’ve started looking into extra work in my area. I’m not the most conventionally attractive person, in high school I a friend say that I looked like a blob fish, she was a bitch but I can see what see meant by it. I don’t see any symmetry in my face. I also don’t have the greatest smile. Smiling is just awkward for me and I had braces but during the pandemic my retainer broke so now my teeth are crooked again. Aside from my face, I’m okay I guess. I work out regularly and am pretty thin but I think the face matters more. In an attempt not to discourage myself strengths I know I have. I have a pretty good sense of humor and really enjoy making people laugh. I’m also decent at doing accents, as it’s something I’ve had fun practicing since I was young. My normal accent is a Boston accent and I can do what I guess is a normal stereotypical American accent, Irish, Australian and Russian. What are my of finding work?
Please take a gander at my web series that nobody cares about! "The Adventures of Wind Walker" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAR2J2iHP72X19Rzu8joX-Q
I made the stupid mistake of uploading my commercial audition to actors access and someone forgetting to rename my videos so now they just say ‘My video 1’ and ‘My video 2’. In the past my agent told me casting most likely won’t even look at ur audition if this happens so I sent my agent an email right after I noticed apologize and told them this technical error will never occur again. Just feeling bummed out especially since it was a really easy going audition (Just had to take a few ball hockey slap shots/ playing and slate). I also get anxiety/ stress over the smallest things so my first thought was “I’m so screwed, I messed up so bad, my agent is gonna drop me now, messed up my future career etc”, I then eventually come back down to reality and calm down but yeah.
Quick question: Is it worth it? For anyone that's a part of it what are some positives and negatives? I haven't heard much about it and want to hear some feedback before pulling the trigger on joining.
​ https://reddit.com/link/qp4aj8/video/1rh00jlibay71/player
Hi, I'm an aspiring voice actor who recently purchased my first microphone, the Blue Yeti: Blackout. I found and bought it at Target since it was on sale. Was this the right choice?