I'm still an aspiring actor, but I don't have an agent, and my last (and only) gig was a commercial gig 2 years ago. I've been doing loads of extras work on the side but Im starting to wonder If I should approach work differently than 6 years ago, but then again maybe its all in my head. Also I have a fear that I have forgotten how to act as I was not practicing during the lockdown.
I’m fairly new into the whole voice acting process. I’m taking classes and stuff to refine my voice. I’ve already been stage acting for years. I’m just wondering how is the best process for getting auditions. I don’t really care how big or if they are paid. I’m just wondering if there is a trustworthy site to visit? Any help would be welcome no matter how small.
Hello all, I wanted the opinion of anybody working in LA right now or who moved from San Diego to LA for acting. I'm a young professional who has some job offers to work in LA. Because a lot of things are virtual at the moment (including classes), would it be worth it to move to LA? I'm interested in taking improv and acting classes, which I know LA has some of the best options for this, but most of them are virtual anyways right now. Also, because I don't have much experience, I'm aware a lot of people recommend not to move to LA until you have some experience. Should I move to LA right now with most things being virtual classes/self-tapes and get any in-person experience I can with the currently available fewer options for classes. Or should I wait 1-2 years while building experience in SD? Appreciate any thoughts!
Hey! I got cast in a student film as a suuuuper creepy racist role. Basically I would put on “Asian face” at some point during the film. Potentially taping my eyes to be more narrow, and caking my face in white makeup. I’m a new actor, would this be really fucked up of me to do? I’ve got an agent and manager and I don’t feel comfortable asking them just yet if I should do this or not.
I'm in a short film where I have more lines than the lead character. I think I'm working with a first time filmmaker, they didn't specify. They said they are doing this for diversity and so that all the actors on this can be discovered. Would it be wrong to just ask for a name instead of being called "Brother 2?" It's incredibly irritating but maybe they aren't thinking about it. I just worry it could risk me losing the role. I've played enough no-name roles in the last 10years, my imdb is already littered with horrible choices lol.
Wondering if this is the time of year Union commercial and/or theatrical auditions slow down? Is there a time where they just aren’t shooting anything in LA due to the holidays? Someone told me it’s good to stay in town during December since many people aren’t available but I’m not sure if that’s true for SAG actors as well?
I wouldn't even call myself a new actor as yet as I have no on-paper experience. I'm from a small Caribbean island and acting isn't really a huge industry over here. I self-tape, take online acting classes, study techniques, etc. I think I have so much potential. I really want to start off somewhere but I guess asking/reaching out for help right now is a good way to start. I've been researching Non-American Actors in Hollywood for over a year now and I really haven't gotten any real answers as yet. I read in order to get a good agent and build your career or even get into high-profiled films in the future you need a union? My country/region does not have anything like that and I was wondering if I can legally get into any Union in the USA. Even Canada or the Uk would be good for me. I just want a stepping stone or a guide on what to do next. I feel very stuck but I'm not going to lose hope
Ugh… idk where to start. I lived in La for 4 years moved back home (couple hours away from La) because I lost my job and figured I could do self tapes from home anyways since that’s the new norm. I can honestly say this year I’ve been rejecting more audition offers (due to me not living in La, not being interested in the role, very low pay… Not enough for me to travel, family obligations, and my mental health has been at an all time low) My manager dropping me today has me re-evaluating my whole life. I can’t help but feel like a failure. I can’t help but feel like I wasted 4 years in La. First year was a complete joke. I was 23 years old spending 5 days a week closing a bar until 3 am and could barely make ends meet. Couldn’t afford an acting class. My friend told me our mutual friend asked her “does she even pursue acting anymore”. It broke me. I was constantly in survival mode while I watched that same girl pull money out of her trust fund account and solely focus on acting. The second year was bad. Finally 2019, I started getting into bigger auditions, studio lots, call backs (still non union) but no solid bookings! Yet I felt confident and was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Covid hit, I spent a whole year stuck in my apartment. Came home, unemployed, booked one gig all year through my manager. I know I wasn’t putting my all into acting. I am more focused on my mental health and making money in hopes of living a better quality of life and hopefully will be able to be in a more comfortable state of mind, enough to whole heartedly chase acting again. I just can’t help but feel like maybe I just suck. 4 years in La did some work, most was shit. I didn’t even see end result for so many project. Self tapes give me anxiety. When I was in La, I would get my tapes done at a studio. Now I’m home I have no actor friends to help. I don’t want to pay someone off we audition to help me. It makes me uncomfortable not knowing the person and it doesn’t even feel like I am connecting with my reader responding through a screen. I hope I am not losing my passion. I am afraid I am…
I own a creative ad agency called [Airtraffic](https://airtraffic.co) and we work with a lot of mobile app/gaming clients. Right now we are producing a series of short TikTok style video ads for a client, and they call for people with pets or animals. The videos are all remote / self-filmed using your phone. The animals vary from dogs and cats to horses, fish, birds, cows, snakes, turtles, goats, and even a tarantula. The videos are fairly short - around 20-30sec - so they should take maybe 30min of your time to produce. These are all paid gigs. Contract is full buyout but we do not limit your ability to work on similar productions in the future (i.e. other mobile or gaming products). If you have an animal and are available, please email [talent@airtraffic.co](mailto:talent@airtraffic.co) or send me a message here. Thank you!
Hi r/acting! I'm an undergraduate currently pursuing a degree in acting. As part of a project for my Business of Acting class, I'm supposed to interview professional actors who work in LA. I would be asking questions about their experience in the business and what it's like to live in LA. If there are any professionals on here interested in giving an interview, either over email or Zoom, DM me! I'd also greatly appreciate any advice on how to get in touch with actors in the LA area. Thanks!
Do any of you work in casting offices or with casting directors? If so how did you get in and does that hurt your career or help it?
I have seen several instances where a person of one race voices a character of another race, and it being considered offensive/racist. One example of this is the character Missy in Big Mouth. This character was originally voiced by a white woman, but was replaced by an African American woman due to backlash of it being considered "offensive". What are your thoughts on this? Is it considered offensive for a person to voice a character of a different race, or should it be based on the the talent of the actor rather than race?
Ridley Scott just came out saying he thinks that superhero movies and boring and lack creativity, we also had Martin Scorsese talk about them, Ricky Gervais and also recently Denis Villeneuve. I get the points they make, about how a lot of them do lack creativity and use the same cookie cutter formula but are they really that bad for the industry? I mean they’ve kicked off a lot of careers for actors and you could say the same thing about the Bond movies. I mean I will admit I am starting to get tired of superheroes movies but you can’t deny they are fun and have allowed some amazing actors to be in the spotlight
Hello there, I do hope this is the right subreddit, if not any guidance would be appreciated. Looking for an actress who does primarily independent films. I believe she has only been acting since 2019 maybe a little bit longer. First name is some variation of jasmine/Jasmyn/jazmin/ etc. From the phoenix/flagstaff area. Medium to long, I believe it was dark Brown hair. If I could remember where I saw her this would not be an issue haha. Thank you in advance.
I’ve always wanted to be an actor and I’ve lowkey been afraid to go for it. I’m 23 years old now, about to be 24 and decided enough is enough and I want to get the ball rolling on my career, but have no idea where to start. I did a few plays as a child in places like church and school. Can anyone help me? I’m from Orlando if that helps lol. Any advice is appreciated
I guess I'm looking for tips but also want to see what other actors say on moves they made that really turned their careers around. I think back on the last decade of my career and I went years where I would only get 1-5 auditions a year..to now where in a good month I get maybe 5 a month. Things kinda slowed down but there is a reason for that I feel in which I need to speak with my agent. But anyway, as for my moves..training. I took acting class after acting class after acting class. Then when I right audition came, I would be ready. In Chicago there are only 20 SAG agents. If you are in the know, you kinda know who are the top agents. When I booked my first booking, I was with a low-tier - foot in the door agent. What I would always do when signing in because you sign your name and agent you are with..I would look at the actor and the agent..I would make a mental note..I might be with a low level agent, but here I am in a room with actors who are with the cream of the crop. I gotta kill it, I gotta stand out over them. And that one audition came, and I did exactly that. And this was with the number 1 CD in Chicago, as I auditioned I heard, "wow, well we got that role down" and it felt good. I was nervous on set, I felt outta place, but hey, I got it done. My first ever job. I just booked my second job last year for an Apple TV. Here is another part of the story, I started acting in 08. I landed a lead role in a big indie movie - long story short, it went nowhere. I had this ego that I didn't need acting classes - I had that ego for a long, long time. Stupid long time. Then I had a convo over gaming with a long lost friend I found on Facebook..we talked and his passion came up - paintballing. This guy has put in over 5-6K in his paintballing equipment..He loves it. Sure it's not his career, but he is sponsored and goes to tournaments and everything. It hit me, how has he put more money in his passion, than I have in my acting which I consider my "career?" That's when I signed up for classes and I completed acting programs. That's what I did. I took classes and I stuck with it. Sure, I get depressed and down...like I wish I woulda took classes since I started..I woulda got where I'm at faster..I will forever regret not becoming the man I am today, earlier in life when my mom was alive...that will always be with me. I was a late bloomer in life... I guess I'm ranting...there is one phrase you need to abide by, work smart, not work hard. or both. Work hard & smart.
I have seen a lot of Actors emphasis on the fact that you need to connect to the story or the script as deeply as possible for a great performance. How to connect to the story?
I’m a beginner, and many people told me to start with acting for theater classes (because it’s a more „complete” kind of education), while I chose to start with acting for film classes, because I prefer that kind of acting. What are your opinions about this? Did all successful movie actors begin with theater acting?
What are some good paying jobs that an actor can work? Is working part time better? If you’ve working full-time, how do you balance acting/auditioning and your regular 9-5?