Hi, my name is Noah and I’m an actor. Here is what I have going on… I’m a big guy. Not big as in width but big as in length. I’m 6’8” and 270 pounds. I was diagnosed with diabetes 5 years ago which caused a decrease in my muscle mass. Long story short, I look like a tall stick with gynecomastia and I’m 25. My agent and manager submit me for projects that require either the “fat guy” or “muscular guy.” As a diabetic, I can’t afford to be the fat guy. I have the option of being a normal me. But I also have the option of being the muscular. Do I change what I look like in order to have a career or do I stay the way I am hoping that it doesn’t matter?
I'm not a VA but I really want to learn to do Wood's voice from Call of Duty Black Ops ([https://youtu.be/W0s\_WEPsnrQ](https://youtu.be/W0s_WEPsnrQ)). Do you guys have any tips?
Basically the title. I have some experience, but I'm wondering how much more I should get before I contact an agency?
What platforms do aspiring actors use for networking and connecting with fellow aspiring actors or people interested in the craft of acting? Other than participating in my university's theatre extracurricular, I am having a difficult time finding new ways to make new connections. I'm more interested in the film aspect of acting.
If anyone was is reading this, This is my first time being in this Website and I want to tell this to you guys anyway about something that I really want to happen possible, For Anyone who gets this, I have been a Fan of the Franchise since I was very young and I always want to find ways to share and spread this to world more often and I want to make this possible but I need your Help, For Anyone who is aware of this website, It's a Place where you can look up on your Favorite Voice Actors and many other places, but there is only one negative thing I find in this Place, there are only 3 Precure Series in this and yet the whole franchise is not in here at all, So I am asking you this, If anyone knows this website and can add all the Precure Tv Series and Varies in this Place, I greatly would appreciate a lot very much and that would make the series more popular when it is spread around the internet, and trust me, if it was added here, the media would go crazy on it, So Please, this is what I am asking for, Please try to do it, it would mean so very much to me if it would really happen. https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
This isn’t really anything I considered before but my old acting teacher sent me an email over to send headshots and a bit about myself into a well known British tv show on Netflix which is looking for trans actors (I’m a 24 year old trans man), there is no acting experience required. Could I have some advice on how to take some headshots please? I’m a photographer and I have a very good DSLR, this is just something I have no experience with! Thanks
So, I started working with the local cast of a national murder mystery theater comapny a couple months ago, and I'm really loving every minute of it. So far I've been playing side suspect characters that have an important clue or really just add flavor to the story. But recently, I've gotten cast as the lead in character in a couple shows. The one in charge of driving the story and helping the audience follow along. And I'm starting to get really nervous, thinging I'm not ready to be thrust into the spotlight like this. I've been stress reading the script over and over, trying to nail down all the beats and moments and make sure I'm introducing suspects in the right order for them to give their clues correctly. I'm so worried that I'll screw it all up. When those of you working actors out there got your first "big role" where the show really depended on you, did you have thoughts of I'm not ready? That it can't be you because you're just a supporting character actor and not a main guy and someone must have screwed up somewhere to think you'd be ready for this already?
But I just signed with my manager less than a month ago and today I just received my first Tyler Perry audition. As a black actor, this is huge to me
I live in Los Angeles for reference, and do both central casting and calling service. I just am curious to see if it’s reasonable to get a week of unemployment every once in a while
I’m a non-union actor and am decently proactive about submitting to roles for non-union film/theatre work. I’m wondering though if I’m allowed to submit to EPA auditions for theatre and SAG projects for film (I need 2 more waivers to be SAG-eligible). What’s the likelihood that I’d be seen or taken seriously? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I haven’t been able to find a straight answer. Thank you!
Hey! I want to ask about how long can an actor prepare for a role? In my opinion, to get into a character takes time but I also heard that many actors have only a week for the preparation so what’s the average?
I'm referring to selecting which Headshot as your primary photo when submitting to Actors Access and Backstage. - I think picking the one that best suits the role makes sense first and foremost. - - I've heard some sites say use tinder and put up both photos for the same amount of days to see which gets more swipes. If it's one photo by a landslide over the other then thats an answer. (I don't believe this necessarily because that's more for modeling. I do think "approachability" is a factor as well as, "this person looks like someone I could tolerate for 12hrs straight") - - Personally, I alternate dates submitting for everything I can with one photo. Then the next day with another photo. At the end of the week I look to see which got more audition requests. - - And for some actors, you have one really amazing headshot that stands above the rest so it could be an easy pick for you. What's your process for deciding on your default photo and primary photos you submit with?
Like Emma Watson regardless of what movie she does she’ll always be thought of as Hermione. Like Vin Diesel with Dom or Chris Hemsworth as Thor. They can never really step out of their character’s shadow.
Delete if not allowed. I'm an aspiring actress that would love to one day be in real movies or on real tv shows. I've mostly done plays and student films but have started taking it more serious and am joining a union. Some of my family members are trying to scare me into crazy Q anon theories about Hollywood and how it's evil and run by pedos and I should stay away and I told them that every workplace and business has some form of corruption and that these crazy demonic theories have been around forever. I wont lie though, it does scare me and sometimes makes me not wanna even try to take my acting further even though I know the theories are insane. Can anyone else relate?
So I'm going to New York this week for an anime convention, and then I get word that one of my favorite shows is filming somewhere else in New York, and if I'm in the right part of NYC at the right time, I could potentially watch them film and/or interact with some of the actors. But I also want to be a professional actor, on a level with this show's cast. I'm obviously not going over there with an 8x10 glossy and asking to be on the show or anything like that, I just want to watch them film as a fan and maybe get a selfie with the actors if they'll let me. Would that hurt any of my future prospects as an actor, or am I okay?
On the topic of being "pinned," do you typically hear back from casting when they would like to release you from the pin (for specific dates) if they go with another actor? Or is this like most things in the industry where you should assume you won't hear unless you book?