Hey everyone, I moved out here a few months ago with some people I considered family to pursue my acting career, and yesterday I was informed I was no longer welcomed to live there. I'm not sure what my next move should be, my financial situation isn't the greatest atm but I'm certain my current circumstances will change
Feeling so insecure and just seeking a bit of reassurance. Im confident in my ability as a theatrical actress, but the only auditions Ive gotten lately have been for commercials. I get so insecure during callbacks for them it makes me doubt my entire existence. Everyone is so chatty and bubbly and outgoing whereas Im reserved and introverted. I dont experience this during theatrical auditions but something about the commercial audition process makes me feel like such an imposter and I hate it so much. I feel like the CDs want someone with that authentic bubbly spark which I cannot manufacture and feels so fake when I try to. I know I just need to change my own perception of it but I get so tired of pumping myself up only to be riddled with nerves and feel like a failure after every single callback. How can I just stop caring so I can just have fun with it? Is it possible to book stuff even if Im not the life of the party personality that seems required of every actor?
Hello! I am to the point of my career where I feel like I am ready to get an agent (or a manager honestly, yes I know the difference). I feel like getting an agent and how to contact them is somehow something others know and I am just the fool. I would really appreciate any actual, concrete advice on how to do so. Is the best thing to do truly scouring IMDb for C-list actors and somehow finding their agents' emails? Is sending generic, yet semi-personalized emails to 50 agents whom I have no connection to the best thing to do? I am ready to put in the work, I live in LA, I am successfully and consistently booking short films and background work on my own, and I am ready to start taking the next step. Please, any advice would be genuinely appreciated. Be honest, harsh, helpful, I am not looking for an easy fix or an in, just anything anyone has to give.
Hi everyone! So today I had my first audition ever for drama school and didn’t make it to first-round callback. Since I’m an international applicant that had never auditioned in English before and literally just started exploring Shakespeare this year, I knew this first time was going to be a learning experience. Also, it was Juilliard. Heh. But although I’m very happy I got to do this today, I would like to know if any actors here at drama schools or auditioning have some experiences to share about how your very first drama school audition went like and advice on how to not let that first “no” put pressure on your next auditions for other schools.
I was hired for a production in September through a third party app (Castifi) and so I was sent all my call times and info through email from someone from one of their emails. I was not given any correspondence for anyone involved in production or payroll. This has happened this way on other sets before, but I never had a problem with payment so I never thought to ask for the information (though going forward, I will.) I had reached out to the people whose emails I did have, but I have not heard back from anyone. I did receive one check from them, which was half of what my expected Covid payment should have been, but I still haven’t gotten my payment for my full days work, which was on Sept 30. I did send an email about that too but have not heard back about that either. Would calling the payroll company do anything? I’m sorry if these are dumb questions, it’s just that I feel as background actors, especially non-union, we don’t get much to work with or included in many details, so it’s really hard to know what to do here or what my options are. Thanks a bunch!
So I hear word that HBO & Netflix each built out sprawling new studios in Austin, TX. Does anyone have any insight as to how hopping the film industry's there right now? Any actors that live in Austin out there to give me your two beautiful cents? Do ya'll have good agencies out there? Do they put you out for roles outside of Texas too? What's the acting landscape like here?
I’ve wanted to be an actor since I was 14, and only recently wanted to go to film school….until I figured out how much it costs, so I wanted to ask how you get into film because google won’t tell me anything.
Might be a strange question, but I’ve really been thinking about it. I’d really like to take some on-site voice acting classes, but because of where I live (Mexico City), it means they would be on Spanish and focus on the Spanish speaking market. I also know Mexico and specifically Mexico City is a good place for voice acting because it tends to be the place where most dubs and commercials are made because of the neutral accent and big entertainment industry. However, for whatever reason, I just really prefer voice acting in English (I’m fluent at a native level so there’s no problem on that end) and wanna make that my ultimate goal. I know an acting class helps you improve regardless, but would I be wasting money and time by taking it in a different language from the one I want to focus on? Or is it pretty much the same? Any bilingual actor has any experience with these kinds of situations? I’d like to take advantage of knowing multiple languages but I’m kinda lost on how to go about it :))
So since I am 16 and want to make a cartoon and for my voice actors I want Brooklynn Prince, Asher Angel, maybe Nicole Sullivan or whatever? But I am curious to know if Brooklynn Prince or Asher Angel would be interested in doing voice acting for my cartoon???
My voices tone can fluctuate depending how loud I am speaking. I was wondering if there was any tips anyone has that I could possibly try to speak louder while doing another voice. Is this something I shouldn’t expect myself to be able to do? I really want to try and speak at a louder volume with a different voice but I can’t seem to do it and was wondering if this was normal or should voice actors be able to put on a voice that could be extremely lower then normal or higher and still be able to speak at normal volume
Looking for actors for vampire short film! shooting from 19-21 of this month from 9-5 and on the 24-25 from 4-12 in central London:) Please email me at lillimunro00@gmail.com
I know this is a niche group if anyone relates but I figured I’d give it a try. I have ocd with intrusive thoughts and unfortunately this affects me a lot as an actor. My mind obsessively goes over my lines for either an audition, callback or if I get the part- the whole play. I can’t sleep, take a nap or rest because my mind forces me to go over my lines, I can’t stop looking at my script and it constantly occupies my mind- I feel like I don’t deserve to sit back and relax and maybe watch a tv show. I don’t know how to set a “boundary” with my mind. This is super unhealthy and I don’t know what to do. I’m not new at acting, this is for NYC theatre but I just don’t know how to manage this because it’s unbearable. I am already in hell based on a callback for a short scene on Monday.
All I care about is getting better and fulfilling my acting habit. I'm based in Philadelphia. I'm a theatre-acting student at a public university. I'm almost a second semester sophomore. Acting is like a drug for me. I'm studying a lot on my own outside of homework, taking intensives, and acting in plays, etc. I feel like simply completing my college classes isn't enough to ensure a life where I get to act regularly in enjoyable productions. I feel like I'm going to get to graduation and be unprepared. **What advice do you have for students who want to start forging their path now? Anything helps.** I know this profession is really difficult.
Help! Will make this as concise as possible- I've been with my agent for almost one year (two weeks out from contract renewing). I've always gotten kind of weird/unprofessional vibes from the agency as a whole. For instance, the process for signing - I sent a blind submission to try and set a meeting to interview to get signed, and ended up just having a 5 minute phone call with the head agent's assistant (who is not an agent), asking me cookie-cutter questions, if I had headshots, a reel, etc, no real questions to see if we were a fit. I was sent a contract the next day, no other questions asked. A new actor with no reps, I signed it. When I asked if I could set up a time to speak with the agent herself, I was told that since I was developmental, the assistant would be the one I could speak with and who would submit me. Things that have happened since: 1. Assistant who was my point left the company, found out about it through a bulletin board post by the NEW assistant on the company website. Riddled with spelling errors. 2. Agency is not SAG-franchised, which I've heard is a red flag. 3. They will send out sides to their actors who they submitted to a certain role, and CC every single actor, like 30 of us. Not BCC'd. 4. Owner/head agent is unprofessional in the way she communicates with actors (uses a website bulletin board as primary form of communication, and is belittling to any questions she gets, everything she posts is riddled with grammatical errors). 5. Delayed payments (like over two months late). 6. Have clients pay for different website subscriptions that the agencies supposedly use to pitch, but nothing ever comes from them (not casting sites, media hosting sites). 7. Ignore days that you have emailed saying you're "booked out". 8. I haven't booked anything through them since signing - that's not to say that's their fault, but just an interesting note. Everything I've booked has been on my own submissions or through my own connections (which I still pay them their percentage for of course on those bookings). I have a manager as well, who I have gotten more recently, who is well-respected, and she says that since they technically have gotten me a decent number of auditions and I'm at the beginning of my career, it's better to have an agent than no agent, but I'm not so sure. Do I talk to my manager again about this? Thank you guys :')
My boyfriend is a video editor. Sometimes to “audition” him clients ask him to edit a test video for which he gets paid $150-$200. He can often spend 8 hours, sometimes more on a test edit. If they like him, they bring him on the project for his day rate. Now, imagine if you got a couple of hundred bucks for those self tapes we’re always running around to finish. Would certainly make all the shift-swapping, line memorizing, hair styling, makeup, script analysis, and MORE a little less stressful because even if we dont book it, at least we got some money for all that time. However, with Hollywood being…Hollywood, I don’t see this happening in the foreseeable future.
Howdy! I'm looking to build a website and wanted to get some opinions on which website builders you've enjoyed using. I just tried dabbling in Godaddy.com for the first time but when I looked to upload demos, it seems like the best option it gives me is to implement soundcloud links..which isn't really what I want to do. I just want something clean and simple. My headshot with some quick and easy play buttons next to it to hear my demos.
I have a few podcasts going and frequently ask for voice actors. When I do, many are not sure how to get me their recording. What is your suggestion? What is the easiest turnkey way to get a podcaster your recording? I would like to suggest something next time as an easy solution.
Hey, there! I've been in Atlanta for a minute now, but I still haven't found a great place to stay sharp. I'd love to hear from any actors in the area who have scene study classes or places they go to keep working in between getting the work! I'd be much obliged. Also--how the heck do y'all meet casting folks here? Especially coming out of a pandemic?