I recently created a profile and filled out every field. But my agent sees it all as blank. She says there should be a check box that says “viewable to agent” but I don’t see that anywhere. Does anyone know where it is?
I’m sorry for the generic title, couldn’t phrase my problem better. I’m only beginning in acting, I’ve been going to acting lessons in a small amateur theatre for a couple of months now. The theatre can put you on plays, depending on your progress in class, I can’t say I’m doing incredibly good, but I’ve made some progress. Anyways, I’ve started rehearsing for a substantial part and yesterday was my first rehearsal almost one-on-one with the director. The other actress attended to later start rehearsing for her own part in the play. However she kept interacting with director, giving comments and directions on how I should be playing and it bugged me quite a bit. She only attends classes for a few more months than me, and frankly not even our more experienced actors let themselves criticise the newbies this way, not often at least. She is better in her skills in some way, she also lacks in the other areas, I know that. Some of her comments might have been ok, some I doubted. In general it just distracted me from doing my best. I feel like in terms of stage acting I’m not as good as her yet, although I am more well read and have in general deeper understanding of the story and character development. Also I feel like director and few other people might have favored me a little bit, as I’m noticeably guite better than average looking and I feel they sympathise with me on a personal level. Hence I feel like they started giving me parts when I might not be fully ready for it. I can’t say no to them, as I don’t want to seem unambitious, not confident, lazy etc. I struggled yesterday, as I’m not instantly comfortable on stage, I gain momentum with time and the other actress’s comments kept throwing me off as well. Anyway, I don’t think she should be giving directions, however, as director was letting it, I couldn’t voice my objection and frankly, I’m not sure if I should. How should I handle this situation, is there a chance that it’s my insecurity speaking?
Is Backstage a good place for a new actor to start?
​ https://preview.redd.it/ccmncc29mex71.png?width=2202&format=png&auto=webp&s=508cfe6ccc56df8aeed4dab66dd66468ef9f6067 James is a lead on Peaky Blinders and has a market for his idea but needs help developing the business and technology. Here’s his email: jafrecheville@gmail.com Here’s his MVP! [https://rote.netlify.app/#0](https://rote.netlify.app/#0)
Hi all! I’m a fellow actor and photographer here in NYC offering my services as a photographer. The lowest price I have is $150 for 10 photos/1 hour session. If interested, you can check out my website here: www.ebonydavisphotography.com. I look forward to working with y’all!
Somewhat calling out a facet of our industry which is only modeled in our industry, not anywhere else (from what I've seen). We've heard the term "hard to work with" and we equate that to being a diva, being difficult or uncooperative, egotistical, and all the negative connotations the phrase brings to us. So much so, we as actors try to overcompensate and will sacrifice pay for a project so we don't appear as "difficult to work with" or rather, "Happy to be here", even if you've trained, paid, and worked for your right to be there. It's so subjective and its not shared in corporate spaces (at least the ones I've graced). If the person has the ability to do the job, their unpleasantness may be a factor you have to accept. I'm sure you've heard a Judge being called a "hard-ass" because he gives harsh sentences or waiting for your manager to be "in the right mood" before asking them a question? Your IT guy could probably fix the hell out of your computer, but has a grouchy personality. Granted, nobody wants a diva on set, but saying they're just an unpleasant experience is too vague to have meaning. Jim Carey was difficult to work with during the Andy Kaufman movie -- does that make him an actor you wouldn't want to work with? On the flipside, Harvey Weinstein called actresses who wouldn't sleep with him "difficult to work with", as its easier to say that then "they wouldn't put out". I think this term is antiquated and has overstayed its welcome. It means nothing because its not specific; it does not measure someone's ability to do said job; its a blanket term for abusers and those with power to cancel those beneath them; and it only suggests a moment in time. Maybe that particular set caused the actor to be difficult to work with. Maybe the crew. Maybe it is the actor -- does it matter? Just a thought
I'm happy that my skillset has been able to win me callbacks but I have started to notice a trend...**At Callbacks: I tend to be the very first one to go.** 9 am? Me first. Noon? Me first. It's rare it's after 4 or 5 auditioners I am placed to audition. It's always 1st audition of the day. Anyone else go through this? An agent a while back had told me this is a GOOD thing because the casting office trusts the actor to open the room but here is also my question(s): Yes (and) it does open up the room, it gives you a chance to warm up the room and let the ad agency and client and director 'feel out' what they are looking for - and set the tone - but a lot of times I also feel it can backfire on you as the 'test' run. I think it makes you the guinea pig a lot of times and the adjustments you get are what they learn from and give the other actors to work with as they streamline down their choices. Anyone have any intel on this? Have you ever requested an agent to please stop doing this to you? I understand if I go first once in a while and have to make the most out of it, but taking this hit every single time as 'first one to go' - I'm not feelin'....
Hi everybody, I contract with a company which is looking for female voice actors to dub short licensed videos for YouTube. We already have a couple actors but are looking for another. Please message me if interested. This is a paid gig ($2.40 per 100 words, with frequent repeat videos per month) DM please if interested.
I've started becoming really passionate about talking to incoming college students about the insanity that happens in theatre programs. I wasn't accepted into ANY of the mainstage shows, in the musical theatre program, or the theatre performance concentration. Meanwhile, I'm releasing my first single at the end of the year, opened a recording studio with my partner, and have plans to form a theatre collective. If you're currently auditioning for colleges, PLEASE don't make the insane mistakes I did: ​ 1. The college you go to doesn't define who you are. 2. You get out what you put in. 3. don't let the adults scare you.\*\*\* 4. Remember that your future collaborators are more likely your peers, not the faculty. \*\*\*this is my favorite one lol. Anyone else with good advice please add below. I hate the current narrative around college theatre programs and want our young actors to know that they DON'T have to be doormats like we're taught. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxH8RRx\_yWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxH8RRx_yWE) Much love to everyone auditioning this year.
So as of right now I’m 16, my dream is to be a voice actor but of course a dream isn’t enough to just do it, I’m currently taking acting classes but beyond that I have absolutely no idea on how I would get started. Any tips? It would be greatly appreciated and I’m very exited to ATTEMPT to join the world of voice acting when I’m older.
Hi everyone! I’m an LA based actress who’s been living in LA for a couple of years now. I’m really considering moving to Atlanta. My family and friends are in the south and cost of living is cheaper there. I’m not SAG E, so I’m worried about acting opportunities. Has anyone made the move from LA to ATL? How has it affected your acting career? And what about classes? I take Meisner classes now and I love the technique. Does anyone have any suggestions for Meisner or even non Meisner classes in ATL? Any input is appreciated. Thank you!
Hello everyone! I'm a photographer in Chicago looking to get a bit more serious about my headshot skills. Since there are just so many times I can take the same pictures of my dog, I'd love to have more humans to work with. And being a former actor myself, I remember how much of a barrier of entry it was for some auditions not having professional headshots (especially right out of college). So I figured why not solve everyone's problems at once? I'd love to offer headshots to anyone in Chicago that wants them for free as a way for me to start building up my portfolio a bit more. SO if you or anyone else in Chicago is interested, send me a message and we'll see if we can set something up! Examples of some of my work here: https://rich101682.myportfolio.com
Perhaps a difficult question, and maybe not exactly related here, but uh I'll ask anyway. I have an autoimmune disease called Addison, meaning I basically use medication/pills each day, though shouldn't practically restrict me from doing the activities. In the 'bigger films', maybe even smaller ones, the cast often travels a lot to different locations, sometimes they remain for years. A: Are there any medical restrictions on being an actor? B: Will it influence the selection of audition? C: I could obviously take bags of medication but they usually expire after 6/12 months. I'm just wondering whether stuff like this would be provided for the cast over time? Thanks In advance.
One of my favourite acting coaches, [Karen Ivany](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1350696/), is going to be starting in person classes again soon, and has just [launched her own website](https://www.karenivany.ca/) to help with bookings. If you live in Toronto, and you're either a new actor looking for good fundamentals, or an established working actor looking for a tune up, take a class! I owe my career and knowledge of the industry to her, and I cannot recommend her enough. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, she might figure out how to make a reddit account to respond to them
I did this independent horror short earlier this year. Student filmmakers. Shoot was great, cast and crew were mostly chill to work with. The last day we shot the very first scene. We had however started late and me and my costar were dead tired by the end. It was from 7pm-2am. But when it got to this crying scene, I couldn’t emote a convincing response since I was exhausted and it showed in the final takes. Idk why we couldn’t shoot it first. They rushed that part since it was getting late and we were shooting in a neighborhood. Anyway, after we finished, I go inside to change clothes, I then overhear the AD talking with her bf not too far from me, the DP, about my performance. Saying I can’t act and she doesn’t want me to be a part of the DP’s next production. He defended me. I’ve worked as his lead in a short before and we had a good working relationship. He specifically told me about having me try out for the lead in his new short. I never got a call and he casted his leads a month before I found out about it. I know them and they said they never had to audition, just got offered the part. I didn’t mind since that sorta thing is part of the game. Until later he reaches out to me and explains what happened. He wanted me to be the lead but his gf was against it and argued with him about it. His new short is basically a co-directing between the two. Doesn’t end there, she was casting director for a some other short films I applied to and apparently refused to audition me. I found out from the director of the horror short who grew concerned of her behavior. As for this girl, she is an actress but I’ve only seen her act in 2 shorts and only directed one which got her a best female director nom in a festival. She only has 1 imdb credit listed. I myself got more than 22 short film acting roles with the full shorts to show for it. And one indepedent feature. Only 7 of those made it to imdb. Three going to film festivals currently. I have four gigs lined up for this month and two for next month. I even have experience directing, editing, writing, sound mixing, pa, and grip. Shorts of course but me and her on that same boat. This amounts to 5 years of experience. So idk who this girl thinks she is trying to sabotage me like this. I’d expect this from a petty executive in the actual industry. I am obviously no Marlon Brando or big star, but I don’t appreciate this unprofessional behavior by let alone, a film student. I’ve only ever worked with her in two productions. Never rubbed off her the wrong way at all. So what gives?
so recently i decided to just go for acting because everyday is a missed opportunity and i don’t wanna be that person who didn’t chase their dreams because of fear or self-doubt but the thing is how do I conquer that fear? I try not to compare myself to other people but i see them with immense credits under their belts and years of hard work unlike me who just starting late in her mid-20s with nothing, it’s daunting really plus i’ve witnessed actors with great talent that I feel like i can’t compete with them. idk, any advice you like to share?
Have any international actors been on OPT after getting training or studying in the US? How was your experience?