What are the differences between theatre and film prep prior to the show / shooting the film? I'm from the UK and have most experience from theatre. I'm interested to understand the process prior to shooting a film? My experience of theatre: Audition ---> get the part ---> script read ----> maybe sometime for exploring the text / characters together ---> pre-planned rehearsal period of a few months; during this time everyone does solo work outside of rehearsals on character development etc, but also that is done inside the rehearsal space. Eventually ends up approaching end of rehearsals and into tech run, dress run etc. and then boom show starts. As an actor in theatre I found it to be a real interesting process where people are learning and developing as we go together throughout the weeks. What's the process for film?
Hello, I am an aspiring Actress and trying to find auditions in NY besides backstage and actors access. Please help to identify other sources of auditions in the area. Also, would you please give me a hint where to find good monologues for my self-tapes. Thank you
So I teach a course that focuses on directing actors for camera - hence most of my students are non actors. However I believe it’s important that the director experiences life in front of the lens. I’ve got a few scenes I like to give them to go work on in groups of three - one director and two actors, but I’m looking for some fresh material now. Anyone here have some favorite scenes that are two-handers that present a fairly simple acting challenge? Preferably from films? I’m on the lookout for scenes that aren’t huge emotional moments but that do have some dramatic life to them.
We're looking for a somewhat dark reading of the text below. However, we're open to different interpretations of it as well, maybe even a slightly brighter reading would contrast nicely with our music. Male and female voices are both fine. This will be for an American audience, so that accent is preferred but not required. The four lines below would be played throughout our performance to help the audience understand the theme of each song and the overall concept of the production. Our season has already started and we're hoping to get these recordings into the show by the weekend, so the turn around time is going to be pretty quick and I'll need to make a decision by tomorrow night (Sept. 14, 2021). However, if someone has the right voice and needs a bit more time I can wait until Wednesday or Thursday at the latest (Sept. 16). I'm offering $50 for the four lines below and if needed perhaps a re-read after we try them out with the band. Please feel free to post your material here or in a PM to me here on reddit. Once someone is chosen I'll send money via Paypal if that works. Looking forward to hearing the voices of whoever is interested. Thanks everyone for your awesome subreddit! ---Begin script--- **In Greek mythology, Pandora’s Box contained all the evils of the world. Upon opening the box, Pandora released those evils into the world leaving only “Hope” inside.** **Impelled by her curiosity Pandora opened the box, and all evil contained therein escaped and spread over the earth.** **She tried to close the container, but the whole contents had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom - the Spirit of Hope.** **And as all the undesirable contents left the box, Pandora catches hope before it can escape.** ---End Script--- I'll update this post when it is finally closed.
As an actress who loves television and that’s all I really desire to work in, I was wondering how long it took my fellow actors to book their first co-star, guest star, reoccurring role or series regular? I’m feeling a little down about my skills today but I know it’s just a bump in the road and patience is a must.
How many people here actually have dreams and goals of being apart of the 1% of actors, and how many people are acting just because they love it and don’t have any desire to reach that status ?
for a new actor, dont want to get scammed
I'm a recent grad and have zero money or budget for filmmaking but i have some bare minimum equipment and want to start making shorts and such. Problem is I don't really have any actor buddies, so would it be in bad taste to hit up my local college's theatre department to ask if any actors would be interested in participating in my short films. I honestly would not be able to pay them. The best i could do is provide pizza and drinks and of course a copy of their scenes if they want to use it in a reel or something. The project isn't really for profit, it would probably just go up on youtube and maybe entered into local film festivals depending on how it comes out. I don't expect much views if any on youtube for example, but if I were to make money off of it, i feel it would be fair to contact the actors again and pay them a fair cut. So do y'all think anyone would be interested in this, should i even bother asking? Edit: title should say: would it be IN bad taste...
I've done enough background acting in LA to be pretty familiar with the pay bumps. Do regular, non-background actors get the same bumps? It seems like the same things would apply, but I can't find rates for non-background pay bumps. When I google actor bumps all of the results are for background. I've tried looking through the SAG-AFTRA website but I don't think I'm looking in the right place. I'm assuming the same bumps would apply (wardrobe, late meals, etc) but I don't know if the rates are the same or higher. Do any of you know where I can find info on pay bumps for non-background?
Hi all I had an audition on Friday for an advert. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get it, as they need someone for costume fitting next Friday. One of the other actors waiting in the audition asked the receptionist who he should invoice for his recall fee. Mr Google has informed me this is around £50 and seems quite unique to commercials. I’m UK-based and unrepresented. Is it rude to ask the casting assistant for the £50? Is it something only agents can claim? Thanks
With Behind The Voice Actor's casting call sectional going down, I'd like to know some more sites that are similar to ccc. I've already seen Voice Acting Club and am part of their discord already.
Hi, Long story short - self funding a book to be published and im basically looking for some voice actors who'd be interested in helping me with a story. I can only charge £20 for the role and have the following characters; a friendly tiger, a manatee, general narrator, a whale, a shark and an otter. thanks
Hey guys! I'm a low/no income disabled actor, (that's relevant here I swear lol), and I'm so excited about this I wanted to share :D Plus, while I've got you here... (sorry if this isn't allowed, I'll remove it if it is), I'd also love some speculation from you folks as to what my earnings might be from this. I had been starting the process of applying for SSI, (disability income), and I won't qualify, or need to for a while, if this commercial brings in enough money for me to live off of for the time being. I'll put all the details of everything in a comment, so you can read that if you're willing/want to throw out your best guess. I'd really appreciate it. Sending good vibes to all of you. Acting is so fun, but it's not very forgiving. I hope that through any difficult times you face, you keep your love, your joy, and your passion for the craft. Cheers :)
I’m gonna keep this as short and simple as I can. So since January I’ve been dealing with burn out and I’ve been trying to keep pushing through because I haven’t really had time to have a break. And not just like a few days break I mean a few weeks worth of a break. I’m currently in college (i major in theater) as well as working as well as being full-time in our theater program. Right now we’re doing a show and I was cast as the lead. I have so many lines to remember and I’m just struggling more than I usually do to remember them. I feel like it has to do with the fact I feel so burnt out from literally everything. We’ve only been practicing this play for two weeks and he wants us to be off book. There’s so much dialogue in this play, especially for my character I say a lot. I just feel tired and drained all the time, I love acting with all my heart but right now my brain just cannot focus. I don’t know what to do I feel like a bad actor, and I don’t wanna let down any of the other actors that I’m acting with. I just don’t know how to stay focus and remember all the lines I need to.. how do i push through this??
I been reading about tonsil, and I’m planing on become an actor, I talked to friend of mine and says that my voice is a bit nasally and not very clearish Do you think this surgery would be HUGE for me? Thanks, and I would like a feedback.
Hi all, where’s the best place to find casting for new actors. I live in the UK and I’m fairly new so was hoping someone could advise me. Thanks
Just wondering if anyone else has been able to, I know iSpot isn’t really for the actors anymore.
Setup - Fox is an actor who is a 'ride along' with Woods (real cop) It is a great comic scene about masculinity. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnw2xelFnqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnw2xelFnqQ) Fox gets lots of sight (side?) gags but Woods drunken silence as he grasps for words is perfect. I ain'y no thesp' , but my theory is that it was 'workshopped' a great deal. Watch Fox, he has a 'stereotyping' female action for every shot. He is playing a male actor 'hamming it up' , but he does not steal attention or the scene. It is just so well crafted , there is so much going on. And it is shot really tight in on their faces too. The props and barman are there for timing and to let the gags 'land'.
I was rewatching the movie "Puppet Master" Which is a movie made in 1989 and there is this actress named Robin Frates. She looks to be 20 to 30 years old but I am so fascinated as to how little information there is about her. Nobody knows how she died nor how long she lived, or even if she got married or not, at this point I just want to know her age but to find out at least what happened to her would be great! [Robin Frates](https://preview.redd.it/c5fprgerozm71.jpg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36294fccae176f46f57551d473d79460d490e0d)
I get not wanting to get makeup on the costume, but won’t you do that when you pull it over your head? And in addition to getting it on the costume, won’t you also ruin the makeup and your hair? It just doesn’t make as much sense to me as getting dressed first, then just putting a makeup bib on over the costume while you do hair/makeup.