I have no professional acting credits. I’ve been in 2 student films, paid to have a scene made with a great company in LA, and I have a few acting clips that I made with other actors from my school. I think my reel looks awesome, but I’m 22 years old and I have no real credits. Is it too soon to reach out to managers and/or agents?
I’m an aspiring actor/director and I don’t have my SAG card yet. Could I become SAG eligible even if it’s just working enough hours on my own film? Could I even get myself a SAG card if I direct a SAG short and put myself in it? I’m sure there’s some reason this wouldn’t work or else everyone would do it but I haven’t been able to find any information on it.
Hi! I am creating a 3D-animated short film for my senior thesis that will primarily be in Cantonese and feature a Chinese-American family in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. We’re currently seeking voice actors for our film, specifically three Cantonese-speaking voice actors. ​ * **SCOTT — $100:** A 17-18 year old, queer Chinese-American male. He is a passionate and dedicated artist who is growing into his identity. Although he is confident when he goes to the city to take pictures, he struggles to connect with his parents and express his dreams. Scott’s Cantonese speaking ability is limited. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK SOME CANTONESE. LGBTQ+ actors encouraged to apply.* * **DEDI — $100:** A middle-aged Chinese immigrant. Although he has traditional values and acts stern and inexpressive, he used to be a passionate photographer. However, he gave up his love in order to provide for the family, and along the way, he hardened his heart to dreams. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK CANTONESE.* * **MAMI — $75:** A middle-aged Chinese immigrant. She is the type of mother to overworry and nag because she values her family above all else. She is the glue holding this family together. Although she has traditional values, she just wants to understand her son. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK CANTONESE.* * **BABY SCOTT — $50:** A 5-7 years old Chinese-American toddler. He is curious, creative, bubbly, and loving. He admires and loves his parents. ​ In addition to voicing the lines, we would also require you to record a video of your mouth, so we can have lip sync reference for the animators— this would also be compensated. Rates are negotiable! **If you are interested,** [**please record yourself performing these audition lines**](https://tinyurl.com/shattered-voice-casting)**, and send your demo submissions to me by email! You can also** [**check out our Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/shattered_thesis/)**.** If you know anyone who might be interested in these roles, please send this post their way. It’s not often you get to see Cantonese in American films, much less animated films, and it’s really important to us that we are authentic to our story. :\^)
Hi, I bought a custom acting reel from Acting and Voice Studios for about $750. In my opinion, it was not worth the money because I’m barely in the scene in comparison with my scene partner. At the same time, the quality is pretty good and I have an IMDB credit now (not that it means much for a 2-minute video lol). I looked online and other places look like they offer worse production quality but the reels are about half the price. How soon is it to buy more demo reels? I’m a new actor (have only taken tao serious acting classes) and according to people here, you can see that in the video (which is totally ok). Should I wait until I take more classes first? I’m getting inpatient because I have been acting for a months now and barely got a supporting role in a student short film.
Hi I am looking for native English speaking actors who can create aquick testimonial video for our product. You can film the video in your mobile phone and submit. Video length : 30 \~ 60 secondsWe will provide you the script to create the video.You have to be a native English speaker.When you send me message / chat request. Please send the following \- Your Country name \- Link to any one of your social profiles (IG , FB , Twitter)this is to verify you are who you say you are. (We won't be making this info or your name public. Its only for verification) ​ Payment : Paypal / Crypto Thanks
Hi! I am creating a 3D-animated short film for my senior thesis that will primarily be in Cantonese and feature a Chinese-American family in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. We’re currently seeking voice actors for our film, specifically three Cantonese-speaking voice actors. * **SCOTT — $100:** A 17-18 year old, queer Chinese-American male. He is a passionate and dedicated artist who is growing into his identity. Although he is confident when he goes to the city to take pictures, he struggles to connect with his parents and express his dreams. Scott’s Cantonese speaking ability is limited. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK SOME CANTONESE. LGBTQ+ actors encouraged to apply.* * **DEDI — $100:** A middle-aged Chinese immigrant. Although he has traditional values and acts stern and inexpressive, he used to be a passionate photographer. However, he gave up his love in order to provide for the family, and along the way, he hardened his heart to dreams. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK CANTONESE.* * **MAMI — $75:** A middle-aged Chinese immigrant. She is the type of mother to overworry and nag because she values her family above all else. She is the glue holding this family together. Although she has traditional values, she just wants to understand her son. *\*MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK CANTONESE.* * **BABY SCOTT — $50:** A 5-7 years old Chinese-American toddler. He is curious, creative, bubbly, and loving. He admires and loves his parents. In addition to voicing the lines, we would also require you to record a video of your mouth, so we can have lip sync reference for the animators— this would also be compensated. Rates are negotiable! **If you are interested,** [**please record yourself performing these audition lines**](https://tinyurl.com/shattered-voice-casting)**, and send your demo submissions to me by email! You can also** [**check out our Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/shattered_thesis/)**.** If you know anyone who might be interested in these roles, please send this post their way. It’s not often you get to see Cantonese in American films, much less animated films, and it’s really important to us that we are authentic to our story. :\^)
Hey everyone! Summarizing for context: i’ve always wanted to be an actress, took some classes here and there, but never had the guts to really go after it. So I quit. Many years went by, and after a big career crisis during the pandemic, I decided to give it another go. I thought being older would help me navigate all those feelings of “not being good enough”, but they’re catching up with me again, and to make it worse, now I feel i’m “too old” for this. I took a musical theatre class on Sunday, and when it was my turn to perform, I completely froze and went into full panic mode (i have anxiety and i’m in therapy). I’ve been taking singing classes for years and still couldn’t do anything, I just broke down, it was very embarrassing. That triggered a complete loss of confidence. I’ve been trying to record some monologues, but just can’t do anything. I feel I suck and will never get better and all those doubts and horrible feelings. I am trying not to be too hard on myself, and trying to give myself more time until the bad feeling passes, since it was only 2 days ago. I just wanted to ask you for advice on how to keep going. If you ever felt this way, how did you overcome it, how did you build up your confidence again. Also, for those of you with performance anxiety/stage fright, what helps you with it? Thanks ❤️
I’ve been in a weird place with acting for a few years now. Handful of pins but no major bookings yet. I’ve been waiting tables & bartending for years but as I’m getting ‘older’ I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m still ‘young’ enough to get an actual career, so I wanted to see what other people do on here outside of survival type jobs. I’m not a corporate person and I don’t want that life even if I wasn’t an actor. I’ve been exploring tech sales, IT support, and real estate. Industries that have decent entry level jobs that are remote, start around 50k in New York, and have pathways for upward mobility. I’m heavily leaning toward real estate since it’s the most flexible and dynamic, but obviously the most challenging out of the 3. What do you guys do? I’d love to be inspired. It’s a hard pill to swallow realising acting just isn’t happening for me like I’ve wanted it to for so long, but I do believe I will break through one day, so it’s important to have that flexibility to take it as seriously as I can without sacrificing making actual adult money in life. Thanks guys!
hi everyone!! so here’s the deal: in early august i sent in a submission to be an extra in a movie which required a special skill, and it was an open casting call. over a month goes by and i’ve come to terms with the fact that they don’t want me for it. then like 3 days ago i get an email saying they want me to audition for one of the lead roles and they send me a script. they gave me like 2 days to send it in, which i did. they asked for amateur actors to apply because i guess they are prioritizing this skill, but i have literally no idea what to expect with this whole audition process. my only other acting experience was being an extra once (aside from school plays), but i feel pretty okay about the tape i sent in. i guess i’m mainly worried about how long it might take to find out if i got the role. also it sounds pretty silly, but if i don’t get this role, does it mean i won’t be in it at all??? i’m just so new to all this that i have no idea what to expect. thanks :D
Here's a prime example: https://youtu.be/P3S0v77H-PU I'm aiming for a cunning voice for a project I'm working on. When I hear the phrase "cunning voice", I immediately think of this character. I'm not a voice actor but my friend is a professional voice actor. Not even he can emulate the voice of the character speaking in the first 20 secs of this video. He says there's way too much modularity for him. It doesn't have to be exact, or even close to exact. But does anyone have any tips? What sort of effects should I shoot for? I hear some reverb, but not sure what else. And in terms of recording the voice itself, how should I be speaking? I can make my voice sound like him, but the cadence the character has is really difficult to emulate. Never really done any voice acting, and like I said this doesn't have to be perfect. But my voice definitely has a wide range of possibilities (perfect Joe Swanson impression, can speak really high pitched above falsetto, things like that) so I'm sure I can do it.
(My apologies if this isn’t the right place) I’m a young NJ/NY based actor who is looking to step up into more professional opportunities. I have an opportunity to join Actors Equity through their Open Access option (where membership is open to any stage actor who has worked professionally on a theatre production in the US, which I have done) However, the dues and fees are pretty hefty and right now I don’t have anything in the horizon that can justify saying yes and start paying the initiation fee (I don’t have an agent, I haven’t been able to attend any calls in NY, etc.) I’d love the opportunity to gain more opportunities for auditions and down the road if a great opportunity happens and I can join Equity that way, that would be awesome, but I’m wondering if it is worth joining Equity now or if it would be better if I stayed non-union and continued to audition around and hope for the best? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I can also clarify or answer any questions if needed. Thanks in advance!
It's called MAX Agency and it is in Toronto There are over 200 google reviews and they seem split on either completely loving the agency or hating it. I am completely 50-50 on whether it's a scam or not because some of the negative comments really just look like bitter people who didn't get an audition while a lot of the positive reviews look completely fake. I just have no clue what to believe and I think my desperation for being an actor has clouded my judgment Here is a link to the site. You can just google it as well. https://maxagency.com/
Hello you beautiful voice actors! Recently I took a number of courses that really made it clear to me that in order to really get out there and be noticed, on top of being great at auditions, is to make content and be known - and so I made a cover of a song with the help of my professional audio engineer friend and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do (Or at least like 66% as much would suffice) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxM-ig0h4jI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxM-ig0h4jI) (The goal is to get Black Gryp0n to see it which would be NUTS, but I'm putting the energy out there)
I've been working on a project where for a couple of the characters we have one actor for the acting on screen and a different actor for the voice over - how would I differentiate their credits? I have done: Katie: .... Katie's voice performance: ... Is there a better way of doing this should I break down the credits under different subheadings? Actors Katie: .... Voice actors Katie: ....
All over this subreddit and the rest of the Internet, I see questions about “I am X, can I still act?” Or, “I am X years old, is there still time?” The answer is always yes…if you want to act because you love it. But come on, when we ask this, we’re asking, “Is it still possible to become rich and famous?” Maybe not EVERYONE who asks that means that, but that’s the implication. Can you still become an extremely famous and successful actor if you are XYZ? Well, the chances are very low…but the chances are very low regardless of what attributes you have or what age you start. “I’m 30. Can I still be famous?” “Well, the chance before was 0.5%, and now it’s probably like 0.4%, so…” I feel this is forgotten. If you’re doing this solely to be famous, you have to remember the odds for EVERYBODY. Sure, you could have started acting professionally at 18 instead of 27…but thousands of people who start at 18 don’t get anywhere either. Sure, you could be thinner or have more hair or whatever…but there are tons of ripped young men with long hair who never get a callback. You have to remember that famous actors are a very diverse bunch as well…well, for men, at least. I can say that for sure. There’s no way to know whether you will succeed unless you try. I do know exactly why these questions are asked aside from this, though. People are nervous that they are wasting their time. They’re nervous that if they spend years and years of their life working on this, all of a sudden, they’ll be 50 with nothing to show for it. Let’s face it, to the general public, being a successful actor means you are famous and in stuff they have heard of. It doesn’t matter if you make a good living and have 100 credits to your name…if you heard that someone was a 45-year old actor, and you’ve never heard of him…you pity him somewhat. Or if not pity, not have the same reverence for if he were the lead in a big TV show. When people say, “is it too late?”, what they mean is, “Am I wasting my time trying to succeed?” But even that is flawed, because acting is not a linear path. The amount of time you act says nothing. Well, not entirely, but you could possibly hit huge stardom after only 3-5 years. Is it likely? No, but again, it’s not likely for anyone. It’s just about the fear of rejection and insecurity over your life’s direction. And the answer is, nobody here can answer that question. We never know what becomes successful or a huge phenomenon. Not just for acting, but for anything.
Under my account section I'm trying to select more than just two regions But it won't let me. I want to get notifications for basically anything on the entire East Coast. Why can't I do this? What the hell am I paying for? Also trying to set it so I only get notifications for feature films.
For a while I’ve been wanting to become a voice actor. I’m just curious if there are maybe any good ways to practice voice acting. Also what are some things I should consider or know before becoming a voice actor. Any advice is very much appreciated :)
I’ve gotten mixed feedback regarding the usefulness of actor websites nowadays. One of the main pros I can think of is that it has all your materials in one place. What other things should actors consider when deciding whether or not they need a website? How has your site helped you? Would love to know your thoughts. Thanks!
Hi everyone! I'm Jazz from Quasar Arts - a new theatre company based in Adelaide, Australia. Currently our auditions for an original, new play (sci-fi, dystopian-drama) titled 'Escaping The Burning Sun' that will be premiering in the 2022 Adelaide Fringe Festival are OPEN. If you are from Adelaide, or know anyone from Adelaide (which is the capital city of South Australia - the state), let them know! You can message me here, on Facebook (@QuasarArtsOfficial) or via email ([quasar.arts.official@gmail.com](mailto:quasar.arts.official@gmail.com)) for the Audition Pack (an audition application form and information document about the auditions, performance, and Quasar Arts) and more information! Below is the play synopsis and character breakdowns. This production is volunteer based for everyone involved, including myself (unpaid). ​ **Play Synopsis:** *Escaping The Burning Sun: In a World Where Everyone Lives Forever, Why Are People Dying?* *Escaping The Burning Sun* is an original play by Jaziel Siegertsz. It is a one hour long, one act play, written specifically with the Fringe in mind. The play is a sci-fi, dystopian-drama that dissects what it means to live and die, and takes a critical look at our world via the lens of this fictional one. It touches on power imbalances that are growing through wealth hoarding, the ethics of regulating life and death, and the pain that tyrannical governments have on its peoples. The play follows eight main characters, five of whom the audience don’t meet until halfway through. They live in a world where people undergo a natural biological process called *mithalosis. Mithalosis* is the process where an individual ceases ageing between the ages of twenty to thirty, and it isn’t unheard of for people to stop ageing early or late. An example of this would be our protagonist, Sagan, who stops ageing at only fifteen. In this world, as one can imagine, overpopulation is a big issue. And it is dealt with by what is supposed to be a random selection. Whoever qualifies in said selection each night is sent up into space on a pod to be incinerated by the sun. To make things fair of course, only those who have stopped ageing are in the running. Fairness, however, is brought into question when fifteen-year-old Sagan is randomly selected to die as she has recently stopped ageing. When Sagan is sent to the pod, she encounters other people who are to meet their end. And through talking to them, not only is the fairness of the selection questioned, but so is the legitimacy of the randomness and the ethics of it all as well as the very foundations their world is built upon. Sagan and her new acquaintances decide that enough is enough and they try their best to escape their fate - to escape the burning sun approaching them. ​ **Character Breakdowns:** ***Casting for production with 8 actors:*** Blake Wills/ Qualifier 1/ Guard 3 Camille Opas/ Guard 4/ Qualifier 2 Sagan Page Announcer (pre-recorded)/ or alternatively played by Helix or Dr Drew Kepler Dr Drew Kepler Agnes Ainsley/ Organiser Azriel Creed/ Nurse/ Guard 1 Fordwin Redfield/ Doctor/ Guard 2 Helix Rey Ellion/ Announcer ​ ***Character Breakdowns:*** ***Note:*** *in reality, the only character whose gender matters to their story is Agnes’. All other characters can be played by anyone of any race or gender (Agnes’ race doesn’t matter). Dr Drew Kepler and Blake especially have been written as gender neutral with they/them pronouns. They can remain non-binary characters or be given a different gender. All characters are written with a gender in mind other than Dr Drew Kepler and Blake. Ideally, Sagan would remain female only for the playwright’s sentimental reasons surrounding the play’s conception. However, Sagan being female is not a requirement for her character.* *Sagan’s stage age is 15. All other characters’ stage ages are between 20-30 years old.* *Make these characters your own.* **Blake Wills:** Blake fell into carer’s work when they were young and never ventured into anything else. Not because they weren’t ambitious or motivated, but because the grind to live stole so much of their time. Blake has been a carer at Astra Orphanage since its opening 34 years ago. Blake is tired and has given up on a future for themselves, but hopes that they can have a positive impact on the future of kids like Sagan. **Camille Opas:** Camille, unlike Blake, still has life in her. She is aware of the reality of the unfairness of the Qualifications, and looks into things like the Neighplan movement in her spare time. She makes a great carer and an even better friend. She gets on so well with all the kids at the orphanage, and works her butt of every day and still manages to have a smile on her face every morning. Even though she is younger than and less experienced than Blake, she is as much of a mentor to them as they are to her. **Sagan Page:** Sagan, 15, is a bright young mind who thinks herself mature for her age, especially given all she has been through, but at heart, she is still a kid. Sagan was always interested in science and technology, but ever since her parents were burnt, she has been thinking of ways to escape the pods if she ever finds herself in one. Sagan takes everything in her stride and seems to be able to handle so much, but she hasn’t given herself a moment to sit and explore all that she has been through emotionally. And this avoidance of exploring her emotions fully is what keeps her functioning through hardship after hardship. **Announcer:** Can be a pre-recorded part or someone can play the announcer and incorporate an onstage appearance through the use of a prop TV screen that they ‘appear’ on. The Announcer is much like a news anchor and speaks in the same manner. **Doctor:** Unkind, uncaring, and just another cog (albeit a wealthier one) in the capitalist machine. They do not care about the patients or much of anything else. Is cartoonish with how much of a ‘heartless cog’ they are in the ‘machine’ that is society. **Nurse:** Much the same as the Doctor personality-wise and with the cartoonish, caricaturish feel. The Nurse only differs in financial earnings and social status. **Organiser:** Bright and bubbly, the Organiser is surprisingly genuine. They are an active member of their community and an enthusiast of science and innovation. They are volunteering their time for the Young Inventors’ Competition that they help out with every year. **Dr Drew Kepler:** A quirky and eccentric character of over three-hundred years old, Drew is a lot of fun even if their speech can be a little outdated. Drew is a well-respected astrophysicist by day and a pioneer within the secret Neighplan Solution movement by night. They believe in ending The Qualifications and ‘solving’ the overpopulation problem by colonising the neighbouring planet. They are genuinely interested in Sagan and her invention as well as her intentions and is not the type of person to be malicious or manipulative. **Guard 1:** Just another cog in the machine. Except this cog has a gun. **Guard 2:** Also has gun. **Agnes Ainsley:** Poor Agnes has been through quite a lot. Now in her fourth century of life, she has bottled up her mind to protect herself from her own reality. In her monologues, she explains it all. She is a broken woman who has enough sense left to quickly analyse her entire being an experience for those she has only just met when faced with the reality of the dire situation. This shows her kindness and selflessness even though she comes across at the beginning as the exact opposite of those things. **Azriel Creed:** Is a nervous young man who feels as though his life still has yet to start. He is a computer programmer for work and still lives with his mum, because even though he only went into the field for the money via his mum’s suggestion, everything costs far too much for him or his mum to live on their own. Azriel gains confidence throughout his time on the pod as he realises that his skills are one of the components that give everyone a chance of living. **Fordwin Redfield:** Is like an oak tree. He exudes a feeling of age and knowledge and wisdom. Being over seven-hundred years old, he has had many careers and lovers throughout his long life. He has been around since the beginning of The Qualifications and has somehow managed to miss every one through sheer luck. There aren’t many oak trees standing left. Since Fordwin has been around for so long, he has witnessed how The Qualifications have changed and evolved from something seen as experimental and out there, yet accepted and celebrated, to something cruel and unjust and just another tool for the powerful to play with. **Helix Rey Ellion:** Is your bad boy. But kind at heart. Helix is only ‘bad’ because he doesn’t behave, dress, and speak in the ways his parents want him to. He can be a little rude and blunt, but that’s as ‘mean’ of a person he gets. He finds himself in fights and other questionable situations only because he is that guy that will stand up for what he believes is right and defend those who can’t defend themselves. He makes sure to respect things like the way someone wishes to be addressed etc. **Qualifier 1:** One of the unlucky 29,418 Qualifiers in the thousands of pods that launched at the same time as the main characters’. A ‘real’ person rather than a ‘heartless cog’. **Qualifier 2:** Another *real* person. *Real... unlucky*. **Guard 3 (Cypher):** Another heartless cog with a gun. All new cog! Comes with its own name! **Guard 4:** Unlike all the other Qualifier Guards, Guard 4 seems to have a conscience. They want to abort their orders and look for Emric (who that is, is up to you), who was also one of the 29,418 Qualifiers hurdling back to the planet. **Potential New Character in New Drafts of Script:** Works for a rebel organisation who has access to the Announcement lists a day before they are made public. They work hard to try and save as many people from those lists as possible, but they have found themselves in a bit of a pickle now that they’re on the list this time too.