From an online acting community I'm a member of: " My production company is early in the casting process for a 2021-scheduled independent New Media Series. We posted a casting notice on a single service on 09 December 2020. For the 11 roles that we listed, we have received, in a little over a month's time, *11,454 actor expressions of interest* in one or more roles (and we had already cast the male lead, so we did not post it in the notice — we can't fathom the number if that role had been in the listing as well). "
Re: Self Tapes - Every actor I know finds the current self-tape process frustrating and wearying. I get that it’s easier to tape at home, alone, or with a reader, and you get to do it over and over until you’re happy, but, then what happens. You send it off and chances are you never hear another word. From anyone. Did they even watch it? Was it already cast and they were just doing a compulsory fishing expedition to satisfy union requirements that they were being inclusive? Were they seeing every Cdn actor/actress within the age range so they could hire the American with impunity? When a casting agent puts out a break down asking for submissions…it used to be that agents would submit clients and they might make it to a casting session with the casting director, or if the CD was familiar with someone's work, they might propose them to the director/producer and ask that actor to come in to a producer session. It seems to me that the SELF TAPE should be the equivalent of a producer session. Someone suggested that actors should be paid to self tape…a nominal fee… but something so as to discourage casting from just agreeing to hundreds of self tapes, most of which are an utter waste of time. Even ZOOM would be a better alternative. That way, you can at least get feedback from the director/producer if they want you to go in a different direction. It seems to me, it is really easy to get actors to self tape, then sit around and watch the first 15 seconds to decide the actor isn’t quite right, but each of those actors has gone through an annoying, time consuming, sometimes costly process to get that tape out there. For what? Yes, times have changed, and the world is a different place, but, in order for actors to feel that they are more than camera fodder, I think the union should look at this current method of ’casting’, and consider some limitations to protect actors. Maybe there should be a requisite ZOOM conversation with the producer/director before the actor is asked to tape, so that if the people hiring don’t respond, or know that they are definitely NOT going in your direction, they can politely thank you for you time, let you know it’s not going to go any further, and spare you the hours of wasted time working on a self tape. Or, they can give you some direction and ask you to tape. Sorry for the rant, but I really do think some limitations would be beneficial for everyone. ​ I would love to hear from Agents and Castin Directors,, because I feel at present they are just 'doing what the Director wants', rather than standing up for their talent.
I need to make these acting clips, so I can really start submitting myself to jobs. All I have now is headshots. I just moved and don’t have friends here to make clips with… I also really would like to work with someone who is going to push me, understand my type, and be very thoughtful as they help me make my clips. I did a session with a coach who I didn’t totally jive with. She told me coaches won’t usually help you with this sort of thing, I’m not sure if that’s true or not. Is she right? Or can I find someone who can be hands on like this? Any recs in the LA area would be great, too!
Hello, everyone! Just wanted to share some very exciting work that I've done over the last few months. I wrote and directed my first full-length play, titled "Oliver & Isaac," through my queer-friendly theater company, Queer Colors Theater. It was all made remotely, with each actor in their own space, but I think it turned out quite well. Basically, the play is about two men navigating their complicated relationship, told specifically through the POV of Isaac. If you have time, I'd love for you to check it out and support queer theater. My theater company, which I created with a few friends of mine, is always looking for more support! Here's the link to our YouTube channel, where you can find additional links to our website, as well. Thank you all for the support, and I hope you find some time to check it out. :) [](
Sorry for the long post. A month ago I started this class that has 10 others. I connected with a classmate because we love movies and the reason why we started acting. But when we told the others they looked at us like trash. They said they don't watch movies especially if you are doing a scene. The teacher corrected them saying of course you can. They really didn't like that. Apparently a lot of teachers say not to watch movies. Then we did a scene from grosse pointe blank. Love that movie. Only the teacher my classmate and I saw it. My classmate was paired with another guy and I thought she nailed minnie driver part while the other looked like a robot trying to act like a human if they were nervous. Afterwards the teacher said try not to be theatrical. And so forth. But the others they praised him and literally say wow you really know how to act nervous. I pick up sarcasm but there was none. They were dead serious. And then ignored my classmate completely. Is that typical behavior for actors. You praise people who aren't good and look down on people who are? Like we're both cliche and love Brando and believe you must put life experiences into your character to make it look real and authentic. And since we don't have a bunch of life experiences we watch movies to understand characters better. So are we wrong? It really through me off. Thanks in advance
I got an invite to audition for this class with the reward being able to take the class for free if they accept you. As a skeptic I just assume they're reaching out to hundreds on Backstage/AA with the same invitation and just hoping to somehow get money from us using this class as a "free sample." But I wanted to hear if anyone had studied there, or taken this class specifically, and what you thought of it/them. I could use a class to revitalize my skills since I haven't taken one in over 1.5yrs.
Hi, I've kind of had a bit of a life crisis after working as a support artiste for a little bit. I'm 27 and I've realised more than anything I want to work as an actor for film and tv. I used to act a bit about a decade ago but I lost my confidence and I didn't enjoy doing theatre. I used to get involved with amateur films for youtube and things like that and I was actually good at it. I love working on a project with a community of friends and making something together. I love the process of filmmaking and being on set and being transported to another world for half a day for a week or so. I can get into a character and it just seems like the most normal thing in the world to me to do. And I can act, and it feels like the only thing I can do and am supposed to. But I really don't like being on stage and doing theatre. I hate having an audience of strangers and having one shot to not screw it up. I also prefer to act more realistic styles that are more in film than theatre. The two are completely different environments to me. I'm trying to figure out how I can start a career in screen acting. I live in the UK and pretty much all actors that have had success have gone to drama school or at least done some theatre. It seems that casting agencies only take people who have done so, especially those who have done 3 years bachelors. I much prefer the practical side and getting work. I'm not good at studying and I'm better at doing things. I have 2/3 years of a bachelor's complete in Spanish and International studies which I'm doing part time. I'd also probably not be able to have 3 years without working for financial reasons, and also because I wouldnt want to turn down any experience or opportunities. I'd be 28 the earliest I could go and I am nowhere near ready for an audition. I'm not trained enough for it and have very little experience. I'm just wondering what people would suggest I could do to get the training to start a career acting? Thanks ☺
Do big anime dubbing studios like Viz media and crunchy roll do auditions online? or do you have to be in the same general area in order to audition for a role? this question is coming from a 15 yea old who wants to be a a vice actor for anime’s but live in a state with like no big studios. sorry if this is written poorly as i’m in a rush
Hi, if this question doesn't fit here, please send me to where someone may know, thanks! Need an app that can blend recordings two people have recorded separately. My buddy and I have some radio theater skits we're trying to record, but she's in Tennessee and I'm in Michigan. No apps I've tried seem to be capable of this. I've been searching for over a year, and I know there must be something that can do this simple act of combining lines read by two actors. Thanks again
My agent has a girl who looks exactly like me and while she says that we look and have different backgrounds, it really feels like she has sidetracked me. Has anyone dealt with this and also, has anyone asked their agents to show them the list of things they are being submitted for? If so, how is the nice way to ask them?
I'm Sixteen and ive been doing theatre acting sense i was around four or five. Its always been my biggest passion and i always wanted to make it on the "big screen" as an actor Just a month or so ago, i applied to a talent agency for extras, as i just wanted to get a feel of what its like working on set before trying to get bigger roles I got the comformation two days ago that ive been booked for a netflix show, and i got another email today telling me ive been booked for another netflix show early tomorrow morning (very late notice
I am working at an event where I have to move through space and talk over loud music in costume. Everyone else is just yelling, but I'm killing my voice every night that the event takes place and I looked for some alternatives. I found voice amplifiers and I bought a ZOWEETEK Portable Rechargeable Mini Voice Amplifier. I think it'll work fine for the job. I wear the speaker under my clothes and talk into the headset and it just gives me a little extra boost over the music. I need a headset that isn't as obvious as the one that the Voice Amp came with though. I was looking for a lav like people use in large theaters (lav attached to a pack that talks to the theater sound system, and the lav is taped to the actor's cheek). I bought a cheap Lav (PoP voice Professional Lavalier Lapel Microphone) but the moment I connect the lav to the voice amp I get wild, terrible feedback. Any suggestions for me? How do I eliminate this feedback? Is there another specific incognito lav I could use? I'd love to keep my budget under $100 for the whole project. I'm afraid that I will have to quit this job that I love if I can't figure out a solution and the team won't be able to work with me to figure anything out that connects to the larger audio system. Thank you so so much for giving this a thought for me!
Our animation team is in need of a voice actress for a tomboy high school student of Mexican background. All of her lines are in English. An American accent is preferable, since she was raised in America. She has twelve lines in the script, so we are offering $7 per line for a total of $84. Please have demos of previous work prepared if you are interested in the role. ONLY ACTRESSES OF MEXICAN BACKGROUND WILL BE CONSIDERED. Thanks in advance! <:
Am I correct in my understanding that amateur/hobbyist actors posting here, posting their non-audition monologues etc. are not particularly welcome? If so, then I understand. The first video I posted here, hoping to get feedback, recieved one dislike and zero comments in 2 days. I'm trying to figure out the reason: *Abysmal acting? I doubt it, but the Dunning-Kruger effect could be in action, I won't dismiss that option *That I filmed myself with a potato? *That this is a subreddit for professional actors only? And if this is not the place for me, where could I get feedback from? any particular forums you know of? Many thanks :) Steven, professional concert pianist, composer, singer and aspiring amateur actor
Do you have to be a certain height to be a voice actor? (I'm 5'1, ik right lol) I'm thinking about this career and was curious. I think voice acting is so cool especially when they do motion capture.
I booked a regional commercial a few months ago that has impressed the client that they want to put the commercial on cable in two markets and potentially nationwide. They sent me the rates and they seem reasonable, but I think there’s wiggle room to negotiate for more. I understand that they can say no to any proposal, but if you were to negotiate in good faith what would be an appropriate amount/increase to ask for?
I went to drama school in the UK about 5 years ago and completed a BA Hons in Acting. Given how the last few years has made this already difficult industry even worse, I am thinking of calling it quits on the acting. Are there any fields that my degree would be a bonus in? I often hear that most agents began as actors, some TV presenters too. Any ideas as to where I could earn a living?
I’ve always wondered if an American actor or actress would benefit more from an over seas market. Do you find this to be true? Assuming an actor learns the language of the native land and assuming that country has a film industry. It is a guess but it seems like there would be potential less competition as far as casting, yes there would be potentially fewer roles but way less competition than in the US.
For my Art Entrepreneurship, I have to create a hypothetical business that has to do with my major, that being theatre. I finally came up with an idea and wanted to hear opinions. Again this isn’t a real business, it’s hypothetical. A casting company for everyone, big directed to women, lgbt, disabled and minorities. Being be three of those I thought this would be a good business. But I’d love to hear feedback. My first idea was coming up with a website. One that is inviting, promoted by popular actors who got those ideals, the site being easy to navigate including larger text, text to speech and subtitles on any videos or pictures.