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How to not be your own worst critic? by hoehoehoe96  •  last post Sep 25th

Sorry, this is quite long but I want to write everything that’s on my mind. Short about me, I’m not a completely new actor. Have had large roles in movies/series. But I’ve always had the same problems coming to my confidence as an actor. For instance, I had a selftape the other day. And the thing is that I signed with a new agency three months ago and this is my 5th selftape with them. I really, really wanted to do a great job, so they can see that I’m good even if I don’t book the roles. And honestly I shouldn’t even be worried because they signed me after watching my reel but my brain doesn’t work like that. I came home after work and started filming the scenes. After my first take on scene 1, something told me to use that take because it was good, but my brain was like “bs. It’s not nearly good enough”. I did maybe another 10 takes before “giving up”, having to move on because I had wasted like 2 hours at this point. Same problem with the other two scenes. I sent the selftape in, EMBARRASSED by my terrible acting, telling myself how bad of an actor I am. When I woke, my two agents had replied saying how much they loved the selftape, and one of them said that it amazes him how natural and good I am in every selftape I’ve sent in. I was like “What! I thought that you regretted signing me” lol. I was in a chock. Happy as fuck, but chocked nonetheless. Now after a couple of days when I’ve had some distance from it, I was looking through my album on the phone and saw the “failed” first takes of scene one. And that first scene my gut told me was good enough but my brain said no, is arguably the best take. I just don’t know why I couldn’t see that? I then watched the next takes and each and one of them was good enough and realized that I had wasted two hours selftaping a scene that was ready after 5 minutes. And this is a recurring problem I’ve always had. Why? Why am I like this? Why am I so blind and how can I stop being like this?

Pretty much new and need advice. by KuroInui1213  •  last post Sep 25th

Hey so I'm a 23 year old going on 24 year old female who recently graduated college and decided instead of pursuing on to doing grad school (because thinking about it makes me depressed and anxious) I decided to go onto voice acting (in anime and video games mostly) as a hobby to see if I like it. Reason being was because ever since I was a little I was never really to be able to express myself and I would roleplay with friends (and not in the nsfw way) but we would like read things as if we where the characters or just make up out own thing and thats what gave me happiness and joy. But I was so afraid of the criticism I'd get if I decided to major in theatere without real experience in high school so I did science, since I was good at it. After I graduated I have a complete mental breakdown in trying to get into pharmacy school and realized I'd hate to continue working in the pharmacy (since I'm currently a tech). So now I'm trying to find myself and be me so I can be happy with myself. So now I decided to become a voice actor. I already am set to do a webinar with Such a Voice as an intro to this whole thing. Is there anything else I should be doing meanwhile? Am I too old to be trying this out? What are the next steps for me to do? Or should I just quit all together? I just need help in figuring what to do in all of this.

Suggestions to Improve my Voice by David44357  •  last post Sep 25th

I am an attorney (not a voice actor). I am doing these video walkthroughs on legal processes and am trying to make my voice . . . tolerable. I spent several full days trying to improve my voice with EQ and other settings on the Blue Sherpa Vo!ce software that came with my Yeti X mic, but only made it worse. [Here]( is a voice sample. I'm wondering what I should do to improve my speaking voice. For example, should I pay someone to find better EQ settings? Is there some other way (besides EQ) to digitally improve my voice? Should I just hire a voiceover guy and not put my talking head in the video?

Need of guidance by Medium-Ad4262  •  last post Sep 25th

I'm 17, and I've decided i want to be a voice actor. But I don't know the best way of approaching this goal. Does anyone have any advice?

I'm about to give up on my dream. by Ihavesomequestions58  •  last post Sep 25th

VENT: In a world of people who judge others on money and looks. Being a male actor who is 5'5'', decided to live still live with his parents at 26, and has a sub par job. It feels like life is going by me. My friend just got a 90k job offer. And my other friend is advancing quickly in his career. Life is hell. I do have an undergrad degree and experience for at least an intermediate level job. But I've decided to pursue acting which is my true passion. I know two CD never had a legit audition and feel like I'm a sitting duck. Life has been a real struggle. Who would want to date a guy like me is another thing. I've already got the short end of the stick physically and financially. As a man in society I'm the bottom of the barrel. Clearly my confidence is at an all time low right now. I've never felt so unsure of myself in my whole life. I'm so annoyed. I don't want fame. I don't want to be a millionaire. I just want a decent living, my own place, and to enjoy myself. Instead all acting has brought me has been the opposite. I'm a loser living in his parents home. I need help acting community. Have any of you felt like this? Please any advice would be nice.

Manager Meeting by akwinters11  •  last post Sep 25th

Hi! This is kind of a weird, every situation varies question, but I was wondering people’s experience after meeting with an agent/manager. So I met with a manager from a management company and the meeting went really well and he asked me to send it self tapes which I did and he later replied with just “Thanks, it was great talking to you too”, but didn’t follow up with either a yes or no. I might be overthinking this due to my actor anxiety ridden brain but is that a dismissal or have people received similar messages and then later been offered representation? I mean this industry is all about waiting like this and I’m pretty sure I’m just asking for ease of mind/closure (which we all are constantly am I right or am I right), but just wondering for other people’s post meeting/self tape experiences. Thank you guys <3

Being a lead actor by SilvesterZoldyck  •  last post Sep 25th

Hey guys, I recently watched an interview with Bryan Cranston who talked about taking on the role of the lead character in Malcolm in the Middle. Lead actor in that case didn't mean protagonist, but rather the ensemble lead, the one who keeps the group together and takes responsibility. My question: Is this a common practice in American TV to have the star of the show enforcing the set atmosphere? It makes sense, because he will always be present instead of writers or directors, but usually, it's more the director who calls orders or keeps up group morale (at least here in Europe lol). Can you tell me more about your experiences with this? Looking forward to your thoughts!

Disappointment by Either-Reporter6992  •  last post Sep 25th

Today I went to an audition We were alone in the audition room with 4 men who only said that we are really pretty (me and my female friend). They told us to dance and they tried to sell their own courses when we told them about the (free) ones we are about to attend. They told us that they would make us shine and they suggested to go for a beer, coffee (at their cafeteria) and they didn’t even let us audition. We didn’t even got the opportunity to act!!!!!!No chance to show whether we got the skills or not! I feel disappointed. I rarely go to auditions (once a year) since I’m shy and although I have participated in seminars I have not finished drama school (I’m pora pora

Questions about acting. by EntertainerNo082798  •  last post Sep 25th

Hi. I’m Lilith. I’m a trans non-binary person on the autism spectrum and I’m unsure on what I want to do with my life professionally. I’ve always wanted to be a designer and storyboard artist for animation studios like DreamWorks Animation or Pixar, but however unfortunately, I have been discouraged from drawing and illustration. I currently work as a part-time usher at a Regal Cinemas. I’m only good at writing and sometimes voice acting, but I’ve always had passions to tell my story and to get them across in any way possible. I’ve never tried stage/screen acting but I am curious to try it. I never took acting classes nor had any acting experiences but still want to try to see if it’ll be a hobby-turned-professional job. Which leads me to a few questions about this industry. 1. How does one person get started in the acting business? 2. Has any actor/actress ever gotten their first role without any training nor experience? 3. Is any formal training and education needed like college, school, etc. for the performing arts or is it just preferred and suggested?

i need help by ijustwanttobeloved0  •  last post Sep 25th

hi everyone, this is my first post here. im 17, i have awfully strict parents, growing up i was told i had to be a doctor. i really really dont want to be. yes financial security is great and all but i just don't have interest in being a doctor. up until i graduated (where i live everyone graduates at 16-17), that was the plan. to become a doctor. until one day i broke down and told my mom i dont want to do it. she already knew that but i guess maybe she didn't realise how much i didn't want to do it. when she asked me what i wanted to be i immediately thought of something in the arts. i dont want to become a painter, but i had an interest in the performing arts and singing and such. i told her about it and she lost her mind. basically if i want to be an actor i wont have my parents' support on it. hell i'll probably even be disowned. i can't get a job right now so i can't save up to move out. but god, i really want to act. i only started talking about movies this year, barely even paid attention to the entertainment industry. so why do i want to act? because for the first time in 17 years i feel alive. i feel like i will be happy, i feel like i \*want\* to be here. i carry around so many emotions all of the time and my mind is an endless plethora of stories and ideas. i want to bring characters to life, give them as real of a backstory as possible, make people \*feel\* things, make people keep those characters with them through their lifetime. but i don't know where to start. i already know that i have no experience and that i will have to go to classes or join a local theatre or something but how? how do i do this without becoming basically homeless :( please help, any advice would be great, i just need to do this. i want it so bad. i can't spend my life being miserable anymore. i feel like i've wasted so much time.

Do you need to go Drama School to succeed as an actor?! by testing35  •  last post Sep 25th

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Does it seriously make someone homophobic if you don’t want to play a gay character? by irepMiami  •  last post Sep 24th

This is obviously a controversial topic but I just wanted some better understanding and clarity on this. I recently had someone call me homophobic and a bigot for almost backing out of a role. I didn’t realize the character’s sexual orientation had changed and it was 100% my oversight. There’s not a hateful bone in my body and I fully support the LGBTQ community. So I decided to do the role. Since then, I’ve read up on this to try to find a better understanding on it because it was never my intention to offend anyone. Some people make the argument that the very nature of acting is to play characters that are not you, but when is it ever considered that the actor’s morals could be compromised? Do they not matter? I was also told that this would limit the amount of roles and auditions I would receive but to be honest, out of the many I’ve graciously gotten, this is only my 3rd role I’ve received like this. I would just like some clarity and advice on this without being crucified please, I just want to understand it better. Thanks.

Still no response from acting classes by moonismyonlyfriend  •  last post Sep 24th

I left my acting classes in the last few days of February 2020 because of the pandemic, my grandfather took me to the classes so at the time we didn’t want to risk his health. I spoke with my teacher about it and he agreed that it was fine and that I was free to attend when I felt more comfortable. At that time I owed a payment of £100 so I sent emails about it so I could have the correct bank info but my teacher would ignore that part of my email and I never got to send the money that I owed. I found it a little odd. Its a very great class, my teacher is a casting director as well and a lot of previous actors from these classes have had successful careers. It’s pretty much the best workshop in the country. The plan was for me to start attending classes once my family and I were all double vaxed since my immediate family members are high risk. The classes have started back already, the workshops schedule lines up with colleges and school so it closes for the summer and reopens in September. Since June I’ve tried getting into contact with my teacher but I’ve had no response. I’ve sent emails, tried phoning. But absolutely no response. I’d love to start attending again but it just doesn’t appear to be happening. They usually send out letters every month as well to fill everybody in on what’s been happening but I haven’t received any of those either. I feel discouraged I can’t lie, because it’s the only workshop near me. I have no where else to go for classes. What can I do?

Vent / Asking for advice for getting out of your own head in auditions? by IrisLeex  •  last post Sep 24th

As a kid, I loved being feminine, and I loved in theater, ballet, singing, and art. But, my family really disliked how involved I was in the arts. Anyways, long story short, it's a familiar immigrant story - I dropped the arts for academics and athletics - and now, I am a lawyer, which, don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for my education and for my job. However, I still try to act whenever I can as a hobby, and Covid, as horrible as it is, lets me do Zoom theater and films again! Whenever I audition, I get asked to read for younger female parts (which is exactly what I want at the moment, so it's exciting for me), and when I practice for these parts, I'm so excited - this is great, this is the part of me that my younger self wanted to be, I get to live it, even for just this audition! But then the audition starts, there's this voice in my head that tells me that it's bad to act pretty or feminine, that whatever attention I get from putting on make-up and clothes is attention I don't deserve, and before I know it, I'm lowering my voice and putting on my "don't-fuck-with-my-family-I'm-a-lawyer" voice - even though the role I'm reading for, and I *so* want, is for a sixteen-year-old ballerina. It honestly makes me so sad. I rarely cry, but I cry after auditions because it feels HUMILIATING. Yes, part of it is because I can see the casting director become disappointed and I can feel that role slipping away, but also, this is the *one* space where it's an asset to play out that part of myself where I can be feminine and young and not be at a disadvantage, and I don't let myself do it. On the more objective side, too, I feel this is highly unprofessional. I'm trying to be an *actor*, for fuck's sake - what's the point if I can't *act*? **Does anyone have any similar stories and/or any advice for playing characters without judging yourself? It would be very appreciated to hear them.**

I updated my project estimating tool to help narrators find their REAL hourly rate! by halfinthebang  •  last post Sep 24th

Hello everyone- Last week I [posted]( about [](, a simple site I built to help narrators and voice actors find their WPM (words per minute) rate for different projects, and then help estimate how much we'll make from projects at specific PFH (per finished hour) rates. However, based on personal experience and reading experiences of others, I've realized that a great-sounding $80/PFH can quickly turn into a miserable $10/hour experience. This is especially true for newer narrators, or those working on difficult projects. That's why I just added a second calculator to the site ([]( that uses the same information as the basic calculator, but also your total production time, to establish a **Production Time Factor (real hours : finished hours)** to help you determine how much you'll *really* be making in traditional 'hourly rate' terms. Again, thanks for checking it out- and I hope you all find it helpful. Thanks!

Moving to LA? by amtaru  •  last post Sep 24th

Hi fellow actors! I was hoping to get some advice/insight on moving to LA. Is there ever a "right" time to move? I'm trying my best to limit my risks in making a very expensive move and failing at it. Im currently repped in Austin and NM, and I haven't even landed a co-star/guest star/ etc in the roles I've been submitted for (granted I've only sent in about 5 auditions) is it unrealistic of me to move to LA at this point? I've heard people say you'll only do well in LA if your resume is already overflowing with experience.

Feeling limited by my acting class... by EFC94  •  last post Sep 24th

I'm taking a local Film & TV acting class in the UK. The issue I have is that it's sole focus is on regional programming and soap acting, which often covers uninteresting and restrictive colloquial based dialogue. The tutors are nice people, but I'm constantly getting positive reinforcement instead of constructive criticism. I've watched others getting guided on where they can improve and then getting a "honestly really good", "great take", "not much I can say to improve that", etc. Of course there' areas I can improve. I'm definitely not Denzel or Leo yet. But bar moving to LA for a period, I have no way of working with other actors on different regions, backgrounds, accents and meatier dialogue at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions for quality online training that encapsulates top-level film dialogue and encourages accent work, how to get agents, auditions etc.?

Help! by Common_Philosophy_20  •  last post Sep 24th

I know this will sound stupid, but I’ve been thinking of applying for a MCU audition and have been thinking about contacting Sarah Finn, any tips of getting noticed? I’ve been told I’m a good actor and give a convincing performance but I also feel if I get an audition literally anywhere I’ll crumble under pressure. Any advice?

im attending a convention in a few months im hoping to meet some actors by nicholasbloom  •  last post Sep 23rd

im also hoping to meet some people that would be interesting in collabing

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Feedback by AutoModerator  •  last post Sep 23rd

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.