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Good social skills for better voice acting? by KobeKastle  •  last post Sep 29th

I feel like as a voice actor you HAVE to be really social and likable to be able to pull from your social experiences to make your performances dynamic. The thing about me is I’m an only child and grew up being bullied and outcasted so my social skills are very lackluster. My looks also get in the way of me being able to develop my social skills, though despite this I want to be able to anyways. The thing is because of my unattractiveness when I try to socialize people either ignore me, or keep the convo really short. It just hurts because voice acting means so much to me. I want to understand people psychologically so deeply and be able to connect with them but things outside of my control make it hard. Have any of you ever experienced this? If so how did you push through it and what would you recommend ?

How do you connect with casting directors? by Busybee_unbusybody  •  last post Sep 29th

So a reoccurring thing I’ve noticed many actors will say is to get your foot in the door, get in contact with casting directors. How do you even go about that? I feel like networking is so hard when you don’t have people around you in the industry.

Fellow voice actors, would you enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons on a podcast? This isn't a job, just a hobby. We'll edit all the tracks and publish the podcast for you. We're just looking for new friends who know the difference between a microphone and by Olivethecrocodile  •  last post Sep 29th

Too long didn't read summary: We enjoy playing D&D together online and publishing it as a podcast (just a hobby, doesn't earn money). We're tired of people trying to join us with a potato instead of a microphone, so we're posting this here because voice actors make the best podcast recording friends. :) Do you want to play D&D? ​ ​ Full post: ​ Would you enjoy joking around with friends on a D&D podcast? ​ Are you a friendly person with a good microphone or willing to get one, who is interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons on a podcast? You’re welcome to play with us. We’re Firebreathing Kittens: a silly, light-hearted D&D podcast. Every game session has a self contained plot with a beginning and an end, and gets released as its own episode. Our members play every other week to every other month, as often as works for their schedule. If we’re laughing together on our show, then we’re doing it right. The main idea behind Firebreathing Kittens is that it’s all about hanging out with friends. If you’ve ever been watching the anime “Fairy Tail” and thought to yourself: “I wish I had friends who supported each other like that”, well, we thought that too, so we made it happen. ​ D&D Experience: No previous Dungeons and Dragons experience is required. We do ask that you please purchase and read the 5th edition Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide. These are hardcover books published by Wizards of the Coast. The player’s handbook is about 300 pages long, but it's not written with the intention of being read in page order necessarily. Read the start of each chapter to see if your character uses those rules, rather than reading it in order of page numbers. For example chapter ten on page 200 has how to cast spells, a very basic thing all spell casting classes need to know how to do. If you’re playing a character that doesn’t cast spells, then you can skip that chapter. Use the table of contents and glossary to find the sections your character build needs. There are youtube tutorials on skills, for example Critical Role’s video “Handbooker Helper: Skills” and on how to fill out a character sheet, for example the Jocat’s video “A Crap Guide to D&D \[5th Edition\] - Character Sheet”. If you'd like, you can listen to our episodes as an example of how the game is played. You can find our Firebreathing Kittens episodes on itunes, iheartradio, spotify, podcast addict, etc podcast playing apps, on firebreathingkittenspodcast dot com, or on youtube. Listening to an actual play podcast can be a great way to learn how to play D&D. ​ Standalone Plot Format: Each week's four hour long game session of Firebreathing Kittens has a beginning and an end to its story. Because of this format, the individual adventures stand sturdily on their own. This is an “anthology” format. You don’t have to play every week to level up. Once you start playing, long term, you'll probably want to listen to the other episodes to see what your friends got up to, what the NPCs were doing, and how the overall season long story arc is developing, but jumping in and out of the campaign as your schedule allows is kind of the whole point of our setup. Each member is an adult with their own individual life, and everyone wants to have the freedom to play D&D as often as their current schedule allows, which may change. Players are welcome to play as frequently as every other week, or as infrequently as every other month. There is a big signup calendar at the top of the page we use to organize games. The group organizer posts new open spots weekly. Members comment on the calendar to join an open spot. You pick which weeks you play, and you can see who’s in the game you’re joining. ​ Long Form Story Telling: Some people have commented that they enjoy long form story telling, and are not sure how it would work with an anthology format. Never fear, you can totally do long form story telling with individual episode anthologies. For example, Bones is a TV show where each episode is a standalone mystery, but there's an overarching story in each season. We’re a bit like Bones. (Ah, well, realistically we're probably a bit more like Midsomer Murders 'cause we get a bit wacky. (I killed him for the orchid! \*screams!\*) lol.) An example of a recurring non-player character in Firebreathing Kittens could be Hans Fessenden. He first appeared in Pixie Problem as a son of rich parents working a token job but who dreamed of writing poetry. The adventurers kinda ruined his parents’ business in that adventure. He next appeared in "One Year Later", where he was trying to make it on his own as a poet but ah, his poetry sucked, and he drank a lot. The adventurers had to deal with him as a sloppy drunk. He appeared again in "Sons of Anarcrud" after cleaning up his act because his rich parents had hired the adventurers to find out if the woman he was fathering a child with really was having his kid, or if she was just using him like a cuckoo to get his family’s inheritance money while having someone else's baby. "Pixie Problem", "One Year Later", and "Sons of Anarcrud" all used Hans Fessenden, NPC. So, that’s one way there can be long form story telling even though each individual story stands alone. Recurring characters are pretty common. Examples: Chauncey the butler, Uncle Algenoth, Simmond the Kind, Enzo Aarestrup. It just kinda happens naturally when there’s a character people love and you’re all collectively storytelling together. ​ Our game calendar looks a bit like this: Level....Date.......................Members.....................................Airs ...8....Aug 1/2......DM Liam, Players Olivia, Noah, Emma....Sep1 ...8....Aug 8/9......DM Mason, Players Ben, Jada, Elijah........Sep 8 ...9....Aug15/16 ...DM Emma, Players Tyrone, Lily, Mason...Sep 15 ...9.....Aug 22/23...DM Olivia, Players Liam, Noah, Ava.......Sep 22 ...9.....Aug 29/30...DM Tyrone, Players Open, Open, Open...Sep 30 ​ The week before each game, we make a poll for the three players and the DM. The poll says: * Weds 6:30-10:30 pm ET (ET is New York City time zone) * Thurs 6:30-10:30 pm ET * Fri 6-10 pm ET * Fri 8 pm-midnight ET * Sat 10 am-2 pm ET * Sat noon-4 pm ET * Sat 2-6 pm ET * Sat 4-8 pm ET * Sat 6-10 pm ET * Sat 8 pm-midnight ET * Sun 10 am-2 pm ET * Sun noon-4 pm ET * Sun 2-6 pm ET * Sun 4-8 pm ET * Sun 6-10 pm ET A week before the game, the four people who signed up on the calendar are asked to click yes on every time on the poll that they are available. If you would be available for at least six of those times then it should work out. ​ Playing vs DMing: If you're never interested in DMing ever then this might not be the right group for you, but if you'd be okay with DMing at least once every five months then that would be great. You don’t to have any experience having been a dungeon master in the past; this is a good setup to practice and learn DMing. We like to rotate who DMs so that a diversity of thoughts and ideas and voices are represented. Our DM rotation calendar looks a bit like this: .............January...February....March...April week 1......DM2....DM5 ......DM8......DM11 week 2......DM3....DM6 .....DM9......DM12 week 3.....DM4.....DM7…...DM10....DM13 week 4.....DM1......DM1......DM1.......DM1 Character Level Progression: We like to do one year, one season. The characters start out at level 1 in January and finish December at level 20, having spent approximately three weeks at each level. That means that, going by the air dates of the episodes (which is about a month after we record them), characters are approximately: Month…….....Level January….….…1-2 February…...….2-3 March……..…..3-5 April……....…..5-6 May………........6-7 June………..…..8-9 July…………...9-10 August…..…..11-12 September…..13-14 October……..14-16 November…..16-18 December…...19-20 The week determines the level of the characters playing in that game. You’ll be able to grow and develop your character through a full progression from level 1 to level 20 in one year. One year, one season. At the end in December, each player is welcome to record an epilogue for their character. Neither gold nor items carry over to the next season. You can retire your character fat and wealthy at level 20 in their mansion, retire them with a happy family, a business venture, or whatever epilogue you write. Or you can throw it all away and reset them to level 1. We had a player who wrote a wonderful epilogue for their character where they broke their pact with their patron and lost all warlock levels. You can listen to their story, it’s in the episode called Season 2020 Epilogues, and it was really well written. The player then started the character off at level 1 as a wizard, learning magic the legitimate way through hard work and study rather than being gifted the powers. So, you can either retire or reset your character at the end of a season; it’s your choice. ​ Here are some things you'll need to play D&D with us: * 5th edition player's handbook and dungeon master’s guide * the free program skype * the free program audacity and a willingness in being trained to use it * an external microphone (if you don't yet own one, ask us about some suggestions for good models. The recommended minimum microphone is a Focusrite Scarlett Solo audio interface, an XLR cable, and a Behringer Ultravoice XM8500, which all together cost a hundred and fifty US dollars from Sweetwater or Amazon). Even better microphones are wonderful and are appreciated. Headset microphones are below our minimum play requirements. * an arm style microphone stand * closed back over the ear headphones that do not noise cancel because noise canceling produces sounds the microphone can detect. ​ Improvisational Comedy (Improv): Here are a few quick under five minute videos on the improv technique called “yes, and”. 1. youtube dot com/watch?v=Qe2a3ppacUk 2. youtube dot com/watch?v=DphjhudlZis 3. youtube dot com/watch?v=NmafmRIeet0 An example of a less than ideal “yes, and”: Person 1: We are going to the zoo. Person 2: Yes, and the mall. Person 3: Yes, and the bank. An example of a good “yes, and”: Person 1: We are going to the zoo. Person 2: Yes, and we see a hippo. Person 3: Yes, and the hippo uses its tail to fling its poop everywhere. The difference between the bad and the good "yes, and" is that in the bad example, it didn’t really matter what Person 1 and Person 2 said. Person 3 didn’t really hear them. In the good “yes, and”, Person 2 and Person 3 were each listening to what came before them, which allowed them to build off of that and create a (somewhat ridiculous, but that’s how it goes sometimes) story, each person making every other person feel heard and validating them. Listening to the person who spoke before you and using what they said makes them feel like they mattered. ​ Accents: We welcome all accents on our podcast. A diversity of voices is actually a really great thing for podcasts because it helps listeners easily hear the difference between who's speaking. Feel confident that we will like your voice. ​ Duration: We see each other as lifelong friends. One of the best parts about playing D&D online is that even if you move geographically, wherever you move to you’ll have some friends who you’re looking forward to seeing again and who are looking forward to hanging out with you :) ​ How to Join: 1. Be at least 18 years old. Listen to a few episodes so we know you understand the format. There is a great diversity in what the stories are like. You'll see. Example episodes that each have a different DM: A Pirate's Life, The Final Replay & Of Wedding Cakes and Giant Spiders (a rare two parter), Missives From A Corpse, How To Construct a Siege, Self Maid Man, Puzzles and Pickpockets, etc. Hopefully there will be a few individuals amongst those groups who you would enjoy playing or DMing with :) In general it’s encouraged that you catch up on the current season that you’ll be joining since that’s the overarching story you’ll be playing in and the new friends who you’ll be playing with. But if that’s too much to listen to then don’t stress about it. Once you listen to a few episodes, you’ll understand the format and the types of variation you’ll encounter from one game to another. We’ll be welcoming new members next week, next month, and next year, so there’s no rush. 2. Send us an email at firebreathingkittenspodcast at gmail dot com asking to join. Tell us about your equipment: what microphone model you own (or asking for microphone model suggestions), and that you own closed back over the ear headphones and an arm style microphone stand. Also, tell us what you thought of your fellow players and DMs in the episodes you listened to. Lastly, let us know if you’ve played and DM’d 5th edition D&D before, and if you’ve got any improv and podcasting experience (no experience is required to join; this is just so that we know what supplemental info to send you to teach you about things). We reply to every new member request, so if you don’t see a response email in three days then we haven’t gotten an email from you. 3. We’ll reply back with the standard support agreement our lawyers ask us to have everyone sign. You know lawyers; they always want the agreements settled first before we play, not after. Take it to a legal witness (most banks have a ‘notary’ or signature witnessing service for members for free) and sign it in front of the witnesses, then scan and send it back to us. ​ Support Agreement: There is a support agreement to sign because some of our members are authors and webcomic artists it made sense to have a system in place where people could express themselves creatively with novels, audiobooks, and webtoons based on the D&D adventures they loved. We have several real books actively for sale on amazon people can buy that were based on our adventures. There's a chance the D&D session you play in could become a t-shirt, book, audiobook, comic, etc. When for example a book is published based upon an episode, the support agreement says that the people who DM’d the episode, played in that episode, wrote the book, designed the book cover, etc are the ones who get a share of the royalties from the book’s sales. Anyone who wasn’t in that episode and didn’t contribute to the book isn’t due any of the book’s royalties. Being in episode 15 doesn’t entitle you to royalties from a book based upon episode 89. This is just a hobby, not a job; we don't earn any money from this it's just better to have a support agreement than to wish later that you'd had a support agreement.

Recommendations for Online Advanced Acting Classes in Atlanta? by nacho__mama  •  last post Sep 29th

I'm 6 hours away in a smaller market but hoping to connect with Atlanta actors and filmmakers and figure this is a good way to network. A few years ago I directed a short film with actors I brought in from Atlanta. Would like to do this again and find a better agent for myself as an actor. Specifically looking for classes about self-taping, acting on camera.

How far can/will producers go to get the most authentic acting from their actors? by FlamingOrange  •  last post Sep 28th

I don't know if this is the right sub to ask this question in particular but I wonder, let's say for example that there is a scene where the actors are in a very cold blizzard. Would it be smart on the director to film them in the actual cold? Maybe not like, genuine below freezing weather but, just something cold enough to really get the actors to genuinely feel cold. Would this sell the scene more or take away from the scene if the actors feel too cold to act correctly? Another thing, I thought of this while watching interstellar. In interstellar, they travel to a planet with high gravity. Would it add to the scene if the actors had weighted suits or weights on their backs inside the space suit to really make them feel like they're on a planet with higher gravity, hence making it look more realistic when they're genuinely panting from just walking around and struggling to keep up with the added weight from higher gravity? or would it take away from the scene due to it making the actors harder to genuinely act well? do most producers do that or do they just do CGI? and if so, is it because it makes it harder to act, or because it's just too much money, or both?

Recommendations for Online Advanced Acting Classes in NC Adults only? by nacho__mama  •  last post Sep 28th

Has anyone taken the [Master Classes at the Actors Lab with Pat Dortch]( in Charlotte? Not finding anything else that's online closer than Atlanta or NYC. Thought I'd take a local class in effort to meet people in my area.

How badly did I screw up? by 1tacoshort  •  last post Sep 28th

I'm just breaking into being a background actor. I got a really good job and they asked for a recent picture. I'd just taken my head shots a couple weeks earlier; I told them this and sent a copy of my head shot. I know, now, that this was stupid and, yeah, they fired me. I'm wondering whether a) this will hurt my chances of working with that casting company, again and b) is this going to affect anything beyond this casting company? I'm new, I'm nervous, and I'm pretty worried.

Got my hopes up (venting ) by quickbell91  •  last post Sep 28th

I was a actor when I was younger in LA. Mostly booked commercials, print and a few co stars/guest stars. Shortly gave up when I turned 21 after a dry spell with and parents pressuring me to go to school. So I went to school and worked corporate. Did the whole 40-50hrs a week for years and finally got a break with the pandemic. Starting working from home and realized I couod get all my work done within 2-3hrs. In the midst of the pandemic, I finally was able to enjoy life again. My friend recently became an agent at a well known agency and said he saw a bunch of breakdowns that matched me. He would start submitting me for fun and I did a few self tape auditions for funsies. This has been happening for a few weeks with not much action besides good feedback from CD. Until this last audition... It was for a netflix show with a HUGE fan base for a series regular role. Being in the industry, I knew I probably wouldnt even stand a chance. Shows like this normally will not "chance" hiring an actor without extensive credits. On top of that, it asked for a dialect that was outside of what Im comfortable with. In the midst of this, I was also on vacation with my family. I was just about to call my friend to pass on it when something stop me. My inner voice said "dont make excuses, just tape it and send it off" the lighting was atrocious. Dialect was totally off. Also was filmed on a iphone in my hotel bathroom. Im truly surprise my friend even submitted it to casting it was that bad. 2 days later I get a call that I'm pinned for the part and they loved me...this was hands down my worst audition acting wise (IMHO) and self tape quality. They asked me to tape again for showrunners and the network when I came back into town. This time, I hired a dialect coach ($200/hr) and went to a professional taping studio. The final product blew me away. You know how you are your worst critic? I saw my taping and thought, DAMN... you are a serious contender. This was a life changing role. We're talking harry potter/twilight status with outrageous fan base for my character specifically. At this point, i still didnt get my hopes up. I told myself you are FAR from getting it. Weeks go by...No news is good news my agent friend says. Then casting ask for my measurements, skills and ethnic background. Also to ensure I'm free conflict wise for the set filming dates. Everyday, I tell myself not to get my hopes up but at this point I couldnt hold back. And then.....i got a call early Monday morning from my agent friend. In a seldom voice, he let me know that casting had unpinned me from the project due to not being able to match physically with other family characters. Even at the very end, you can not book something and it can be out of your control. All you can do is practice your craft, give your best and forgot about it. This industry is a roller coaster. You can take a 8+ years hiatus and be top 2-3 contender for a mutimillion dollar project over night. Id love to tell you I booked it...but life doesnt always work that way. This experience in itself was so satisfying. It let me know, i can still follow my dreams. And one day... it can happen in a drop of a hat. Just like that! ;) Thank you for reading ❤

Headshot question by whaleforce9  •  last post Sep 28th

Hey everyone, I’m going to get my first headshots done and join actors access. I recently went to a workshop and it was recommended to get three different looks for headshots. These will be my first headshots, so I was wondering if I really should get 3 different looks, or if 1 or 2 is good enough for starting out.

Ballpark of the best area to live for Acting classes in Los Angeles. by EFC94  •  last post Sep 28th

I know to this day that LA remains the greatest location for film & television coaching and networking. With that in mind, I'm looking to move over for 3-6 months from next spring. Does anyone have experience living near a high collection of quality classes to audit and grow their professional network? I know there's acting classes everywhere but considering the size of the city, I'm wondering if there is one area it's recommended to get a place if you're a training/early working actor?

Are celebrity impression or character imitations necessary/look good on a VA reel? by AlanTheMexican  •  last post Sep 28th

I've put off becoming a professional VA for far too long, I love the art, I've taken acting classes, bla bla you dont need the life story but basically I want to start doing my VA Reel. I've heard that having basic performances like: "old man" or "Crazy man" are really good, as well as showing the range of your voice, but where do we fall on impressions or imitating previously established voices? I know that in the VA business is sacrilege to take an actor's character without asking first but is it allowed to play the character on the reel? Will employers hear that and ACTUALLY consider you? Or look the other way?

Having doubts as an actor. by Smilingtribute  •  last post Sep 28th

hello everyone! just thought I’ll post what I’m feeling right now. I’m a 22 year old, male. living in Scotland. I’ve been doing drama since I was ten years old. I love it. I studied it in high school and went to college for four years to study acting & performance (which was mostly practical) I loved it. I even won an award from my college for being the best classmate in my year. I worked so hard. however when I applied to unis and drama school. I got rejected from all of the practical courses. Even the drama school that I’ve done a few courses with. The only course I got on was a theory-based performance course which I do like but we only get to do a bit of practical stuff in the last semester. We don’t do any plays at uni, which I miss doing. They used to do a musical for the final year but they stopped due to COVID. However. It might start again next year for my final year. I started uni this month but I am enjoying the course despite it being mostly theory. I could have applied to another college who does a BA in Acting but I got rejected from them, a few years ago in a lower-level course. I’ve improved since then but I regret not applying for them. We have no agent showcase at my uni. However, I feel like the reason why that I got rejected from many places is that I have a speech impediment due to my disability of dyspraxia. I sometimes stumble my words. I sometimes tend to say my r’s as w’s. I didn’t realise this till a drama school pointed out to me that I had this. My parents never told me before. They recommend I use a bone prop which I used a lot. They gave me fantastic monologues to use and they gave me good feedback (I did a training course with them) my college also loved them but I still got rejected from most places. My speech has improved a lot since college. I just have problems with my diction sometimes. I’ve been attending a local young theatre group where we get to work with people in the industry (my college got me into it) which I love doing as it’s all practical. It’s given me a few professional credits and stuff for my showreel. I also attend a local musical theatre group in my spare time out of uni. I am not the best singer (I can keep a tune) but I can dance & act. I’ve been told I am a great actor by someone who attended a famous drama school in my area as she described my acting as truthful. My lecturers and classmates said I was good too. I am often typecast as a comedic actor and I can get younger roles as I look about sixteen to eighteen. I’m just having doubts that if I should just throw it away. I have a stable retail weekend job that keeps me going but I feel like many places and jobs will reject me because I have something that I can’t control sometimes. edit; I’ve also did Playwright, Flim & Poetry workshops during lockdown and got told I was good at that too. I’ve also did a few short films with minor parts.

How to relax in front of certain people? by nnylhsae  •  last post Sep 28th

I have taken acting classes before and done fine. I've done audition workshop things and done fine. I've practiced one-on-one with instructors and done fine. Now I'm needing to do a self-tape with my mom as a reader, and I'm no longer fine. I think the problem is that she severely judged me when I first told her I wanted to be an actress, and now I can't bring myself to simply be comfortable talking about it around her, much less act and record a self-tape. I'm very tense, I talk too fast, and I look so fake. I just don't know how to calm myself down internally. Any tips?

Actor interview by Dragons_and_Deba  •  last post Sep 27th

I am doing an English project where we have to interview someone in a discourse community. I have chosen acting and would like to interview someone with experience acting. Thank you.

What can I do Meisner-related at home? by Movie-Connoisseur  •  last post Sep 27th

Hi. Currently I’m taking a Meisner acting class every week. What we do is start with a repetition exercise for about 30 minutes and then Improv for 30 minutes. I’m really enjoying the class and feel extremely motivated. I feel bad for my scene partner each class because I feel like a waste of time to them with my very little experience. I’m not that good but still feel really motivated. I would really love to improve and become the best actor I can be. Is there anything I can do at home to help the process? I’m reading Meisner On Acting and I’m trying to watch his classes on YouTube, is there anything else I can do? Thank you!

If I ask a voice actor to read the alphabet, I can cut it together to spell out any word. But how do I make it sound natural? by pengo  •  last post Sep 27th how a human might spell out their name on the phone. How many takes do I need? What do I ask of the performances? How long should they pause between letters? Do I need different recordings for first, second and third letters in a word or... what? Is there a word for this kind of thing that I can google? (e.g. for splicing together short clips to sound somewhat natural, like in satnav) It's for an indie game. Also would like to do both English alphabet and Nato (alfa, bravo, charlie...), possibly with a number of voice actors. Naturalistic is important for both realism (radio comms) and to lessen the player's cognitive load while they focus on more important challenges.

Getting frustrated with my agent by Snoo-8814  •  last post Sep 27th

I don't have a lot of experience as an actress but I've been studying for a while and after almost two years I got an agent who supposedly manages a lot of actors who've landed major roles, and some of them I've actually seen in movies and TV series. It's been 8 months since he started managing my (non-existent) career but so far I haven't received any auditions for any role. I know things got super complicated due to Covid and he always tells me that now things are getting back to normal but at the same time I see other colleagues that he manages as well already working and I can't help but compare myself to them – I know I shouldn't, but easier said than done. When I ask if I could do something to improve my chances, he insist that my profile and videos and photos are all adequate and there is nothing wrong with me. I've asked him a few times about auditions over the past few months, and I'm getting kinda embarrassed to ask again. I feel like I'm not even close to getting anything. By the way, the last time I spoke to his assistant I was very upset because one of his justifications for why I'm not getting auditions is my lack of "good energy work/spirit/whatever the fuck he was talking about" so I can attract good things from the universe and then get an audition. Due to my lack of experience it is difficult to get another agent. I feel trapped. And I think these people find it easier to say I'm being anxious just because I'm new to all of this than to admit they're being assholes. Does that makes sense? Should I ask him one more time about auditions? Advice is welcome.

Scenes From a Marriage and I May Destroy You by youngcacky  •  last post Sep 27th

If you want a look at in-depth analysis of character study for two person scene work, watch Scenes From a Marriage on HBO. Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac are incredible. Also, shoutout to I May Destroy You- Michaela Coel and all of the actors in this show turn in amazing performances. Please, a little less of the agent questions and more of a call to greatness for this beautiful, intricate craft. Go watch these shows. What’s behind the eyes?

Can a young aspiring actor pursue this industry without playing the social media game? by Equivalent-Aerie7188  •  last post Sep 27th

I love acting I really do but I loathe Tikktok and all that bs. What do you guys think?