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We have found 19,375 posts across 4 actor forums:

What are the steps for becoming an actor? by Spacealienthrowaways  •  last post Dec 23rd

The To Do List. e.g. get photos taken (how often)?, set up a website? etc.

UK Competitiveness by Clarinetist123  •  last post Dec 23rd

This topic has been floating in my head for a long time and it might seem a little ignorant I suppose. I've been wondering what the film/TV acting scene is like in the UK (more targeted towards England/Scotland). Is it as competitive there for actors to get roles as it is in the United States (and therefore easier to get recognition)? I always think of famous actors/actresses who started in the United Kingdom and transitioned to the United States for movies, like Karen Gillan going from Doctor Who to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Any actors in NYC looking to build a reel by ClarifyingOxybelis  •  last post Dec 23rd

I used to audition and study acting the in LA years ago, and took a bit of a hiatus. After years of working in other industries I couldn’t escape the fact that my passion was making films. I realized that my strengths lie behind the camera. Instead of going to film school, I bought a bunch of equipment, and started teaching myself filmmaking from the ground up. I had a couple of shorts I was going to film and produce this yea. But, you know, 2020. Need to wait until we get out of this. BUT! I was thinking if any actors on here had something they wrote and want filmed in one location (e.g. monologue, etc) let me know and maybe we could hone our crafts. No $$ just artists working together.

being asian in the acting industry by drizzle_pop  •  last post Dec 23rd

are asians treated any differently when it comes to the western entertainment industry? i've noticed that most big stars who are asian are usually half american. is the lack of asian actors coming from the fact asians don't pursue jobs there or beacuse they are less likely to be hired? im a fully chinese person, born and raised in singapore. I know there's the chinese side of the entertainment business but i have no interest in going into that direction (i cant really speak chinese). i know things are getting more and more inclusive, but im worried my race might be a problem. Is my race something i should be concerned about when delving into acting?

How exactly do agents find their actor clients auditions? Are the breakdowns on Actors Access the only auditions agents see, or do actors just not see all auditions? by theatrewga  •  last post Dec 22nd

I recently got an agent for film and TV, and I created an AA account. Maybe it’s because I’m not white and it’s the pandemic, but there are so few non-extra and union jobs. Is what I’m seeing on the public breakdowns on AA everything that my agents see roughly? Or do agents have access to more breakdowns and auditions via Breakdowns Services that actors can’t see.

Lebanese aspiring actress on moving to LA by angeliclovexox  •  last post Dec 22nd

Hello! I have a question that has been on my mind ever since I officially took the decision to become an actress once I graduate from university which is in two years but might take longer after I continue pursuing my postgraduate degree. How do people in hollywood feel regarding Arabs and, to be specific, Lebanese? I'm aware that many actors and actresses have Lebanese roots but I've never seen an actual Lebanese actor/actress moving to LA to act or acting in a movie. I've seen many offending jokes on beirut said in shows. Due to the circumstances in my country, I'm not planning on living here and, to be frank, our productions need a lot of work and actors/actresses aren't appreciated due to their hard work (mostly female models turn into actresses and there are only A list actors/ actresses who have been leading characters for years) And people here mostly watch on Netflix. I have an American accent and I don't look like Arab, but yet, I'm aware there will be discrimination and hatred, but I need to know if moving to LA will be worth it or not. And what are the roles that I might be able to play?

Lesly Khan V.S Taylor Acting Studio? by frizzyspinach  •  last post Dec 22nd

Hello! I am a beginner actor here trying to enroll in my first acting classes to get a good grip of the HOW TO. I have been scouring the internet for days, looking for zoom classes that will be right for me as a beginner. I found both Lesly Khan and Taylor Acting studio, both of which have good reviews.... I was wondering if anyone has taken the Zoom Acting Essentials with Lesly Khan (for beginners) or the Traditional Meisner class with the Taylor Acting Studio? Any insight on if these classes are right for newcomers like me and which one I should begin with? Thank you so much for your input! :)

Questions about names/“stage names” by myohmadi  •  last post Dec 22nd

This is random, but I know that people say to look your name up on IMDB to see if there are any actors under your name due to SAG regulations and what not. Theres one with 0 credits or photos, so I figure that won’t really be an issue, but there is also weirdly an actress from the 1910’s with my name with 3 credits. She doesn’t seem to be famous or anything, but do you think that would be an issue? I just figure if I am going to have to change the spelling of my name or something I’d want to do it sooner rather than later.

Do actors stop using Actors Access when they become somewhat known and are with the Big Four? by theatrewga  •  last post Dec 22nd

So for example, Karl Glusman. Here’s his AA page: It’s interesting because it hasn’t been updated in a while. There are none of his credits from this year. I’ve noticed a pattern where I can easily find the Actors Access pages for unknown actors. But I can’t for higher profile actors. I don’t necessarily mean like A-listers. But like actors like Laura Harrier, David Corenswet, and Jayme Lawson. Do these actors just like not use AA? How do they get their roles when not everyone knows them?

If you are an atheist, what do you do if you are playing a religious character? by foxofthestorybooks  •  last post Dec 22nd

For any religious people on here, these are just my beliefs and please don't take it personally. I don't fault anyone for their separate beliefs, so long as they aren't hurting anyone. I don't believe in God, nor do I believe any kind higher being besides space and evolution. I don't believe in an afterlife, and that we should be good people out of compassion and empathy. Not in order to get into someone's good graces. But I've found myself playing a few characters with whom religion is a major part of how they view the world. I've done my best with those parts and I'm not saying I've done a "bad job," but I still always feel like there's something missing. And if I could just find a way of relating to that "spiritual aspect" of them than it would help me give a more well rounded performance. Do any other actors relate to this? And if so, have found some way of filling in the blanks? Cause I am seriously wondering about this.

I can only sign up for one casting account - which should I do? by confusedteenager16  •  last post Dec 22nd

Actors access, backstage, casting frontier, casting networks, which one is worth my money the most?

Just Moved to NYC- looking for acting classes. by sarahbrackett  •  last post Dec 22nd

Hi! This is my first time posting on Reddit. Yay! My husband I just moved to NYC in the beginning of October to pursue acting. We both met in a BFA Musical Theatre program. Our main pursuit is stage acting; however, film is definitely an interest. We just don’t have a ton of experience in film. We both have worked professionally regionally. We are not union or anything yet though. I’m doing my own research on acting classes online; however, I want to hear from NYC actors. What studios do you suggest? I’m open to anything; however, I’ll list some of my more immediate interests. I’m interested in audition classes, Meisner classes, and musical theatre geared classes. Money is not a factor at the moment. I understand that Covid is obviously in full gear, and in-person acting classes aren’t available; however, hopefully they will be again sometime next year, so I’m trying to do the research now. Thanks in advance for the feedback! :) Let me know if you need any more info on what I’m looking for! Thanks!

Real name vs stage name when applying to agencies? by PiratesAndPotatoes  •  last post Dec 22nd

I'm a 17f aspiring actress. Due to covid, I won't actually begin searching for open casting calls or auditions until likely spring or summer, but I'm curious about this as I was looking at a couple of agencies that are fairly close to where I live. On the application forms, there was of course a field each for first and last names. I'm wondering, when the time comes to begin applying to agencies, if there is only one first name field and not a field for a preferred or stage name, what should go into the first name field? Legal name or preferred/stage name? Thank you!

Is cast it talent a reputable site? by theatre_browser  •  last post Dec 22nd

Ok so I’ve been really concerned about this for a while and there are conflicting reviews online. Is castittalent a scam? I’m not asking if it’s good (I know it’s super bad and not user friendly) but is it actually legit in terms of privacy and real ppl? I know that some actors have used it but it seems kinda sketchy. If anyone could let me know that would be so amazing!

Acting coaches and dialect coaches for uk actors? by LGGawd  •  last post Dec 21st

Hi guys. In preparation for pilot season I wanted to bone up on my general american accent and also just overall technique. Thought this would make a helpful thread for other uk actors too? Please feel free to drop your recommendations down below.

What can I get my brother for Christmas? by FearAzrael  •  last post Dec 21st

My brother wants to be a voice actor, has a demo, has been picked up by an agency, but isn't getting many gigs. He has some work under his belt and is working with a game company but isn't sure that the project will go through. I want to get him a gift that would have value itself while also helping him career wise. I think he is fine on the equipment front but I wouldn't really know, any ideas?

Cillian Murphy is nothing like i expected in real life. by nomoreusernam  •  last post Dec 21st

Almost done with peaky blinders and i must say Cillian Murphy’s portrayal of Thomas Shelby was amazing. I went from not even knowing who he was to being a huge fan instantly when i watched some interviews. He is so calm and soft spoken it made me appreciate how good of an actor he is. I know i’m late to the party but my mans needs some respect i feel like he’s never talked anout.