It’s so rare for me to see any actors not in either category. Yet so many on this sub say to not go to college. Why?
Was wondering whether there are any young(15-19) actors London/UK based. !not for a specific project! As an aspiring actress myself, I find it quite hard to find people to talk to about my goals/dreams (acting wise), and I was just looking for someone to have a chat about their current situation and their plans for the future... (for example about summer courses, drama schools, etc.) Hopefully this is the right place to post this :)
If an actor is brand new in the industry and has zero connections, how do they find not just screenings and festivals but also the parties? A lot of actors have met acting managers, agents and directors at parties, so I guess that’s where the opportunities could be at. Are there any parties that happen often in LA and even a nobody a could attend?
Hi all. I’ve got no professional experience, only taking classes for now until I feel ready to start auditioning. I am very passionate about all forms of acting, but I have a special place in my heart for film. I plan to start with local theatre, because there are six great ones within an hour of me. Later on, I want to join actors access and imdbpro. But I don’t know when I should. Is there a general criteria, like a certain amount of productions you should have under your belt, should you have an agent, etc?
Do you know any subreddit, facebook group or other social networks, or maybe tiktok tag where amaterus actors, show off their acting skill with some monologue or something?
Hi, I’m a little 20 year old with average social skills, average acting skills, average talking skills, somewhat ok confidence. Honestly I would love to become an actor. So, Could a thing like masterclass be worth investing my money in and would it make my acting skills improve? How could one improve on all things needed to be a good actor and be able to have the confidence to act in the spot light?
I have a friend who’s already decently established and I saw her actors access page and she has multiple headshots and slateshots. I know it’s good for versatility reasons, but I also know some people with only a few. Currently I’m paying for plus but only have the two free and one free slateshot. The second free one is just a different angle of the 1st but I plan on replacing it. I guess what I’m asking is should I have a main headshot for general stuff and how many others for options of looks and feels?
I'm currently reading a book about the business of acting and came across some advice on resumes I'm not so sure about. The author mentioned including "sample work stills" on your resume. These are small photos of you acting as different types of characters in different productions, to be placed on the right-hand margin. Their logic is it'll convey to casting directors that you're a working actor (won't your credits already do that?) and you're versatile and have range. I've never had this recommended before and never seen it, personally. I hate cluttered-looking resumes and I don't feel added photos will give it that clean, simple look I like. What do you guys think? Have you come across this sort of thing before, and do you think this'll put you in better light in the eyes of a casting director?
I've been training for stunts for about half of the year so I have no real experience of doing stunts on set yet but I'd like to connect with other aspiring and/or already experienced stunt actors within the LA area to possibly train with (safely of course) and network :)
Pretty obvious you’d think... There’s a female in my local market that is becoming very well known for all the wrong reasons. Her posting history on Facebook to all the local market acting pages or filmmaking pages is a wreck. It’s a mix of several things but mostly either, “how dare anyone ask people to work for free in this group!” Followed up a few weeks later with, “Hey guys! I have a passion project I’d like to get off the ground! If you’re available for volunteer work hit me up! I need you for 7 hours on Wednesday through Friday!”. If it’s not one of those posts it’s drama posts about lawsuits she has going on or wants because someone “stole” her idea, or how she needs someone to help her sue someone else. She’s also an actress, producer, director, writer, singer, songwriter, script supervisor, assistant Editor, editor, colorist. ...I’m not joking. That’s on her Facebook in her about me. So far though she has 2 IMDb credits and she’s constantly asking for help with any of these roles as she fails to do any of it herself. This post isn’t trying to knock her. It’s just a hopeful tip to everyone to not make your life complicated online like that, because people start to look a different way. This person posted again today a long 6 paragraph post about someone going behind her back for her script and only putting her name on it. As it turns out, I’m a friend of the director and writer she’s working with. We don’t know exactly who she’s talking about, but after messaging my friend (the director/writer) she doesn’t want anything to do with her in fear that she will be the next on the list. Don’t do this to yourself.
ALRIGHT this is quite the read, but here's my predicament everyone (and I sincerely thank you in advance for any input/advice you provide). I'm an aspiring actor (african american male, 23) looking for a specific role to audition for and I have reason to believe they are either casting now or VERY VERY SOON. I unfortunately have no representation, experience, trainings, or anything to put on an acting resume (but I'm passionately working on it in all areas). And of course I have been searching very hard for talent agencies, but the pandemic has made things seamingly impossible. So, I've been communicating with my theatre professor who I met once last year and he was very passionate on giving me general acting advice. Fast forward now and I have dipped my feet in acting opportunities on my campus but I want to get official representation for my dream role. That same theatre professor has worked on a short film in 2014 and I want to be connected with the director. This director happens to be represented by the Paradigm Talent Agency and then plan js to see if I could get a referral by this director or his talent agent to Paradigm. How should I approach this, despite the theatre professor not knowing me too well and me REALLY wanting to see if the director could hook me up with a referral of some sorts. Again, I have no experience but as cocky and confident as I am, I believe I have enough natural talent to not only pull off impressing them with a demo reel but to land my dream role too (in Marvel Studios). As much you may think this is quite the pipedream, I know I have all the odds stacked against me to pursue this, but it's better than giving up and you never know. This is kinda tangential, but I've always had a knack for pranking classmates and teachers in Elementary school by my overreactions of pretending to get hurt or to cry on queue, with all of them saying how I should be an actor. Raw untapped potential that I wish I explored more when I was younger (now a college Senior doing Pre-Med), but here I am realizing this may very well be my calling. So please let me know how I should approach this and I would be indebted to you if you could please connect me with someone you know that has representation or to refer me to a talent agent or even an actor union ASAP (heard now is the best time since agents are less booked during the holidays). Thanks again!
Is it just me or did a lot of the successful well know actors not take much acting classes or major in drama or MT. Some people like Kevin hart, Tom cruise, Dwayne Johnson...etc
Hey actors! I am currently thinking of switching agents and was thinking of applying here along with others. I heard mixed reception. A friend of mine said the agents had a big attitude and kept telling him to lose weight and would get very critical. Another told me they were very aggressive but not in a healthy power dynamic. Anybody have experiences? I don’t care if they represent big name actors, I am concerned more so the type of relationship you had with them since I am leaving my current agent who is a big name but awful to deal with. She has a “you work for me, I don’t work for you attitude” and gets passive aggressive when I don’t book an audition lol
Hello, so recently I had auditioned for this movie and a couple days later they sent a eco cast out wanting some tapes from me. So i had a couple questions. Do the casting directors just send eco cast out to anyone who auditions or do they go through and pick out certain people. Also when do you think they would watch my tape and reply if they wanted me back? I was just very curious so hopefully some of yall could be helpful <3
So, I’m tryna get off social. Clear my head and I never really cared about followers or what people are doing so much. But in this day and age I keep seeing that you have to advertise yourself on social media, Instagram I can understand, but tik tok? Seems tik tok is just a quick way to get famous for just dancing and uploading corny videos, which of I have zero interest in. I’m old school. Get my hesdshots, demo, talk to people and network in person etc etc. I mean, I don’t want to miss out on an casting just because my follower count is below a hundred, there’s a lot of talent who don’t have a huge following and I’m afraid this industry is sooner or later going to turn in to a popularity contest as who is going to get cast. What happened with the good old days where there was some sense of mystery around our favorite actors? Anyone else feels this way?
Hi I am 15 years old and I really want to guest star on Bobs Burgers and Cyberchase? But what do I do? Do I need to do a variety of voices? Someone please help me!
This is driving me mad. Its a 4 letter Acronym and its for people who are in the film industry that are under contract and legaly not able to talk about the work they are doing at the moment.
What's up fellow Actors! I'm pretty new to the acting scene & am ineligible to even apply for SAG-AFTRA membership but I'm curious to know how you members' experiences have been with the union? I ask for a few reasons and mainly the #1 golden rule. I've not yet been cast in any professional TV/Film serious or movie so I'm not even sure if most professional sets are union. Are they? I've been doing some research on the union and have also been reading that just because you are SAG-AFTRA doesn't mean you have a better shot of landing a union job. You can also be a non-member. Sure you have benefits as far as retirement, medical, etc. but is that the main thing to look forward to when being eligible to become a member? Aside from that I don't see much benefit to being in the union. You have to pay a HEFTY initiation fee and then pay semi-annual dues, on top of never being able to be cast in any non-union film. As far as small productions that I've submitted to I always see the status being NON-UNION and of course the only real way to see casting calls for big projects are through an agent so I have yet to see what those generally look like "UNION or NON-UNION". So aside from it just offering you more "job like" benefits and being able to say that you are SAG-AFTRA, what's the point? Have any of you gone union and hated it? Can you back out and become a "non-member" again? Also I'd love to hear from any of you who are union and love it! Why? What am I missing here? Thanks for any helpful feedback guys!
As an Asian America looking to be come a successful actor, I have realized just how under represented my race is in the industry. Lead roles predominantly go to white or colored actors. It is kinda of weird for me to see only 3 real Asian American actors that have received big roles I just thought it would be nice what other people think of this and why people think Asian Americans actors don’t always get lead roles compared to people of other races.