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Best acting schools that are not universities by leavemeinpeace10  •  last post Oct 8th

In 2 years, I’m going to move out of my family’s house and most likely be disowned. I have some choices to make before them however, so I’ve been doing research. Since I’ll be needing a job, when i graduate high school I’ll probably have worked as a journalist, PA, and TRIED to be an actor where I live (Not a big acting place). I believe that I learn things when I study them myself. That’s why I like to write scripts and produce movies in my free time and I’d like them to be apart of my career. But at the same time, I really think more extensive training will suit me more. But college in the US is extremely expensive, especially if I don’t have my parents money to fall back on and I don’t think I want to waste four years training when I could be out there getting work. And someone please correct me if I’m wrong about anything, but I heard that experience beats out training. I would like to find a good actors’ studio that’s not a university. Because if I’m not going for prestige in a university to use it as a tactic to wow casting directors, I should probably be gettjng work WHILE training (probably forever because you’re NEVER done training). So any reputable acting studios/schools anyone? (To clarify I just want something that’s less than four years and doesn’t cost as much as uni)

An Ode to Al Bernstein ConfettiHeads' The Callback class by American_Assface  •  last post Oct 8th

DISCLAIMER: I've never worked with Al or ConfettiHeads prior to this class and signed up purely to try to find out if this would be worth any of your time. I said I would post a review once I took the class - well, it's been a few days since Monday when I finished it and I wanted to make sure I gave my honest review. /u/Little_Remote_8569 has been criticized for posting almost strictly about the new company ConfettiHeads (and yes the posts are still happening - fam chill out with the self promotion) but I took on the 2hr for $30 class taught by Al Bernstein and I will say I was pleasantly surprised by the result. For starters, Al was wonderfully professional. He emailed me personally several times before the class communicating about how the class may be small and asking what I wanted to work on, either a monologue if it was just me or a scene if other people showed up and wondering which one. When a few more people joined the class (potentially previous students of his as they were quite excited to work with him again), he chose scenes to assign to the actors and partners to read with them. I was the only male in the group so I got to read 3 times out of 4 scenes we did. This included scenes from Jerry Maguire, The Departed, Manchester by the Sea, and one more, so I will say there was a nice amount of variety stylistically. A working actor himself and a teacher, his training was in Strasberg technique and was well equipped to guide an actor through breaking down the scene into its component parts. He gave each person a chance at a "cold read" (more so a prepared read if people did their own homework), asked them some classic questions about objectives, who the character is, and a few more, and then gave specific notes and had them read again. To me, this was highly reminiscent of the work I would do in a college theatre course and a useful type of practice regardless of what level actor was reading at the time. I felt like he was confident and took the class seriously while not treating us in any particular way. Now, I can't say much for ConfettiHeads because they really had no part in the class, so I don't want everyone reading this to assume they were telling Bernstein what to teach or how to teach it. I imagine they are an up-and-coming company and found Reddit was a good way to find a wide breadth of students. Does it mean spamming links and classes is okay? Definitely not, especially if it goes against any subreddit's community guidelines. But as for Al Bernstein? Well, I liked him and maybe you would too and found his feedback insightful, so if you have $30 lying around and want to get some immediate feedback on some work, it might be a good investment of your time and money without having to drop a huge paycheck on a month-long series of classes. Thanks for reading and play on!

Actors in Seattle Washington area? by Cool_Blacksmith1709  •  last post Oct 8th

Im working on a horror short, and looking for an actor. Im shooting in Everett

Looking For a Mentor (Had a Frustrating Experience With a Local Community) by JaredAhn  •  last post Oct 8th

To expand my list of available services (I work full time as a translator), I want to get started with voice acting. And yes, I did and am doing a lot of research, but I just would prefer to have a mentor/coach to guide me through my journey. However, the problem is that I live in a non-English native speaking country, have had trouble finding people who teach in English, and thus are looking for people online. **(1) Have I asked a local community?** As a matter of fact, I have, and it they have admitted they are very unwilling to take in new members. According to a few older members I was lucky to talk to, most people were able to join because they knew somebody in the community that was leaving the country. Furthermore, the demand for English voice actors is very small (obviously), which is one of the reasons they are unaccepting, and corona has excaerbated the situation. That is understandable, and I don't think I have any chances with them. **(2) Have I searched?** Yes, but I am always cautious of the results I get from simple googling, which is why I am posting here. ​ So, could give any opinions, and point me in the right direction? Thank you very much ​ **\[Rant (You don't have to read this part I just wanted to vent\]** The frustrating experience? As I am a contractor for the entertainment industry, I naturally have many friends and connections in there. I tried appealling to some that I could be a valuable asset, but they were just eager to drop me their mixtapes. It was almost as if they were entitled to my help, while being unwilling to offer any help at all. I want to clarify it was just the few, but it just really threw me off.

Big Talent Agency, Small(er) Talent Agent. by demonic790  •  last post Oct 8th

Hello! I am currently signed with a boutique talent agency. I love my agent...but I do not feel they are strong enough to get me into the room often. I have decided to put some feelers out and see if I can snag a meeting with one of the top-tier agencies in Vancouver. Thankfully, I managed to secure one so far. HOWEVER, it appears this particular agent is a new, junior agent who seems to have been promoted from assistant at the office. In checking IMDB pro, it looks like this agent does not represent anyone particularly notable. Of course, I wish every agent all the best and understand industry leverage is always a work in progress...but I'm just not sure if it's smart for me to make the transition from one "newer" agent to another simply because of the huge name attached to their agency. Is this way of of thinking false? Is the big agency name really all it takes outside of a strong actor-agent relationship? If anyone could offer me some solid advice, that would be awesome. I am incredibly conflicted. Thank you so much!

Free reel editing by Rainingsun15  •  last post Oct 8th

Hello! I just finished a video editing program and I am a working actor based out of Texas and New Mexico. I think my skill set as a tech savvy actress with an eye for cinematography and editing skills would lend itself well to reel creating/editing. I have a long car ride in a few days and I would love to help a few people out who need their reels created. DM me if you’re interested and I’ll send my email so you can send footage from a few strong projects and I’ll create a 1-3 minute reel for you for free. Let me know if you want to see a sample of my work!

Online Table Reads by Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Coordinator  •  last post Oct 7th

Hey Actors of Stage 32!

Just wanted to put out the call again for if you're available to do some online table reads with the scripts from the writers over in The Writers' Room. We're doing one a month and want to try to cast Stage 32 members before anyone else. 

Let me know if you're down and I'll add you to the list :)

Should I Submit My Reader's Voice In A Voiceover Audition? by Busy_Honeydew  •  last post Oct 7th

Hi, I'm submitting a voice acting audition, and my friend (another actor) read the side with me. The instructions on the audition say "Send us a file as a single take." Should I submit my reader's voice, or should I take it out and just submit my voice? Also, in general, should I submit a reader's voice in my voiceover auditions? Sorry if this question has already been asked before! Thank you very much for your help!

Vocal separation in animation? by Motya105  •  last post Oct 7th

Hi all, I’ll be participating in a workshop whose description states, “This class will focus on Vocal Separation between multiple characters within the same show...” What is Vocal Separation in this case? When I Google, all I find are articles on separating audio in a Daw. Is it the same as not stepping on actors’ toes during reads? Thanks for any explanations!

THE COLLECTIVE PODCAST by Whatever_Nadia  •  last post Oct 7th

**The Collective** podcast is seeking up and coming actors interested in sharing their story. If interested fill out this google form here [TheCollectivePodcastQuestionaire]( [Who. We. Are](

How The HELL Do I Calm Down??? by badguywindow  •  last post Oct 7th

Please, I'd love any and all advice, because I have no idea how to calm my anxiety down... When I asked actor Tom Payne, he said the best thing to do is stay in-scene, and focus on your scene partner so you don't get distracted and don't let the nerves get to you. He had to be pretty succinct because it was an Instagram Live Q&A, so he had seconds to respond, but I try to keep that in mind. But that doesn't help the minutes, hours, and sometimes even *days* beforehand. I oftentimes feel sick to my stomach from anxiety, and I can't eat or sleep or do anything but pace. There's no *reason* for me to feel anxious, but I am. Actor Aidan Gallagher said, in a Q&A video, that when he is preparing for scenes, he physically does things to become emotionally prepared. Like, for example, if he's playing an anxious scene for his character, Five on *The Umbrella Academy*, he forcibly hyperventilates, paces, drinks coffee, and lets himself get all shaky and stressed. I can do that. *But I can't* do the opposite. I lean into my anxiety when I need to play an anxious scene, and I lean into my depression, or fears, or anger, or whatever for whatever scene. *But being calm?* Fuck. I *can't* do that. I don't know *how* to. Any advice is welcome. Please.

What kind of job can I look for to get into the industry? by elyselia  •  last post Oct 7th

I would like to work in the industry while training as an actress, because I think it would be very useful and interesting to see how things fork and learn more about this world. Even bringing coffee to stuff members would be great! What and where should I look for (in UK or Italy) to get a job in this industry?

Want to improve my acting range by dpools  •  last post Oct 7th

I'm a high school student who wants to become an actor. I am currently in my sophomore year and I have 3 shows in my 2 years of taking Theatre class. As the title says, I want to improve on my range. I'm really great with genuine,emotional pieces, but I want to improve on my comedic and angry pieces. Do you have any tips? I would greatly appreciate it.

We’re giving back! by actorchrisbaker  •  last post Oct 7th

Hey everyone! We just wanted to spread the good news! The “Actors Network (r/acting)” isn’t just another Discord server. We are now a nonprofit organization! That’s right! We have just become a 501c3 nonprofit organization and we plan on helping our members in several different ways in the near future. Come and check us out!

How Many Agencies Should I Submit To? by naijas_mm  •  last post Oct 7th

Hey y'all, I'm trying to assess next steps for myself as an actor, and I believe that getting an agent is the best next step. I'm young (22F) and somewhat green (I started auditioning about 1.5 years ago), but I have a few professional theatrical credits (mostly non-union) as well as some pretty legit connections imo. My question is, how many agencies should I submit to at a time? Obviously, I could submit to 30 and not hear back from a single one, but does anyone have any recommendations as to how many agencies to submit to at a time while balancing cost of mailing headshots and resumes (if needed), the time and energy it takes to submit esp. during corona-times, the likelihood of response, etc etc. I'm doing research already as far as what agencies I want to submit to, and I have a pretty strong sense of what I'm looking for in an agent, but tips and tricks on this front would be welcomed too. ​ Thanks!

I check my emails every day, getting seriously depressed... TW Depression/Sadness by truthlieswithinyou  •  last post Oct 6th

Hi everyone, I'm writing this post here since I'm just trying to find some consolation. And I thought, who'd be better and more relatable then Reddit... :) So I moved countries and got an acting agent about 9 months ago now. So far, I've had 0 auditions. Once my agent called, saying I got an audition, just for it to not be followed up. When I got back to her an hour later she said the audition wasn't happening anymore. My partner is also an actor and gets at least one audition a month. Ads, movies etc. So does our friends. They're literally so busy they don't have time to see us that often (sidenote, but that is sad too). And I find it so hard because as soon as I try to talk to anyone about my feelings they just go COOOVID!!!! But I'm in that only country where Covid isn't actually a problem (guess where) and the filming industry is still going on. And I just feel depressed. I wish I had something to work on, something to do with my day, a challenge! And yes, it's a great idea to practice accents or do more self tapes but it's not that easy being depressed and doing so... To be honest I'm not sure why I'm in this country anymore and I seriously doubt myself, and my life. I have a background in performing/dancing and am 25 years old. I'm trying really hard to not be sad and depressed but today, sitting in an office I didn't dream of, it seems impossible. Like, I'm crying here and it's embarrassing and I feel stupid. I know there are millions of people suffering and having actual problems. But still, I can't stop feeling terrible. And stagnant. So terribly still. So... I don't know what I'm looking for here. I guess anything. I welcome anything :) Similar stories, feelings. I just don't know who else to talk to right now.. <3

What is your acting regimen like? by fwnbmb  •  last post Oct 6th

Id like to hear what your routines are like when not working. There’s no right or wrong answer im just curious! How do you stay sharp and practice in-between auditions? Do you take classes or private coaching? What is private coaching like if you don’t have anything to prep for? Do you read books on acting? Or do you get so many auditions that you just use those to practice? Asking because i am doing regular ‘mock’ auditions/callbacks with critiques with an acting coach/school when i’m not auditioning but wondering what else actors do! Thanks so much ❤️