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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Discouraged from just getting 'extra' roles. by chthonic_persephone  •  last post Oct 2nd

I constantly apply on Actors Access and I am focusing to get more and more training. But it disappoints me when I apply for stuff on Actors Access and they end up being 'extra' roles. The other day I auditioned for something and apparently it ended up being an extra role but they did not say until the very end. I was looking forward because I thought it was a small single character for myself but ended up having at least 10 girls. And non-paid, especially with the Covid situation nowadays. It sounds whiny but why casting directors on AA posting such misleading information? I keep trying with speaking roles but of course it is way more competitive. On another note, I cannot find many breakdown characters on AA that could fit my type. How can I stop feeling that way?

Does anyone else despise cover letters on Backstage/Actors Access? by hithirteen  •  last post Oct 2nd

I see no point to them. If I’m submitting to 20+ roles per day I’m not going to take the time to explain why I want to be cast in your film (especially if it’s a student film). It just seems like such an unnecessary step!

What's your plans for the future? by FishingVegetable  •  last post Oct 2nd

Fellow actor here - I thought this would be a perfect place to ask. I've recently been going through crappy time reaching my mid 30's and still not having a 'proper job'. Lately I've had a few roles and auditions have picked up but realised these only fill the gap. In fact I have my first job of the year Monday but keep getting that nagging voice in my head "And then what?" Are you working full time with an understanding boss or doing the part-time/flexible hours route to have time for auditions?

Gigs and receiving unemployment? by HunkeringKodiak  •  last post Oct 2nd

I posted this on r/Unemployment and was hoping to get some advice on this sub. Hoping someone here might have been in a similar situation! Hi everyone, I've been working as an actor for the better part of two years. Like every actor I know, I've been unemployed since March when the theatre world closed down. Last week I shot a commercial (first gig in 6 months woot woot) and was compensated for the shoot, travel, and usage of likeness. When certifying for benefits this week, I was planning on declaring that I had worked, and the wages earned. However, part of me thinks that I might have to re-apply for unemployment insurance? I had to fill out a W-2 and an I-9 for the shoot. Any ideas if I can continue to certify per usual, or if the commercial constitutes a return to work?

Looking for voice actors who work multiple jobs by ResearchGig  •  last post Oct 1st

Hi there! I am a doctoral student working and I'm trying to get in contact with people who do voice over and voice acting in addition to another job that might be in a completely different or similar area. We—a group of researchers at the University of Oregon—want to understand the unique experiences of people with multiple and possibly very different work arrangements. We are interested in understanding the characteristics of these jobs and their impact on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. The study will involve completing 3 short (about 15 minutes each) surveys about two weeks apart each. Our participants must also be willing to ask a coworker at one of their jobs to participate in one short study on their behalf. We reward participants and their co-workers with Amazon gift cards for their time and effort. If you hold multiple jobs, we would be delighted to have you participate. Shoot me a direct message and I will get you registered for the study.

How to get Netflix auditions? by DuskToDawn100  •  last post Oct 1st

I am currently starting out as an actress. I’m eighteen years old. I am about to get headshots, slateshots and a demo reel made by some photography studio soon. I am going to try to find an agent to hopefully represent me soon. But I have heard that agents can be difficult to find sometimes especially when you are starting out and have no experience. If I am interested in getting Netflix roles, not principal roles or anything, but like minor roles, how would I be able to find them? Are those generally only available to agents and they have to submit you for them or are they posted on those online casting call services such as Backstage and Actor’s Access. Any information would be very helpful. I live in Vancouver. Does anyone know of any good talent agencies here? Thank you!

Biden should hire Alex Baldwin or some other actor as his debate coach by _Breakfast  •  last post Oct 1st

Because it’s not a debate, it’s a scene. Emotions rule. Only an actor can truly understand and emulate Trump’s, uh, nuances and improvisations. A debate coach deals in logic, as well as some emotion and marketing, but not in the proportions we’re seeing today. It might sting, it might be laughable, but Biden has to have better reactions to the taunting besides laughing and shaking his head exactly the same way a bunch of times. I know he’s old but he’s gotta bring his improv game if he wants to rise above holding his own.

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Oct 1 by AutoModerator  •  last post Oct 1st

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

How detailed are movie/tv show scripts? by YourMumsAVirgin69  •  last post Oct 1st

I'm an aspiring actor who has done some stage shows in the past but I'm wondering how detailed movie/tv show scripts are. Watching certain tv shows it seems like a lot of the small parts of dialogue are improvised but I've also heard that certain actors (e.g. Benedict Cumberbatch) is extremely for sticking to the script. I'm just wondering whether scripts are super incredibly detailed or not.

On set with the new covid SAG protocols? by rosencranzand  •  last post Oct 1st

I'm curious if any SAG actors have had any experience on-set with the new protocols. How has it gone? Anything feel unsafe? What are your thoughts? Thanks

I Have a question by MineZoid  •  last post Oct 1st

I am an aspiring voice actor as I’m sure a lot of people here are. How do I get started? What do I need? Are there any jobs I can do now? I am pretty new at voice acting and don’t have any jobs under my belt. Thank you for your time!

How would I get a job as a voice actor? by CrYpTiC316  •  last post Oct 1st

Ok to start off, I’m 16 and for a while now I’ve wanted to be an actor. A few months back I was suggested to become a voice actor which I think would be more fitting and really fun to do as I really like doing voices but I have a slight problem, I don’t know where I can start. Would I have to go to an audition at a sound studio or something? Any advice would be appreciated :)

Need a few actors to record a short 10-20 second video. Looking for people in their 20s-30s. Clean cut. by 6692A  •  last post Sep 30th

Video will be posted on my website. Video will be 10-60 seconds long. Script will only be a few sentences. Pay is $5. I need 4 people Qualifications: - need to be clean cut presentation - good video quality (no vertical video) - age late 20s-30s This is a one off thing but I am also looking for someone else long term. Please send me a message and include headshot or videos if possible. Thanks.

Scare tactics for a new scare actor? by jeopardy_party  •  last post Sep 30th

I got a total dream job of mine this year as a scare actor for a major haunted house. I've performed on stage a lot but never as something "scary" or "inhuman". I got my costume today and I will be a Scarecrow that was brought to life. My issue is I just don't know what noises a Scarecrow would make.

trouble with system by Alice Bowden  •  last post Sep 30th

Is anyone else frustrated because your points are there and you are offering the max for someone to click on your imdb but no one is? It doesn’t make sense. It’s affecting my score terribly these last couple of weeks.

How much pressure is there to get plastic surgery? by leavemeinpeace10  •  last post Sep 30th

A lot of former actors have said they were pressured. And it seems like a lot of people have gotten it? Is it necessary? Are you forced? Will you not get jobs because of this?