Hello you all, so i've always dream of working as a actress, both theater or on screen. I used to go alone watch this company in my hometown which consisted of a small group of young adults who portrayed several fairy tales for children, since than i wanted really bad to be like that. I had a plan and my family actually was about to send me off to study arts and everything but my life kinda of went through a lot of bs and a lot of bad things happened so years went by. Right now i am on my mid twenties , with no experience (apart from my own rehersals at home). I am thinking about joining the acting school close to my home, it even offers you a paid job at the end if you succeed but I am a bit scared. Is it too late to join this world or do I have a chance of actually be successful at it? What age did you joined or started working with acting? I don't really dream to hit my country red carpet or anything like it, I want to be able to support myself working with what i really like.
I’m seeking actors for the roles of Joseph Garcin and Inez Serrano. Garcin is a pacifist journalist; thoughtful and humane. He was shot because of his involvement with a progressive newspaper in an authoritarian country. Inez is a postal worker. She is bitter and cynical and has a streak of sadism. She prefers women and doesn’t particularly like men at all. She committed suicide by inhaling gas from an oven. Both Inez and Garcin find themselves trapped in a room in the after life (along with a 3rd character Estelle) and are trying to figure out why they are to spend all of eternity with one another. I’d like to shoot a 10 page excerpt of a contemporary, gritty and stripped down version of this play. There’s no money involved but if you’d like to participate in this landmark play and stretch yourself (and have another example of your work) please contact me via dm and I can send sides. Thanks.
I've started this journey on acting few months ago, and I've come to the point where I see how much I struggle in being spontaneous. And this happens to me also in real life, something I already knew, but I hoped and thought that it would have been better while acting.. but it's not. I find myself "in panic" if I don't know lines perfectly. But I don't always have the time to learn them perfectly, and however I would like to be one of those actors who can manage the scene and the moment if they forget a line or if the director decides to change something while shooting. I would like to learn how to switch off my own thoughts and fears while acting. Because I am always worrying about how I look like in that moment, how I should look like, what other people are thinking about me while acting, and this doesn't allow me to stay in the moment, to be spontaneous, to be 100% of the character. But most of all, I struggle really really hard on showing what I'm feeling. So much.I'm always paying attention on control myself and what I feel and say. I know this is something very personal and I am working on it with a psychologist, but what can I do through acting? How can I learn to push out what I have inside while exercising for acting and while acting? Sorry for the long post, I hope I made myself clear... any suggestion or experience will be so appreciated.
Hi I´m 14 and in Dallas Tx. I am a freshman in high school and a second year theater student (last year was tech this year I´m in theater 1 for acting), I have been in one play last year and I have a few of questions before I talk to my parents. (for 6th and 7th grade I was in band but just got tired of playing the trumpet.) 1.) If I tried to become a TV actor on Netflix or something like that would I have to move away from TX? 2.) Is high school really all that or should I take my class this year take acting classes outside of school and try to become a TV actor. 3.) I want to go to college would that hurt my acting carrer and would me trying to be a TV actor hurt my chances at getting into college 4.) Would me being a teenage actor hurt my chances at success in the future 5.) where do child/teenage actors go wrong? 6.) what should I expect before getting my hopes up? 7.) should I just wait and live out my dreams after college.
I am 16 and have always wanted to be an actor I won’t bore you with all the stuff about what made me want to do acting but just know I’m pretty sure this acting thing is what I want to do. I am currently in college taking a TV production course that covers the film industry, scriptwriting, photography, creating film, the whole deal and I chose this as my way into the film industry and it seems to be playing out pretty well as there is an actor in my class. He’s not super famous or anything but he landed a gig in river city which is some typical soap opera shot here in Scotland and I was thinking when we can finally meet in person about asking him to see if he can get me his agent or anything of that sort. Living in Scotland isn’t the greatest for acting, though seeing as there isn’t much filming done here and I really don’t want to be an extra on some mushy soap opera and have that be it. What can I do to move further than an extra? And is it possible for me to relocate if I am able to land a gig outside of Scotland? Course I’m still young and not looking to be Dicaprio in a year or two but it’s always good to get a head start I suppose. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’m a 16f, and I always knew theater was gonna stay in my life no matter that. I’m a huge musical theater nerd, and I love performing. I’ve also been training in emergency response and rescue, as I want to be an emt after high school. But it wasn’t until the other day that I realized what I was gonna do. I’m gonna be an actress. I don’t know how or when or where, but it’s what I want to do. Of course, I will still continue to be an emt, but I really want to act. I will probably continue musical theater when I’m in my home town as well. I really just wanted to say this. I’ve told my mom, and I was blessed with a mother who would support me unconditionally, so of course she was supportive. I’m a little hesitant to tell other people and family. My friends wouldn’t care at all. But I think posting this on Reddit just makes me feel a little better, like I’ve admitted to myself that this is what I want. So, I guess that’s it. If anyone has any advice of where to start, please let me know. If you have any resources that you think could help me, let me know if you would like. I’m already in an acting class at a local theater company, which I’ve been involved in since the end of 8th grade. I want to learn more about monologues, and I’m going to start a project soon where I find plays, research them, watch them, and pick out a monologue or two from it and record them. At the end of the project, I should have a notebook of notes and a google drive of monologue videos. But if anyone has any recommended monologues, for film or theater, and would like to recommend any, feel free to do so. Otherwise, hope everyone is doing ok and is having/ had a good day :)
the low frequency / inconsistency of auditions for me is honestly, hands down the most infuriatingly frustrating aspect of my acting journey. I have no idea how in god's name I'm supposed to book something when I get auditions SO infrequently. When I get them, they are good auditions, good projects, reading with characters who are already cast with major actors. so, that must be a good thing, right? what am I supposed to do here? my content is good. my reel is good. I'm sag. I have tons of short films under my belt. I've gotten pins for the few auditions I have had. I have multiple agents. I have a manager. I do not understand this. I understand every actor's journey is different, but honestly, when I read about people getting multiple auditions in a week... I just want to fucking explode. because I have done everything in my power to increase my frequency of auditions and nothing seems to make any difference. it's all seemingly random. Mailing headshots, postcards, strategic workshops, emails, follow ups, making my own content / short films, I mean, the list goes on and on. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. there are so many people that don't have to do all this bullshit, all these steps, to get to a point where they are auditioning multiple times a week, and therefor, increasing their probability to book. this is taking way too long for me. something is wrong, it shouldn't take years of an excruciatingly slow drip like this... i've asked variations of this question before and have never really been satisfied with the answers only because it seems to come down to a change in perspective, or being instructed to cold call casting to pitch myself / drop off muffing baskets... like... actors that have been through this before, low audition frequency for years and then a change of pace.... you can pin point specifically what you did that changed the situation. the catalyst. please, what was your catalyst? im tired of watching my life pass me by. I just want to fucking do this already.
As an actor having multiple audition or project regularly, what are the task/ thing that are repetitive and quite exhausting for you to do ? (posting in social media, sending the same email/resume again and again, taking care of the schedule etc )
If you've been through one of those programs I would love to hear anything you have to say about it. I'm interested in learning more about: Cost/length of the classes Quality of instruction How has it benefited you as an actor? Have you been able to grow your network because if it? Would a person benefit from this if they were more interested in comedy writing than performing. Any input is appreciated.
So, recently i saw a voice actor for one of my favourite games on twitter. They were talking about how if people gave them money to fund their pet project they would say lines in "increasing levels of lewdness" as the character. Do voice actors have the rights to raise money off the voice of a specific character they don't own? (If this changes anything the character is a minor who had an aversion to cursing in any way.) ​ ​ (sorry idk what to flair this)
Hey all - I've finally got my [website up and running](https://nerrisnassiri.com/actor) and would greatly appreciate any and all feedback! My primary goals for 2020 are to get a legit agent, and get auditions for U.S. theaters that are opening back up in 2021. I'm currently in L.A. but don't mind traveling. I have a decent amount of experience on-camera, but am primarily focused on getting roles in theatre.
Please DM me if you're interesting in being in this and I'll send the script
Our local clothing optional resort has a very conservative flavor. The guests mainly come from the libertarian arm of the Republican Party...angling toward a beer chugging, hunting, fishing crowd. I went expecting a lot of artists, actors, musicians, academics, environmentalists and other liberal minded people enjoying a day closer to nature - with a touch of a hippy vibe. I did not expect so many Trump signs and car magnets. This is not a rebuke of conservatives, or a suggestion that all artists are liberal...rather it is a note of my surprise that most of the guests didn’t seem to fit any of the traditional liberal stereotypes. The resort offers camping, motel style rooms and cabins to rent, a pool, two outdoor hot tubs, a pool bar, volleyball, a hiking trail, and themed weekends all summer. For example, I ran a 5k race there. There are many resorts like this with a more active/fun/party vibe, and a lot with a more limited offering (sometimes just a pool or lake). With that said, under what conditions would YOU spend a day poolside or relaxing at a nudist resort? I’d like to reach out to the resort and share some ideas for special events or other additions that might attract a more balanced clientele. It’s not that I minded the conservative majority (very nice people), but I feel there is a large base of people who I think are missing out on a super fun, relaxing experience. I’m wondering what might encourage the artist community (you) to give it a shot.
Hello! I just started acting a few months ago and have started auditioning. I have an eco cast audition on Actor's Access that says "Please only read for the role which you originally submitted" and normally, I would memorize my sides before my tape, but this time there is six pages of dialogue and three scenes. I'm basically asking if I need to memorize my sides, or can I just read them? I don't know how to contact the CD through the app, so I'm not sure if this would be a safe option. Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!
I'm a highschool student, Grade 12, and am going into Business School next year. That being said, I've always thought of becoming an actor, but really, never had the chance, took drama class but my teacher didn't really teach me much, and lastly, which makes me the most unmotivated is, my family is pretty poor and I don't want to waste all my efforts and money on something I don't know I'll make through. I've been told I'd be a good actor, I portray a lot of emotion in almost everything but idk if that's good enough, I don't know if I should even spend my time on trying to find a way to become an actor. Anyway, my question is, where do I start? And yes I read the threads and everything but not having much money I don't want to spend it on a drama or acting school when the pay off may not necessarily be there. I know this is a vague question, and I'm just lost... Idk what I should do...
I constantly apply on Actors Access and I am focusing to get more and more training. But it disappoints me when I apply for stuff on Actors Access and they end up being 'extra' roles. The other day I auditioned for something and apparently it ended up being an extra role but they did not say until the very end. I was looking forward because I thought it was a small single character for myself but ended up having at least 10 girls. And non-paid, especially with the Covid situation nowadays. It sounds whiny but why casting directors on AA posting such misleading information? I keep trying with speaking roles but of course it is way more competitive. On another note, I cannot find many breakdown characters on AA that could fit my type. How can I stop feeling that way?
I see no point to them. If I’m submitting to 20+ roles per day I’m not going to take the time to explain why I want to be cast in your film (especially if it’s a student film). It just seems like such an unnecessary step!
Fellow actor here - I thought this would be a perfect place to ask. I've recently been going through crappy time reaching my mid 30's and still not having a 'proper job'. Lately I've had a few roles and auditions have picked up but realised these only fill the gap. In fact I have my first job of the year Monday but keep getting that nagging voice in my head "And then what?" Are you working full time with an understanding boss or doing the part-time/flexible hours route to have time for auditions?
I posted this on r/Unemployment and was hoping to get some advice on this sub. Hoping someone here might have been in a similar situation! Hi everyone, I've been working as an actor for the better part of two years. Like every actor I know, I've been unemployed since March when the theatre world closed down. Last week I shot a commercial (first gig in 6 months woot woot) and was compensated for the shoot, travel, and usage of likeness. When certifying for benefits this week, I was planning on declaring that I had worked, and the wages earned. However, part of me thinks that I might have to re-apply for unemployment insurance? I had to fill out a W-2 and an I-9 for the shoot. Any ideas if I can continue to certify per usual, or if the commercial constitutes a return to work?