I've been curious about two things in the casting process ​ When you are doing a search for someone and you can have 2 people or more who nail the role and act it well, what is the deciding factor in choosing that actor? And that sort of leads into my 2nd question, are you allowed to have a specific look for an actor and put out a casting call for it or is that considered illegal
I just spent some time working on casting my newest short film on Backstage so I’ve decided to share some insights about the casting process here. Along with casting I am also an actor and the process of casting was super enlightening. Below are some candid and eye opening things that I learned from this experience. I say nothing to make anyone feel bad but rather to shine a light on this mostly mysterious process. Hopefully this can help someone out! ​ **Your Headshot is EVERYTHING** This is something that I always knew but kind of ignored. I moved so many people to the “no” pile just because their pictures were not professional. If you are at the point in your career where you will be submitting for any kind of work, you NEED good headshots. Clear and flattering pictures of your face are the bare minimum but what really sets people apart is when the headshot conveys an essence of a certain breakdown. As much as some people choose to deny the idea of “types”, I think that the most successful applicants were the ones who leaned into their types and had pictures that clearly stated “in this picture I am a bitchy teen” or “there is something sinister behind my eyes”. I hope that makes sense. I have definitely rethought the way that my headshots look and in my next session, I am going to pick specific types to lean into in my own pictures. ​ **Have Some Kind of Performance Video** If you make it past the first stage and I (the casting director) feel like your headshot conveys the correct vibe for the project and character, the next thing I am going to do is narrow the playing field and see who has a video attached to their profile. If there isn't any video, the applicant gets moved to the “no” pile. If there is a video, I’ll take a quick look and make sure that you can act and that you look like your headshots. Things that made applicants stand out were: well cut reels that highlighted the actor and not the scene partner or a well light and well acted self tape in the same style of the project. Things that made applicants less desirable: monologues instead of scenes, bad lighting and sound, reels that drag on with footage of other people, and (only a slight issue) footage where the actor is significantly younger or the hairstyle is changed significantly. Overall, if an actor has a good headshot and performance video, they will be moved to the top of the list. ​ **Height is Surprisingly a Big Factor** I had never thought about this before but I ruled out many female applicants above 5’7” because it didn't fit the aesthetic of the project and the same for shorter men. I definitely gained a new perspective. I feel really bad for taller women and shorter men because I’m sure this happens often. I’m just including this point so that people who fall into those categories know that it has nothing to do with their acting. And there are exceptions if someone is CRAZY talented or really fits the breakdown but for the most part, height is an important factor. ​ **Conventional Beauty is Important But Only to a Point** I am slightly ashamed of this fact but I definitely gravitated towards conventionally skinny and beautiful people. I have to say that it is much easier to make it to the top of the list if you are a size 0 and look like a supermodel. This is kind of depressing because I don’t even fit into this category. The people who made the short list who didn’t fit the idea of conventional beauty were applicants with great headshots and videos and a lot of talent and experience. It certainly isn’t impossible at all but every single one of their materials needed to be at 100%. Size and ethnicity were factors that I didn't pay too much attention to but one thing that did bother me was excessive acne. Just thought I would throw this in here. It was probably the biggest physical deterrent on an applicant. ​ **Even Insanely Talented People Didn’t Make the Cut** Some insanely beautiful people with great headshots and videos just didn't make the cut because of things out of their control. The most common reasons were age (30 and 13 year olds submitting for 18), type (some people just didn’t give off the right vibe), or attitude (some people I communicated with gave off a cocky attitude that I didn’t want to work with). This was kind of comforting to me to know that even when I do everything right, I can still not get the part because of things outside of my control. ​ These are just some of the main things I found in the process. As long as you have great headshots, solid training/talent, and a quality video of your work, you will at least be in the running. One last thing to keep in mind is the sheer number of applicants. In the first 20 minutes of a micro budget short film outside of a major market the project had 32 applicants. That was a crazy revelation to me as well. Also, here’s a fact that just made me really sad. A lot of BIPOC only submitted for the character that was essentially trailer trash even though I never specified ethnicity when they would fit the popular or girl next door character so much better. It just made me sad that they had put themselves into that category. Anyways there’s my post. Let me know what you thought, if you disagree with anything, or if you have any questions. I’m just happy to help!
Spouse wants to be an actor and has been contacted by this agency and I'm kind of skeptical of all the the things going especially when they ask for a down payment or money to go in classes to meet agents and stuff. it essentially boiled down to acting classes with the potential to meet agents to get hired on for roles so I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with them or if they're a scam or a fraud. Thanks in advance.
I’m allergic to Instagram and hash tags. I’m male and tall, and that’s about it for my brand. I deactivated my Facebook a couple of months ago, and I feel way better. I respect people who can “brand” themselves well. It’s not my strength, and I just don’t care about presenting a false form of wealth and positivity that isn’t remotely true to who I am. I got my BFA, I’m still young - this profession isn’t crack to me. I can quit. But it’s a lot of money down the drain. I know it’s a strange time to make huge decisions, but I’m having more doubt than ever before. I hate commercials, but I guess I can grin and bear it. It’s something we all have to do. I don’t want to sell my soul to Silicon Valley for an agent. That feels contradictory to the point of my pursuit of art. I’m thinking about going back to school to pursue something medical related. I’m really on the edge here, and don’t know who to ask. On the one hand I don’t feel like I’ve given acting a real shot, on the other it seems like my personality is recoiling harder than most against the reality of this industry. And yes, I’ve heard the old “if you can do something else, do it” line. But that implies that the only way to be an actor is to be held hostage by your career, which sounds like a miserable existence. It seems more like an interesting saying than good advice. Does anyone else have a problem with the “branding” thing? I’m not really sure what my question is. I guess I’m wondering if someone older and wiser went through something similar. Or I’m just looking for some thoughts, or breadcrumbs of any kind that may help me decide.
I am so sorry but i am on a time crunch and my parents are not able to buy me the book at the moment ! If you can please let me know so i can tell u my instagram ! I’m about to cryyyyyyy
According to that post in the Voice actor website, we can know assume that FNAF SL is before FNAF 3, and could be between 1987 ( Michael has 14-16 at FNAF 4 minigames ) and 2003 : ​ ​ [So William had 35-54 during SL speech in the intro, and Michael 18-35 in his speech at the end of SL, which set FNAF SL before FNAF 1 and 2, or after FNAF 1 and before 3.](https://preview.redd.it/vgol97ykszn51.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=305d3a07087b7be7f30477157aff01d2c8cc0cbf)
I just had an audition. I know the song so well that I sang it several times even at another audition. I sang it to my satisfaction right before I go in as well. I go in, and due to Covid we have to stand away and the accompanist says the tempo and I ask a little bit slower. He starts playing and I get thrown off like an idiot and I sing the first two verse in the wrong not, roughly finish singing but didn't take a good breath for that last note and cut it short, and the pianist is still going, finishing the last part. This isn't the first time I've been thrown off by the accompanist. He was great, he just played the progression very differently from what I've been practicing. I am so frustrated at myself for messing up and now I have added fear this is what's going to happen every time. Messing up almost every audition as I go to sing, singing wrong, bad breath control. I don't even know how to fix this. My monologue went great so at least that's a relief but I feel awful. Like an idiot. Can't even sing something I've practiced for ages. I don't even know what to do. I am so frustrated, disappointed in myself. It really does not matter if I am in the who or not- seriously it does not. But the fact that I was in that room and did such a thing makes me feel like I cannot do anything. People say that all actors have bad auditions. The fear that I have is that no one has only bad auditions and one good audition. I assure you, I practice. I warm up. I sing and do my monologue. I just seem to fuck it up every time it's time to sing. I know how to sing and I do great at call backs. BUT WHATS THE USE IF I FUCK IT UP BEFORE I GET THERE!??!?! Sorry for being crazy. This is my passion and I cannot stand myself for being so bad at basically what my job is.; auditioning.
I am interested in hiring an actor at a future date to remotely record about 2 pages of monologue (in standard script formatting) for a short parody video, in Kermit the Frog's voice. You can name your price, and I'll let you know if it is doable for me. I would prefer to keep the cost under $150, but I am willing to consider paying more. I can pay half upfront and half after receiving the recording if you prefer. As an audition, I ask that you post/send me a short clip of you reading a few of sentences from any source (a play, a film, a cereal box, etc) in Kermit's voice.
How reputable is the Characters Acting agency? Vancouver? I have heard really good things and young actors "Wishing" they were with them and on the other hand there's like nothing online about them. and by that I mean, none of their clientele write about what its like to be with their agency. They have told me they are #1 in Canada, and are excited to work with me, however I have never done an acting job before, other than background I just sent in audition tapes and they said I was talented. Which that may be nice and all, and I appreciate their kind words. They rejected me when I was a kid, and now few years later, after practicing considerably more on my own. They are now wanting to represent me. But for the #1 acting agency in the country to take some guy whos never done a job before is just off putting, I mean I don't think I blew the audition tape out of the water, but I don't think it was particularly bad either. They seem like an absolutely great company but I want to just make sure for my own sake I know what i'm getting into and if anyone has any input on them! I would appreciate it Greatly. Im leaning towards, I have no idea how I even managed to score such a great agency by never doing a job before, and they told me that during a call. "
there are no rules. except to be fucking good. seriously. you can have a no name agent that gets you good auditions and you can have a great agent get you 0 auditions. you can read for series regulars without having credits. you can read for co stars already having a ton of credits. but you know what you don't want to do? Rush into anything. and don't read the answers of the actors on here thinking that THAT is how its going to be for you. People that post on the internet have an agenda. As much as these actors are posting to "give back", a lot of it comes from a very weird place of those actors not really being 100% satisfied with their own careers, which makes the "advice" they give, come through a distorted lense, which, to impressionable actors who want so badly to work and break in, can lead you to make decisions that might not be the best for your life. YOUR life. my best advice is to stay where you are, find the closest acting class, make friends, make your own content, focus on being the best actor you can possible be, SAVE MONEY, live your life, work, have an agent find YOU, by working, and things will literally take care of themselves naturally. workshops are a waste of money. pay to plays are a waste of money. expensive drama schools can be great training and great networking opportunities, but they are grotesquely, offensively overpriced, and may not be the best decisions for YOUR life. you can absolutely 100% still do this without going to one of those places. remember the faith that you have about yourself, within yourself, that gives you the courage / fire to pursue this. that is all you need. nobody else's advice, or validation. I just wanted to say this because now that I see things finally making a little more sense for myself, I realize the only answer is really to just focus on being the best actor you can possibly be. Be well, we're also living through a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC, so be easy on yourselves!
Hi all. I have done some voice work in the past and I quite enjoy it, and the pay is not that bad. I just got a Rode mic at the insistence of a client, and I am trying to recoup my investment lol. I've read DBB's site in the sidebar and I am well aware one does not simply "rock into Mordor" for any kind of work, voice or otherwise. I am not a complete newbie though. Things I've done : Some paid professional work. Have been directed by and directed other voice actors. Won a few singing competitions. Have a Youtube channel. My singing and voice acting coach (I have some formal training) have both said I'm quite good and could probably do this professionally (not meaning I am going to become a sensation overnight) I have a demo reel. I can act, sing and speak in English, Japanese and Chinese. I can do American, Indian, Chinese, Italian accents with ease. I'm aware of basic vocal training like using your diaphragm, voice projection, breathing etc. My setup is a UR22 Steinberg with JTS mic, and now Rode mic. I use a pop filter and Kaotix Eyeball to cut down on ambient noise. I don't currently have access to a professional recording studio, but my audio engineer friends tell me my setup is decent for a home studio. I use Audacity. Weaknesses : I haven't been doing this for a long time. I could definitely improve plosives, fricatives, those kind of things etc. There are still huge gaps in certain parts of my knowledge. I think I have a decent shot? I'm looking at ways to get started. [Voices.com](https://Voices.com) I think is a beginning? Because I'm not located in the USA, a lot of DBB's advice doesn't apply, and I think he also says he's not aware of the new digital market. I'm not dissing DBB, I think he's an incredible voice actor and definitely an industry veteran. So far I get occasional gigs on LinkedIn. I don't have a huge portfolio because voice work is not my primary field of work. Ideally I would like to do work in video games and animation because I love them, but I won't look down on anything that pays decently and has clients that treat me well. Fair pay for fair work and all that. Thanks for your time in reading this post.
Hey guys, I need an actor (one male, one female) to record sides for me, as auditions come in. Essentially, you will be my reader, as I play back your recording while I self tape my audition. I'll assume you have a decent mic. It has to be clear and clean, not just recorded on your phone. I can either pay you $10 per recording of sides (will only take a few minutes per request) or, if you also audition self tapes, I can record sides for you. Up to you. Shoot me a DM if interested and I'll need a link to hear your voice. Looking for 25-50 years old sounding, men and women, pretty neutral sounding, as if you were a reader in a CD office. That sorta thing. Thanks! I'll ask you to record 1-5 times a week for me, and will need a 24 hour turnaround.
Hey Everybody. I've directed a few plays in college, but that never felt *that* serious, but recently I wrote a script and I got funding to write and direct. Now, we're bringing in professional actors and I'm auditioning them. For some context, they sent us self-tapes, we witted it down to 3-5 people to audition over zoom with the same slides, but this time I'll be giving them some directions. Does anybody have tips/advice for how I should run this? What kind of direction should i be giving them, etc. ​ Thank you!
I have always loved the idea of writing for television, and I've been writing "T.V shows" since I was young. I've taken classes and focused a lot of my amateur-age energy into honing my writing skills - and I am confident in my abilities. Still, for a long time, writing was a hobby. I knew my energy would be put into acting once I was in LA and working professionally towards a career (as that's what I went to college for and have always trained to do). However, quarantine has made me realize that I am SO passionate about writing. And I would love a career as a staff writer just as much as I'd love one as an actor. Is it possible to move to Los Angeles and market myself as a writer and actor? Or to simultaneously pursue both career paths? Can I get theatrical agents as well as literary agents, or would they want me putting all my energy into one basket? I am torn. At this point in my life, I couldn't imagine not pursuing acting, and I couldn't imagine not pursuing writing. I am torn. In my case, how do I even go about it? Would it benefit me to start out as a PA? A writer's assistant? A waiter? Haha. I really don't know. I'm lost when it comes to what exactly I want to do in entertainment.
I’m thinking of the actors with less experience who at the time were relatively fresh-faced. Is anyone aware of if they all had agents when the casting breakdowns went out for example?