Are there any budding film makers here in Sydney NSW? I’m a DIY music & video maker - I’ve made a bunch of music videos with no budget! You can check my channel My next production is a bigger in scope - so I need a cast of one! I’m looking for surreal cloaked dancer role who will steal the show. One or two close shots with a flirting glance leading the viewer & the second shot is pirouetting and other tasteful dance moves in the background of the shot whilst the singer is in the foreground. Must be genuine and ideally some dancing experience. + if there is a budding camera person who could help too, otherwise I can rope someone else in.
Hello. I’m FTM and a theater actor. I’m also stealth because I had a very bad experience with transphobic professors at the university I did my first two years of undergrad at. When I transferred, I passed and also had my name legally changed so I’ve been stealth. Where I am at now, I’ve seen local directors and people in general be more accepting of LGBT+ people than theater people I’ve worked with in the past. But I’m worried that if I’m openly trans, that will limit the roles directors want to cast me in, whether it’s intentional or not. Also, I’m worried that if I’m out, people who I didn’t know were transphobic will be transphobic to me. On the other hand, one of my passions in theater is good representation, and I would love to be able to use my voice as a trans person to create more representation. Any advice on what I should do? I understand this isn’t a cut-and-dry thing. I mostly just want to hear peoples’ thoughts.
Hi Everyone, I have a group made up of beginner actors, directors, writers etc. We are creating our own content in an effort to gain experience, hone our skills, and build up our resumes. We are looking directors, writers, DPs (Director of Photography), sound people and production designers to join the group. We are preparing to film our first project now and we would like some new long term additions for project 2 and whatever is to follow. We are aiming at 1 project per month. The budget comes from our own pockets, you will not be paid and you would be expected to contribute to the budget pot which should never exceed $50 per person, which includes food, equipment, and editing. Everyone gets credit and copy, it is a group effort the whole way through
The year is 2020 and I am currently 15 years old. I want to become an actress when I get older. Maybe even an Award Winning Best Actress. My plan is to pack all my essential things like clothes, accessories and things like that in my car and drive to 1 of 4 places, Atlanta, GA, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL or New York, NY. If you could help me choose one with the best classes for acting with low prices that’d be awesome. Don’t worry I won’t be sleeping in my car ( though it sounds cool )but whichever place has the most votes by time I’m 18 I gonna buy an apartment with a friend beforehand lol. For now I will remain anonymous and if I ever do become an actress and get calls for interviews you guys will know who I am. Thanks in advance for your help.❤️
Hey actors, I've been applying for roles on Backstage, LA Casting and Actors Access for the past few months now. One thing I've noticed is that occasionally a film or a project will ask the actors to make a self-tape of the scene or monologue attached to the ad to even be considered for the role. I generally don't apply to these sort of projects because I feel it is a waste of time and energy to create a self-tape for a film when I am not even sure if I'm being seriously considered for the part. My feeling is that I should apply to a project and THEN if they select me from a group of actors and ask for a self-tape should I then make a self-tape for them to narrow down the pool until they find the perfect actor for the part. Will this way of thought cause me to miss out on opportunities? I don't skip over these projects because of any sort of laziness.. it's just that is seems bizarre to expend so much energy on a self-tape when the creators haven't given any indication yet of wanting you. Thoughts?
This short film will be part of a larger anthology that me and a Discord server are working on. Feedback on the script would also be very nice. [The screenplay for the short film ]( Thank you.
So i'm applying for this school abroad where i would be getting a BA in screen acting as part of the application i got an assignment to write a 1000 word essay that i've been stuck on for 2 weeks now..this is the first essay i've written in YEARS so i'm feeling more and more like an incompetent fool i've been googling my ass off trying to find clear examples and explanations for my questions but i feel like the majority of them has been quite unclear or insufficient if anybody has any insight or examples of how i would go about articulating some of this into my essay it would be SO EXTREMELY appriciated! Here's the assignment with my accompanying thoughts: **Choose a small piece of film to analyse and review: (eg. 1-3 scenes in a feature film)** **● Practice active viewing several times with the piece of film you have selected** \---so i've already done this part and watched the film several times,additionally i watched interviews and a making of video and read the script. ● **Take notes on the performance, narrative and artistic components of the piece of film**\--i'm pretty sure i got this, wrote down a bunch of notes. **Communicate in written form the film’s:** **● Genre-**\-that's pretty clear. **● Performance style**\--not sure what this is referring guess is that it's if the actor is using a particular approach like Chekhov or Stanislavski? **● Narrative structure**\--i've done completed this **● Performance choices**\--i'm pretty sure i know what is being referred to here but i'm stumped as to how to observe it and articulate it **Comment on the:** **● Level of subtly and/or intensity**\--this i get **● Range of the actor’s performance**\--this i get as well..but still kind of lost as to how to explain it **● Believability of the actor/s**\--this i get although i'm kinda perplexed as to how to explain it other than: the actor stays in character and acts approprietly in regards to his character and situation **● Flaws in the performance**\--this one is obvious **● The director’s choices**\--not sure how to articulate this clearly or what to mention specifically **● Storytelling within the film**\--so this is me basically commenting on the storyline right..? what i liked or disliked? ​ again..if you have even the slightest guidelines or suggestions it would mean the world to me.
What with the fact that things remain uncertain in the world and the film industry still, I'm looking to build a team to create some online content. Traditional methods of production aren't as straightforward right now but that doesn't mean we can't create. We all have access to cameras, even if "just" the very capable ones on our phones. If you're a beginner (or an established one but recognize this isn't a paid gig, it's just practice, creation and collaboration) **actor/actress**, **director**, **writer**, **VFX artist**, **editor** or **score creator**, please touch base if you're interested in creating in a likeminded and self motivated group. This will be all remotely based. If you're interested please send me a message.
Hi everyone ! I wanted for the biggest part of my life to become a voice actor and i decided that i should go for it . Since i am an absolute begginer i came here for any advice i can get . If anyone can give any tips about the techniques or what should i look at equipment and things like that i would be honored . Thank you for your time reading this and hope you have a great day Apologies if this sort of post is not allowed on this sub. Looking for voice actor(s) to fill two roles for a relatively short script. Will be a total of less than 1min overall.
So I just watched an interview where they were speaking with a professional Japanese voice actor and she said she went through a 4 year program dedicated to voice acting. I was like “Whoa! That’s awesome!” So I looked up if there was anything similar in the U.S. and... nothing(?) Are there any programs (outside of traditional BFA/ MFA acting programs) that develop an actor? With a focus on voice acting?
Hi actors of reddit! Does anyone have experience negotiating a manager contract? I had a really good two hour conversation (via zoom) with a talent manager and he offered me representation! He sent me the contract and I asked my uncle who is a lawyer to look over it and he had a couple of valid concerns. Is it normal/expected for a back and forth and possible modification of the contract?
I am an 18 year old male, and I’m trying to become an actor in the future, even though I don’t have any experience. So, what are some tips to help land acting lobs as someone with Asperger’s syndrome?
I was wondering this because I was drawn to how good Joaquin Phoenix is as an actor. I feel like his skills could allow him to manipulate people to a whole mother level.
Ever since the Quarantine started I decided that I'll use it to watch movies and try to become a better actor. The first few days were great, but that's when the procrastination hit. I was too lazy to do anything and ended up looking into my phone for the entire day. This might not seem relevant to what I want to ask, but from the beginning I had a problem with being real and showing my emotions realistically. I either overact or just straight up look like I just recite my lines. Let's take for example sadness/crying. Many people say that it is the easiest emotion. Yet I cannot express it without hiding my face in my hands or I end up laughing. I tried the not blinking technique, but all that happens is that my eyes get a bit wet and then I start blinking like a mad man and nothing happens. I even tried the "method acting" technique where I would think of some trauma that happened to me. Once again I didn't feel sad and to top it off I felt bad for thinking about it. So yeah that's my problem. Any kind of help will be appreciated.
hi! i’m a playwright who is writing a play (shocking) about a group of young actors. without giving too much away, the group is all white except one of the characters. one element of the groups tension comes from the white characters being rude and micro aggressiony. i’m an indigenous playwright and actor, and since i’m white passing i don’t really deal w racism in theatre but was wondering if y’all had any insight/experiences to share abt what it’s like to be a black actor/theatre practitioner? I posted about this when it started, but I can't say enough good things about it. The TL;DR is that Connor Ratliff got an audition for a dayplayer role on *Band of Brothers* shortly after drama school, booked the part, then right before he was going to shoot his agent told him he had to reaudition, this time for Tom Hanks, because Hanks had seen his tape and thought he had "dead eyes." He auditioned again and they cast someone else. The podcast quickly branches out into talking to other actors about their "dead eyes" moments in the industry and how insane some of the stuff is that we have to go through, and what I like best about it is that it's totally free of the PR-managed image control we often get from actors in interviews. People are being really honest about not getting a part, getting a part and getting fired, or getting a part and filming but being cut from the project. It's a look into parts of the job that people don't talk about often. Really fun cameos throughout. Ratliff's overarching mission is to talk to Hanks himself and do his audition again.
I was doing voice overs for documentaries that have millions of views online for a while but that project has officially ended and I am out of work and kind of back at square 1 with finding gigs. I want to do some voice overs for video game characters or perhaps cartoons. Here is my demo reel if curious: []( Any suggestions? I don't want to spend money and voice acting sites try to gouge you like crazy for cash.
The most iconic films about disabled people are probably “Awakenings” with Robert Deniro, “My Left Foot” with Daniel Day Lewis, “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?” with Leonardo Dicaprio. I’m seeing a rise of disabled activists calling for boycotts if films that feature able bodied actor playing disabled characters.