I'll try to keep this simple: I love acting, and my dream was/is to be a professional actress working mostly in films. But as someone who's extremely reserved and quite conservative, it's hard for me to imagine myself in the shoes of my favorite actresses who have all been objectified by their own co-workers, the media and the audience and have their private lifes exposed for the world to see. I hate celebrity culture and I think it's so alienating for everyone, I'm not sure if I have what it takes to endure the inevitable exhibition that comes with the acting career I dream with. And don't even get me started on the sexual abuse on the film industry ... I found all of this so corrupt and I'm having very intense second-thoughts. I'd honestly love to read any advices, opinions and experiences. I hope I could explain myself well because english isn't my first language. Stay safe everyone and have a good day/night!
Hi there first of all I hope you all are having a great day or evening wherever you all are. I was wondering how many of the actors here breakdown their sides for auditions to create a more 3D character that they enjoy playing and if that process changes when you get the full script for the play or film etc. I have my own little process but I know I can work on it more and I was just curious as to how other actors do it. Anyone can chime in if you have something to say feel free to comment whether you are a amateur or a more veteran experienced actor. Thank you all for your time.
Often in skits an actor will break character and start smiling. I am not convinced the smiling is genuine. More likely part of the act done to make themselves appear more relatable. Also done to enhance the skit and trick the audience. Remember, these actors aren't our friends. They are pros who do this 12 hours a day for decades. A mild joke isn't going to get them off-character.
I (17f) am unsure whether i want to pursue an acting career. I have wanted to be an actor for around 5 years now but whenever i would tell my family thats what i want to do, they would always laugh and tell me i couldnt do it because im too shy. Honestly now im starting to believe them and think that i cant become an actress; i struggle with talking to people especially new people who ive never met before, i stumble over my words, and im autistic and have been told i dont really express my emotions properly (i imagine this would be an issue when acting). As im autistic i can find it overwhelming to be around a bunch of new people and in large crowds, i dont know whether i would cope being on set surrounded by all the cast and crew. I was always too shy to perform in school plays and wouldnt even stand up in front of the class. I do love performing scripts on my though and honestly i think im pretty good at it. Next year im hoping to study pharmacy at university and eventually become a pharmacist but i have a part of me that just cant let go of wanting to be an actress. Does anyone have any advice, im just so unsure of what i should do.
I’m a beginner actress (from UK) and I’ve seen a few free websites (eg. Project Casting) but they don’t seem to have much on them (before COVID as well). I don’t mind paying for a good one, what is your recommendations??
Hey guys, first time posting here. I’m (22m) looking for some guidance as to what to do in terms of my next move. I’m an actor currently living in Dallas and a student. I have a couple of years of school left but I’m trying to set up a game plan once I graduate. I’ve only been acting for a couple of years, but over the last year have been very active in my theatre community and have even had a couple agency offers, although I turned them down since they didn’t really seem like the kind of agencies I wanted to work with (unreliable and poor communication). In the last year I’ve done about 5 plays. I want to start applying to more reputable agencies around town once Covid lightens up. My goal is that I would eventually like to move outside of Dallas. However from the other posts here I know it’s pretty much next to impossible to get a career going as a full time actor paying all the bills without the proper connections (of which I currently have none) I know a lot of actors here in Dallas with different types levels of experience/backgrounds. They have found some success in the Dallas market, one had a speaking role in Breaking Bad and one even had a recurring role, one was in the original Robocop also with a speaking role, and one has done brief scenes in big moves with A-list actors. However they’re all teachers and don’t act full time. I want my end goal to be able to act full time. I don’t know a single actor in DFW who is JUST an actor. They all either have day jobs or are teachers. What would you guys suggest doing? I’m considering Austin once I graduate. I would love to go to NY but I imagine it’s an absolute monster that’d chew me up and spit me out. Same with L.A. Ideally I’d like to do as much camera work as well as theatre. I also realize a lot can happen in two years but I figure it’s better to get started ASAP. Also, dunno if this helps but I’m completely fluent in Spanish however I look pretty white. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you guys so much!
Hey guys! I’m a teen actress based in Seattle who is in desperate need of new headshots. I’ve been doing some research and I can’t find too many theatrical headshot photographers in the PNW. I’m willing to drive to Portland and Eastern Washington if needed. Does anyone have any recommendations for photographers in these areas? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!!
Before the quarantine I ended up getting a part in an independent film. The director of the film (36) invited a few of us over to hang out at her house. I get there and don’t drink for most of the night until I run into her. I get extreme brain fog two drinks in and before I know it, she’s telling me to go to a bedroom to lie down. She gets mad when I said I didn’t want to kiss her. She said then I shouldn’t bother coming to her set and said I had to leave now. I begged her not to kick me out and she gets on top of me and starts penetrating me. I keep saying it hurts and to stop until it stopped hurting and the last thing I remember was it feeling good before I blacked out. I wake up with her arm around me. She told me she knew I would have fun. And when I expressed confusion (my brain was moving slowly) she said I was moaning the entire time. She said that I’m going to do really well when we shoot and even asked for another kiss when I tried to leave. I’m paranoid that there’s footage of me out there enjoying the rape. I feel ashamed that I would have enjoyed being violated. I also feel insecure that the only reason I’ll ever work is if I let people have sex with me. I told my mom about what happened and she said it was my fault for going to her house, that I should be happy to have a role. I feel like ungrateful person and that nobody will believe my version of events. The director is married and I’ll probably be labeled a clout chasing struggling actress. The way she flipped from nice to cold and back to nice makes me fear her reaction if I speak out.
That’s gotta be a lot of videos... so what’re the factors on being picked for an audition?
Hi guys Quick question here and I know there’s no definitive answer- just trying to get a clear picture of what this scenario may be. I auditioned a week and a half ago via self tape for one of the leads for a movie. A few days ago my agents email me saying that the director would like to set up a FaceTime with me to “meet”. I assumed this would be a callback type deal but casting said it would be just a casual conversion, no need to redo the scenes or sides, whatever. I think this is a good sign, yes? Do you think that means I’m in a pretty good spot to booking the job or are they still deciding? I figured it they were still deciding on people they’d maybe ask for more scenes or do a chemistry read with the other actor already cast.. but who knows. I just don’t want to get my hopes up because during covid this is the only exciting thing that has happened so far. Thanks! stay safe.
I think we should take a moment to share fun practice techniques and routines as a community and discuss everything we do when it comes to taking the time to try and better ourselves as voice actors. Do you record your voice over a video? How do you decide on a project to practice on? Do you record for multiple characters at once? Do you read scripts, do you improvise or a bit of both? Do you have a fun little routine that you do regularly? Do you have a specific warm-up? Do you do impersonations or mainly make up your own voices? Whatever it may be, this thread is for all things practice!
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hi, I am an amateur actor and a guy who knows nothing about makeup. For a while now I have been trying to learn how to apply makeup to change subtle ways about how my face looks for characters I am playing (e.g. how to make my face appear fatter/thinner, more oily or more aged, sunken, etc.). I really want to find out what I can do as I want to bring a level of aesthetic change to the characters. I have tried to do some google/youtube searches but everything I have found has either been makeup tutorials for women or people trying to make themselves look more attractive - I want the opposite. But I don't want it to be so full on it becomes comical, just enough so it brings a certain element to the performance. An upcoming character I am doing is a "living in mom's basement" type of character. For that, I was hoping to give myself \- a fatter looking face (I know nothing about makeup so not even sure how to go about this) \- greasier skin (I figured sunscreen or oil could work) \- yellow tint to my teeth (not sure how to do this without permanent staining) \- unkempt oily hair (well, not brush my hair for a while and then smear coconut oil over it).
I'm an aspiring actress, I've had backstage for awhile now and It just doesn't seem worth it to me. It's mostly student films, unpaid roles, ect. These are all great for some people but it doesn't really fit the type of projects I'd like to work on. I think I've outgrown these types of projects and want to move onto bigger ones. I'm just unsure how to proceed exactly or where to. What websites to use, where to look, I'm just kind of lost. So I guess my point is: if I want to pursue bigger projects, should I save my money and cancel my backstage subscription (money is pretty tight right now so It's a stretch to even have one) or should I keep investing in it in hopes to come across more accommodating projects? Hope this makes sense. Thanks Reddit!
Hello! I am in the middle of starting my acting website/resource and I really want to offer coaching in addition to college audition info and weekly articles. I have only coached my friends and little sister up until now but they have gotten accepted into some pretty good programs including Texas Christian University BFA Acting, Savannah College of Art and Design BFA Performing Arts, The Performing Arts Project: Blueprint, Northern Illinois University BFA Acting, Rider University BA Acting, Elon University BFA Acting, and a few other programs. I also helped my little sister book Annie in Annie at a mid sized theatre in Texas and helped my friend win a best actress award at a state level one act play contest. So I guess what I’m saying is that I would like to offer some free coaching lessons for anyone who has sides or a monologue that they would like to work on. Like I said it would be 100% free and held over zoom. All I am asking in return is honest feedback that I can use as on my website as a testimonial (don’t feel pressured to write something you don’t believe). Feel free to DM me if you would like a private coaching session or have any questions (i’m super flexible on timing). (let me know if this violates the guidelines of this sub but since it’s not a class, I’m not charging, and it’s not a business yet, I don’t think it does)
Since in-person auditions are not going to be a thing for who knows how long, I'm looking to gather all of the tools I need to make better self tapes. I haven't made many, because my background is mostly theatre-based, but the few I have done I just used my phone, secured on a tripod I got from amazon for $40.. I do feel as if I want to venture into film acting too, start submitting to actors access/casting frontier postings and agencies who are looking for people to represent (if any, right now). What would you say are the must haves - If you are working with a basic budget of about $200-250? \[Also does it matter if you use an actual nice camera or is iPhone quality fine?\]
Hello all, I moved to LA a couple years ago, but I had to put my acting on hold due to personal reasons and I simply had no time, but I recently got new head-shots and am deciding where to go next. I took 3 years of acting classes previously, but I have no professional experience and am just beginning to start my career. Any tips on where to begin? How did you guys get started? I want to join Central Casting for background work to get more familiar with the industry here, but they're not currently accepting new members. I'm open to any ideas and I was also thinking about joining Actors Access and LA Casting, but am a bit hesitant at the moment due to the virus. Is it worth it to go for this now or should I wait until the virus is over?