Doing some research on LA and wondering if I can get some actual people's thoughts on classes instead of just googling. Thanks!
I'm writing a text for an audio guide which will be used in a former detention camp of the Nazi's. The audio guide will be for children between 8 and 12. Besides the text I would also like to include information about tone and style so the voice actors have a sense of what I'm looking for. It's my first time I have to write something like this. What information should I include to make the voice actor's job more easy? What's a format voice actors are used to work with? (should I write it like a theater script) What do you want to know before you start reading/voice acting a given script? I tried to google it but all information I found was guidelines on how to become a voice actor, I'm looking for input which guidelines I should give to a voice actor.
Hi, I am still in high school and am deciding what I should do in the future. Is it possible to be an accountant and actor at the same time? I want to act but I also want to have a stable job, and I don’t know if it is manageable to do both.
Hey everyone, I lurk here on and off and I see some comments that remind me of my time in music as a conductor. There's this notion that you have to choose something off the beaten path to be really interesting and grab the audition panel's attention. Let me tell you why this is dangerous. (Note: this isn't meant for people doing simple "for free" micro gigs for something like some college kids, this is for people who are making a serious attempt at becoming a paid actor) Why should you listen to me? I'm a musician, what do I know! Well, like you, musicians have to audition for gigs. Our auditions are pretty brutal, too. Not in the exact way yours are, but in our own way they're brutal. In the music world, when we audition we're usually given an audition packet. It comes with excerpts of major pieces and a list of full performance pieces to choose from. Some places will even let you choose some of your own material. Sounds cool, right? Hell yes I want to play TANK! From Cowboy Bebop (composer Yoko Kanno) for my audition! It's fast, fun, technical, and has a huge improv segment in the middle! Well, as fun as that is, it's also a dangerous move to make because the audition panel may not have the information needed to determine if you're the right fit. So, lets say I'm the conductor and I put out a call for a second chair clarinet player and I get 25 applicants. 24 of them play the first movement of the mozart Clarinet concerto and one plays a transcription of that sax part from TANK! by Kanno. Well, I've got a problem. See, at face value you'd say "wow, listening to the same 10min piece 24 times in a row is super boring", but I'm not doing that. You see, as "boring" as the piece is it is also an amazing barometer for weeding people out. It's literally the most important piece for a professional clarinet player to know. It covers a wide array of fundamental skills so the basic expectation is that the music is perfect. So if the music is perfect, what am I listening for? I'm listening for YOU. I want to know how YOU interpret this piece. How YOU morph this from notes on a page into a moving and engaging experience. I am measuring you as a person through your music. If its just reciting noes off a page then I don't want you because you haven't stepped out of your shell and found your voice. A good performance is not just technical proficiency, it's also seeing the mind behind the instrument. So now lets talk about applicant number 25. I'm sitting here and I'm hearing a piece of music that's off the beaten path. Cool...but I'm not familiar with this piece and neither is the rest of the audition panel. I don't know whether they've made mistakes or not. I don't know whether they're interpreting the music or just reciting something that "sounds cool". In short, I can't see the mind at work. I can't determine whether they're a good fit or not. ​ Now, how does this apply to acting? What you do is a mirror image of what we do in music. It's not enough to have memorized the balcony scene from romeo and juliet. It's not enough to have the accent or to imitate some emotion. What is the cadence of your words? What is the character doing and feeling and how do you interpret this and make the audience FEEL like they're part of the story and the world of the story. Can you sculpt motion, sound, and expression into an engaging performance despite the audience's familiarity with the material? ​ So, when looking for monologues or other materials for your demo reel, please consider the power behind using something well known. It is harder to pull off, but it shows confidence in yourself and can demonstrate a wider depth of control over your power to deliver in front of a camera.
Hello everyone! I know this isn't the best place to post this, but I'm an actor and everyone else here is one too so I thought you guy would have good feedback. I recently wrote a longish monologue and was wondering if anyone could give feedback on it. I'm 15 years old. I've been told I have a true knack for writing, but I still believe I can improve. I know I have a ton to improve on. This is the first longer piece I've ever written. All feedback is welcome! Here's the link: [](
Hey guys. So I’m considering getting into this field myself, and am wondering how actors sharpen their range. What actors currently working in TV, games or animation etc have the best vocal range? What roles they’re in show this variety? And how can I sharpen that aspect of vocal work to become beater in VO work? Thank you in advance!
I’ve been acting throughout my childhood and into my teenage years, I’ve done some small tv and movie gigs but my big roles have been in regional theatre or small theaters in the city. A year ago I had the honor to play Juror #3 in twelve angry men for a teenage production of the show. I never took a class on dangerous acting methods and for my past roles as love interests, comedians and war heroes I never really had any problem with using emotional recall. This role though it was all negatively, bigotry and hatred. I never really had that so I had to dig deep to find it. Rehearsal after rehearsal, show after show I had to think about terrible things in my past. The role was a son being disappointed in his son and himself. So I would imagine my dad constantly being disappointed in me and hating me. This left me scarred with a depression that I haven’t been able to shake for a year and a half. I used to have so many friends but I’m only down to my core few who never leave my side(which I am grateful for). But I need to get out of this slump I haven’t acted since this role and I truly do miss it, but I am too emotionally closed to ever going back into the field. The field needs people who are emotionally open. I know famous actors who have used this in the past such as ledger. But I need to know there’s a where to get out of this. If anyone has gone through this and can give advice(therapy, an acting therapist, etc..) please I need it. I started going to college for investing (finance & Econ) because I’ve become so cold. I need help and I want it, I just don’t know the proper steps because of it’s a niche problem
Hey, so I'm an aspiring teenage actor in the Atlanta area, and I've had trouble getting talent agencies to notice me. So far, I've sent letters and headshots to five different agencies, none of whom have responded. Do you guys have any tips for me?
The climate crisis has rendered the middle of the planet uninhabitable. Massive famines resulted in a global civil upheaval that has left most governments moot. Almost all of humanity has returned to a barter system. Somewhere near the area once known as North Hollywood an actor says "Hey, is it slow for anyone else?"
Non-actor here! Hope yall don't mind this potentially pretentious question. I think every form of art gives the artist a certain perspective on huge philosophical ideas, but the only art I've personally pursued is music. It's absolutely changed the way I look at life (whatever that means), so I'm SUPER curious what actors might learn about the human experience. The main thing that I have a hard time relating with is deeply becoming a new person. Also things like accessing emotions, vulnerability, physical awareness, working with people inside a different reality, being in the moment, character interpretation, etc. All this is so foreign to me and sounds extraordinary. Yall consume massive amounts of story like a literary scholar, but then you physically and emotionally manifest these stories and characters. AND you cant look like you're trying to manifest those stories and characters. Unreal! Has that taught any of you about being a human? Or "being" in a more general way? Thanks so much!!
We are a filmmaking collective with various screenwriters, actors and filmmakers who get together to produce free filmmaking resources and filmmaking tutorials on YouTube and would love to build more resources for actors, at no cost to yourselves. What would you like to know more about? What interests you? What do you need help with? Let us know and we will get our heads down and bring some more helpful resources to you. Let us know if you want our web address in the comments, this isn't a shameless plug - we genuinely want to help you develop your careers.
I can only remember his face, I'm pretty sure he was in one or two moves set in ancient Greece or time, he was upper middle aged in the early 2000s and has a beard and dark hair. He looks like every male NPC in assassin's Creed oddessy. It's driving me crazy.
Hey Everyone, Here's one way you can support dismantling systemic racism in educational institutions, and in the arts & entertainment world: Check out, follow & share with everyone you know in the Arts, Entertainment & Education industries. Especially with people who you know have done/do acting or filmmaking training! It is a platform where black people & allies, can anonymously share their experiences of racism at drama schools, film schools, acting studios & training theaters all over the world! I've created a unified platform so that all students and industry professionals can know it exists and call out institutions by name in each post to put pressure on them to respond and do better in anti-racism efforts, in a way that individuals might not have the power to do alone! It will also serve as a guide for black and POC actors who are seeking training and want to be aware of what happens at various institutions, so they can make informed decisions and not be subject to racial trauma. We are tackling racism from all angles. Challenging the industry to make positive change, as well as the institutions & organizations training the people who make up the industry & would love to collaborate with as many people as possible fighting for the cause. ❤️✊
i'm really shy, not the most comfortable in my skin and i get bad stage fright. yet, i feel like i want to try acting. i have no experience, asides for acting out a really short play with maybe ten classmates and without an audience watching. i've also filmed some video projects for school that i really enjoyed making. when it comes to acting overall, i normally feel uncomfortable with some aspects but i do get a really nice feeling from it. i'd like to try it more but i'm not sure if i'd cut out for it. possible tips to maybe getting more comfortable with it?
As title inferred, casting directors and directors often refer to actors as having a ‘good look’ what do they mean by it?
I'm drawn to comic, over-the-top and eccentric performing. Clown figures, and actors who play quirky people. Im thinking of Johnny Depp, Rowan Atkinson, Jim Carrey, Sasha Baron Cohen, Groucho, Jennifer Saunders, even Gary Oldman. I've been studying clowning for about 3 years, and more lately meisner. I've also make some documentaries on eccentric people local to me too. Anybody else into weird and wonderful characters and performances. What are you doing right now in terms of making work for yourself?
So I want to become an actress, or even producer, but these are obviously industries where you start from the very bottom. It’s all about who you know right? My question is, if I take up a role as a film runner apprenticeship will this help me in terms of knowing the right people? I know there’s more to acting then that, and you need a resume, experience, but being realistic, having connections plays a huge role on becoming successful, so if I take the opportunity to work on set as a film runner, will it become worth while?
Hello my name is Ethan Goddard and I just wrote my first film! I am looking for someone’s help if they are willing to help me live my dream of making my first DIY film! It’s called The Playlist and it is basically to really dumb it down is its about a boy getting over a girl. The catch is that the story is told by a “playlist” of several artists songs and the film has little actual dialogue throughout. That is why I need someone to help me with a chunk of dialogue that really explains what the plot is about. I need a female actress that’s willing to record her voice or to take a video of her basically “breaking up” with the character over the phone. The voice is the only thing that’ll be used in the film because it’s supposed to be a voicemail left by the girl. This part is VERY crucial to the story, without it, it makes the short film quite confusing! I do not have money to offer since I’m only 16, but It would mean the world to me if somebody could help me fulfill my dream of making this movie! I will obviously give you credit for it and put your name in the credits and in a special thank you in the film. If you are at all interested, please leave a comment! Thank you!