I’m seriously considering getting into an acting career down the line. But even if I do grow really successful, the thought of such exposure and fame scares me. People will be super interested in my life and digging up all this information on me. I love the craft but man, being famous or even just a celebrity would be the most stressful thing ever! You have to live censoring yourself constantly pretty much, you say wrong thing and you’re cancelled or blacklisted by the public. I’m pretty sure I’ve said some stupid shit or sent a stupid meme in the past, but I don’t want people inclined to dig that up just to cancel me and ruin my career. Part of me wonders if the success of acting is even worth it. Are actors truly happy or do they feel obliged to continue due to their salaries? I just don’t know if it’s for me, I can barely stand social media (mainly twitter) as a random dude, I’m not sure I’d cope with all the exposure when I’m the one in the center of attention. I’ve been in improv and theater and forever so I don’t want to give it up completely, but I honestly struggle to understand how celebrities/notable actors are truly happy outside their work.
I am a working actor (NYC), and have always loved working with kids and the idea of being involved in children's television (as a host, or an actor, or a creator). I guess because of how big an impact PBS shows had on my lifetime. Does one just continue to audition and this is something that might eventually come up? Or is there a specific route to getting involved with children's television? Any workshops? Thoughts?
Anybody know if I can get a refund for my remaining annual subscription to these sites? I'm fine taking the financial hit for the past few months, but it's getting silly to continue without getting the value that I paid for. Anybody have any info/experience?
Hey, wondering if there are Florida based actors who can give me the rundown of Florida talent agencies. I've submitted to a few and the responses have been great, just wanna see if some are more reputable than others and whatnot. Any help would be appreciated.
hey guys, so ive been wanting to be an actress and do acting since i was about 7 and ive always just lived the idea of it. I don’t want the fame , it’s because I just love the idea of becoming someone else for a short amount of time and having an amazing cast and crew and it’s just a lot of fun. I know I can take the rejection. I know how much hard work the acting world is. When I was 11 and used to ask my mum to have auditions she’d laugh and say no as she thought it was a little kid thing. So I gave up on that idea for a while But the pasta few months there’s nothing I want to do more and it’s not some stupid kid dream its what I want. The thought of not doing it makes me want to cry. I heard an actor say ‘only do acting if you can’t not do it’ and I can’t not do it. Or at least try it. I’ll never know if I don’t try and it’s what I want more than anything in the entire world. So how do I ask my mum to do acting.
I’ve found Meisner and Strasberg to be the most effective. I do like Stanislavsky and chubbuck But I’ve found I’m more of an impulsive actor. I like to go on impulse in the moment and use my inner dialogue, but I feel when it comes to characters sometimes I just need that extra work. I will do the script work and work out objectives and actions. Objectives I have no problem with because I tie that into my inner dialogue and the actions in words. But has anyone been able to simplify all methods for themselves. When I try too hard with breaking down the scene I just get lost in the moment and my impulses again.
I’m a mid 20’s male actor and I’ve received feedback from a director that he can see I have walls put up. He asked me to dig deep into my emotions and get out of my head. I am just looking for those who have experienced this, the best ways they’ve been able to over come / deal with this. All advise appreciated thanks :)
I'm thinking of applying to Julliard but I am not sure if I will have the opportunity to work as an actor in USA after I graduate. (I am from country Georgia, not the state!). How does visa requirement work? Do you get 12-month OPT after you graduate? Is that enough time for a student to get an acting job in USA? How do these students support themselves financially after they graduate and before they get a role?
I am moving to the UK. My citizenship will be processed soon, if that makes any difference. I would like to train as an actress in the UK. I have no professional experience, though I do have some training as well as professional dance and modeling experience in New York City -- both in the fashion and commercial realm. I looked into The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, but truthfully I do not want to attend a conservatoire full time nor am I seeking a BA or any kind of "degree" really. I will be in school for business and modeling with an agency, so I don't think that is practical for me. I just want to train and refine my skills so that hopefully I can try my hand at acting when I move back to the U.S. in about two years. Does anyone have recommendations? XX
Hey, im a 16 yo and I would love to become a voice actor, even just for fun. my question is: Where do you find the applications? I've heard many va recieving them by mail but how do you get started? What's the 1st step? Honestly it's just a passion and I never even tried recording bits but trying is always a good idea
it's just the more years I waste, and yes it feels like a waste at this point since I seemingly have no control over it, chasing this, the more I realize how absolutely fucking horrible the odds are of any of this. I have seen way too many untrained 22 year olds get top agents and not have to struggle at all, and too many 45+ year olds that are incredibly talented that can't get an agent. for me? im in the middle of the bullshit and I get nothing. I've fought for every breadcrumb of progress I've obtained, which is basically nothing, and I just don't have it in me anymore. shitty jealous actor friends, shitty agents with no clout that dont care about me, alll for what? to spin the lottery? to waste thousands of dollars of headshots and postcards and workshops and blah blah blah? for fucking nothing. to see a rich trust fund kid get handed a career while I chug away at my shit job. I'm fucking tired of it. sure I could pay another person a couple rungs above me on the ladder to "analyze" my materials. but the what the fuck is the point if not a single person can get me into a room? all of this feels like a lie. it feels like it's already only reserved for super young kids born into this business. the rest of us? people like me? what the fuck am I even doing at this point. I wish I could go back in time and never have ever done this with my life. now im just sick to my stomach about it all the time. I just want to be done I really do, but now I can't even watch movies anymore because I'm just so fucking disgusted with how ridiculously lucky these fuckign people are that THEY get to act. and not me. and yes I make my own content but it's not the fucking same and you know it.
Hello! I am hoping I have found the right subreddit for this. I am looking for a male actor (who sounds above the age of 30) that would be willing to record one (very) short scene for my film project. This is unpaid because I have no money, but I'm proficient in Adobe Creative Suite so if you needed something designed or edited (presentation, resume, reel) I could help you with that in exchange for this scene. The character (Bento) is a sleazy, middle aged man who gives his best advice on women to his Xbox friend Kurtis, a teenager who needs help getting his ex back. Think: borderline incel who lives with his mom, but wholeheartedly believes he's a top notch guy. You don't have to have a nice microphone or anything like that because it's going to sound like a voice coming from a gaming headset. [The script can be found here.](https://imgur.com/a/Bnfla1C) If anyone would be willing to help me out, I would really appreciate it!
So apparently you can only get an equity card if you're American, international actors can't get their equity card unless they have a green card. But there are Broadway performers who are internationals and don't have a green card, does anyone have an idea on how they were able to get their equity card without being American
What's going on everyone! I'm a professional voice actor out of NYC and as you all know the pandemic has hit the area here fairly hard. Most of the auditions I'd been getting from prior to the pandemic have dried up fairly substantially from my agency, although over the last two weeks or so I've seen a decent uptick in emails. Since I've just been sitting around now essentially unemployed; I was wondering if any other professionals on here have any good ideas for other ways I can try to get some income in doing voice over work on my own time without waiting for agency emails. Should I be sending demos out to production studios and the like as well? I've had some people offer me this advice but I've always personally felt it's a little tacky considering I'm already represented by someone with connections to that larger sect of the industry. Additionally, does anyone happen to know any very reputable acting coaches that could be offering online training sessions via zoom or other platforms? I've been itching to get myself back into the groove of some good instruction lately as well. Thanks much everyone!!!