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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

I’m a 13yr boy looking for a start by stu368073  •  last post Jun 22nd

I’ve been dreaming for a start and if any small company needs a teen voice actor I’ll do it for free really anything to start if anyone gets interested I’ll but myself a blue snowball ice

New website by mmrrreddit86  •  last post Jun 22nd

Hey guys, in the beginning stages of my VO career. Carefully deciding where I need to invest and where not to. Got some solid acting training, and will still invest in valuable classes with notable VO coaches. Looking to build more animation / character experience, as I’m primarily commercial ATM. I can sing as well, and am thinking I should make a singing reel as well? Is that necessary? Maybe it can’t hurt I just recently got my first commercial demo produced and have built a website to put it on and a little more info about me. I will attach my website here for feedback (be gentle, but honesty is welcome) : I guess now it’s just a matter of consistently DOING. I dont have an agent and am not auditioning a ton of times a day because I’m just sourcing auditions online from backstage, actors access, and a couple outside people I know. I’m considering paying for but DAMN it’s $500 a year which hurts my heart and I’m just not sure it’s worth it yet. What do y’all think

EMC Actor's Equity program HELP by Lour-55  •  last post Jun 21st

hello everyone ! I hope you are well. I was reading about the ways people could get Equity memberships and one of them is through the EMC program. Could somebody tell me about it if they have the information, I have a couple of questions. 1. Can international actors get the card through the EMC program? 2. How does the work differ when you are part of the EMC program as an actor and as a stage manager 3. What do actors specifically do in the EMC program 4. Examples of EMC theatre

What should I do by Broke-Witcher  •  last post Jun 21st

Hey guys I know this might sound stupid.But could some describe to me the path one has to take to become an actor. Do I have to go to school and go through theater training? Should I just take classes instead? And what after I get ejected? Thank you for your answer.

Seeking Actors & Actor/Singers for Online plays: Chelsea People by ApollinaireTheatre  •  last post Jun 21st

Seeking actors and actor/singers, a technical director skilled in creating magic with online streaming, visual artists, a composer skilled with Latin music styles, a stage manager (Bilingual Spanish is a plus), & a Spanish/English interpreter to devise 3 new Zoom plays each based on the life of a Chelsea resident. Audition & Production info.: For other positions contact:

How do you memorize lines? by Kahli_Elliott  •  last post Jun 21st

I'm an aspiring actor... looking to take some acting classes soon once it's safe to do so where I'm from. I've always wondered how do actors memorize their lines? I'd like to say I have a good memory. But, I've always been scared thinking what if one day I get a recurring or even a main role on a tv show & have to memorize your lines every episode/scene. Obviously, the bigger the character, the more lines to remember. How do actors do it? Also, how does it work for like tv shows, do you memorize the entire episodes script? Or just your lines? Or just the lines for the specific scene you're gonna film that day? I guess some of these might get answered in the class, but I thought to ask here first.

Austin, TX Community? by theguysmith  •  last post Jun 21st

I have recently moved back to my hometown in Texas after spending the last 6 years acting and filmmaking in LA. In August I'm moving to Austin and was curious if there were any Austin, TX actors on this sub who could recommend any theaters/companies, classes, or improv groups for me to sink my teeth into when I get there. I am an aspiring playwright as well, if anyone knows of companies who need originals. Thanks! :)

Looking to make a positive voice acting community by MYNERDTIME  •  last post Jun 20th

Hi im an amateur voice actor whos been lurking on this sub for quite a while and i just gotta say i love the positive attitude that a lot of people have on here as well as the kindness thats shown to up and coming amateurs and thought id post this. Im actually making a discord server that i openly encourage people of this subreddit to join if they would like to. The purpose of the server will be to get to know other voice actors and learn tips and tricks from eachother as well as discussing equipment or just your own personal vocal performances. If your interested in joining this little community im putting together just feel free to dm me and i will invite you to the server. The goal of this is to create a nice community where people can get together and practice their craft as well as recieve constructive criticism about their performances in a safe and postive environment

Can someone please help me to understand scansion? by markalocases  •  last post Jun 20th

I'm a young actor with a newly-found interest in Shakespeare. I'm particularly interested in Shakespearean meter. However, beyond the basic idea of iambic pentameter, I can't seem to understand scansion. Like how do I know if a foot is to be read as an iamb or a trochee? (Like how do I recognise the exceptions to the iambic pentameter rule?) Because I find a lot of the times my natural stresses may not fall on the stresses Shakespeare has intended. So how do I determine if a line is supposed to be read as iambic pentameter or as an expectation? Also, what about lines that fall short of the pentameter or exceed it?

Favorite character demos? by juniorwitch  •  last post Jun 20th

Hey friends, I'm updating my voice over demos this summer and I wanted to find some really good animation and character demos to take notes from. Are there any from well-established actors that inspired you? Which demos are your favorites? Thanks!

Getting Started in Vancouver/Toronto by bobabobabobabobaboba  •  last post Jun 20th

hi!!!! newbie here seeking advice. I’m a Chinese-Canadian turning 18 in two months, and I decided to take some risks and try to submit to some acting agencies since high school is now officially over. i still haven’t fully decided if I am going to attend UBC or U of Toronto (for humanities/film studies), and am also considering berklee college of music for voice (and take acting classes outside of college, but I don’t know a lot about the art scene in Boston. is it better than Vancouver/Toronto? Vancouver/Toronto would be cheaper since I am Canadian.) My family is in Vancouver, so if I do move to Toronto or Boston for school, it would not be a problem to come back for castings, etc. Toronto is also better than Vancouver fashion-wise, as I might also pursue modeling since I meet the measurements. I was wondering which city you would suggest for an actor starting out? I’d like to go to auditions while still staying in school, so it’s not too much of a gamble (but def open to taking time off if an acting opportunity comes up! though i understand that is very difficult.) i was wondering if you have any tips for submissions? i’m trying to do research, but what would you usually address/not address in a cover letter? and would a demo reel be okay if it is just me doing a monologue in front of a bare bedroom wall and a camera? i do have a couple from last year but they’re not great, and my looks have changed a bit from last year. it’s difficult to do more professional self tapes now with corona :( I don’t have a lot of experiences so my resume is quite sad, but i did attend NYU Tisch Drama’s Summer Program at Stonestreet Studios last summer, direct, write, edit, and act in a short film produced at NYU, interned at a casting agency here in Vancouver, am very involved in my school’s theatre company, and have taken in-school acting classes throughout high school, and am a classical trained singer. should i try to expand my skill set more before seeking a manager, or should i just go for it? sorry this is long, but anything would be appreciated! thank you!!!

How do I get past audition anxiety? by justsomethrowawayacc  •  last post Jun 20th

I have a problem where every time I do an audition I always think it’s not good enough and will do so many takes that I start to hate the spot I’m auditioning for. No matter how many times I do it, I always think it sounds fake or there’s some noise my mouth makes, just something that will make whoever I’m submitting it to write it off as amateur or laughable. I can be stuck doing a single audition for three hours sometimes. Very rarely do I like my first couple of takes and feel good about submitting an audition. How do I get past this? I know I’m at least a decent voice actor. I have training, I have demos, I have an agent. But I always have this feeling of dread after submitting an audition and feel bad most of the time.

How did you guys get started on voice acting? by TheMaskedAlpha28  •  last post Jun 20th

I've wanted to be a voice actor for awhile now but the only thing going for me is my interest to do so. I have no experiences, no resources, no connections, no money for training. So seeing as most of you probably started with nothing, like me, how did you guys start your voice acting career?

Can you be too ugly to be an actor? by Hussain_Lali  •  last post Jun 20th

What Richard Harris actually said about Ian McKellen by MediKron  •  last post Jun 20th

Those who are interested have surely seen the HardTalk BBC interview with Ian McKellen, where it's finally revealed why McKellen turned down the role of Dumledore. He says because: >I couldn’t take over the part from an actor who I'd known, didn't approve of me. But the interviewer, just prior to that says the following: >He lumped you and Derek Jacobi together and you know what? He said: "These guys are technically brilliant, but passionless." The thing is, Harris never said that. Or at least that is by far not what he said. You see the interviewer not only did not convey the context, but also tried to - poorly - summerize what Harris said. The actual quote - from 1987-88 - goes like this: >No one trusts me any more. I spent half the movie arguing with people and I was accused of causing big on-set rows. But what they won't tell you is I fought for \[author Georges Simenon\]. I fought for the maintenance of quality. I don't believe in lying down on the job. I've seen these so-called "nice" actors. Very able fellows like Ian McKellen and Kenneth Branagh. But they're like bank managers. So sweet and careful. Who needs them? We are suffering a plague of good taste. Give me Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke any day. They project danger. That's what makes acting - and life - interesting.

LA Agent Here - Reopening, Covid, and YOU by Darth_Bad_Guy  •  last post Jun 20th

With things opening back up prematurely, it is important to know that any live auditions you take are YOUR CHOICE and yours alone . The government does not get to decide when it is “safe” - you do. Your agent should not get mad if you book out of a live audition due to safety concerns. Casting will not blacklist you, in fact they’ve been extremely understanding. Anyone who gets mad or blacklists over safety concerns isn’t anyone you want to work with professionally. The reason I’m posting is because I had a client with a live audition for this Monday that they confirmed. Last night, a precautionary COVID test they took came back positive. I cancelled the audition. If this client hadn’t been tested on Thursday, they would have been in the audition room on Monday because they felt fine and have no symptoms. Production and casting can take all the precautions they want, but live auditions are still a risk. This is especially true with asymptomatic actors who are hungry for work. Believe me, I’m ready for things to be normal again, but now is time to be a smart actor rather than an ambitious one. I know everyone wants to make their agent happy and is programmed to be a “yes-man” when it comes to auditions, but you need to make the decision based on your own situation. As an agent, I’d much rather hear “I’m sorry, I don’t feel comfortable with live auditions right now, I have a young son.” As opposed to, “Hi Agent, I think I may have got Covid at my audition, and now my son is showing symptoms.” PLEASE be smart. Calculate your risks. An audition is not worth potentially dying. I’m not trying to scare people, just make them aware of how close Covid can be to a live audition room. Everyone can be in masks, but you have no control over a sick actor that pushes themself to take an exciting audition. Especially if they don’t even know they’re sick.