I'm trying to become an actor but I have no idea where I find auditions. I've heard I've got to get an agent, how do I find a good agent and what do they do?
Usually when you see people posting about making a decision on whether to pursue acting professionally and major in acting, a lot of people will advise that the OP should choose another major and continue to act as a hobby. I majored in something other than acting (did tons of plays in high school and love acting but wanted stability), and I am fortunate to have landed a job in LA. It’s not a full time job, but it still pays decently and requires dedication and my professional attention/energy. Could I pursue acting semi-professionally? I feel like you either hear about people who go all out and major in acting and then move to LA/NYC and audition/take classes/work on productions full time or you see people who stick solely to community theatre to satisfy their passion for acting. Is it possible to do it semi-professionally though? Since my new job is part time, do you think I could swing it? I don’t know anything about the professional acting world, so the only thing I could see being an issue is filming conflicting with my job. It seems like it wouldn’t be as much of an issue with theatre, where rehearsals are typically at night and on the weekend. But film acting? I assume that filming usually takes place during the day, and casting directors assume that their actors take the casting seriously and professionally. So is there any way to treat both a job and acting professionally? I want to build up my acting resume professionally, while still treating my job professionally. Any advice?
I was lucky to get a free BM800 microphone from a friend that is an XLR to USB mic. The cable is starting to go and I have noticed a severe increase in background noise and feedback that is coming just from the cable (it actually used to be almost entirely silent when I first started to use it). When I borrowed my friends Focusrite 2i2 2nd gen, the feedback disappeared completely. I've only have a tiny handful of paid roles, and I would really like to start sounds more amateur-professional without all the heavy noise reduction editing that is ruining my sound. Some folks in the VAC discord recommended holding off on the mic upgrade since I should play around with my XLR anyway, but I don't know if I'm ready to drop 2-300$ on a good interface. Having good equipment isn't going to make me a better voice actor is my thinking. That all being said, I was eyeing the Behringer U-Phoria UM2, because it was cheap, actually in stock on Amazon Japan and would be a significant upgrade from what I have now (which is nothing). I feel more comfortable throwing 6000 yen down the drain when I upgrade again, versus shelling out 20000 + yen now. Can anyone convince me otherwise? If I were to get a better interface, I also imagine I would need a better mic, and I saw an AT4040 for under 30000 yen at a used store.
People online say that you start gaining experience in a school's drama club or at a local theater. Unfortunately, I live in a country where none of those exist. I assume all schools here don't have clubs at all, nor does the country have any local theaters. Workshops in my area aren't present either, since they all are located in the city. If I were to join one, I'd have to commute for nearly around 6+ hours, and my family doesn't own a car. Plus, I'm still in junior high so I can't go alone. I know my dreams of being an actress are most likely to never be fulfilled, as my family and I belong to the lower-middle class and are from a third-world country, but I still do my best by doing everything I can. I'm determined to land even the smallest role possible. TL;DR How do I start acting when my school doesn't have a drama club, and my country doesn't have local theaters?
I’m curious to know if anyone has examples of actors that were “bad”/much less skilled at the beginning of their career but have grown into highly skilled actors. I’m looking for some inspiration to keep me sane as I critique my old tapes. I think I remember hearing that Brad Pitt wasn’t great at his start but that he massively improved because of his work ethic in classes (hope I’m not just lying to myself here). Thanks!
For context, I'm a 20 y/o college student. The way I got into acting is kinda strange, I'd act out scenes from books/films when I was 11 and self-taped myself to practice until I was about 13, and exchanged feedback with my friends who were also into acting. In high school, I participated in basically all of the plays/musicals. Other than that, I wrote/performed a one-woman show early in college - but that's pretty much the extent of my experience. No formal acting class, but I learned method acting techniques from a director I worked with twice, and he basically gave our cast mini free acting classes. I'm studying to work in the music industry actually, so that's been pretty time consuming, and it's been over a year since I've acted in a project. I've had great experiences acting in plays, but I got into acting in the first place because I wanted to act for films, and I still have a really strong desire to. I'm not aiming to become an Oscar-nominated actress or make tons of money off of it, I just genuinely love the art of acting and would like to try acting in some films, even if it's just a student film or a low budget indie film. I just invested in a backstage subscription since I've been hearing good things about it for years, and saved up enough money for it. I've gotten a few responses so far for background work what can I do to land actual roles in small films/student films without a video reel or any on-camera experience? In general, is it even possible to act in any kind of film with the experience I have? Let me know what y'all think. The film industry is an extremely challenging one, so I understand my chances are slim and I'll mostly be facing rejection.
If I could bring any actor back from the dead I would bring Heath Ledger back because of how talented and amazing of a person he is. I would also love to see his reaction to the dark knight and just what else he would do with his talents
This has been asked 100 times but I forgot the answer so please help me out. When I see myself on camera I look really rigid and all my movements seem forced or too harsh, and my face looks completely diffferent, especially when I laugh or whatever. I’m just wondering is this what happens to every actor? And in reality I appear normal to other people? Normal as in movements not looking so forced. PS: I don’t look like this in self tapes, more videos other people have taken of me in day to day life when I don’t know they are recording
Hi everyone. I have never really had any idea what I wanted to do with my life until recently I got the idea of becoming an actor. That idea became a burning passion and now I am certain that acting is what I want to do. I haven't been to any classes etc. and my only experience comes from a few school plays. I would appreciate any tips on where/how to start. I have heard that acting is definitely not the most stable of careers and if I'm being honest that's quite scary to me. I want to act but I'm not sure if I want to risk my future for it... In case anyone is wondering I am 14 and live in Dublin, Ireland.
I'm bitten by the writing bug. While not good enough to be a paid writer, anyway I write because I crave writing and can't help it. To me, writing is like pooping. I can temporarily forget about any pain in my life (like I completely focus on pushing hard to poop) and feel so good after squeezing it out of myself. Many amateur dancers, musicians, and painters don't become paid ones, but they keep doing what they are meant to do throughout their life because, again, it can't be helped! I write anywhere like on the bus, at the hospital, and at home. Whenever I have an urge to write, I go on my mobile/old macbook and write. It seems other kinds of artists do the same. At home, in the park, on the street and all, they dance, sing, or paint for themselves or sometimes for others. But what about you guys? Compared to other kinds of artists, isn't it more or less hard to satisfy your acting bugs? Even an amateur theater (or high school play) has an audition! It means you need to be at least on a certain level and be voted by others just to get a chance to act, while I don't need to be necessarily good just to get a chance to write or need others to decide whether I can get a chance to write. Anytime I want, I am free to write (except at work or the like). I get to choose however I want: I can write a diary that I won't show anyone, or start a blog or submit something on a fanfiction site. Thus, it's quite easy to satisfy my writing bug. Moreover, do you guys sometimes act alone at home just to satisfy your urge? Sometimes, all of sudden I am craving writing. It happens like after taking a shower, having a long walk, watching a movie and all. I rush to the macbook and start writing. Do you guys ever have a similar urge? Like 'Aww, right now I really wanna play the scene from Othello!!', stand on a chair or kitchen table, and play it alone at home? I know actors practice at home as singers and dancers do, but I'm not talking about practicing, but talking about producing and creating. Even when no one's around, are you absorbed in acting and eager to produce/create a piece of art just to satisfy your acting bugs? Or do you always need an audience to satisfy it?
[https://www.facebook.com/1540186344/videos/10223105537937073/](https://www.facebook.com/elisabetta.miari/videos/10223105537937073/?fref=gs&dti=228529067579261&hc_location=group) This is the behind the scenes for the PIC commercial that we just completed for Europe. What a delightful project. There were 9 directors involved from around the world. Our advertising agency and production company were in Milan. We stayed in touch online and brought the images together from around the world to send a message of care during this time of need. In America, we filmed actors from our own school, Michael Givens & Associates—Acting & Film Institute in Charleston and Atlanta. God bless. \- New Europe Online Acting Classes are about to start in Europe. If you are an actor and want to improve your acting skills or are just interested in acting this is the best way to start. If you are interested visit MGA's page and join the class to learn the technique that top actors use. [https://www.facebook.com/mgafilm1/](https://www.facebook.com/mgafilm1/?ref=gs&__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARCePOFPsqYvZPCtACLBE87QweuOVzJXrne352Ey6sWQDvh2uZskoOIEllDld3rJK7enflOFgXvcFHiE&fref=gs&dti=228529067579261&hc_location=group) Website: [https://www.mgafilm.org/?fbclid=IwAR1H-syxXjTjjYrq32pC8rqx61zoKJsnx\_9TLDWnN57FLCXLiwn-FmCvlGs](https://www.mgafilm.org/?fbclid=IwAR1H-syxXjTjjYrq32pC8rqx61zoKJsnx_9TLDWnN57FLCXLiwn-FmCvlGs) Thank you.
I was wondering who do you consider to be the best young actors currently? And if memorable which of their performances blew you away?
Going into highschool next year, I've been thinking about my career a lot. And I always come back to acting. When I think of being an actor I think of bringing a character to life and entertaining so many people. That is what I love and want to do. But I feel like everyone in my life thinks I only want to be rich and a "Hollywood actor." They say it will never work out and I should do something else. But what they dont understand is that If I wanted to be rich I know to do something other than acting. I've done really well in school so far and people use that against me by saying that I'm "smarter than that." I'm worried that if I follow through with acting my friends and family will think of me as a failure. I'm writing this because I need advice. This past 2 years I've thought of being an actor and with almost zero support, I just don't know how it will be possible. If anyone has been in this situation please tell me what you did because I need to get out of this. Thank you everyone
Hey all! First time poster but I’ve been lurking for a bit. I’m a small-time electronic musician looking for a voice actor to read off a few lines for me to sample into a song I am currently working on. I am willing to pay for your time, but it is a relatively short gig and for a small-timer. Younger female <30 soprano/tenor voice range preferred. Link me some examples of previous work here, or via DM on Discord (preferred contact method): ArҚa9☆#0059
Idk just thought of this question and it felt interesting
Hi! I’ve just turned 16 and can finally restart auditioning etc as my school exams are over, my hair goes down to my lips but is curly. Should I get it straightened to have more audition opportunities or leave it wavy? Any other tips on appearance would also be greatly appreciated. Some extra info , I would be going for roles between 13-17years old, I’m 5’6.5 and I’m white