I am looking for two voice actors with masculine voices (one with an Australian accent, one with an American Southern accent) to fill the roles of NPCs for one scripted, recorded, AND PAID reading. ($40 flat for both actors, this will be less than 5 pages in length.) I am a Storyteller/Game Master currently running a Vampire the Masquerade game and where I do all of my NPC's voices myself during sessions, I would like to put together a recording I can play as my players observe a scene during the end-of-an-arc-session coming up sometime in late July. No previous experience required. If you're interested: Check out my BTVA link: [https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Feather/casting-call/Vampire-the-Masquerade-Scene-Voice-Over/](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Feather/casting-call/Vampire-the-Masquerade-Scene-Voice-Over/) Join the Discord server for more information: [https://discord.gg/QyD8D4e](https://discord.gg/QyD8D4e) Or message me directly on Discord: Feather#4120
I'm a 34-year-old musician and lately I've been dealing with the fact that I've always wanted to be an actor but keep on talking myself out of it throughout the years. Becoming a singer and musician with stage experience has definitely helped me explore this side of me but I think that's not enough. At this age, I'm willing to actually study and practice to become an actor. Anyone here has become an actor later in life? Should I go for it? Any tips?
Hello all, The very funny Alison Becker is doing a free version of her How to get into the business class tomorrow night. Check out her Instagram for information. -Just a fellow actor no connection-
Have you ever been cast in a role that was not, shall we say, necessarily "culturally accurate"? Do you feel guilty about it? I can't tell if I am feeling guilty for having played Anita in West Side Story even though there is no evidence that I am even slightly Latina, or if I am feeling guilty for not feeling guilty that the director and choreographer (both people of color, as a point of interest) chose to cast me in a role I was dying to play. I am an actor. I feel like all acting is making believe you are someone else. For further context, this was back in 1988, I was 21, and it was community theater. Also, I am just not sure that casting a part in a play with an off-type actor should be taboo. I am still struggling with this. I don't see a role in something as ephemeral as a stage play matters all that much in the larger scheme of things. I am very open to learning. Please share your thoughts? I am asking because an actor friend recently posted a page-long apology for having played a Latino person in a show even though he is definitively not Latino.
I'm writing this because I've seen too many well known voice artists run newcomers into the ground. I don't know whether it's insecurity or fear of more competition! The fact is, there is NO competition! A client either likes your voice and delivery or they don't! It's easy to get hooked on voice acting if you're passionate about it. It's not always easy to get work but I get quite a bit now. I'm on Fiverr, Voquent, The Voice Realm, Upwork and look for jobs in r/recordthis and r/voicework on Reddit and have a personal website I've gotten work from. Every time I do a voice over I tell myself, "I want this to be the best voice over I've ever done". I've done a ton of voice overs and 2 audio books. I think the biggest mistake any voice artist can make is thinking they're good or they've "arrived". There is just so much to learn, ALL the time and there's always room for improvement! I was on the BB Voice Over Forum a few years back and Phil Banks, who's "well established" gave me a really hard knock which I felt was uncalled for and sheer nastiness. I found lots of posts by other voice artists looking for critique. He did the same thing to almost all of them too! There was a guy on there who did a really good rich voice, smooth voice over, almost like Jeremy Irons with very little equipment and improvised. He got told by Phil Banks that he was useless. I tried to locate the guy and tell him how good I thought he was but he left the forum. We never know what place others are in their lives. Someone could be giving it their "last go" and on the verge of giving up or worse still, suicidal. I think there are too many established voice actors out there who break people's spirits with their harsh critique of new voice artists work! I hate that! Yes, people need helpful criticism but most of all, encouragement. I urge all voice artists, new or long standing to be honest but...be helpful, kind, friendly and above all, uplift others!
I'm not casting anything yet. I want to know for future reference. If I want to post a casting call to find actors in Florida for a non-SAG production, what is the best website(s)? I figure I'd ask actors on Reddit since you know what sites you check the most.
I am reading Audition by Michael Shurtleff. While I understand that he wants you to use the guideposts as general questions to ask yourself, I'm practicing and I have difficulty remembering all of this stuff. Like when I try a monologue, I have to remember stuff about the relationship which is no big deal but then throw in opposites, mystery/secret, fighting for it like a game, the moment before etc etc. Especially since my teacher from class tells us to focus on the process and not the results. To get out of our head. Yet I'm not sure how I can remember all these without thinking about them. But I'm just wondering if actors are supposed to think of all this during their acting with another actor? Or in an audition? With practice, do these things just come naturally? I'm curious if a lot of the well-seasoned actors do something similar or just straight up go in and act... thank you!
Hey there! I'm a voice actor from Orlando, and I currently have a 4' x 4' Whisper Room setup for voice over. In there, I have 4" Owens Corning 703 lining each wall, and the ceiling. Everything is tucked away nearly behind thick fabric, and I'm quite pleased with the audio quality! Here's the rub... I'm moving. In the next two weeks, I'll be tearing down my studio setup to move it to our new home nearby. In doing so, I'll be taking down all of the OC 703 that lines the booth. For those of you who have never worked with OC 703-- it's messy. And it will likely crumble as I pull it out. That got me thinking. If I have to replace all of the insulation anyway, why don't I build boxed frames for the insulation (similar to an acoustic panel you'd hang on the wall) and stack them. That way I can put them in and take them out without damaging the insulation! I have some concerns that the stacked wooden frames leave less insulation to absorb sound, but I honestly don't know if it's enough to be concerned about. Has anyone created such a system, and if so what was your experience? Am I on to something, or can you help me avoid someone else's mistake? Thanks!
Best at acting I mean, even if you weren't a fan of their music
I made a post for r/judgemyaccent about an attempt at a general American accent. I don't think they're critical enough of my accent, so I would love if any actors could give me honest feedback about how close I am and what I can do to improve. https://voca.ro/4QeknebKHPH Thanks a lot!
Since I made my first repost from r/filmmaking on my telegram group a couple of days ago, I have gotten **17** Singapore-based filmmakers, writers and actors onboard! We are an extremely diverse group of young people in Singapore from all walks of life and the ideas just keep coming. We intend to hold a virtual town hall session on Zoom to get to know each other more tomorrow, and that's just the first of many meetups and collaborations that will happen along the way. By joining us, you can expect to get lots of networking opportunities with the next generation of Singaporean filmmakers and actors in the industry. We'll also host dialogue sessions on video calls, and once we're legally allowed to there'll be plenty of opportunities for meetups, group training sessions and short film collaborations. There's even talk of trying out a few plays and musical songs while we gather, nothing is off-limits with us:) From film school students and screenwriters to musical theatre enthusiasts and aspiring actors and actresses, there's something here for you at the Singapore Film and Theatre Lab (SFTL). Ready to join us? Here's how: 1) Drop me a DM. 2) I'll use a variety of methods to ascertain your nationality or place of residence if you're an international student/pass-holder. 3) Once I'm convinced that you're a good fit for our community, I'll send the entry link. --- FAQ: 1. I'm not based in Singapore or affiliated with Singapore, may I join? I'm so sorry but this is a locals only group. We do accept international residents and overseas citizens/PRs though. 2. What's the group culture like? It's small, tight-knit, and feels like family. Oh, and it's beautiful. 3. Am I too young/old/ugly/introverted/extroverted/(insert adjective here) to join? No, no, and no. So long as you come in with the right attitude of being non-judgemental and just being a nice, friendly person to work with in general, you're right at home with us. Thanks for reading this!
So whenever I watch I show set in secondary school, high school, college or university eventually I check the ages of the cast. Sometimes the cast in general are of high school or university age. Other times not so much. I get that with high school shows, the production crew doesn't want to work around child labour laws so much or their themes are more adult so they cast adults. But I don't get why they would cast people in there 30s to play undergraduate university students. I'll give you a brief case by case example. I've watched a few episodes of Grown-ish set in an American college. When I checked the ages of the cast, to my surprise, quite a lot of them were actually around the age of your typical undergrad college student. Not all but a lot. Then I checked another show I watched. Dear White People. The show not the movie. I don't really know about the movie. The cast as a whole is much older. Quite a number of the cast are in their 30s and even though I think the cast is good, I wonder why they didn't really pick more younger people. Someone in their early or mid 20s could have just as much acting experience as someone in their 30s. Maybe even more so. I get that you can go to university at any age but most undergrad students in university range between 18-22. So why pick not one, but multiple people in their 30s?
Sorry for such a generic post, but I wanted advice on how you all deal with this. (And also vent.) I think this pandemic has given me time to step back and take a look at (and stew about) how I'm doing as an actor. And I'm NYC-based, non-union, & self represented by the way, to give an idea of my level. I only started auditioning last year. But it has been a year, with a fairly steady flow of auditions for student and indie films... and I have never gotten a single callback and have only booked once. I'm sure this sounds kind of naive coming from an actor with barely any experience, but it just feels crushing. I still give auditions my 110%, I don't dwell on specific projects and failed auditions, I know the odds are way out of my favor, and I know being passed on jobs doesn't make me a terrible actor... But it still builds up and gets really frustrating. The voice in my head tells me that if I can't even book a volunteer-fueled short that requires travel and doesn't pay, then how will I ever book union roles in the future? So I wanted to listen to all you actors out there, and see if this is a common mood and if so, how you deal with it. I'd love to hear from both beginning actors like myself, and experienced actors on what it was like when they were just scrolling through Actors Access. Thanks and stay safe everyone!
I just finished writing my first omorashi book. It took me 2 years to finish it but it looks like my hard work finally paid off (: For those who don't know ,omorashi is a Japanese fetish in which one experiences sexual arousal from watching/reading/witnessing someone desperate to pee and struggling to hold it in,eventually wetting themselves. It features 10 different stories in which 10 different people find themselves in desperate need for relief, trying their hardest to hang on until the very last minute. Will they make it in time & avoid the public humiliation? Read to find out. I decided I'm just going to turn it into an audiobook, but my biggest problem right now is finding voice actors that are willing to read out loud the stuff I wrote. The descriptions are pretty explicit and raunchy. Most of the people I talked with about my fetish said that it's really gross.What if the voice actors are disgusted & uncomfortable with it? Any suggestions?