Hi guys! I work at a company called Psych Hub and I'm looking for more Voice Actors to add to our roster. We are continuously making videos about mental health and this would be on ongoing relationship if chosen to join our roster! I'm mostly looking for these types of voices female AND male: Hispanic, Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese, Spanish, Indian, Middle Eastern, British, African American, Japanese, Chinese. Even if you can not do these accents above we would still love to add you to our roster so we can have a variety of voice Just a little about the company, our the goal is to make mental health education free and accessible to consumers. We also make training videos for clinicians. Here's an example of one of our videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_9j2ozvS5vo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9j2ozvS5vo) If you are interested or no someone who might be please respond/message with your demo reel and email. Thanks!
I’ve heard a story of Henry Goulding in Crazy Rich Asians getting cast with no acting experience, all because they found his Instagram account and thought he was very handsome. I’m wondering if CDs frequently go through social media to scout potential actors, and is it worth brushing up on your accounts to make it look kind of like a portfolio?
What are the hallmarks of a good acting reel? What is the best length? Do casting directors and producers care about the editing? Also, as another question to actors who have action reels - do you guys have a separate action reel and an acting reel? Or do you keep them together?
Hi y'all, not sure if this is the best place to go for this, but my team is working on the pilot episode for an animated series, and are in need of 2 voice actresses to play as 18 year old high school students. The characters' ethnicities are BURMESE (Myanmar) and ARMENIAN, so we would like to have the actress' racial backgrounds match their characters'. I know these are two very specific nationalities, so I don't have my hopes up too high to find a match here, but if anybody knows anyone who fits this criteria and would be interested, please message me or let them know.
I would love to become a motion capture actor. I'm very physical as an actor and aware of my body. As a 30F, I'm in shape and have some aerial acrobatic training. I live in NYC but I have no idea where to go to pursue this dream. I've looked up mocap studios but I'm getting the sense that they hire actors from agents. If that's true, are there any agencies that specifically look for physical performers?
I'm a transgender woman trying to get into voice acting, both as a means to practice my female voice and because I want to see if voice acting is something I'd like to try to get into. I've already done a lot of voice training with the intent of honing my *speaking* voice, which I think is decent. However, I think my habits formed while practicing my speaking voice are getting in the way. Trans woman are typically recommended to find someone's voice that they like, and then imitate it as closely as possible, down to the exact inflection. That being the case, what I've been doing is taking video game cutscenes and recording the lines myself, but that's not giving me good results. I think it's because I'm straining my voice too hard trying to do an impression that doesn't end up being very close, and because comparing my recording so closely with something that already exists makes the EQ difference extremely noticeable. So I think what I'm going to try doing *instead* is taking some audio-only scenes from roleplaying or improv podcasts I listen to, and then record them *without* making a direct reference to the original recording while I'm recording it. This way there's not so much baggage in the way of me actually practicing my voice and my acting. Does this sound like a better plan? I don't know how voice actors typically practice when starting out, my frame of reference is completely different.
Hey guys I'm looking for people who've had unique experiences on acting, sadly for the purpose of the podcast we're looking for film and tv actors but if you have a unique story lemme know! The podcast is called the awfully Irish podcast
I'm interesting in acting, but can't really join a class or club or anything right now! Is there any webcam chat thing for actors or anything like that?
I’m thinking of doing this play at my local community theatre with two other actors I know who’re interested in the project. With each character being so complex and conflicted throughout the play, it made me wonder who my favorite role in it is. Reddit, thoughts on this?
I've heard in a few interviews that some voice actors will use a specific pose when voicing a charter (I act like I'm holding a coffee mug when I voice this PI, I hunch over and crouch a little when I voice this monkey like charter) and I've talked with some theater actor friends about this and they mentioned that this is similar to 'outside to in.' An example of this technique would be a nervous or insecure character will lead with their head while walking where as and a bold character will lead with their chest. I'm wondering if there are any articles or general practices that break down how body language influences voice and characterization and what poses prompt which emotions.
I’ve been feeling insecure about my imperfect teeth. Think steve buscemi. Will having crooked teeth affect my career as a film/tv actor? Should I invest in braces if so? Thank you :(
Hey! I’m a relatively new and young actor into the industry. Given the current circumstances I think finding an agent post drama school will be more difficult than normal; and idk if casting directors will be interested. However does anyone have advice on getting that first screen credit that we all dream of? Thank you!
It was four months ago, just curious if that ever went anywhere. https://old.reddit.com/r/acting/comments/epyay7/hey_actors_my_day_job_is_in_casting_send_me_links/
Hi everyone! A friend of mine is currently hosting a Shakespearean monologue marathon for 24 hours during these difficult times. You can find the stream of the actors performing randomly selected monologues here: [https://www.twitch.tv/monologueathon/](https://www.twitch.tv/monologueathon/), or here: [https://www.facebook.com/mashedtheatre/](https://www.facebook.com/mashedtheatre/). Donations are encouraged but it is worth tuning regardless to watch global and Australian talent tackle the material of one of the greatest poets of all time. I apologise if this is considered spam and understand if it is removed, I simply want to send the message and viewing pleasure for a great cause. I hope everyone is surviving during this difficult time. Thank you.
I'm trying to find someone to play the line of a husband in a VO performance for a page of dialogue. The issue is that most VO actors only know one speed or overemphasize everything. Does anyone have any experience with this? Would love to talk to someone that wants low budget SAG rate and IMDB credit for literally only one page of dialogue
Hey all, here’s my performance of [“An Actor Prepares”](https://youtu.be/1-7rannAz4U) for the Quick Quarantined Play Festival, a weekly event by Vintage Soul Productions, open to anyone around the world! Go to vintagesoulproductions.com for more info on how to participate as an actor or playwright!
I still have some stimulus money that I want to put into VO. It is $500, but I could maybe spend $1000. I have only been at it for about 2 weeks but I want to use the next couple of months to take a real shot at making this work as a full time gig. (tl;dr version at bottom of post.) Where I am so far (for context):-I live in a camper, my plan is to travel full time. I've converted a space next to my bed into a small home studio using PVC pipe and moving blankets. The moving blankets do a pretty alright job of masking the sound from outside the booth, but not perfect. I live next to a creek and large wooded area so the birds are pretty loud. Here are some pics of my current setup. [https://imgur.com/a/bSYUHuh](https://imgur.com/a/bSYUHuh) \-I have a blue yeti USB mic and Izotope RX 7 \-I have a membership with [voices.com](https://voices.com) ( [https://www.voices.com/actors/ElloEff](https://www.voices.com/actors/ElloEff) ) \-I am working on making a demo myself right now, but despite my best effort, I doubt it will be as good as a professionally made one. \-I have no formal coaching \-Here are some auditions I did so you can hear what all this actually amounts to ( [https://soundcloud.com/cody-stewart-410157511/sets/auditions-no-music](https://soundcloud.com/cody-stewart-410157511/sets/auditions-no-music)) ​ What I am considering spending it on: \-Further soundproofing my booth so that less post production is required (I could probably only afford a thicker sound blanket for 1-2 sides of it....unless you maybe know of a better solution) \-1-3 hours of voice acting coaching \-Professional demo production (preferably one where someone "directs" me) \-Getting a Voice123 membership \-Having a professional produce an "effect chain" to make my audio pop a little more. What you hear above has an added compressor, noise reduction, and mouth declicker but I am by no means a pro. What would you personally do? tl;dr : I have 500-1000 bucks to spend. should i get a pro demo, vo coaching, or something else?