I’m a new actor. I’ve only done one video I got a small role in my acting coaches series he started. However I’m dying to do more. I don’t even care to get payed I just want experience and to get comfortable in front of a camera. Does anyone know where I can seek opportunities like this in the vegas area?
Many people regard 4Kids One Piece to be the worst anime dub of all time. But is it really? Join Justin and Will as they put the Straw Hat voice actors head to head to see which version is the King of the Dubs! [Video Version](https://youtu.be/8odpItszYlM) [Audio Version](https://anchor.fm/voicecasters/episodes/4Kids-vs--Funimation-One-Piece-Dub-Comparison-Episode-19-ef1rrv) https://preview.redd.it/emxmhd8pa5351.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86cde3b321892d4a43051e81a9987effd830d107
Hello actors! Long time lurker, first time caller. I’m producing a cheeky project for anyone who’s into offbeat, quirky humour and irreverent concepts. It’s a 6 episode web mini series and I’m looking for actors, comedians and anyone who’s into a bit of light clown torture. Plan is to produce first 3 eps and knock it out of the proverbial park, get heaps of eyeballs, and apply for completion grants from relevant bodies. That means hopefully you get paid when we wrap shooting. I come from a BG in social media advertising and have a killer marketing plan which I’m happy to share with you. If you like the idea, drop me a line, I’d really love to hear from you. Project details: **Production title:** We Kill Clowns **Project type:** Mini web series - 6 x 8mins eps **Project Genre**: Dark comedy | mockumentary **Synopsis:** 2 professional clown hunters stalk and convert working clowns into everyday people. Tensions rise as one clown seems impervious to their tactics, thwarting their perfect record. Think The Office vibes and People Just Do Nothing. Wacky and awkward dialogue with absurd action. **Audition Location:** Sydney - exact details TBC following instructions re C19. Will be city/inner west. **Shooting Location:** Sydney NSW inner west **Email:** wekillclowns@gmail.com **KEY DATES** **Auditions:** Friday 19 June & Saturday 20 June: 11:00 – 18:00 (Please note all auditions will be given a specific time within this window) **Call Backs:** June 26th & 27th: 11:00 – 18:00 **Shooting Starts:** Monday, July 20th, 2020 **Shooting Ends:** Friday July 24, 2020 **Wrap Party:** Saturday 25th July **Character Bios** \- 20s - 30s: Vlad (M) + Joey (F) The heroes you didn't know you needed. Our clown hunters are best mates and are a little rough around the edges. Inflated and cringey, their misnomers and jokes land flat, like their hair, which is always ungainly hidden under caps. Herb (M) “Happy Herb” - the city’s most successful and renowned clown. Joey’s arch rival and someone she hasn’t managed to “unclown”. Yet. Watch out for this guy, there’s a creeping sense of lunacy about him. Cassy (F) Enthusiastic and ambitious but severely deluded, her desire to join We Kill Clowns and prove herself to the group only brings chaos. She’s bright and loves Hubba Bubba. Noel (M) + Crispy (M) 2 housemates in the inner west who like to spot and report on clowns. YTB. Kick back and sink some tinnies round a fire pit. These two froth a clown sighting but never go into battle themselves. Daisy (F) Dancing Daisy is a regular working clown who also makes some spare change as a Hotdog mascot for BBQs Galore. She's hard to catch and even harder to flip. TO APPLY: Hit me up on wekillclowns@gmail.com and let me know what role(s) you're interested in. Include any reels or headshots you have please :) I have a mini show bible and full character descriptions to send to those who are keen. I'll probably ask you for a quick 30seconds self tape too so plan to get that badboy ready. THANKS and chat soon yeah? Kaytee Mods pls remove if not in line with house rules.
Here is an edit I've been working on for a while of some of my favourite performances in film, all highly talented actors ( or at least they were in these performances). Please let me know what you think, tell me what are some of your favourite actors, in this video or not, and maybe even like and subscribe too :) [The Beauty of Acting.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMUKZuYiFy4) [Created and edited by Joe Russell \(me\)](https://preview.redd.it/viu6mdc2z5351.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be7e9666a04947df1d0f41c3261851cbf3167c5)
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I recently watched Clouds of Sils Maria and was truly amazed by Kristen Stewarts performance. Would love to hear of other actors who have shown significant growth :)
32/F. When I'm watching a movie or TV show, I can't help but think about how capable I am of playing these characters as an actress. It's taken away from being able to enjoy watching things because I'm so pre-occupied with hating myself for never truly pursuing acting. My mental health has been a huge factor that's held me back in a lot of ways. I've put in small efforts here and there, but never all in. So every day I am just living with this regret. Had I 100% went all in and wasn't successful, I could accept the fate. At least I could say I tried. I was let go from a job November 2018. The following March I moved in with my parents. I feel like an idiot for not going for it between then and now. Also, I live near Atlanta. I've wasted all that time now and it's time for me to try getting back to full time work in the marketing industry which I am bored with. But I gotta move out of my parents and pay my bills. Just wish I used that time more wisely. I did go through a bad break up and health issues, but still. I don't even know why I'm posting this or what kind of response I'm expecting. I'm mainly venting and wondering if anyone else has felt this way. This isn't something I feel I can talk about to anyone in my life.
Hello, I am doing a little research on survival jobs, but I would hope that it is not in the traditional sense. Therefore, I am hoping this warrants a post. It is not new, but the rise in remote work seems to be overlooked in the acting industry especially with the COVID crisis, which could change a lot of things... It got me wondering if remote work could actually be better for the actor since you do not have to quit your job and can continue to work your survival job while acting. I could be wrong on this, which is why I am here. Anyways, I wanted ask: Has anyone had experience with both modes of work and balancing it with acting? Which do you think is better and more freeing for the acting profession: remote work or night jobs? Examples of remote work are coding, marketing, virtual assistance, etc. Examples of night jobs are bartending, waiting tables, security guards, etc. Love to hear your experiences... Thank you!
Would short skits on YouTube of yourself be considered as "experience"? I am having a hard time deciding where to properly start a (possible) career as an actress and figured that perhaps recording and uploading some skits to YouTube could maybe be a good start. ​ The "short-term" end goal would be to list these videos whenever acting agencies ask for experience. Aside from my school theatre performance for roughly 2k people, I do not have any experience. ​ Note: I am from the Netherlands, so it might all be a bit different here.
hello, I am a 16 year old male looking for somewhere I can audition for a voice actor, I'm open for anything, and I would also like some tips from the VA's here on this subreddit that can help with auditioning fi you would like to reach out to me my email is: [captiannolan@gmail.com](mailto:captiannolan@gmail.com), and my discord is iz ded inside#6887
I’m reading an audiobook that’s a biography of a mid-century southern author. The biographer is white and the biography includes several quotes with the n word in them. Every chapter seems to have at least one quite like that. I’m white and that’s not my word. Reading those quotes really sucks. I’m not playing a character here, just reading the script. What do other actors do when you run into this?
Hello fellow actors! I was curious if anyone who actually paid for talent link successfully got an agent and/or manager from it? I'm considering paying for it but wanted to see if anyone at all actually got something from it, or if it's more or less just a bonus way for actor's access to make a few more bucks.
I'm sure many of you follow famous voice actors on Twitter. If you haven't noticed (and not just lately), most VAs are overwhelmingly liberal. I'm not here to say being liberal is bad, at all. I'm here to ask: is being an outspoken liberal a requirement to be a successful VA in LA/Hollywood? What if a VA says something mildly conservative like "I believe in responsible gun ownership", or "I believe in lower taxes"? Can we expect them to be cancelled on Twitter, blacklisted from VO job opportunities, and screwed out of their voice over dreams? Or do you think a VA working in Texas wouldn't have that kind of problem? For example, Joe Zieja is featuring black and POC developers and composers, many of whom will join him live and have the floor to talk about whatever they want on his Twitch stream. I see nothing wrong with this event, and think it's really awesome! But, do you think this is some kind of calculated pandering in order to seem more marketable? As in, is he doing this just so his fanbase/popularity doesn't plummet (or at least stagnate) during this tumultuous time? On the other hand, I have no problem believing he's doing this with 100% good intentions. I just want to ask the question, since in today's day and age, social media has definitely exacerbated the slacktivism mindset, which doesn't help actual issues get resolved in this country. What about the VAs who either remain neutral, or silent? Is that not enough? If they didn't post a black square on Instagram yesterday (with the *correct* hashtag, mind you), would they be called out, and demonized? Do you think a successful VA needs to "play the game", and toe the line of progressive ideals, in order to be appealing to their fanbase? In fact, do you think any VAs are doing this right now, just for the sake of living their dream and keeping their job? I know the majority of this post is a pile of "do you think...?" questions. I'm just curious to get everyone's thoughts, and maybe have some respectful discussion on the topic.
I was wondering about ways in which international actors could get agents. I would love to hear about people's experiences or talent show cases for international talent
Hi all, I've finished my first year at Edinburgh University, and just received an offer for Italia Conti's BA Acting course, and while I'm absolutely thrilled about gaining a place, I'm a bit concerned about its reputation. The course content looks amazing, as do the teachers, and I've really connected with the school and its ethos. However, I've learnt that Italia Conti has a reputation as primarily an 'MT' school, and ideally I'd like to pursue straight acting. Also, after researching the theatres that I would love to perform at (NT, RSC, Globe) a lot of their actors come from the more classical schools (LAMDA, RADA, Central, Bristol, Guildhall), and I'm afraid a degree from Conti was mark me out negatively, and restrict me when in the profession. What's your experience / opinion of Conti? Am I overthinking it? (I am)? Should I take it or try for the others again next year? Any and all comments appreciated.