I have a speech and its a bit long, how do you guys learn to memorize a script well?
hi im 15 year old male. Recently i decided i would really want to be an actor. If anyone can share tips with me or just wanna talk and help each other become an actor message me.
I am an actress from Argentina (i am 21) that’s just getting started and i wanted to know if it’s worth it to sign up for the site. Are they only looking for actors from europe/usa? Or are they seeking worldwide?
Hello fellow Redditors, I am trying to follow my lifelong dream of being an actor I just want to get my foot in the door and I have no idea where to start I'm currently a U.S Marine stationed in California can any of you recommend what steps I can take to get myself out there and get a foot in the business any feedback would be greatly appreciated PSA: if this is the wrong forum I apologize and please remove
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
thought this might be a fun and somewhat educational discussion for the actors on this sub: who are your favorite newer actors and what specifically about their work makes you a fan?
Pretty much the title. I live in a decently populated area but I was never too social so don’t know many people. I have a few films I wanna make and I’m wandering how to find people in my area that would like to be in them.
I just made a [voices.com](https://voices.com) account ( [https://www.voices.com/actors/samcomerford24](https://www.voices.com/actors/samcomerford24) ) and I was wondering what steps I should take next. Also, if I could get some comments on my demo, I would really appreciate that!
Hey everyone so I (18M) am a lonely actor from NYC. I'm looking to make some like minded friends who would enjoy calling or texting and just talking about dreams, movies, shows, plays and maybe practicing scripts together. I don't have any fellow acting friends so I thought it would be nice to have some who are.
Hello! \*\*EDIT: I would love some pandemic related questions too. The industry has changed and I'm sure most agents will be putting their best foot forward and might not pay attention to their newbies. Also what they're doing to ensure the safety of their actors. I posted a few weeks ago about getting no bites after submitting myself to agencies, but just in one day I have 2 interviews next week! Super exciting. The last time I did an agency meeting was when I was a teenager and I honestly did not prepare myself or learn what to ask or say. I don't want to make that mistake this time! Anyone have any tips? For context, I'm Canadian living in Toronto. I am mainly film and television, but I've done theatre and I would love to do voice eventually.
Hi all, I'm an actor based in Northern California. I've been actively working in my current market with representation for about two years. Before COVID-19, I was about six months to a year away from moving down to LA to pursue more theatrical work but obviously those plans have changed. I was wondering if it would be feasible to seek theatrical representation while not living LA. I understand that a lot of theatrical auditions are self-tapes these days and that might help. I've submitted to a handful of agencies and a few have responded with interest but I don't want to jump the gun and commit to anything without knowing how often auditions will typically be in-person or taped. I'd hate to be unreliable when it comes to showing up for auditions. Would love to get your thoughts. Thanks!
So there’s a saying that only .1% of actors actually reach the point in there career where they are successful enough to stop auditioning and just be offered things, and make an above average living and just 2% of actors actually make a normal living out of it. My mom was an agent back in the day and is good friends with a lot of very successful actors to this day. She was telling me about how funny it is she threw a dinner party like 20 years ago and everyone there were still struggling actors, probably 10 of them. Now about 7 are hugely successful, some A list, some B list but still basically ALL of them make more than a surgeon per year and are all well known and in well known movies and TV. All her good friends from years ago basically made it. Why is this? Everyone says it’s so rare and hard but 7/10 of them at that dinner party had major success. Is that just a rare fluke? Or is the number floating around actually inaccurate just to scare people? I don’t want to be an actor at all, I just find this very interesting!
Okay, example: I wear glasses with a prescription so strong that I can't really wear contacts. If I wanted to be an actor, would this limit my opportunities?
I've seen so many posts lately with people feeling discouraged about becoming an actor. Not good looking enough, too old, job prospects are bleak, not standing out, etc. Don't get me wrong, you are totally allowed to feel your feels but please take some time to appreciate yourself and what you love about being an actor. There are plenty of successful actors who aren't "conventionally pretty" or who started out later in life. There are even a lot of famous actors who aren't even that great at acting! You are wonderful as you are and building a foundation of confidence should be your primary concern. So I want to know what you're good at. Toot your own horn! Tell me why you're an actor or what qualities you have that make you great to work with. Go nuts.
I am from Australia and my dream job is to become an actor but I am not apart of an agency or anything like that! I would really like to get casting jobs wether it’s commercials, extras or something else! If any one could help me out and let me know good trustworthy agencies or let me know how I can find out about jobs and apply myself that would be great ☺️☺️
I’ve been asking these questions. There is probably billions of actors out there. What can I bring that someone else doesn’t have. I just feel a bit discouraged. I’m also not from the Us. I’m all the way in Australia and it’s even smaller than anything. I just don’t feel like I can make a mark.
Not a big deal, but a question for curiosity sake. Are there any actors who are "recognizable names" or "household names" or things like that - but the actors are nonunion? I've seen a few casting calls for that and generally assume they mean more like "regionally well known in the indie circles" like how a local TV news anchor might be a local celebrity, but not really famous. Or am I mistaken? Are there nationally famous actors in the US who are nonunion?
I live in the USA, just a few hours north of Atlanta. I want to study acting and film production at the University of Georgia and then perhaps find work in Atlanta to build my resume. But my other dream besides being an actor is to live in Scandinavia for various reasons. I was wondering which Nordic country offers the best opportunities for aspiring actors? I am interested in film, theatre, and television.