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First Post on Reddit by AgedEmo  •  last post Jul 26th

I've lurked on a few subs but never joined reddit until today when I saw this one. You seem like the people to ask a question that's been getting to me lately. I'm about to be 35. Before University I was in acting hobby groups, but I wasn't near any places that offered it academically. Went to Uni, did English, got boring customer service job after boring customer service job. I'm a capable writer, so I'm working on a novel while looking for another boring admin job that might get me away from customers. The truth is, I've always wanted to be an actor. The work itself is what appeals, none of the 'famous' or 'rich' dreams that tend to come with it. But I don't know how to begin at this time of life. I look about ten years younger than I am, which I think might help, but I'm well-aware of the pressures on women in the field and... is there any way to begin working on this? Even if I fail, at least I'd have tried. Money's a bit of a concern, I make just about enough to pay my bills atm. What are practical first steps? I tried looking at acting courses but all the pictures are these 19-yr-olds and I get intimidated imagining me being the oldest person there. Not to mention I can't commit to a full-time educational thing without an income for a year. The same intimidation factor applied when I think about local theatre groups. All this stuff to get young people into the arts... I wish I'd grown up near a city! A part of me wonders if I can just like, look up an audition and turn up, but I don't even understand what they entail and I don't know if I have the skills. My confidence could take a bit of work too. Sorry for the long post, I just saw people in here actually putting in the work for their dream and I really wish it was me and that I had the first idea of how to proceed. (Also in tears after a couple hours job-hunting so pls be gentle with me.)

Pulling Adam's Apple for Voices by Amenbreaker  •  last post Jul 26th

Hey! I've read and seen somewhere that there are some voice actors that manually push/pull their Adam's Apple to attain a certain voice or pitch in their performances, e.g. Michael Korvach (as Angel Dust in Hazbin Hotel) Is this a safe technique or is it not recommended? I've seen info about this about it being bad for singing, but I can't find anything in terms of voice acting about what people really say about this.

I'd like to start an acting meetup, where other actors practice cold readings and acting. How do I do that? by Necessary-Fact  •  last post Jul 26th

I'd like to start an acting meetup, where other actors practice cold readings and acting. We could practice in my garage. Is there something like that? Has that been done before? Maybe like a toastmasters meetup but for practicing acting.

Looking to build an acting friend group by Theealexking  •  last post Jul 26th

Hey guys I’m new to this group so I hope this isn’t against the rules, but I moved to California to be an actor about a month ago and I’m looking to find some people to befriend and push each other to reaching our goals. I even started a YouTube channel documenting my journey to becoming a working actor and maybe provide a video journal for other actors wanting to make it! I would love it if I could talk to some of you and if anyone is interested I’ll link my YouTube. I don’t have many people following me and no one in California to talk to so I would love if I could talk to some people! Oh my name is Alex and I’m 19 I hope this doesn’t get taken down for breaking any rules haha.[my YouTube :)](

Studying by bellmin8  •  last post Jul 25th

Hi, I was wondering when it comes to analysing an actor or film in general or on stage (when the theatres reopen), What things should I be noting down? Gestures and facial expression is all I can think of. If possible could you recommend some actors maybe you find interesting to analyse? I have my notebook ready but I’m abit unsure on how to get started? Thank you and Stay Safe :)

Is it a myth that good actors are good liars? by notburneddown  •  last post Jul 25th

The reason I ask is I get conflicting answers when I look it up. How much baring does being a great or very good actor have on lying ability?

Opportunities Outside of North America by lazyxlibra  •  last post Jul 25th

Hi there! The goal was always to move to the US from Canada but I'm having second doubts due to well, the US being the US. Before you say "why not just stay in Canada", that's definitely an option but I would love to hear from English-speaking actors who left North America and pursued acting elsewhere. Would love to hear about European markets. Doesn't even need to be big roles, just if the community and industry in other countries for acting is thriving. I'd love to live somewhere else outside of North America before I turn 30 and wouldn't want to stall my entire career.

Can you make it as an actress if you're ugly? by lostbittermiserable  •  last post Jul 25th

One of my biggest passions is acting. I love it so much that I find myself accidentally practicing it all the time. In front of my mirror, sitting on my bed or walking down the street. It has always been kinda there in my life and had special place in my heart. I am definitely not into acting or getting the main rules in high budget movies because of money and just fame. I am into it because I love it. Yeah, it would be really nice to achieve that but... The problem is that mostly actresses and actors who get cast as main characters and are successful are really beautiful, hot, handsome, pretty, good get the point However, I am not pretty and I am wondering if I have any chance at becoming successful actress considering my looks...? I know that acting is the most important part but I feel like without having a nice looking face and body chances might be ruined even if your acting is good.

How do you work with a crappy co star? by Hussain_Lali  •  last post Jul 25th

My acting partner in my acting class dosen't take his job seriously at all, always on his phone or goofing around and overly confident. I try to work with him and give him tips but nothings working with him. I feel like he brings down my performance as well, he is so unbelievable as an actor. Any tips on how I can deal with this?

Questions from a young, Canadian, (want to be) actor! by Armfoot  •  last post Jul 25th

Hello everyone, first of all I have been doing a major amount of research and planning over the last few weeks, and I must say this subreddit is lovely and so helpful! Second of all, I am wondering if any Toronto-area actors (or just people in general) could shed a little light on a few of my questions. Do you think that going into post-secondary for drama straight after High School is a bad idea? I have been on a few discussion posts here (mainly ones from around 6 years ago, hence why I figure it can't hurt to ask again), many of them suggest just going straight into the industry with an agent and learning/training through experience or acting classes. I am leaning towards that option, but I would love to hear some of your thoughts. Is background/extra acting still a steady enough work stream that I can consider that as a potential source of gigs 3 or so years into the future? I know that with the nightmare garbage fire that is happening in the world right now there are probably no opportunities and that we have no way of predicting what the world will look like after this mess,, but besides that. Do you have any agency suggestions? I am a young, fairly new-to-this actor looking to get into film acting- I have been lucky enough to take part in in numerous theatre productions, including one professional show and another with a fairly well-known and revered program. I unfortunately have not had any chance to train for on-screen acting, but I am looking for educational opportunities wherever I can. The crappy thing is that I was in a really good place that I felt I would grow from right when COVID hit, so it feels like I was cheated out of a lot of cool experiences. Aside from my bitching and teen angst, I would love to hear some of your suggestions for starter agencies in the Toronto area. Thank you in advance, you guys are life-savers! :)

How does bad acting get on TV? by xcottoncandyqueenx  •  last post Jul 25th

Actress myself, yet to book network TV and I’ve never understood this. With how rigorous the casting process is, how does this go wrong?

Meisner- Mother Goose Nursery Exercise by Consistent-Cycle5153  •  last post Jul 24th

Hi all, I'm currently taking Meisner and we are suppose to pick one mother goose nursery and give it two different circumstances. Without changing the words, and/or the order of them nor the meaning. (5-10 lines) Now, I know myself and I over complicate things to say the least. From my research so far this is a regular exercise done in Meisner to get actors to use their imagination. Do you have any advice? I'm still confused.

How many photos should you add to actor's access and other casting websites? by bruceleexdarwin  •  last post Jul 24th

Is there a limit to how many photos you should add to casting websites? Can adding too many photos become a hindrance?

SAG-AFTRA Short Contract Too Limiting? by sagaftrashorts  •  last post Jul 24th

While I have many things to say about the 2020 Theatrical Contract that just passed (ugh), I'll bite my tongue and focus on something that is impacting me in our current COVID-19 production slowdown — the short film contract. It's needlessly limiting. In my opinion, the union should view short films as acting exercises, not finished projects with the potential to be sold to studios since that so rarely happens. For no- to low-budget shorts, there are too many restrictions in the agreement, too many hoops for producers to jump through to justify hiring union actors. Hence, we union actors suffer and lose out on opportunities. Yes, union actors' compensation can be deferred, and yes, the short agreement paperwork—though annoying—is fairly straightforward, but it's *still* too much effort for most productions to go through when many are worried about scraping together $100 to feed everyone on set. For actors trying to build a reel, shorts are often the only option. Why are we being kept out of the running by our own union? One could use the oft-cited argument, "write and produce your own work!" but even the tiniest of projects starring only you is *still* supposed to be cleared by SAG-AFTRA if it's to be shared with the public/posted online (something that I don't think a lot of union members realize). So what can be done? Would my fellow union members be willing to lose the benefits of meal penalties and care mileage reimbursement in order to act in shorts? Are these losses worth the gain of reel footage for those of us who are in SAG-AFTRA but early in our careers? Moreover, if enough of us got together to petition the union, do you think they'd lighten up on short requirements? I'm genuinely curious what others think. To be clear, I am and always will be pro-union. I don't think we should sacrifice *anything* in our contracts with large companies/studios who are producing big budget features, TV, and commercials. But some guy in Sherman Oaks who wants to film a short this weekend? Surely we can make an exception for him and get ourselves some nice footage to boot?

Could Someone Explain How We Pay Taxes as Actors? by Accidental_Edge  •  last post Jul 24th

I was reading about it [here](,on%20a%20business%20tax%20return.) It says there that I can deduct expenses that pertain to my career, and it then lists a subway fare, plane flight, etc as an example. How would I report a subway ride or a taxi fare, or a plane flight even? I've only ever done taxes through my employer (I'm 19), so this is all very unknown territory for me.

How do you continue school and act? by Ashmem26  •  last post Jul 24th

For reference, I'm a teenager and still in high school. I live in an area with little to no opportunities available. I'm wanting to audition for jobs though, and I was wondering how school would maybe work with that. Say I were to book something that's set to go in March 2021. I'd be in school during that time. When you have to travel for acting while in high school, how do you still stay *in* school? I've heard most companies bring tutors on set, but does anyone know how the whole thing works? Would a school perhaps be understanding about it? Would I be able to stay in my classes and just work online and remotely with a tutor on set? How does it work for child actors at all? Curious but also trying to plan.

Backstage / StarNow by actoruk99  •  last post Jul 24th

UK actors... what have you found more successful? Backstage or StarNow? I know a lot of people find Mandy great but I was wondering about these two specifically? I have always felt backstage to be more American focused but I may be wrong? Could you leave below any advice for online sites like these and or specifically related to starnow / backstage!