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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

In acting an acquired skill, or does it at its base require natural talent? by bobfosseinaloof  •  last post Aug 4th

I’m not new to performing on stage, I’ve done it since I was 7. But one day while I was attending film school, my colleagues asked me to act in a scene they were developing. It was a reenactment(reimagining) of a scene from the movie 40-Year-Old Virgin. I panicked bc I hadn’t “acted since I was a kid. (I’m primarily a professional dancer) and looking back, I’m sure it wasn’t the best acting performances lol. I was nervous bc I’d never performed in a comedy. And it requires timing in a way I never had to think about. Also, I had the original actress’s performance in my head every time I recited the lines. It was wretched from start to finish. Watching it back, my eyes were all over the place, you could read the nervous and uncomfortable feeling I had on my face, my body language was weird, everything was just hilariously horrid.

How would you like to receive a rejection, if at all? What is the best rejection letter you've received? by gunshoh  •  last post Aug 4th

Hello, I've been casting a feature over the past few weeks, going through a couple rounds of callbacks, and we've finally made our decisions. How should I let those who we didn't choose know of their rejection? I also work as an actor and I always appreciate when casting (or my agent) lets me know I didn't receive the role. These actors have been with us for a month through 3 rounds and I don't know if I should add something more personal or give them the standard, "We really appreciated your work, but we decided to go in a different direction with the character. We will keep your materials on file when the next project comes around. Wishing you all the best!" How do you like receiving rejection, if at all?

Immigrant Actor by pennepacino  •  last post Aug 3rd

Anyone on this group an immigrant living in the US and trying to make it as an actor? ? I have so many questions I want to ask.

What is the best casting website for NY right now? by Topazure  •  last post Aug 3rd

I live in NYC and have been wanting to pursue an acting career. Last year, I was subscribed to Backstage and did mostly extra roles. I was receiving work quite often, though I stopped later in the year to focus on college. I have been planning to bring my focus back to pursuing an acting career, but with quarantine having slowed down production I'm unsure what my best course of action would be. I've been looking through the productions listed in my area on Backstage, Actors Access, and AllCasting, though I still can't tell which website would help me out the most. I figured this would be a good place to consult before I spend money on a subscription. If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!

Is it possible? by impengwings  •  last post Aug 3rd

Hi, my name is Alice and i’m 15 years old. I’ve wanted to be an actress for 3 years by now but i don’t take classes or anything. I want to do it because i want to be meet people, create links and escaping from myself sometimes. I don’t want money, i just want to have enough to live but i do want reconition for my work. My parents don’t really support but i feel like i can manage this point. The problem is just that i feel like those times, everyone wants to be an actress (i am in the « everyone ») and i don’t know if so it will be possible. I plan on doing cinematic classes next year in High School. My question is now, will i need to go to USA to find agencies or can i stay in France until the travel is needed since i’d like to be an american actress? Is it possible ? I just want someone to tell me if it’s possible or not. I am not in acting classes but i feel like in the inside of me, i can play anyone. It’s probably something eveyone feels but i just feel like if i breath once and make myself the character of someone, i can act like them. It’s probably just normal. In the hope of one day being able to achieve my dreams. Thank you for any answer and mostly thank you for reading my nonsence text.

How to start/any coaching? by TakiyFPS  •  last post Aug 3rd

So here I am, possibly asking the most commonly question out here. I want to be a voice actor, but how to start? And is there any coaching available, or person willing to steer me in certain directions, or wants to help me get the most out of my voice? - Why do I want to be a voice actor? Over the last few years I have been streaming games on a platform called Twitch. There have been many people asking me questions as "are you a youtuber?" Or "Are you a voice actor?" or "you sound like you're someone from the Radio". And I kept telling them No, with as response every single time "well you should be". I've given it thought and figured that I really do like doing movie trailers, and potentially documentary voice overing, since I have a deep voice with alot of Bass. Anyone who can give directions, or willing to help me get the most out of my voice? Thanks in advance!

how to network? by redalienbaby  •  last post Aug 3rd

I know it seems like somewhat of a broad or silly question, so forgive me, but I don't know where or how to start networking as an actor as I'm somewhat anti-social and don't love the idea of networking but have come to realize it is crucial. I know a few people in the industry, but not a lot. I always see how much good it can do for a persons career and hear people talk about how much it has helped them, I just really don't know how to go about it.. do you guys think networking is a big part of the job and if so how do you usually go about it? I know that given the pandemic networking will not be the same..but I still want to try! any tips are appreciated !!!

Any actor who works at real estate as a side job? How is it by orangealiensmiling  •  last post Aug 3rd

Or acting is side job

Actor here, what is the process of doing a voice over for a commercial/promo or animation? by Hyper_Intake123  •  last post Aug 3rd

So im interested in voice acting and I only about the acting side of things. How much does actual voicework matter? Like changing the pitch of your voice, tones, pauses, resonance etc. I usually do breath diaphragm articulation resonance exercises etc to have a clear powerful voice for acting. When doing a voice over for anything are you usually always trying to tell a story to a single person or? Is the script breakdown very different from acting? If it helps I'm interested more into voice over for commercial and animations. Im 19 yrs old and my voice is still changing. Any help appreciated

Does the talent agency matter? by reddyfreddy47  •  last post Aug 3rd

I currently 15 and rlly want to become an actress. Within the next year, I’m going to start acting classes/training and build more credits on my resume through short films or whatever I can get. But my biggest concern is if the agency matters? If I somehow manage to get an agent, I’m scared that they’ll only be able to get me auditions for netflix rom coms or cw shows w no depth. I rlly want to audition for indie films that are similar to Winters bone, Ladybird, etc. Will any talent agency be able to help me get auditions for those type of roles?

Making a living as an actor by ConorKG  •  last post Aug 3rd

Hey everyone. I'm a 17 year old aspiring actor and this honestly is my greatest passion in life, I don't see myself being happy in any other job. However, my question is, how do I keep the bills paid while attempting a career in acting. Can anyone point me towards any careers that make it easy to juggle the two?

Can I put this booking on my resume? by noclownshere  •  last post Aug 2nd

I had a night shoot for a feature film last night/this morning. I was booked as a background actor but given the role as “Popcorn Girl”. In the scene, the cameras were only on me, essentially making me the main character of the scene. I was supposed to be home alone making popcorn, while let’s say, a dangerous man-serial killer watched me through the window. This movie is directed by a great known horror film director, and the lead actor, serial killer, is also a very well known famous actor. Now I did not have any lines, but I was the main focus of the entire scene with nobody other than the star/lead. Can i put this role on my acting resume? If so, what would I title my role as? (Ex. Extra, feature, featured extra, etc.) we spent 2 hours filming just this scene of me so im curious. thanks!

Demo Reel Help! by TinyActor  •  last post Aug 2nd

Hi, I'm a Toronto based actor who is looking to submit to agencies. I'm currently trying to make my demo reel and I wanted to ask for opinions on what I should do. Up until now, I've worked mostly in theatre, and my resume is reasonably strong in that area. On camera, I have one clip from a short film done while I was at theatre school (two years ago). It is technically high quality as the project was designed to mimic a professional set, and I think it represents me well. Besides that, I have some student/indie film stuff that is okay, but is obviously lower quality. I also have some decent self-tapes. I do have a film project coming up, but I most likely won't have that footage for a couple months. I'm wondering whether I should just submit the HQ clip (it's about a minute long) or if it's worth it to add some of the other stuff as well? Basically, quality vs. quantity? Thanks in advance for your thoughts? :)

Umm (I’m new here) by Mac-the-ice-wolf  •  last post Aug 2nd

How much do voice actors get paid for rap battles?

Helping a voice actor prepare for a recording? by resetplz  •  last post Aug 2nd

I had asked this question in screenwriting too because I imagine there are many perspectives on how directors generally set the scene for voice actors in order to get the most useful reads. Are there conventions/best practices for describing a scene to a voice actor before any of the recording happens? I'm planning several audio-only productions so there would be no visual reference for the mood/atmosphere (although it had occurred to me to offer visuals related to what I'm aiming for). Wondering how I might best help a voice actor understand the mood I'm after—to get the most accurate reading. I would, of course, discuss character, their motivations, the scene as it relates to the story, and the emotional/narrative aim of the scene. Any other things I should consider?

Which is the best source among these for developing connections with actors and directors? by vasvisharma  •  last post Aug 2nd

Best source for an actor [View Poll](

Actor by Interesting-Bottle-6  •  last post Aug 2nd