Hello! I just wanted to share this because I’m really excited and I have no one to talk to about it in person. I have been busting my ass to get better at my craft and get my marketing materials and package together. I just recently decided to take a gap year from my acting conservatory and take this year to see where I fit in the industry. For the first month, all I got were crickets. However in the last few weeks 3 big things have happened. 1. I booked a lead in my first film that films 2 hours away from where I live. 2. I got accepted into the William Esper Conservatory for the upcoming year. 3. A director offered to fly me out to Albuquerque becuase she liked my audition. She’s established in the industry already and she booked me as the lead in her upcoming short. Anyways, I’m so freaking excited for what this year could bring. Just wanted to share that. This community is such a good way to keep up motivation. I know it’s not much but everyone starts somewhere. Also, I have been on the hunt for resources during this time and here is what I have found the most helpful if anyone wants to take advice from a random stranger on the internet. Jodie Bentley Career Coach- She will meet with you for free for 30 minutes and she knows what she is talking about. She’ll help you fully realize who you are and what you sell (which if you ask me is really worth investing in). There are a lot of resources like this out there and you should totally pick one that works for you and spend this time at home focusing on your brand. Actors Comedy Studio- ACS is offering free seminars about how to book sitcoms, headshots, and a bunch of other random topics. Totally 100% free and they are just overflowing with knowledge. BAC Talent on Insta- Does an insta live almost everyday with an industry professional. Just listen to these while your working out or brushing your teeth and you will totally learn something new. Books- The two books below are such great guides for the industry. The first one focuses on LA and the later on NYC. I suggest you read both of them becuase the info in both is so so good. I learned so much. In the LA one, there is a checklist of things to do and a list of things you will need to pay for in your career. I found that especially helpful. (Pro tip- see if your library card will let you into Hoopla online. You can most likely find a lot of acting books for free if your resourceful) Acting in LA- Kristina Sexton Breaking and Entering- Philip Carlson Anyways that’s all. I have a master list of resources if anyone wants that. Just DM me.
I'll try to make this as simple as possible because I know the question is confusing me lol I booked a role in February as a paramedic on an episode of a true crime reenactment TV show. On my contract I am playing a character with a name, but this "character" is a real person who appears in the episode to give her recount of events through VO while I play her younger self, doing paramedic things. Do I credit myself on IMDb as playing "Shirley Reeve", "Young Shirley Reeve", or as "Paramedic"? I was credited in the end titles of the episode, but not as anything specific. All the actors were listed under "With:" in the end credits, so I don't have my answer there. If it means anything––the actual Shirley Reeve is not listed in the end credits.
As the title says. Been looking around but there is so many different ones. Also, what is the difference between a Acting School versus an Actors studio? Worried about the school, since I first of all don't got a GED and secondly, money. ​ Cheers.
Just moved here. Excited for the bigger city move. Just wondering if there is anything worth it in San Antonio to try anything out. I know during a pandemic there isn’t much, but maybe for whenever it is over/settling down?
Let the upvotes decide.
I always think that much of the reactions, laughter, etc, are just acting. I mean, most of the shows are scripted, the environment and the products are already set up. So, I doubt if their reactions are authentic. Do talk show hosts and television presenters in general have a made-up character with made-up reactions just like acting?
Running 30 minute discussions with actors about features for ntourage, a new social app for actors that's set to disrupt the entertainment industry. If you want to get involved, message me at calin\[at\]ntourage.app or calindrimbau (insta). You'll get early access to the platform in return.
I want to start voice acting but I don't know if I'd be good
I’m not sure if this is the right sub but just something I’m genuinely curious about. I’ve been rewatching some old sitcoms (like Full House) and I’m thinking, how do they work with kids like Nicky and Alex? How do the kids not get confused calling uncle Jesse “daddy”? Or, for example, on today’s episode Jesse was “mocking” some hand motions the kids were doing to tease him. How would that have been planned, or just a lot of improv working with kids? Anyway, I’m just curious about this and would be interested in what it’s like working with very young kids on the set of something.
Most of my friends dont really like acting, so I wanted to find some acting partners, maybe we can make a zoom call and act all together
Somewhat of a new actor here with a tiny resume of work on my AA profile. Today I was beefing up the resume with the student films I’ve been in and that led me to what I’ve done that isn’t a short/tv/movie. Should I put under an “other” category in the resume section that I was a performer in parades because they’re somewhat well known or when I was in my college’s halloween maze as a scare actor? I say this only since they are performances but again they aren’t acting. Or should I put stuff like that in the about me section? Edit: eventually I'll take them off once I get more roles under my belt but for the time being is it a good idea to have them their when I haven't been in much?
I pretty regularly see posts on this sub from people as young as 15 years old broadcasting their age and looking for contacts. I know networking is an important part of the acting career path but it seems innapropriate to have this happening on this sub. A reddit post casts a wide net and you really don't know who you're talking to on the internet. I absolutely don't want to exclude young actors from this subreddit but I worry about what kind of people might be responding to these posts. I've seen so many tragic stories that start with young actors being lured to LA by people they meet online and wind up doing a lot of things they regret. I don't think I know what's best for anyone else, I just want to discuss the issue. Please tell me if I'm being overbearing or worrying about a non-issue.
Hey so I would love some advice from anyone who has some experience in this field... So, some background: my girlfriend and I are both actors, stunt performers, she's an intimacy director and I'm a writer/director as well out of NYC. We've both been hustling for the last 4 years while in NYC as we audition, train in stunts, and produce/fund our own work. COVID really set us back, especially myself as I bartended on Broadway. We are both really not looking forward to starting from the ground up and hustling making minimum wage. For the longest time it was our life, side gigs and tip work to pay bills while we kept our life free to audition and take classes, train, all that. But post COVID, the thought of starting from the ground up and struggling to survive has left me at least super depressed about the future. This was compounded when I discovered my sister, who is a freelance web developer, makes 60$ an hour (she says that's low end) and works four hours a day. Which has my gf and I thinking of one or both of us training in web development/app development/coding through a boot camp. My family has the money and good will to pay for training, we've simply never decided to go for it because we were focused on the acting life and didn't want to sacrifice a good bit of time (6 month boot camp, maybe a year on a contract job before freelance is an option) and our flexibility as actors. But now, with auditions being unavailable for a good while due to COVID, and the prospect of surviving off Trader Joe's or Starbucks not looking appealing, we are considering it. My main reservation is that lack of flexibility. Acting/creating is our main focus in life and our passion and love. I worry that a 9-5 style job would make auditions impossible, or that the emotional and creative energy spent on the job would be too draining and result in us being too tired to go to that audition, write that script, train in that stunt etc. On the other hand, the salary would be a huge increase on what we make now, and it would provide us better training opportunities and potentially give us more money to fund our own projects or start our own stunt/stage combat classes. As well as not struggling to pay rent on a tiny shoebox apartment. So I'd love any input from those who are both actors/creators and who are in the web development world. Is it possible to make both work? Is it too draining or time consuming? Does the financial stability help your mental health over hustling seven days a week at a more flexible but lower paying job? Thank you all! First post. Apologies for the novel.
For an upcoming Sci-Fi short film we are looking for a female actress, age 18 to 29, english native speaker, athletic and very important: comedic talent. Think: Kate McKinnon in Ghostbusters. The performance would be via Greenscreen. PAID GIG.
Howdy folks, please excuse the new account (created because reasons ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ) ​ While the industry prepares to (carefully) ramp back up in BC (under the watchful gaze of Dr. Bonnie, of course), I’m recruiting for Background Performers and Commercial Faces/Models with Ignite Artists in Vancouver - Union or Non-Union, old faces and new! **Personal Testimony**: I've worked with Ignite since March 2019, starting as a Background Performer, and am now on the Commercial roster while working towards becoming a Principal actor. Ignite took a chance on me when I was new, working with me every step of the way - now its my turn to help new/aspiring actors work towards their dreams, and I couldn't be happier. As an advocate for the LGBTQIA+ Community who is passionate about de-stigmatizing Mental Health Issues, I'm beyond proud to work for Ignite in this capacity - they donate a portion of their proceeds to local charities such as Vancouver Covenant House, and Global Teen Wealth. Ignite also strives to represent visible minorities, folks of different abilities, and those of all ages and gender identities, working hard to push the film industry to proportionally represent our world. ​ Learn more on Ignite Artists at [http://www.igniteartists.ca](http://www.igniteartists.ca), or email me at [merrylou@igniteartists.ca](mailto:merrylou@igniteartists.ca) with your headshot (or a nice selfie), your resume (if you have one) and what you're interested in pursuing - let's get you going!
Hello Everyone. For a good while I've lurked around on hundreds of voiceacting and voiceover forums, but I've always been timid on actually going out there and doing it. I usually do "work" for my college radio station and that's helped me get more comfortable with a professional tone and I think that now I should finally start searching for work. I've tried once or twice before but never seriously, always getting discouraged. How did you guys land your first gig? I've attached my two most recent demos that I've recorded today. One for a more serious voiceover and one just for fun. Let me know your critique. ​ [https://soundcloud.com/pcostjr/peter-costantino-voice-over](https://soundcloud.com/pcostjr/peter-costantino-voice-over) [https://soundcloud.com/pcostjr/peter-costantino-voice-actor](https://soundcloud.com/pcostjr/peter-costantino-voice-actor)
Needless to say, I'm experienced in recording/editing voices and instruments, software, DAW, video editing, etc. Today my nephew told me he wants to be a voice actor (he's 14) and start a course. To check if he really is interested, I want to record some scripts with him, and I guess we'll not have trouble with it. But on a second round I think it would be cool to voice over a movie scene, but I don't know what software is used to do that. Can Vegas do this job? I mean, I suppose you must be watching the scene in order to know when to speak? Sorry for my newbie questions, but could someone clarify it for me? Thanks!!!
***Since Hollywood is shut down, I want to get started. How do I do this?*** [Check the sidebar for all information pertaining to getting started](https://www.reddit.com/r/acting/wiki/index). Beginners journey is typically: classes/workshops -> headshots -> local theatre/student productions/etc ***How can I make it in the US (Foreigners)?*** Unless you have family member or employer that can sponsor you, you cannot come to the US simply to act. If you come on a student visa, you will not be allowed to work and must work towards a degree. A work visa is only allowed if it is a profession that is in demand within the US. [Investor visa requires a large chunk of money](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/immigrant-investor-visas.html) and most agents/managers won't issue an O1 visa [unless outside circumstances permit.](https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/temporary-workers/o-1-visa-individuals-with-extraordinary-ability-or-achievement) ***Is now a good time to move to LA/NY/ATL because of COVID?*** No. Now is the worst time to relocate. Hollywood is still navigating the polices and procedures that need to be in place to effectively open ([New York](https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/new-york-production-tv-film-restart-anne-del-castillo-strictly-business-1234726902/) and [LA](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2020-07-17/hollywoods-revival-post-pandemic-hit-roadblocks)). The various unions (SAG-AFTRA, DGA, WGA) as well as IATSE and AMPTP are working to ensure Hollywood can reopen without causing another spike in cases. ***When will Hollywood open back up?*** Technically Hollywood [is back open in certain parts of the world](https://collider.com/avatar-sequels-filming-resumes/) filming on location. As soon as states such as [California](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2020-07-17/hollywoods-revival-post-pandemic-hit-roadblocks), [New York](https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/new-york-production-tv-film-restart-anne-del-castillo-strictly-business-1234726902/) and [Georgia](https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a33514162/walking-dead-fear-resuming-filming-covid/) control the covid spread and deterrence of new cases, they can fully reopen. ***But XYZ is filming right now? How?*** Productions film all over the world and not just the US. [Avatar is being filmed in New Zealand](https://collider.com/avatar-sequels-filming-resumes/) where COVID is effectively being dealt with. Moreover, people such as [Tyler Perry are requiring all cast and crew to quarantine on his studio lot](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2020-07-30/tyler-perry-camp-quarantine-battled-pandemic-to-complete-shooting) (film bubble) so that they can resume filming. ***Is there any work at ALL right now?*** The main ongoing work right now is voiceover and commercials. ***Well how can I get into VO or become a commercial actor?*** The same process you took to becoming a theatrical actor: Proper training, workshops, classes, headshots (for commercial use) and then seeking out breakdowns for work on the major casting sites. You should be aware though, that you'll be attempting to compete against already establish and veteran VO and commercial actors. ***Is now a good time to submit for an agent/manager?*** This depends who you ask. So YES and NO. Many reps are cleaning up their offices both physically and virtually. They are cleaning rosters to trim the fat, now that they have time. However, majority (such as my reps) are not taking on new clients because 1) they need to get their existing clients booked and 2) there literally isn't any work and they don't want to bring you onboard to simply park until Hollywood opens back up. [A great Backstage write up from SAM.](https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/covid-19-coronavirus-affecting-agents-actors-hollywood-70349/) ***Should I relocate to another market that might be filming?*** No. Besides having to spend the costs of packing and moving, you are already at a disadvantage by competing with the locals of that area. The work will return to your city, just be patient. ***I was asked to sign a COVID release form, is this OK?*** If non-union, anything goes. Currently, [SAG-AFTRA does not condone release forms](https://www.sagaftra.org/notice-about-covid-19-related-waivers), as we just had an [issue we Songbird awhile back](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/michael-bay-his-new-pandemic-movie-first-film-shoot-la-1302129). ***What are other actors doing right now to pass the time?*** What are gym rats doing now that gyms are closed? They are working out at home. This is no different from actors. There are still plenty of virtual classes, but many such as myself, write and film our own content. Moreover actors are doing monologues, rebuilding their websites and social media, watching movies/plays/masterclasses, organizing their film career. ***Is there any benefit to virtual classes?*** Some say yes, but I personally don't think so. I'd rather save that money to apply to other parts of my business, than in a virtual class. There's only so much I can do with my skill and learning with online classes.