Could anyone recommend any books on the techniques/craft of voice-acting? I just finished Voice-over voice actor, and it was very insightful. Thanks for any tips!
Hey! My names Alex and I am a streamer and hope to one day be a voice actor. I take both seriously. As I am moving to a new apartment (I am rather loud) and near the side of the road (you can hear traffic outside) I want to soundproof the area to avoid outside noise coming in and me coming out. The living room will be my streaming area and I'm thinking my bedroom will be best suited for voice over as it's smaller and will cost less to acoustically treat. Though I read smaller areas are worse acoustically. I also have rather large windows in both the living room and my bedroom. Questions: 1. Are DIY acoustic panels as good as premade. I would prefer premade. What's the best material for DIY and what's the best company for premade. 2. Is a bigger or smaller area better for vocal recording. Should I record where I stream (the living room vs my bedroom which is smaller. (Note streaming setup won't fit in bedroom, hence the two areas) 3. What's the best way to soundproof that doesn't involve tearing apart the walls and adding insulation as this is an apartment. I've heard of sound proofing blankets and curtains but am having a ton of trouble finding the best of these products and which to get. I am thinking of lining the walls with sound proof materials to avoid the neighbors being disturbed as well as to prevent traffic noise from getting in and then acoustically treating on top of that. 4. I currently have the Rode NT1-A, should I just get a EV RE-20 instead of spending so much on treatment or is treatment still necessary with a dynamic microphone.
Hi, I (20F) am currently in film school studying film in LA. Not trying to sound like an egotistical asshole, but I’ve always felt much bigger than to be BTS. I know I want to finish my degree at my school because learning about the industry is important to me, but acting is something I’ve been interested in for some time now. I’m realistic when it comes to my dreams/goals and I know things don’t happen overnight, and that having a successful acting career takes a lot of patience, time, and dedication (just like it does working in film). With all of that being said, where does one start? I’ve thought about reading some books to familiarize myself more with acting. I know a bit about directing actors, but have no experience on the other side of that. Does anyone have any recommendations as to where to start? Am I too late to begin acting with no experience? I also have worked with the website, actors access, as a casting director, but of course, not with posting myself as an actor. Are headshots first? Reading screenplays? Auditioning for student films? Finding an acting agency? Thanks so much for any feedback in advance.
Basically the title. I don't know man, this pandemic has really left me (and I'm sure a lot of us) really nervous if there's a way to make this a full-time profession. I know I'm not going to quit striving to become an actor because it'd hurt more, but it's getting to the point that I'm getting overwhelmingly worried if I'll achieve my dreams. Sorry for this being a bit of a downer of a post, but I can't stop these thoughts recently.
Hey, I am a new voice actor well I had an interest in it for at least a couple years but its an on and off thing. My voice is usually flat not necessarily monotone, but like I don't know what my emotions sound like and im not sure how to express them and put them out there. Everyone always says practice, but the thing is how am I supposed to practice if I dont know what to practice? Or they say, put yourself in the characters shoes, personally for me. That doesn't work.
Basically in the title. Specifically for British playwrites for a few British actors. Thx
As an aspiring actor, would you recommend me paying for an account at []( I live in Mexico so that makes me doubt it a little bit, but I have seen a lot of casting options like podcasts that could be made via zoom or other online platform. Is it a viable option to pay for it? Do you think I have a chance of a good start to be building my portfolio/reel? Thank you !! :)
I was born here in California and I grew up speaking two languages. I just can’t do an asian accent.. cause well I never needed to. But then I see asian roles online and the note says “must be able to do asian accent” and I would always have to pass the role up.
I just seem to over play it or something. Maybe I don’t feel the words or something. Can I be taught or will it always seem so mechanical?
Hello Everyone, I am looking for a potential fill in for a co-host position. My podcast What The Deuce has been operating for three months and we have continued to pick up steam with each episode. With classes mostly online we are definitely going to continue the show. We have guest from comedians and internet personalities guest star on our show including our most recent episode featuring a comedian who performed for a sold out show at the comedy store. We discuss the current events of the day or weird things that make us go what the deuce. Which is why I thought this would be the perfect place to search for talent to audition. Ive linked what I believe to be one of our better episodes so that you can get the vibe that we are going for. If interested plz message me directly. P.S. We have featured voice actors in the past but we are looking for a recurring co-host []( [](
No Pay....for the experience. I’m doing a historical video on a place. The video is gonna be sorta like the videos on Wendover productions. (If you’ve heard of that channel). I have 126 subscribers and I’m just looking for a good voice over on here so I don’t need to pay someone a LOT of money. It’s for the practice, DM me if you want the gig.
I audition every chance I get. I never get cast. How do I know what kind of actor I am? I am considering applying to grad schools, and they always say "we're looking for actors who consistently strive to reshape the world around them,etc" I have no idea. I have some ideas for shows, but i have no connections to any theaters to produce any shows.
I suffer a lot with anxiety in general and especially before self tapes,castings and auditions. I have found these things have really helped me and wanted to share with you. I have called them my top 5 anxiety busters. Links are in the video description.
Hey guys, After I've lost count how many days of being in my apartment with nothing to do but watch free things online, I've come up with a list of acting and acting-adjacent free/donation based resources. I didn't see a list like this elsewhere on this sub so I thought I'd post it. I've utilized most of the resources here, though not all, but I feel confident in saying it's all legit sources. There's a variety of things in this list, so it's not just audition or acting classes, and there's more theater stuff than film. Some of it is free performances or round tables with people in the industry or creating your own content. If nothing else, it's always good to understand the workings of the giant puzzle you're in with film and theater and to learn your industry, not just your job. I try to say what all the person/group is offering, but it'll change as places open up and do less online content. Most of it is free or donation based, though a lot of places have paid classes too. I link to some main pages and some direct to their offerings since they're on other pages like facebook. In no particular order: **Seed & Spark** \- []( This is a filmmaking/crowdfunding org. They have a ton of videos of how to get started into making your own films, from crowdfunding to pitching to email lists. They also now have a "Lunch & Learn" class/discussion hour each week on different creative topics. **NYCWF** \- []( NYC Women's Filmmakers. Great group, so much great content. They don't have a backlist of their videos though, which is unfortunate because they've had some incredibly useful classes. A lot is for filmmaking but there's been some acting classes too. **Sundance Co\\\\ab** \- []( Sundance has opened up all their videos (except actual taught courses) for free. There's a ton of stuff here for everything film related. **Eventbrite** \- Not an acting org, but I found a lot of stuff through here, classes, film festivals, etc. Just search for Online with your keywords. Some is free, some isn't. Some is good, some is not. Use your best judgement. **Jess Hinds** \- []( Most of her stuff costs, but she sometimes offers free events. I took a free class she did with NYCWF and it was *amazing*. She works with writers mainly but if you have any sort of creative block she does some great work to help you break through. She's got a lot of classes going on right now but hopefully she does some more free things soon. **Bard City** \- []( Saturday Shakespeare readings, just email them to get the link and you can take part in a virtual reading, no experience required. They usually have a weekly monologue workout too. If you don't have Instagram they are part of The Mono Box so you should be able to get more info from them. **Soho Shakespeare** \- []( I literally just got an email saying they're taking a break from their Monologue Gyms for August, but they still have their free monthly Intro class going. I sat in on one of their gyms and it was great, so if you have a Shakespeare piece you want to work on, definitely check them out for teacher feedback. It will be a lot better if you take their intro class first though so you're familiar with how they do things. I think those are the first Tuesday of each month. **Shakespeare Forum** \- []( Similar to the others, they have a weekly reading and a weekly workshop. **Backstage** \- []( Obviously they've been posting a lot during this time. A lot of it is worth checking out, some of it gets a little repetitive. **Andrew Byrne** is the singing coach they use a lot and his channel is good as well and there's some free things on his website - []( **Holly Cinnamon** \- []( Alexander Technique is amazing and you should do it. Basically it's a body awareness technique that helps you recognize holding patterns that create tension. Short version is it's used by actors to physically embody their character better. Holly offers pay what you can classes for general AT and did have an on-camera class. I took a lot of her classes and they were amaaaazing and she's a really great teacher. **Atlantic Theater** \- []( They did have a great series a couple months ago going through their technique (they wrote Practical Aesthetics), but have moved to more roundtable type things. If they ever offer free classes again though I highly suggest them. **The Mono Box** \- []( Lots of different offerings here, some free, some cheap, some more expensive (but they're longer courses and still fairly cheap). They are London based so time zones might make it hard, especially for west coasters. **New Play Exchange** \- []( Super cheap, like $8 for a year. You can read a lot of new plays by new playwrights. They're funded by Doris Duke and Andrew Mellon Foundation, so you know they're legit. You can also collaborate with playmakers on here too! And some writers put up monologues. r/JudgeMyAccent \- sub that gives you accent feedback so you have no excuse to not be working on them. **Lauren Gunderson** \- []( Friggin' awesome videos on everything you could imagine about play making. I haven't seen the ones with/about David Ball's book Backwards and Forwards, but I will say it's a great book actors should read. She does a lot of interviews with directors, writers, dramaturgs, actors...poke around and see what's there. **Lucid Body** \- []( I think it's just $5, and their other classes do cost, but if you're interested in movement, breathing, and energy, this is a good place. She has a book, and the second edition comes out next month I think. **Cal Shakes Online** \- []( 10 minute lectures on Shakespeare's plays from California Shakespeare Theater **The Merry Beggars** \- []( Not as many offerings as before, but various free acting classes online **The Producer's Perspective** \- [\_weblog/2019/01/top-100-theater-books.html]( If you like reading about theater, here is a great list of 100 books to read about playwrighting, directing, acting, producing, etc. Check your local library for books, but don't forget to check local college libraries too. You probably won't be able to go into most for awhile yet, but remember for after the pandemic that you can use most print materials in college libraries for free (just not check out, tho smaller ones might let you). **The Barrow Group** \- []( Some free intro acting classes and also talks with actors and others. ​ That's all I've got. I'm in NYC and things are finally starting to open back up, but I know that's not the case everywhere, so I hope this helps someone.
If you're an Amazon Prime member, are up for seeing a solo show, and want to see it for free, I'd appreciate a view and a review on Amazon: Will consider everyone:)
Right now I only know of behind the voice actor but that’s about it. I’m sure there are more jobs out there but right now I have a limited selection.