Hey guys I'm Ger from the awfully Irish podcast and I'm looking for a actor with some experience in theatre and and infront of a camera to talk about the contrast and similarities between both! If your interested please let me know!
So I had an hour long Facetime with a CD at a big production company this past weekend, connected by a family member. It genuinely felt like a good conversation with some good advice from her, so at the end I asked if I could send her my reel. I said I would love it if she were straight forward with me, yadda yadda. I’d just re-edited my reel, feeling pretty good about it. Another distant family friend at an agency had seen it and said that he liked it (tho maybe he was just being nice). I guess, naively, I was hoping this CD would see some potential and consider bringing me into a room to read at some distant point down the road. Either way, I’d have built some kind of relationship with her. Today, I got a phone call from her husband, an actor/director. He said that she hated it (his words exactly), that it was terrible, and she knew I asked her to be straight forward but she didn’t know how to tell me. Obviously, this really, really sucked to hear, so I was in a little bit of a fog for the rest of the conversation with him. Whether what she hated about it was the editing or the acting+editing wasn’t made entirely clear, or maybe I was too distracted to hear, but given that it didn’t seem like she liked any part of it... Yeah, it was not a great phone call to start my day with. He had volunteered to talk to me since he did like aspects of it and was able to appreciate it more as an artistic reel than a straight actor’s reel. He didn’t really make any suggestions about clips that he liked/didn’t like from it (except that the clip I chose to open wasn’t a good choice). He was nice, said a few nice things about me, some sage advice and anecdotes, and to reach out if I needed anything. Here’s my question: Would it be inappropriate to message her again? Not to ask for notes on what she didn’t like, but to apologize, or something, I don’t even know. It seems like I made a pretty fucking terrible impression as talent, and I really don’t want that to be her image of me, especially since she is a VIP in a very well-known company. I’m grateful that I had this chance, but I just haven’t felt this discouraged about my career or myself in a long time and feel like I need some kind of resolution.
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Simplify your acting Did you know almost every actor who is part of the cry on cue community has said this... “creating the emotions of the character is their number one struggle” Yep! It’s true. And that’s a miserable feeling if you want to be a good actor. However, I’ve got good news for you… You can simplify the process . Here’s how : You only need 5 temperaments to create a wide range of emotional life. Joy Love Grief Fear Rage To help you lock down on the temperament, answer this simple question… How does this make me feel? The more simple and specific you are the more your imagination will open up. Example : you’re married to a husband / wife who cheats on you . How does that make you feel? If you think it needs to be more complicated...stop! It doesn’t . There are only 4 strings on a violin and look at all the musical colors you can create from only 4 strings.
As the title goes.. What are the type of activities actors in lockdown do to work in their craft? I have been thinking about writing a small monolgue and film it. Little screenplays and just having fun and improving my art and craft. Let's get the ball rolling. :)
Hey guys. Does anyone know how the AA algorithm handles actor submissions for a role vs when their rep submits for the role? Does casting give priority to one over the other? Do they see both or does one cancel out the other? I tend to scour AA throughout the day and submit whenever I see union work that fits me. I tend to ask my reps to submit from their end as well to increase my chances of getting called in, but, frankly, I have no idea if that matters or if I'm just being superstitious.
Some people say they are and some say they aren’t. Actresses like Charlie Theron and Margot Robbie or actors like Henry Cavill or Chris Hemsworth. Actors like Steve Buscemi or Judy Davis or even Tilda Swinton have never been particularly good looking and now in their 60s are still working in Hollywood film and television.
Hello! I'm pretty new here but wanted to reach out and see if anyone would be willing to share some advice on acting and moving to LA to do it. Here's a little data about myself if it helps give more specific advice: I am 19 and want to do acting as my career(mainly film, but I love all kinds). I did all the plays that my high school put on and did some student films while I was there. I just got my headshots done and they turned out really well(I showed them to contact I have in the industry so it's not just me saying that :D). I am beginning to plan moving to LA for acting(ideally want to do this at the end of summer or early fall). I am planning to start classes once I get there and I will submit myself to auditions using websites like Actors Access and Central Casting. Here are some of my questions I have: 1. Where is the best area to stay in LA that is safe, affordable, and close enough to where auditions happen? 2. What are some jobs I could do that allow me to go on auditions when I need to? 3. Can I be successful as an actor, even if I don't have an agent in the beginning? Or should I put a lot of emphasis on finding an agent from the get-go? 4. Any tips for auditioning? 5. Any tips for living in LA? And for living in LA as an actor? 6. If you are a successfully working actor, what were some of your successful actions that got you to where you are? 7. And lastly, what is it like for the industry right now? Is work available? Would it even be smart to move out there right now? I know everything is crazy right now but I'm just trying to get an accurate view of it so I can make the best plan possible. It's a lot of questions but if anybody would be willing to give their advice and insight it would be super appreciated! Thank you in advance and hope you are staying safe and doing well!
Like they have credits and all but never took classes?
Any useful tips that you guys can share?
First post here....as an aspiring actor...I just wanted to know of your thoughts guys. Do you think acting is a talent and only people 'gifted' with it can excel and turn it into a living OR do you think that it is a career choice or a skill like a job and with proper training and guidance and repeated practice, one can become its master?? Would love to know your thoughts, guys... I believe its a mix of both...
So I’m an L.A. based actor that is between theatrical agents and could also use a manager. But since COVID has most filming in L.A. shut down I’ve been considering relocating. I’ve probably submitted to 20-something agencies in various markets with no luck. Is ANYONE, ANYWHERE looking to add to their roster?? Open to suggestions. I have a reel, new headshots and several tv credits as well as years of training.
Imagine SNL meets a virtual variety show. I'm in need of 15-25 ish year old actors, comedians, writers, improv folks, musicians and everyone else! I'm organizing a skit-comedy like show. You will be participating in writing meetings where you'll come online a day or two before the episode recording day and discuss your own skit or a skit you've created with others and how we can fit it into the episode. In one singular 15-20 minute ish episode will consist of sketch comedy, written by you and your castmates. I will be an active writer/actor and must have all skits run by me before recorded. This sounds really strict and intense but i promise it'll be fun, i think. You can also come up with a funny twist on tutorials/ How-to videos. One of my favourite segments is going to be this TMZ like part, where you have to find things that are currently happening in the news or celebrity drama and basically poke fun with it! Another segment would be debates, two people will find a matter to debate and basically make it funny. I want to hopefully develop characters that each of you can play in different scenarios and interact with each other. For example; in a debate sketch you'd play one type of character but in the TMZ parody skit you could play a completely different character, you catch my drift. As for music, for the weekly episodes, my goal will be to get a musical guest. If not then we'll just go on anyways but having a musical guest who perform and talk about their songs would be great very KEXP style. Cast members taking different turns or by volunteer to be the ones interviewing the musicians. COVID-19 is still very real, so this is all virtual. Zoom is how i'm hoping we'll all interact. When time for the recording of an episode, everyone will be present for it and join, figuring out a time that works for best. There will have to be lots of editing too, so editors don't be afraid to give me a shout! Also with Zoom you can use backgrounds, which i certainly advise including with your material. Keep in mind that we're always gonna try to do the entire show with the cast on call but if recording your skit with yourself or with your other castmates on your own time is also optional. You'd just have to send in the recording and i'd edit it into the final episode. I'm hoping to upload the episodes to YouTube but will also try and livestream it off of Instagram maybe? Twitch could be an option? Like I said, this is all a mess and i'm definitely going to need help figuring some things out. I hope I didn't forget anything, also it has no name yet, so there's that. MESSAGE ME OR COMMENT if this interests you. THANK YOU X
Per Actors Access, I am not allowed to post links to the site. You can find it there under Cheer for your Life. DM me if you can't find it and I will tell you the casting director's name. We are looking for a lot for actors 18 to play younger(16/17) so this is a good opportunity for you younger actors.
Hello, I'm a theatre actor/student and I want to get formal dialect training. I'm looking for the usual stuff like Standard British or American Southern. Does anyone know where to find an affordable coach?
Actor here, trying to create a decent voice over set up while the pandemic halts most/all local gigs. I recently moved into a place that has a sweet 1 car garage shed in the back, basically finished (no A/C). I'm planning on making this my studio for self-tapes and hopefully my new voice acting space. Anyway, I've seen lots of different setups on here and lots of different advice, but I can't seem to find anything on Sound Curtains. I was thinking of hanging them from the garage door railing, as I'm not going to be using the garage door to enter the space. I could extend the curtains out when I'm doing Voice Over work or Self-Tapes and then collapse them to the side when I want to use the space more as an office/gym. **tl;dr - Are Sound Curtains worth trying out for good quality sound dampening/acoustics if the space is about 8X9 feet?**
Hey y’all, I recently was offered a job I applied for on Actors Access. The role was listed as unpaid, but it was a funny script for a podcast and I figured I’d give it a whirl. After audition and receiving the congratulations email, I am I formed there are over 120 pages of material to record and they want it done by November. I am excited for the opportunity but my VO business takes a pretty big hit here if I am working on the same unpaid project for the next two months. Is it rude of me to ask for payment, despite the original listing saying Unpaid? It is far more work than expressed in the post, and I don’t want to turn it down, but I don’t want to short hand myself if a paying job, VO or not, comes along. Any thoughts on the matter are helpful! Please and thank you in advance.
Hello, guys so I have someone who wants me to send my resume, headshot, and demo reel through the mail. I know how to send my resume and headshot but how do I send a demo reel through the mail? Since I know I can't put a link on my resume how to I send it to them. BTW im a new actor that's why.