If you're an Amazon Prime member, are up for seeing a solo show, and want to see it for free, I'd appreciate a view and a review on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089B4DQR3
Hey guys, After I've lost count how many days of being in my apartment with nothing to do but watch free things online, I've come up with a list of acting and acting-adjacent free/donation based resources. I didn't see a list like this elsewhere on this sub so I thought I'd post it. I've utilized most of the resources here, though not all, but I feel confident in saying it's all legit sources. There's a variety of things in this list, so it's not just audition or acting classes, and there's more theater stuff than film. Some of it is free performances or round tables with people in the industry or creating your own content. If nothing else, it's always good to understand the workings of the giant puzzle you're in with film and theater and to learn your industry, not just your job. I try to say what all the person/group is offering, but it'll change as places open up and do less online content. Most of it is free or donation based, though a lot of places have paid classes too. I link to some main pages and some direct to their offerings since they're on other pages like facebook. In no particular order: **Seed & Spark** \- [https://www.facebook.com/pg/seedandspark/videos](https://www.facebook.com/pg/seedandspark/videos) This is a filmmaking/crowdfunding org. They have a ton of videos of how to get started into making your own films, from crowdfunding to pitching to email lists. They also now have a "Lunch & Learn" class/discussion hour each week on different creative topics. **NYCWF** \- [https://nycwomenfilmmakers.org](https://nycwomenfilmmakers.org) NYC Women's Filmmakers. Great group, so much great content. They don't have a backlist of their videos though, which is unfortunate because they've had some incredibly useful classes. A lot is for filmmaking but there's been some acting classes too. **Sundance Co\\\\ab** \- [https://collab.sundance.org](https://collab.sundance.org) Sundance has opened up all their videos (except actual taught courses) for free. There's a ton of stuff here for everything film related. **Eventbrite** \- Not an acting org, but I found a lot of stuff through here, classes, film festivals, etc. Just search for Online with your keywords. Some is free, some isn't. Some is good, some is not. Use your best judgement. **Jess Hinds** \- [https://www.meditativewriting.org/events.html](https://www.meditativewriting.org/events.html) Most of her stuff costs, but she sometimes offers free events. I took a free class she did with NYCWF and it was *amazing*. She works with writers mainly but if you have any sort of creative block she does some great work to help you break through. She's got a lot of classes going on right now but hopefully she does some more free things soon. **Bard City** \- [https://www.instagram.com/bardcity/](https://www.instagram.com/bardcity/) Saturday Shakespeare readings, just email them to get the link and you can take part in a virtual reading, no experience required. They usually have a weekly monologue workout too. If you don't have Instagram they are part of The Mono Box so you should be able to get more info from them. **Soho Shakespeare** \- [https://www.sohoshakes.com](https://www.sohoshakes.com) I literally just got an email saying they're taking a break from their Monologue Gyms for August, but they still have their free monthly Intro class going. I sat in on one of their gyms and it was great, so if you have a Shakespeare piece you want to work on, definitely check them out for teacher feedback. It will be a lot better if you take their intro class first though so you're familiar with how they do things. I think those are the first Tuesday of each month. **Shakespeare Forum** \- [https://www.theshakespeareforum.org](https://www.theshakespeareforum.org) Similar to the others, they have a weekly reading and a weekly workshop. **Backstage** \- [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS6eD87ig540VujFpyKrmDCvfRJAPEfni](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS6eD87ig540VujFpyKrmDCvfRJAPEfni) Obviously they've been posting a lot during this time. A lot of it is worth checking out, some of it gets a little repetitive. **Andrew Byrne** is the singing coach they use a lot and his channel is good as well and there's some free things on his website - [https://www.youtube.com/user/andrewmbyrnestudio](https://www.youtube.com/user/andrewmbyrnestudio) **Holly Cinnamon** \- [https://teachingpresence.com](https://teachingpresence.com) Alexander Technique is amazing and you should do it. Basically it's a body awareness technique that helps you recognize holding patterns that create tension. Short version is it's used by actors to physically embody their character better. Holly offers pay what you can classes for general AT and did have an on-camera class. I took a lot of her classes and they were amaaaazing and she's a really great teacher. **Atlantic Theater** \- [https://atlantictheater.org/virtual-programming/](https://atlantictheater.org/virtual-programming/) They did have a great series a couple months ago going through their technique (they wrote Practical Aesthetics), but have moved to more roundtable type things. If they ever offer free classes again though I highly suggest them. **The Mono Box** \- [https://www.themonobox.co.uk](https://www.themonobox.co.uk) Lots of different offerings here, some free, some cheap, some more expensive (but they're longer courses and still fairly cheap). They are London based so time zones might make it hard, especially for west coasters. **New Play Exchange** \- [https://newplayexchange.org](https://newplayexchange.org) Super cheap, like $8 for a year. You can read a lot of new plays by new playwrights. They're funded by Doris Duke and Andrew Mellon Foundation, so you know they're legit. You can also collaborate with playmakers on here too! And some writers put up monologues. r/JudgeMyAccent \- sub that gives you accent feedback so you have no excuse to not be working on them. **Lauren Gunderson** \- [www.facebook.com/pg/LaurenGundersonPlaywright/videos/](https://www.facebook.com/pg/LaurenGundersonPlaywright/videos/) Friggin' awesome videos on everything you could imagine about play making. I haven't seen the ones with/about David Ball's book Backwards and Forwards, but I will say it's a great book actors should read. She does a lot of interviews with directors, writers, dramaturgs, actors...poke around and see what's there. **Lucid Body** \- [https://www.facebook.com/events/500255284131305/](https://www.facebook.com/events/500255284131305/) I think it's just $5, and their other classes do cost, but if you're interested in movement, breathing, and energy, this is a good place. She has a book, and the second edition comes out next month I think. **Cal Shakes Online** \- [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmef2puXnr6elRmC7vo-GQEoe1xljq5hq](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmef2puXnr6elRmC7vo-GQEoe1xljq5hq) 10 minute lectures on Shakespeare's plays from California Shakespeare Theater **The Merry Beggars** \- [https://themerrybeggars.com/equip](https://themerrybeggars.com/equip) Not as many offerings as before, but various free acting classes online **The Producer's Perspective** \- [https://www.theproducersperspective.com/my\_weblog/2019/01/top-100-theater-books.html](https://www.theproducersperspective.com/my_weblog/2019/01/top-100-theater-books.html) If you like reading about theater, here is a great list of 100 books to read about playwrighting, directing, acting, producing, etc. Check your local library for books, but don't forget to check local college libraries too. You probably won't be able to go into most for awhile yet, but remember for after the pandemic that you can use most print materials in college libraries for free (just not check out, tho smaller ones might let you). **The Barrow Group** \- [https://www.barrowgroup.org/free-online-community-programs](https://www.barrowgroup.org/free-online-community-programs) Some free intro acting classes and also talks with actors and others. ​ That's all I've got. I'm in NYC and things are finally starting to open back up, but I know that's not the case everywhere, so I hope this helps someone.
https://vimeo.com/doxham Will consider everyone:)
Right now I only know of behind the voice actor but that’s about it. I’m sure there are more jobs out there but right now I have a limited selection.
Or can you do it full-time and live comfortably off of that?
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has experience with paying the fee to be a featured talent on [voicehunter.com](https://voicehunter.com)? Just looking at the list of featured actors, it's a fairly small list, like 15 per genre. All I found online was a 12 year old forum conversation about it, that was pretty positive on the experience, but....that was 12 years ago. Just wondering if I should shell out this chunk of change. Don't want it to be a worthless investment.
Hello, my fellow voices! I've been having a hell of a lot of trouble lately with a very slapdash recording setup, and I want to get an actual booth put together. Without putting too much money and effort into something that also needs to be semi-portable, it seems like the PVC-and-moving blanket booth is the best option. My question follows! Has anyone tried this before? Has anyone seen it done before? Is it actually good enough to be serviceable? Does anyone have any tips for the construction of it? Thank you!
Let me preface this with saying I am NOT complaining about the checks that keep popping up in my mailbox... So I'm a union member who has had 2 co-star credits. One actually had no dialogue and was part of a flashback set to music for a Netflix show, the other was a 2-liner for a CBS pilot that was picked up and is still on the air. I've probably received 3 or 4 residual checks for the Netflix role over the course of 5 years, but I have received SEVERAL for the CBS pilot, and they are all NICE. The residual checks for the CBS show come about once every 3 months, and are truly about 20-50% of how much I initially made for the project. My question is how does this work? Why am I receiving these, and is there a pattern so I can predict this income? Does it have to do with the network? Does it have to do with the fact that I was in the pilot? The check I received today says "Promotional Launch", I've also received ones that say "Internet Free"... does anyone have any insight into this? I've tried to just be like "woooo money this is awesome" but I am a naturally inquisitive person and would like to be able to understand and explain this side of the work/union. I try and get as many young actors excited about joining SAG as I can, and I feel like, if I understood residuals a bit better, that would be another excellent reason to join. :) Thanks in advance for any insight, I'll take any and all resources!!
Hi! So since graduating I've had the same agent, who guided me through all of the online aspects of the business since it was all new to me. She had me set up my Actors Access, Casting Networks, and Now Casting accounts, and she would obviously submit me through these sites. Because of covid, she's closing her agency and I am in the process of trying to find new representation. I read somewhere to make sure all my sites are up to date. I've logged on and things look the same, the only difference is that she is no longer listed as my representation. But I was under the impression that these sites had a fee, so I'm confused. Do I have to do something to change the payment so it's charged to me? Or was I wrong about the fee? And can I submit myself for things on these sites while I'm between agents? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not tech savvy whatsoever and only ever dealt with these sites through her. Thanks! :)
I’m a student in Maryland looking to cast actors for a short film. Its a dark/offensive comedy. I need actors for a particular fight scene. Due to the nature of the script, I’m trying to look for anyone comfortable with exploiting a speech impediment or disability such as autism or Down syndrome for the sake of comedy. If anybody is interested please message me for further details!
so my I was talking about an actor in a very cheesy movie with my friend and she said that even if she were offered a role in a movie like that she wouldn’t do it. But this role is what really got the actor known. So I was just wondering even if you thought it was a very bad concept would you still accept it if this role could potentially launch your career? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/hz92na)
UPFRONT SO YOU DONT CALL ME CHEAP This is totally just for fun. I'm doing a YouTube community theater thing where I write plays (more like short skits) and then animate them. I respect you guys and appreciate your position of not wanting to do free work for a kid with 17 subscribers, I just think it's fun. This first skit is very simple. It's a guy trying to get back with a girl, who's explaining to him why she broke up with him. It's not great, but it's alright. If you're interested, that's awesome :) if not, totally understandable. Also obviously I would give you credit and link to your social media, but that doesn't pay bills so I completely understand if this isn't for you. Thanks guys! Break legs in all endeavors!
If you’re looking for some inspiration... Jeremy Strong, who plays Kendall Roy on HBO’s Succession, provides some terrific insight into his methodology as an actor on the show’s official podcast. I won’t give away the details, but I found that just listening to him talk about his process was humbling for me and a good reminder to keep putting in the hard work—deep character development—because that’s where the meat is, and that’s how you’ll find the freedom to let go of yourself as you step into your character. [Here’s a link for Apple Podcasts, though I’m sure it’s available on any platform.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hbos-succession-podcast/id1522790936?i=1000485457282)
I want to get into acting, but I know I'm terrible and it's hard to gauge how much better I'm getting compared to an actual "job" or Hobby If I do sales I can see if I do better on a daily or weekly basis If I like building Legos I can see myself getting better every time I build it But with acting sometimes it's subjective, sometimes it's based on the role, sometimes it's based on the difference on what the director wants and what the actor thinks they want. It's very difficult to see how far I can go with this. Should I just give up on acting as a career and treat it like a hobby? I know that the chance of even moderate success is very close to zero.
I’m shooting a film in jamaica, and looking to cast Jamaican actors. What website should I use to find talent that might be equivalent to American Backstage?
Hi everyone! I hope you all are staying safe and healthy during this pandemic. I am having a little bit of a dilemma and was wondering if you guys could help me out. I've been wanting to buzz my hair short for the past couple months. However, I am worried that it will affect my casting chances as an actress. But then again, hair grows back and I can easily wear a wig if they need me to, right? I don't know... If anyone could give me some advice that would be wonderful! Thank you.
I’m just overwhelmed and keep comparing myself with other Australian actors. All I want to do is be on neighbours or home and away. I just wish I had natural talent but I obviously don’t and I don’t have enough money for drama school. It just feels like the universe is telling me no.
I am proud of the reputation I’ve made with CDs. I’ve always gone in prepared, with my moments down, and I know callbacks, getting called in more often, and bookings are signs I’m doing my work as an actor. A new agent I’m working with told me a CD says they “never heard of me” when they’ve called me in before. As you can imagine this has perplexed me as I have emails from said CD and even callback emails from same CD which I have forwarded to agent. Agent says CD still does not remember me and claims never to have called me in. On top of all of this I was on an sketch comedy team a few years back with CD too. I can’t imagine what I could’ve done to upset CD as I’ve worked very hard to be professional, polite, & kind in the room. I’m wondering if I should reach out to CD (heck they’re even a FB friend!) and re-introduce and say hi. Agent said not to but... I dunno this seems fishy.