I recently discovered that Wilmington, NC is home to a huge film and television studio production company. I had no idea. Recent television and film projects include Iron Man 3 and We’re the Millers. As such, I was wondering if Wilmington would be a good place to move to pursue acting? I’m not sure how studio production companies work. Would they prefer finding talent locally or they simply fly in actors from Hollywood? Any input is appreciated!
Ok, so let me elaborate... For the majority of my childhood I have focused my attention and I (M17) have managed to build what I can say a basic fluency in English as an Indian resident and trying to learn enunciation I have picked up a tinge of British accent in my voice which is not well-founded by any means but it's too inclusive to be ignored. I have decided to take up voice acting as a hobby in the past month or so. My setup consists of a relatively small room with not too many spots for echoes and my equipment consists of an $80 audio interface and a $20 xlr condenser microphone (I know, wrong investment). Some tips about how and where to start out and how to spend on my setup in case I take this job more seriously would be priceless. Also any British voice actors here who can help me out of my accent crisis with tips to improve and solidify my British accents?... Thanks for reading this far.. I really appreciate it!
I’ve been a big fan of voice acting, especially considering my favorite characters all had one. I’ve made it my dream to be a voice actor for Disney, even going as far to go over some of the movies in my head picking out scenes. I even have a specific type I can play with the bass of a voice I was given. It’s not the deepest but it’ll do. Nothing some practice couldn’t hurt, but not to much. Anyway, figured I’d post my long term goal on here since it’s relevant
Not sure if this reddit is for posting voice talent wanted but here goes. I am looking for a voice actor who can do variations of a Heavy Australian accented adult male's voice. I can pay but I have limited funds per month, so I can only pay 4-5 USD max per line, and no more than 20 dollars per month and a maximum of a 1.50 USD for retakes and alternate takes, I will be giving credit for the voice actor's role in my project. I am looking for someone to fill the role for a character in a video game I am Developing for PC. He's an adult Male plush kangaroo, a living stuffed animal that wears a cowboy hat and a sleeveless vest with a sheriff's star on the left front of the vest. Pm me if interested.
I’m sure theres a fairly large range, so from your personal experiences, how many hours do you typically work a week? Is it a part time job for some people? Or is it usually a full time job?
I am an aspiring actor that has the opportunity to study theatre in Toronto or Birmingham, and I would like to know which would be better for a SEA person to start out in. I’ve read that race plays quite a big part in acting roles, I’d like to know how true it is. If it has no effect, I’d appreciate any information regarding the theatre scene in both cities as I don’t have any connections that know about it. Thank you so much!
Since I was kid I’ve always wanted to become an actor. I think I’m an attractive male and I could see myself in a love movie. I’ve been determined to follow my dreams but now my passion is gone. I just found out that I have oral herpes. Realizing that my dream of becoming an actor might not be a thing anymore, which has broken me and makes life undesirable now. I’ve done a lot of research but haven’t found anything, no exact answers. Does anyone know anyone or currently in the acting field and know about acting with herpes? Does Hollywood accept people with or herpes?
Novice actor here - since COVIDs still slowing things down in the industry in Canada I thought I’d take the time to keep myself busy and work on my demo reel for when a good opportunity comes by - just wanted to learn about how you guys got your first reels together.
I love diving into the characters that I’m cast as but I don’t like to read for leasure
I just finished up an audition for my second feature length film. Wrapped my last one in November. This was a last minute audition without a lot of prep time. They sent me a 15 page script, so I got to work. Audition time came tonight. They threw me a curveball and skipped the whole first 3/4 of the script. I had this played through in my head, so everything just went out like a light. My brain went full dum dum. They asked me to start in some random spot and I just went blank. I started to panic for a split second, and then remembered it doesn’t matter. Even if I mess this one up there are always more. We started. I have never given a worse audition in my life. I was trying to read from the script and was still fumbling around. Luckily my character is a little drunk at this point. I really really sucked. I however was laughing, and the director who was also on the call was also laughing. We were both laughing at me lol. It must have been so hard for him to sit through after a long day of auditions. He looks at me through the camera and says, “Mark, that was the worst audition I’ve ever seen. It was honestly hilarious how bad that was. I’ll see you at callbacks Thursday.” I just laughed and told him that sounds great. Now, the only problem is I don’t know if I should try and suck for next time, or try and get my shit together for the callback. Lolz I guess my point is, just go for it. I have no training at all, I just do this because it’s fun. If I can get through an audition I really think you can too.
This is a question out of pure curiosity (I'm not moving to AUS). I was re-watching an old Aussie kids' show I used to watch when I was younger and it reminded me of how small the film and TV acting circle seems to be in Australia. A handful of actors on this show had done stints on either Home and Away or Neighbours (seems to be a staple), did background work or small co-stars on this particular show before working on this show's spin-off or had small recurring roles in other Aussie kids/teen shows I watched. I just looked up the agent for one of these actors and found 5 other actors on the agency's roster who had appearances on either the kids' show or it's spin-off. As an actor myself, but living in the states, I'm extremely curious how being an actor in the Sydney/Melbourne area works, specifically for screen work. I've read in this sub it's a bit gatekeep-y and you really only get around by word of mouth (hard to initially get your foot in the door without already knowing someone in the industry). I would especially love to hear from actors based out of Australia on this! How small is the industry there? How many auditions would you say you go on in an average week/month? How hard is it to start there with zero acting experience? What's the general attitude about Aussie actors making the move to LA/getting an agent in LA? TL;DR - the handful of film/TV actors I've watched in Australia seem to run in the same circles as each other. Wondering how acting works over there! Haven't been able to find too much info on this.
Hi there, my wife is a voice actress and will be setting up a home studio in our new house. I know a lot of people have some great experience in regards to this kind of thing on reddit, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask a few questions as to what will provide the best sound quality. I truly appreciate any help that anyone can provide here! She would like her setup to be something similar to below, but have heard mixed reviews on how some things will work together (such as the microphone being too sensitive for a small whisper room, etc.) - Microphone: Neumann TLM103 or Sennheiser MKH 416-P48U3 - Audio Interface: Steinberg UR22C or Audient ID14 - Booth: WhisperRoom MDL 4260E I've heard the Neumann is very sensitive, and that the Whisper Room may need additional bass traps or other add-ons to work effectively. I also don't necessarily know how much of an advantage the E version of the whisper room is compared to the S. Could anyone offer me any suggestions to fine tune my wife's set up? I know that this is a very technical question, so I truly appreciate any responses. Thank you!
"No Good Theater," a crowd-sourced digital theater on Instagram (@nogoodtheater) designed as a platform to promote the work of actors and artists is seeking submissions from actors and writers! Each week a script submitted by its audience is selected and produced by JDG Entertainment using actors cast from its audience. Selected writers and actors will win weekly cash prizes. Note: Shooting will take place remotely from home. Details on rehearsal/production will be coordinated upon selection and based on availability. ## Submission information can be found on the nogoodtheater Instagram page ([https://www.instagram.com/nogoodtheater/](https://www.instagram.com/nogoodtheater/)).
I auditioned for a role online and the deadline to submit it by is August 4, many people liked my auditioned. A few days after I submitted, the director messaged me saying she already got someone for the role. I’m still feeling salty as today, are my salty feeling justified because the deadline hasn’t even been close yet and I don’t mind if I didn’t get the role, but I felt like I lost it unfairly as did other people who are still submitting their auditions.
Hey everyone, Seeking young actors in the Toronto area. Sightly is company focused on improving mental health of young adolescents by overcoming social anxiety. We are looking for actors to help enact real life social situations to help users with social anxiety. Please comment below and we will reach out with additional information.
Hey everyone, Seeking young actors in the Toronto area. Sightly is company focused on improving mental health of young adolescents by overcoming social anxiety. We are looking for actors to help enact real life social situations to help users with social anxiety. Please comment below and we will reach out with additional information.
I am 27 y/o female, I've booked a few small roles in indie movies and a couple guest star network spots, but haven't been able to make acting my 'job' or find anything close to a stable income in it.. I've been at it for 5 years now, not long at all, but for some reason it seems like I'm moving backward. When I first started out people gave me shots at auditions and stuff for a wide net of projects (Indies, commercials, studio films, tv), probably because they didn't know me yet, but now I can barely get auditions..sometimes people will tell my agent they don't want to audition me for something because I'm not right for it. but then the actress who they cast is someone very similar to me. I am pretty sure, naturally, at this point my agents have kind of lost hope in me because they rarely send me out for things. People have told me I'm talented, and I was signed by a good agency, but the cold hard facts of my career have not proven that to be true. Anyway, I'm feeling discouraged, and I want to somehow change things for myself. I know we're in the middle of the pandemic and this is almost an impossible time to have conversations / thoughts like this, but I just feel like things have been the same for too long and I have to be proactive about making some adjustment of *some* kind. whether its within me or outside of me. what do you guys think? Is now just an impossible time to be thinking about things like this?