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We have found 19,369 posts across 4 actor forums:

I’m too scared to start by inash7170  •  last post Apr 16th

I am a 17yr old male and I’ve have always loved the idea of acting and always wanted to try it and pursue it as a career. I live in rural/suburban Minnesota so obviously the opportunities are scarce but that’s not the problem. I have never had anyone support me in wanting to be an actor, my family thinks it’s nonsense and that I should try a real job. I also don’t even know where to start, what do I even do first? Do I have to move? Do I go against what everyone thinks? I’ve been thinking about this for years. I know I’m still pretty young but I like to start early I guess. I need some advice please! Anything can help!

Transitioning from hobbyist to professional; what is the benchmark for being a 'trained professional'. by Brewtifull  •  last post Apr 16th

I started doing voicovers for game mods 8 years ago and since then I've done game trailers for indie games and some audiobooks for friends as well as some narrative dialogue for indie games. I have no acting training and everything I've learned has been from feedback. Since October I've been looking for paid gigs, mostly on Mandy, and have only had two paid jobs. With the current social distancing measures I've been trying desperately to get more gigs as I'm getting no other work (usually I freelance in a variety of stuff), but I'm not getting many hits on Mandy so I need register to a number of other platforms, but I seem to be hitting this "Only professionally trained voice actors may apply" line. What is professional voice acting training, do I need to get a degree specifically geared toward it?

18 years old dreamer by Pesetas000  •  last post Apr 16th

Hi guys i'm 18 years old guy from algeria I want to become a successful actor like robert dinero and leo please i can do audition or acting school in my country I need to find a way to do online audition or a way to contact movie producer to help me please

Just needed to rant by pretendtobefish  •  last post Apr 15th

So in about a year I have to record a play with myself and a friend in it. As of now it only involves the two of us, and it's not a professional gig. I am working to be an actor, while my friend has no interest at all in acting. The reason we're doing this is because we recorded ourselves in a play for a drama class project. We worked very hard on it but in the end we agreed it could be improved in a lot of ways. Since she doesn't enjoy acting, it was so difficult working with her. She wouldn't learn her lines, she would constantly go on and on about how she hated it, and told me that she felt like I was a witch for trying to achieve the best we could with so little we had. I would try to rehearse scenes with her and she would loudly sing over my voice. I did my best to pull her along and I guess my passion for it overwhelmed her all the time. We nearly fell out during rehearsals as I was pissed off at her and she was too. Fastforward to performance day. We did our best to set the stage and fall into character. There were other teams as well and it had been agreed on that the recording would go online. I was happy at that, since I wanted to put myself out there even if only a handful of people might watch it. Small steps as an amateur actor. She started crying. She started crying that it would go online. And at first I understood her horror, since she had no interest in acting whatsoever and hated the thought of people who she didn't know watching her horrific acting. So at first I agreed in not letting ours online. It was a live performance after all, no need to leave it online.... But days passed and I grew depressed that all that time and hard work we had put in would be gone just like that. Since it was a class project our audience was small, around 25 people. That was fine, but I craved the idea of exposing myself to a possibly larger audience. I wasn't looking for attention. I had lived all my life hiding from people's eyes and had only recently decided to express myself to anyone out there, and putting this recording online was a part of that. So I explained everything to my friend who initially reacted with anger but eventually was persuaded. But it was on one condition: that we record it again sometime before graduation, since she hated the way she looked in the video. I was desperate so I agreed. I made a promise. And now I feel so much more depressed. I want to turn back time and just leave the recording to ourselves. I can't do that now because they told us it wouldn't be possible to change our decision since our performance was in a video with the other teams. So now I have about a year until I have to act with her again, and it is terrifying. I hate the idea of having to spend that much time again with somebody with such a distaste for acting, and who always thinks of her vanity rather than the play itself. If I'd been a professional actor and had many skillsets I could just teach her and have some breathing room, but I'm not. I've only been at this for a few years and it was all drama work at school and I have never been taught anything about acting. I'm reading books and watching classes on acting, and I do have a much better idea than when I began, but it's still not enough to pull someone like her through. And just the two of us have to build the set, direct ourselves, all of it. The first time we did it she simply followed along with what I did. Gave little to no opinions and then complained about it. I don't get how she actually wants to go through that hell all over again. To be honest I could just start pretend like I never promised we would do it again, but I'm as terrified of doing that as I'm of acting with her. I don't know. I just wanted to rant... I'm looking to audition for drama school programs now and then what? What if I get into a short course and am away from my current school? Do I go back to her and record that shit after finishing drama school? This time around there wouldn't even be an audience since she wants to record it with just us two. It sounds ridiculous but then again I'd have more knowledge and experience on acting so maybe it'd be easier to pull through. Maybe I could give an improved performance and count that as experience. Maybe I'm just in a bad headspace and overthinking it. I don't know.

Having success with by Cordath  •  last post Apr 15th

For about two years now I've been practicing my VO skills through Gravy for the Brain and feel that I'm at a point now where I'm hireable, so I got a subscription to []( With the whole Coronavirus situation, I figured that this would be a perfect time to start establishing myself as I'm out of work anyway. Out of the fifty odd auditions that I've done so far, I've had about four of them liked by the client and haven't been hired yet. Is this typical? I really don't want to bungle my chances of turning something I enjoy into a career by shooting myself in the foot with bad auditions. It's worth noting that Gravy for the Brain has a course on improving P2P casting chances, but I don't entirely agree with the methodology. They say that to get hired more one should always perform multiple takes of the script to demonstrate range - which I can get behind - except that []( themselves recommend getting six auditions done every single hour. I'm currently at six auditions in a day. Does quality beat out quantity in the world of P2P? ...Or am I just being naive and should be working on building my own client base through marketing myself on online platforms and just forget about P2P for now until I have some work to put on my resume? TLDR; I'm just starting out with making VO a career and got a []( subscription, but haven't had success yet. Am I going about this the wrong way? Here's a link to my profile in case anyone wants to look: [](

How to know if you can be a great actor? by Theswissmothafockaaa  •  last post Apr 15th

Aesthetic, empathy, charisma, ... what are the important things to be a great actor? Like Hollywood stars

How do I get started on becoming a voice actor? by epicgameraphix  •  last post Apr 15th

My favourite show, Steven Universe recently came to an end, and I realised soon after finishing it that I want to become a voice actor. I hope that one day I can work on something as impactful and inspirational as SU. Right now I know practically nothing about the voice over world. What can I do to get started?

Bryan Cranston's Advice to Aspiring Actors by Movie-Connoisseur  •  last post Apr 15th

[]( ​ Great video, one of the best pieces of advice I've heard.

I’m I too late to become an actor? by datboiischubby  •  last post Apr 15th

I know I’m probably not,but I just want some confirmation I’m 15 I turn 16 in a few days.i thought about acting but wasn’t really that sure I would imagine a character and play that character (example miles morales I would act like I got the part of playing him in a movie and just start acting like I was him for an hour or so). today i told myself,”maybe I should be an actor”.don’t want to get into a lot of detail,but I took theatre in middle school and I remember every time I had to act in from of my class I would be scared out of my mind but when I did everyone genuinely liked it. (You can skip this if you want) remember I did one Scene where I was a super flirt and my friend was a dumb jock, I was trying to help him talk to females better So gave him a bunch of corny pickup lines(like are you from Tennessee because your the only ten I see) and he would mess them the end I gave up and walk off and the dumb jock walked up to a girl and just said “hey girl wanna play football” and she agreed and left with him.(you see the joke is that I gave him pickup lines but in the end he says the most basic line and gets a girl to hang with him) Anyways I wanna act I’m not %100 sure but I really think with the right teacher and technique I could be really good.i learned how to fake cry on command so I guess that’s a start.

Nartive English but Not American by laloka582  •  last post Apr 15th

Hello everybody, I've read through a lot of post here regarding the topic of not being a US cirizen. However, I still dont get how non US actors are allowed to audition for us casting calls. For example, if an O1 visa is not really trusted among casting agents, how does one aquire authorization to audition in the US. As i understand, you can not audition under a tourist visa. I have perfect english, as i was educated in the US under a student visa, but I am not a us citizen. So i dont know how to begin. My country doesnt have great outlets to begin as the whole industry is clustered in only one city and I havent been able to move there yet. Like an example, KJ apa who is fron NZ auditioned in LA for riverdale, so what could have been the plan of action foreigners like hime use to audition Thanks and stay safe!

looking for an agency as a teen actor by figure_skating_bagel  •  last post Apr 15th

hello all, I'm looking for acting agencies in Colorado, and I've heard of a few pretty popular ones (John Casablancas Modeling and Acting, to name an example). Any suggestions as to how to find an agency?

Eggman- The Voice Cast (Episode 13) by TheVoiceCast  •  last post Apr 14th

Have you ever had debates with your friends about which voice actor is the best for your favorite animated characters? Well, The Voice Cast exists for just that reason. Every week, two best friends discuss the voice actors for an animated character, and decide which performances are the Best, Worst, and Weirdest. Watch Episode 13 right now on Sonics antagonist Eggman! [Video Version]( [Audio Version](

Actor's Take 5: Directors - An Actor's Survival Guide by 8-Brapples  •  last post Apr 14th

Equity UK payments by MistahStussy  •  last post Apr 14th

Any UK based actors heard anything about this? Spotlight have given us the opportunity to freeze our membership payments for 3 months due to the pandemic, but Equity seem to be just carrying on taking our payments. I checked the site but no announcement. Are they exempt from this kind of thing by virtue of being a union?

Lack of communication with agent - should I leave? by pokeoutmyirises  •  last post Apr 14th

Hey there. I have posted last week about an audition tape that had contradicting information in the sides. I am not gonna summarize the sides since this was not a subjective interpretation but rather a direct contradiction that occurred multiple times in the script itself. I left an email on thursday afternoon, then a voicemail friday, then another email saturday. I emailed her again saturday since she emailed us (several of us) about an upcoming audition. I figured she was still reading emails on saturday so I sent her an email to ask clarification about the audition sides and also about a reference letter for an acting class I am going to take. The referral can be anyone in the industry who can say I am commited to learning about acting. This means my agent is acceptable. I think the acting classes will help us both get auditions. I even wrote the letter in advance in case my agent was too busy to write it out. I called my agent today and they did not answer so I left a voicemail. Keep in mind I never harass or ask my agent questions unless necessary. Most instructions are clear on the casting call, so I never ask questions. I am also in the industry for awhile. Not established actor, but I am aware of not harassing agent to get me constructive criticism and not harassing them to ask if I got the part or not. I am simply asking for clarifications on a script that clearly had logical inconsistencies. I just want to ask if my agent could ask for clarification to the cd since it is not clear. I have already done the take with my best understanding of it as a backup. I also want to find a way to help us get better notice during submissions, which is why I am applying to these classes. We have to audition to these classes and right now because of the pandemic, many people are not submitting. It is a great opportunity and I am doing this for both our benefits. My question though is not about the audition tape nor the reference letter, but rather about lack of communication with agents. The audition tape is for both our benefit, so I am not sure why my agent would not get back to me about that. Even a simple, try your best etc... would be nice. How is communication with your agents and also should this be a sign to leave? I signed to stay for a year. I can leave in a few months. I have had many bad agents in the past so I am just being cautious. I have had many agents try crazy things on me, so I am not quite sure about this siutation. I just feel at a time I need my agent the most (audition tape for both our benefit) they are not available. The acting classes would benefit both of us as well and as I mentioned, they accept agent references. It is a very good class and known for being good.

[Paid Request] Readers and Characters needed for Horror Fiction Podcast/Audio Drama by ThisIsTheSignal  •  last post Apr 14th

Hey, everyone! Leslie Rice, creator and host of The Signal: A Horror Fiction Podcast here. After a year-long hiatus due to some personal issues, we’re back! And that means we’re looking for talented voice actors, male and female, to fill several roles, both ongoing and incidental. Due to the format of our show, there are two kinds of voice actors we are looking for, ‘Readers’ and ‘Characters.’ Readers are the most commonly used assets for the show, and they will be reading various horror stories submitted to the show via email, and through our subreddit, r/SignalHorrorFiction. The ideal reader is able to enhance the tale with appropriate emotion and character as the story progresses. We’re looking for a ‘dramatic reading’ style, rather than what is commonly used in audiobooks. While readers don’t need to do ‘voices’ for individual characters, they are encouraged to adopt their tone to convey the emotion of the scenes being presented. Characters, on the other hand, are less frequently used assets. Voice Actors chosen for these roles will be performing an ongoing audio drama that will play out over the course of every other episode. Due to the long hiatus, we are looking not only to add new cast members, but to replace certain older cast members who are no longer able to continue due to other professional obligations. Payment is on a different scale for each of these types of VA work for the following reasons. Characters have a slightly higher pay scale due to the increased level of commitment the show asks of them, the fact that their appearances will be less frequent, and because they will be representing the public face of the show in many ways. Readers, although they will receive a lower pay scale per episode, will receive much more frequent assignments, potentially twice as many. For these reasons, Characters will receive $40 per episode that they appear in, and Readers will get $20 per story they narrate. Keep in mind that these figures come from a show that is just starting out, and which is recovering from a period of inactivity. As new sources of income for the show arise, the pay scale will likely increase proportionately. Responses can be sent to me here, or at [](

ANY TIPS FOR LA? by cantsleepsoiscroll  •  last post Apr 14th

Hi guys. I’m a male actor based in Melbourne Australia. I’m looking to visit LA for two weeks sometime soon (August but because of corona they may reschedule) for a one week intensive acting course. I opted for an extra week for travelling around and networking. 1. I’m interested in good places to accomodation? 2. Anyone wanna connect before this happens (IT WILL WHEN COVID IS ALL SORTED HOPEFULLY) 3. I’m mixed Aussie Filipino so would love to meet some of the Asian community there too! 4. Would like to make friends even virtually from LA (don’t be a fake ass about either haha I’m Aussie, I’ll catch it if I see it). Just curious about the place where Actors dream of visiting and would love any advice or tips on it, the scene both normally and the Asian community as well as networks! TLDR: IM JUST CURIOUS ABOUT ACTING IN LA

Best way to practice as a newbie? by Belfalor  •  last post Apr 14th

Hey r/acting ! Hope you're all good and not going too crazy with the quarantine. I'm a Belgian/British high school student currently in my last year (which is currently on a hiatus ofc) and I only very recently decided I wanted to try acting as a career. I'm a huge lover of movies, and have become increasingly interested in what makes a good movie, which has helped me enjoy them even more, and especially the work actors do, making me even more hyped to give it a shot. I realise it's not an easy environment and it can be very unforgiving, but I'm pretty much certain it's what I want. I've never really acted in a professional way, never been in a play, or in an online video, nothing. I have tried recreating scenes at home, repeating some of my favourite lines from favourite characters but I'm looking for something more concrete (I think that's the correct word). So I was just wondering what you would suggest me to do to practice a bit, what do you do when you practice? Maybe particular scenes to practice facial expressions, or your voice, anything you can suggest really. Thank you!

Worth it to pay for Backstage? by SailNW  •  last post Apr 14th

Does anyone have experience using Backstage as a paid casting search site? Is it worth it for voice actors? I'm on the fence if I want to give them a payment for the entire year. Might try the monthly first just to see.

Best book or technique on acting for a complete beginner that is shy and overly self conscious? by jamesjimmybyrondean  •  last post Apr 14th

I know that most actors are shy and self conscious but I don't want to feel that way when I'm acting. What fascinated me about acting is how actors just become the character even if they are shy in real life. I know practice really helps but what book or technique did you read that really helped in making you less self conscious and shy on camera and made you get more into the character. There aren't any acting classes where I live and I can't go to an acting school so a book would be a useful guide