Looking for books recs, film recs, anything that will further myself and my career. Thanks and stay safe everyone!
Hi everyone! I’m an aspiring voice actor and I’ve been thinking of starting a YouTube channel. Besides impressions and comic dubs, what types of videos could I make? Any ideas are highly appreciated! Thanks!
Mine is to avoid caffeine 2-3 hours before I need to use my voice. Not only is it a dehydrator, it will exacerbate many common problems such as talking to fast, having a strained sound by pinching the back of your throat too much, etc. I drink lots of water. I usually end up around 2 liters a day anyway but it goes without saying I never skimp if I’m doing recording that day. Hydration is incredibly important for a healthy throat and a smooth sound. I avoid spicy food and sugar that day. Same as on the day I’m doing a triathlon, I want my body as healthy and primed as possible to deliver a brilliant performance. With that set, I look over my script (if applicable) and get myself mentally ready. Most of the time it’s narrations or commercials so it’s not as intense as it is for animation actors, but you still gotta get yourself “there.” Who am I talking to? Is it one guy or a whole crowd? Who am I? Why am I talking about this? All these questions help get yourself in a proper mindset. Half of this job is ACTING after all. Finally I’ll do vocal warm ups. Lip trills, I’ll do singing vocal warm ups, do some tongue twisters, no different than the way an athlete does stretches and light running to warm up before a race. Professional clothes. This is personal but I always feel more of an “authority figure” when I’m in a nice button up shirt and dress pants than I do when I’m wearing a ripped t shirt and sweat pants. Body posture and mannerisms very much come through on your performance and while you don’t need to be in a tux, in the very least wear something you feel confident in. I’ll probably think of more stuff but just wanted to share my own routine and tricks before recording days!
I’m 20 years old. I don’t mean to come off as arrogant but like thousands of actors, I was born with natural instincts to acting. At the acting school I went to, (which taught Meisner, movement psychology, Shakespeare and traditional acting) I understood the material faster than my classmates in most classes. Every scene study presentation I would slaughter. I did get lazy with doing the homework and would improvise a ton but by the end of the year I got my shit together. This was last year. Today I’ve started in three short films and two music videos. I had no issue working on these films. It was only until I started putting in the time to study other techniques did I start doubting myself. I became obsessed with learning every technique. I used to tackle scripts with a basic analysis: what’s happening in the scene, what’s my objective, my obstacle and what is my action. I would sometimes implore some Shakespeare stuff in my work and some movement psychology. But after reading Stella Adler’s The technique of acting I realized how much I was missing. “Physical actions” in her words came natural to me but once I became conscious of what I was actually doing in the scenes that I figured was logic and common sense, I started to doubt myself. All of sudden I’m stressing over justifying why I’m moving and where and blah blah. I read Chekhov and he talks about carrying different centres in different parts of the body and I over analyzed that and now I can’t even pick up a script without having all these techniques swarming in my head with zero clue how I’m going to play my part. I will always respect acting and actors but I think I killed my inspiration and “talent”. Time to be a welder as my teacher would say.
Hello fellow actors, I’m a 20 year old actress living in New York City. I have been taking acting seriously for 5 years now, predominately taking classes and performing with The Barrow Group. I’ve done my fair share of commercials and short films, nothing that really pays the bills. Beginning about 6 months ago, I began losing motivation and my love for anything acting related. The process of preparing for auditions and creating characters used to excite me, now I almost dread it. I know this is partially due to the amount of rejection I’ve faced, but more so I’ve just begun over thinking acting (and telling myself I’m inadequate) to the point where I just flat out don’t enjoy it the way I used to. In January I got accepted into a prestigious acting program for this summer after a series of auditions. I am obviously elated to have been accepted... but it’s pretty expensive. Would it be smarter to save my money and continue to work on my craft at home... or should I attend the program (maybe it will bring back my love for playing around and feeling comfortable with making mistakes). I know I sound like an absolute dick for acting like these are first world problems especially since we’re living through a pandemic right now. However, if anyone has any advice for me, I would love to hear it. Thank you!
I am not sure what to do. Naturally when I emote in real life. One eyebrow often raises more than the other. So it looks asymmetrical. This is not a minor insecurity, this is actually something friends who I act and film with point out. It doesn't feel unnatural, though I haven't noticed any actors that I watch doing it? It seems I have asymmetrical eyebrows raises. I am afraid this might be seen as unnatural or as a defect that may damage my performances. I am trying to do more eyebrow raises to develop control over them but it is very difficult to get them to raise evenly. Any tips? Doesn't have to be celebs but if they are professional actors on tv or film
There’s so many professional actors who have done some well distributed films, participated in plenty of plays, and have done commercials, etc... Yet they still go to their workshop or work with their acting coach. I find this quite interesting because in no other artistic profession of the sort do you have people doing this. I mean, it’s something you pay for, it requires a monthly payment or so. I mean I understand that actors need to practice, but can’t this be done at home? Doesnt workshops and acting coaches seem something more for beginners? For actors outside of AE and SAG? I see plenty of actors in New York reading their scripts on the subway, the yellow highlighter being over their lines and all. I’m quite astonished how somebody can pay money every month to an institution that is teaching them something they already know.
I've wanted to be a voice actor for quite a while now, but I haven't been able to purchase a decent microphone due to being too young to get a job. The fact that I am unable to get a job is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which basically shut down the entire world. However, I recently found unused money I received from my relatives last Christmas, which I plan to purchase an Audio Technica AT2020 microphone with once the pandemic has subsided and Amazon is able to function normally again. However, while researching this microphone, I found out that the AT2020 is an XLR microphone, and that the one being sold on Amazon that I can afford, although being sold by Audio Technica themselves, does not come with any sort of cables, including the XLR cable. I thought that once again, my dastardly plans to begin voice acting were foiled. However, I found the cord pictured below while rummaging through some stuff. I noticed that this is what I understand to be an XLR cord, one that I believe will work with an Audio Technica AT2020. However, I noticed that it has an aux input at the other end. This may be a stupid question because I still don't know much about microphones and audio in general, but is this what an XLR cord is supposed to look like? Also, am I able to maintain a good sound/record at all if I plug it directly into my computer? I am unable to use my money to purchase an audio interface for the time being, so I hope having this is enough. Thanks for reading this, and have a nice day. [The cord in question](https://preview.redd.it/wsbsakgcbxr41.jpg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3caec8f35ab3784b514eee20b48d16e9491a1d) (Sorry, my camera's not that good.)
i'm starting to get more on a regular basis and i want to meet other actors to help read for each other. my roommates / most of my actor friends are incredibly flakey about their own acting let alone making themselves available / enthusiastic to help their friend out. i have 1 today and i can't find a reader (quarantine obvioulsy isn't making this easier) im based in bushwick / ridgewood off myrtle wyckoff L. anybody around bushwick?
There’s so many professional actors who have done some well distributed films, participated in plenty of plays, and have done commercials, etc... Yet they still go to their workshop or work with their acting coach. I find this quite interesting because in no other artistic profession of the sort do you have people doing this. I mean, it’s something you pay for, it requires a monthly payment or so. I mean I understand that actors need to practice, but can’t this be done at home? Doesnt workshops and acting coaches seem something more for beginners? For actors outside of AE and SAG? I see plenty of actors in New York reading their scripts on the subway, the yellow highlighter being over their lines and all. I’m quite astonished how somebody can pay money every month to an institution that is teaching them something they already know.
I'm going to be 20 this year and would be done with University next year so shit is getting real for me. I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life, I've thought about my past and what i have passion for or my hobbies and for me it's watching films. And to be honest I think the passion has died a little. But it's literally the only thing i have passion for. What always intrigued me about films was acting. I was always blown away and in awe of a good performance. I wanted to be one of them, the way good actors just become the character, acting with charisma and presence. It was my dream to be like them and I fantasized about it I decided to start attending auditions and it wasn't as I thought it was. I'm not talking about the audition process but acting as a character. It felt off, i was nervous, very self conscious and felt ridiculous. Even when I look at videos of up and coming actors acting I thought "This shit is ridiculous". Basically I just didn't like acting. It didn't feel like I could develop a passion for it. But then I watch a good performance again - Joaquin Phoenix in Joker, Timothee Chamalet in beautiful boy..and I just want to be like them. The way they become their characters, to give performances like that is my dream. But I still feel the same way when I act. To simply put - I don't love acting as I thought I would. I'm not good at it and I don't feel good doing it( I have social anxiety so could that play a role?). All of my acting experiences though has come from only auditions and acting to my phone camera so maybe that could also play a role. I also remember a time where I had the passion for football(soccer). I wanted to be a footballer but that dream died out and I wasn't that good so could this be a similar phase I'm having. I want to be like Di caprio so why don't I love acting? Is it because of my anxiety when doing it? Since I love the idea of becoming a character could it be that I don't love acting because I haven't been able to achieve such? Or is it that I just don't have the passion for it like the way I love watching football but don't like playing it? I'm confused as hell right now and I need people with experience to help me understand
Hello fellow actors, I have a Headshot, Demo Reel and Resume. Can anyone offer some advice on what the next step should be? How do I self submit? How do I find representation? How do I meet CD’s? Any websites/links? I feel like a lost puppy, please help! :) thanks in advance!
hi guys! i’m currently a junior in high school and have recently figured out that i would like to be an actress. the problem is that i have absolutely no experience and i have no idea where to start. i have always loved movies and shows, and i had the epiphany that i would also love to be in them. right now i’m looking for advice i suppose. what should i do during the covid-19 crisis to see if i’m even any good at acting? any feedback is appreciated!! thanks :-)
What is in your opinion the best schedule for a working actor in quarantine?
My question is, when I’m working on a play or a script for a film and I’ve found the characters objective and the actions he takes to get them, should I focus on what his mannerisms might be like? For example if I’m a sly pool player should I squint my eyes to make myself look sly? Or does that appear unnatural? Should I be myself in the circumstances or should I “create” a character?
Hey guys, I came across this opportunity on Craigslist and I signed up. It's a way to grow some followers and if you stick with it can make $ off influencing/guiding people to buy products through your link (like you've seen other influencers do).Well established company called Ignite. If you signup they'll invite you to a zoom webinar to give you more details. I added the link to my IG and twitter bio and it seems to help grow my following & direct people to my page. Use this link: [https://smo.ai/7w4uz1](https://smo.ai/7w4uz1) Thought you'd all be interested since it always helps us as actors to have a bigger following. Stay safe. Click here: [https://smo.ai/7w4uz1](https://smo.ai/7w4uz1)
Anyone willing to shelter reliable resources to find work for an actor who is non-union and not represented? I’ve been trying to land an agent or manager with no luck. I’ve noticed that most listings on backstage that I could apply to (being non-union) are non-paying, and that makes me wonder about their legitimacy/quality. Any advice? Feeling quite bummed and lost at the moment.
Hello gang, since we are all currently awaiting things to get back to normal (-ish), some casting directors have made it possible to submit your materials to them. Here is a list of a few of them that I know of... Andrea Bunker Casting (see attached image) Bluestein/Kennedy Casting (via rep invite) Seth Caskey (https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hsY5Jp6Lj/) Please add to this list as things come up. Let me know if you submit!
There are some actors who I absolutely love. Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts, Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Christopher Plummer, etc... Yet they are also actors who would often do some mass market blockbuster or animation film. I really can’t stand children films, they are hardly ever taken seriously. Why do these A listers often do these weird Dreanworks or Pixar films?? Is it the money? I would imagine being around that crowd is so annoying. Same thing with a lot of super hero films. I love Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johansson, for example, but I cant deny that they made some bad career choices in the past ten years. Actors like Willem Defoe, Ethan Hawke, Adrien Brody, Daniel Craig, Greta Gerwig, Naomi Watts, among others I would say made less severe mistakes. But let me explain. Yes, you can do a big Hollywood film, but keep in mind how saturated the market can be. Lets say you are a blonde A lister and somebody is doing dramatic biopic of Marilyn Monroe. Sounds great. Oh wait, but you would also have to compete with Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Scarlett Johansson, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron, Katrina Bowden, Jennifer Lawrence, and a ton of other ones... You lose the job, but now your agent says you can do this crazy sci fi film about aliens in a small town in Idaho. The director is sub par, but hey, you need to make money, so you do it anyways. Is this how it really goes? Do A lister actors just do anything sometimes because they have bills and debts to pay or because they just want to rake in some more money? Telluride, Toronto and Sundance are excellent but it’s Hollywood that truly has the big bucks. Is the decision to engage in the more commercial part of the business (big movies, video games, commercials) something that actors, even if they are A list, see as a necessity to maintain a cost of living or is it something which is unnecessary but can be useful to make money? Which is the right approach?