Hey everyone, I'm a voice actor just getting started, and I'm hoping to make this my career. I'm curious to ask anyone who's working regularly what you wish you'd known before you started? Maybe places to find work, how to practise effectively, bad habits you could've avoided, anything really. Thanks!
Hi y’all. I’m an actor living in Los Angeles, been here for 4 years. I’ve been to acting school, all the classes, all the improv. Last year I FINALLY booked my first SAG feature, and I was so excited to get my Taft Hartley and start going out for bigger projects. Well, today I’ve been told that my character was written out of the script. I feel so stuck. I’m looking for new reps, but they all tell me that they only want union actors or non-white actors. I’m at such a loss, after 4 years I feel like everything I built just slipped away. I don’t know what to do.
I really like the voice of rose quartz from Steven universe/ the person who sings for meg in Hercules [rose quartz](https://youtu.be/KjbOzwUrQJc) Any tips on how to sound like them?
Hi! I'm directing a small play for my drama class and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to sound like an older man. The actor is an 18-year-old girl, so I understand it won't be easy and I do not expect it to sound perfect but it'd be nice if we could work with her voice slightly to give the illusion at least. The character she plays is a man around 70 years old. The problem here is that the play is rather serious, but the voice tends to get cartoonish or overdone. How would she and I go about to get a more realistic older man voice? Grateful for all and any tips and tricks!
Hi! I'm directing a small play for my drama class and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to sound like an older man. The actor is an 18-year-old girl, so I understand it won't be easy and I do not expect it to sound perfect but it'd be nice if we could work with her voice slightly to give the illusion at least. The character she plays is a man around 70 years old. The problem here is that the play is rather serious, but the voice tends to get cartoonish or overdone. How would she and I go about to get a more realistic older man voice? Grateful for all and any tips and tricks!
Hey guys, I'm a photographer, and I'm just wondering what the current "standard" is for acting headshots? I'm talking about things like... * Indoor/outdoor? * Background color/type? * Color/B&W? * Soft, "flattering" lighting, or more dramatic lighting? * Smiling/Serious? * Looking to camera, or off camera? * Length/composition * Clothing choice? And does any of the above depend on the sex of the actor or the way they want to position themselves? If a Clint Eastwood type walked in to my studio, and then the next person was a Jennifer Lawrence type, is my goal to make Clint look like a badass, with hard lighting, and then make Jennifer look "beautiful"? Or am I meant to paint them both as the most attractive version of themselves possible? (Soft, even lighting no matter what). And in any given portrait session, should I be shooting one amazing portrait that follows all the rules? Or covering that off, but then experimenting and trying to make something unique?
What's up guys. I need some advice. I'm not here to say I am a great actor. But I've always loved film and know I can act and I know I want to tell stories. Ever since a kid I've always had dreams of things I do believe would be good movies. I never pursued this dream because I was lazy and scared to take a risk. But this is something that I believe is a calling of mine but I need help on where to start. Please help. I live in Miami, FL if that helps. Thanks
I've been in La since 2016, been a member of Sag for almost a year from now. I've worked La Casting and Actors Access, I honestly get like three gigs a year. I was in class but I'm not anymore because I can't afford it I have to eat and pay rent. I have a youtube channel 'Shukenstein,' where I have 12 short films. Always pushing new characters and pushing new stories. But obviously I'm doing something wrong. For years I've been emailing and mailing Agents head shots, resumes, and I only get scams. My best opportunity was last July where I had a referral for BiCostal Talent. I interviewed with the President, had a great time showed everything I do, everything I've done, everything I worked on, gave them a box of cookies as a thank you. They said they were going to talk highly of me but two weeks later they emailed me saying 'They're conflicted with my type.' Then they also said they had all the white guys they needed. I used to do showcases, I did a big one infront of 14 agents at THe Grove in Ny but didn't get one after 3 months of work on a play. I'm just running out of ideas of what I can do, and I'm really limited by my own budget because I have to pay rent I don't have the money to take 250 bucks in classes a month. Any suggestions I'll happily take.
Pay per day TBD depending on talent's personal draw. Performers without a significant nationwide following should expect to fall in lower range. Making your casting decision based on how many followers an actor has is downright stupid, and also discriminatory. Because if you are relying on that for your financing or distribution you're giving yourself a false sense of security. Just because someone has a lot of followers does not mean his followers are going to provide money or will be a fan of every project the actor does. A lot of people's followers are just fake bots anyway. I'm all for a team work ethic. And I want to hire actors who are going to have that ethic. But I do not feel it is an actor's job to guarantee you an audience. If you can't create that on your own for your project then your project is probably not that interesting anyway
Okay. So. I’ll put a TL;DR down there. I started acting when I was 8, in local community theater. Realized at 12 or 13 that what I was doing wasn’t necessarily the real thing, and asked my parents to help facilitate finding a real acting school to study. So I started taking classes year round at an acting school connected to an Equity theater in my area, and met my mentor, who would guide me and help me grow into a fantastic actor. She’s the whole reason I decided I was good enough. She showed me that I had real talent, and connected me to a number of industry people that I still get appointments from to this day. She hooked me up with my first manager in NYC, which helped me get an agent at a top agency (one of big three) What followed was my unavoidable fight with alcohol and drugs. A good two years of drinking every day, drugging it up every day. I was a complete mess, and I didn’t care. I thought I would become famous as all hell for no reason whatsoever. And, obviously, my manager dropped me, my agent dropped me, and I went to rehab. This is not the point of the story, I’m sober now, 6 years, and confident in my recovery. But shortly after that time, my mentor had a massive brain aneurism and died, very suddenly. I was spiritually bankrupt. I still am, somewhat. And I think of what she would do if she saw me, living in New York, working as a fucking restaurant server, still getting appointments but so absolutely mortified and anxious every time I send in a self tape or go into an audition room that I can barely function. I hate acting now. I hate the industry. I hate the fake faces and constantly having to pretend that I’m happy and working and blah blah blah. I’m not happy. I haven’t felt inspired by performance in god knows how long. I work nights as a server so it’s next to impossible to get to EPA’s, and the few appointments I do get from the people that I know seem like impossibilities in my mind. And I know that I’m good. I just want to fall in love with acting again. And to really believe in myself. I never learned how to do that, I always relied on my mentor to tell me when what I was doing was right, and I feel like I’m not surrounded by people who know what they’re talking about, so I’m completely lost. TL;DR: I guess I just need to feel inspired again. Please read the rest.
Hi folks! Theres a TL;DR at the bottom...I recently moved to LA in October, I'm non-union, but have worked on a major Netflix film set when I lived in Pittsburgh as a stand-in (out of SAG jurisdiction so I didnt get union status from it...grrrr). I'm a 25 year old white brunette female from the Rust Belt. Blue collar/rustic/Irish+freckled/classical/historical look/type. I am an actor first and foremost, and I had about 3 agencies interested in my off the bat when I moved due to this experience. I wasn't signed because I have no real "professional union acting** work" outside of some non-union indies which have gone into some smaller festivals. I am not interested in commercial work which is what they all seemed to want me to do as it is "low risk". Don't get me wrong... I'm not above commercial work, but I don't think I'm the right type for it. I desperately want to do theatrical film work, but getting into an agency's theatrical division is like infiltrating a fortress. I did get a compliment from a notable director from my stand-in work ( it was through a PA, but still it was from him...so indirectly?). I've been trying to use that as my selling point as much as possible, but no one cares since it's not acting. I have a reel I need to update, and I probably need new headshots. I have all the casting profiles and bells and whistles you need to be "taken seriously". However, recently I've been thinking of a "guerilla warfare " type strategy that I need some more help on... From what I've observed, Everyone who claims to be an actor in LA is doing this: A: Spending $$$$ on classes or workshops with casting directors that may or may not guarentee you work. B: Desperately trying to get noticed via social media or via viral videos/marketing. C: Selling their soul to the Church of Scientology. D: Trying to work their way up in an agency as an assistant or personal assistant to someone "important" who may or may not get them work. E: Spending $$$$ in Beverly Hills/Weho trying to get invited to parties where these big people may be hiding to trying and slip them their business card in hopes of skipping the pack. I'm proposing something like "E" on this list, but in more of a cost effective way. I know I'm talented (so is everyone), but I know that casting directors and agents aren't creatives (they're glorified recruiters... no offense). I want to get to the source of where these directors and producers are so that I can use my hard earned skills I've acquired through professional set work and the countless acting classes I've taken to actually get them to take a chance on ME directly. I've heard numerous stories of people just using networking to get jobs as actual day player or reoccurring roles on TV or Film....but how is it done? Where do I go? I've heard on taking chances on budding directors but it's similar to bidding on a horse that may or may not win the race. I know this may all seem horribly calculating and scheming, but I just want to work and be taken seriously as an actor. I want desperately to be treated with dignity, and the only place to do that is up top in this industry (or at least on sets with union standards). Feel free to disagree with me, I know this brutalist style isn't for everyone. I have seen talented people who "work hard" literally never work....and then I've seen talentless schmucks book major TV roles. And we're all losing against the Brits anyway. This is just a brutal reality I'm trying to navigate... TL;DR: Sneaky actor in search of becoming a Hollywood sneak-lord, and sneaking around the masses to gain access to roles.
I'm a 38 year old woman who has had a difficult life, and am only now reaching a place where I can focus on thriving instead of merely surviving. I've always wanted to be an actor and I have acted in a few plays and films, mostly regional / student (though I did land a Volvo commercial once!). I've never pursued acting full time or what I would consider seriously, but as I hurtle towards the second half of my life I'm trying to figure out how I want to spend it. And I think I might want to be a professional actor. thing is my age. Is it reasonable to expect that I could get into any good acting schools at 38? I know there are roles for middle aged women, and now more than ever. I'm also lucky enough to look about ten years younger than I am due to genetics. Also, I know the acting industry can be cliquish and who-you-know based, is there room for new older actors in those communities? my ideal scenario would be to move to Vancouver (no desire to live in LA), get into a good acting program, and eventually be cast as an evil villain space general / evil fantasy queen in one of the syfy productions out of there (not a requirement, I'll play anything to the best of my ability, I just always seem to be cast as a villain due to my intense look and I love playing the bad guy. and I live for anything scifi / fantasy). I'm not expecting all consuming stardom or oscars or millions of dollars. Just a life focusing on what I enjoy and what I'm passionate about. But I also don't want to be delusional or waste time or get my heart broken if the entire venture is misguided. Maybe it's silly to assume it's misguided? When I was growing up my family, my mother in particular, pretty much forbid me to pursue acting seriously - she was in that industry in the 60's and 70's and suffered a lot of Weinstienery. it's taken me this long to deprogram myself from her horror stories and due to this my perception is likely skewed. so I figured I'd ask. so what do you think? worth a shot?
99.9% of voices in voice overs make my skin crawl. In real life I don’t find people’s voices annoying but on the radio or on TV the voice overs are like nails on a chalkboard to me. Almost all are women. But women in real life don’t sound like this. Women newscasters don’t sound like this. Women actors in commercials don’t sound like this. But women voice overs? The worst! What are they doing to the voice in post production? They must be deliberately altering it to make it more “memorable” (read: torturous to hear). In the 70s and 80s voice overs were trained, smooth, and mellifluous. Then “real people” casting started in commercials. Then it extended to voice overs having a “real person” sound, which actually developed into the style today, annoying, head turning, grating. If a smooth pleasant voice is visualized by a straight line, today’s voice overs would be seen as an electro cardiogram or a seismic wave reader. Just grossly discordant, harsh, gravelly, hoarse, nasal, vocal fry, etc. I try to avoid commercials but it seems like the biz knows the audience is dividing their attention so they want to force your attention by these heinous voices. Can we PLEASE return to smooth, pleasant voices?
Can you become an actor as young and no experience, even not being living in US/UK?
Hey everyone! So to cut to the chase, I lost my hair at a pretty young age (18) due to illness. Ever since I initially shaved my head I was never able to get my hair to grow in and had to resort to wearing a hair system. It looks ok but is a lot of hassle and can look pretty fake at times (I’ve been clocked for wearing it twice in the last couple years, I’m sure others have noticed just haven’t said anything) Im 23 now and wanna just shave my head and save myself the hassle and embarrassment of wearing a hair piece so young. The problem is, I don’t know if I’d get like any auditions without it. I get a decent amount of 18tpy auditions currently and that’s like 95% of the roles I go out for. I’m 5,3, skinny and baby faced, not some buff action guy. Any advice? Is there a market for young bald guys?
I was truly wondering when watching STAR WARS how did they young people get roles and I know Ray Park( Darth Maul) took a variety of MMA classes but not I don’t believe he did boxing mostly acrobatics. And other Cal Kestis from the game of Star Wars. Can boxing get you these roles
Hi all, am not an actor but a big supporter and have a few friends in the business that sometimes ask me for more financial-related advice. A couple questions about residuals as I have dug in a bit: 1) It looks like the documentation I can find (e.g. SAG - Television agreement) says that residuals are based on the SAG minimum - is that how it works in practice? So an actor who might be a series regular and get $20k/episode doesn't necessarily get more in terms of residuals than someone being paid the weekly minimum for a guest spot? 2) Do managers and or agent contracts typically entitle them to the same percentage (10%) of residuals?
Award winning Producer/Director looking for both Actor/Actress ages 25-35 for a feature film shot in North Jersey. 2 day shoot. Minimum locations. Will pay, let's discuss. NON\_UNION
Hi internet! I need your input because I'm not sure I want to be an actor anymore and that scares me... I moved to LA 5 years ago, as so many of us do, and I've slowly realized I don't need to make money from acting to be happy doing it. Which is great! But now I'm faced with the quandary- should I move home and have a more financially stable life or should I stay here and keep trying? HELP