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Go get IMDb Rating for by Vasilije Nikitovic  •  last post Dec 16th

Help reach highest Ratings on IMDb, at

Happy Holidays - A new year is upon us. Be proud and cherish your achievements this year. by BluesNotes  •  last post Dec 16th

Now is the perfect time to rejuvenate. Take a moment to reflect on what you have done this year, where you have fallen short, and where you have exceeded expectations. Flip the script and see things from a new perspective. Appreciate every opportunity you get or make your own. Work begets work. Don't wait around for someone to make you. For every actor or artist feeling alone or underappreciated, I am writing this message to lift you up. Dive deep and reveal yourself and in turn, people will bless you with the opportunity of a lifetime. See you in the next decade.

I am watching my life waste away and need to start doing something now by That1guyWeKnow  •  last post Dec 16th

I feel that I have little to live for. I have all these goals I want to accomplish but never know how to do it. I am reaching out here because one thing I've always loved to do is act. People have always said I have talent and I don't know if they are just being nice but I love doing it and want to start. The problem is that I have no idea where to begin. What's the first step? How do I apply to be an actor? Who would even take me? I am starting from nothing. I have so many questions and I am having a hard time finding an answer. Everyone says different things and it's so confusing. This is a passion that I have, but I am just so lost. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I want to start asap because I can't stand not doing anything with myself. Also I am a 18M going to my last year of highschool if that information is needed.

Any actors from Calgary, AB? by Tomhardyfollower99  •  last post Dec 16th

Looking for someone who can answer my questions about acting in Calgary?

What to Do When a Child Actor Grows by evergracelessone  •  last post Dec 16th

Hey guys, I’m watching This is Us season 3 **(don’t worry no spoilers!)** and I’m just wondering, what do shows do when the child actors get big? Because right now the girl who plays young Kate is starting to look like a teenager and they’re supposed to be like, 10 max I think? And eventually young Kevin and Randall won’t look 10 anymore either. (The show depicts the characters at three different stages of life, kids, teens, and present time, where they’re in their late thirties. So they can’t just say the kids are older, at least I don’t think so, because they use them for flashbacks to the same age range every time.) So what do shows do? I doubt they’d recast this late in the game. But then again constantly digitally editing to make them look younger would be a pain, too. So *would* they re cast? Or what? I’m so curious and Google either doesn’t know as well or I’m phrasing the question wrong. Cheers! P.S I was thinking as the children get older they’ll stop doing flashbacks to like, 8, but then eventually that will clash with the people playing their teenage versions??? And what if their is something relevant from their childhoods that needs to be included? P.P.S Apologies in advance if you find any errors. I tried to proofread, but it is 1:07 AM

Actors how would you prepare for a scene that requires you to break down in tears? by Hyper_Intake123  •  last post Dec 16th

Do you sit and think of some sad memory? Use your imagination or listen to some music to help you think? Just wondering how you guys approach it

I want to start learning how to voice act, where can I find a reputable coach? by Ughashhh  •  last post Dec 16th

Hey guys! I’m a musician so I understand the “gotta learn how to crawl before you can walk and gotta learn how to walk before you can run”. I’m not doing this for the money, but for the passion and I want to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and do something different! I found a school near me but non specifically aimed or geared for voice acting. I know their isn’t much of a difference between voice over or acting in front of a camera (now that people record voice actors with their own movements). I have a giant passion for voice acting ever since I was a teen! And gaming in general. It was hearing Troy bakers voice over and over got me interested haha, same with Laura Bailey. Should I be looking into Skype lessons with a coach? Or should I stick with finding one in person?

26 year old male with limited experience. by goodfashion20  •  last post Dec 16th

Hey everyone, I'm currently 26 years old, and want to get into acting. However, unlike most aspiring actors/actresses, I was never involved in any school plays/productions, improv groups, or films. My acting experience is limited to a few classes in community college, a few scenes performed in those classes, and an unspoken part in a student film I directed which I unfortunately lost the file to when my old computer broke down (even if I had it, it's not exactly something I'm keen on showing to be honest). My experience in acting is very sparse for two reasons. Firstly, at the time, I didn't really have the drive or confidence to really study and pursue acting. Secondly, my major is Film Production (yes I'm still an undergraduate. I had some trouble transferring to University), and therefore I was focused on the requirements of my major. Now I'm in my last year of University (though I may have to take an extra semester), and what really ignited my interest in acting was taking a Theatre Appreciation course during the Fall Semester. As mentioned before I was on the fence about pursuing acting, but after taking this class, I found that it was really something that I enjoyed. Not to mention I've gained a sense of motivation and focus that I've never really had all my life. I feel like if I were to get back into acting, I would be able to commit to it 100%. However, therein lies the problem. Most people pursuing professional acting are doing so in their early 20s (or younger). They study it in University, they join a theatre or improv troupe/company, or they found an acting school or acting coach. My point is, by age 26, they've already had years of experience behind their belt in formal acting, and are probably looking for roles (some of them are already professionals by now). And that's not even including the fact that they all probably started acting in middle school and high school plays. So basically, I'm going into the craft as a 26 year old with little to no experience, who primarily studied film production throughout much of his college career, and basically only has 2 semesters before graduation. I also am currently looking for a day job. With my degree I can at least make my bread and butter as a videographer and editor, while I pursue acting. Here are some questions I have in regards to moving forward with acting: 1) Do I need to find an acting school or an acting coach? 2) If so how many years of training would you recommend? 3) Should I study classical theatre acting? 4) Should I try out for school/community theatre plays and student films to build up my experience? 5) Should I try out for commercials? 6) Is backstage a good site to start looking for film and theater roles or do I need more training/experience first? 7) Should I just say "screw it" and move to L.A. and start auditioning for work? 8) Should I direct my own acting pieces? I know these are a lot of questions, but I really need to know where I go from here. I'm essentially starting from the ground up, and have no idea what the smartest move at this point is.

Looking For Voice Actor (Female) PAID WORK! by DKRapArtist  •  last post Dec 15th

Looking for a female to voice a few lines for a video. will be quick and easy and it is paid work. to audition please say the line... Lipper... You can use it anywhere. send auditions to

Why do actors shout before doing a scene by idkplsdontask  •  last post Dec 15th

I’ve come across some YouTube videos of actors saying they shout before the cameras role. I’m not an actor or someone studying acting but I’m just curious as to why? Is there a psychological explanation as to why they do that? Is there a term for it as well?

I want to be a voice actor! by Wandering_anarchist  •  last post Dec 15th

For many years people have been saying they love my voice and I have always loved public speaking, reading aloud, and trying my best to mimic any voice actors I watch. I would love to know how to start off and it's my dream to see a fictional character with my voice.

To act is to have this necessity; a need, born deep inside, to express emotions and sentiments that aren't yours. by StrangeGlaringEye  •  last post Dec 15th

just a beautiful line from a certain European TV series that I thought to share with you guys - I'm not an actor of any sorts, but found it amazing, and should be of importance around here :) Edit: the series is *Merlí*

Theater/Stage Casting Director(s) in LA? by maxofreddit  •  last post Dec 15th

Hey all... Hope you're all finding time to enjoy the Holidays and set yourself up for a great 2020! A while back an acting buddy of mine said he was focusing on theater (stage) in Los Angeles... I was trying to rack my brain for the name of a theater/stage casting director that he had mentioned in Los Angeles that tends to cast most/all of the Equity stuff out this way (Mark Taper, etc) as well as up the coast... for the life of me I couldn't remember her (I think it was her) name. Wondering if any of your left coast US actors had an idea? Looking to make use of both my SAG-AFTRA and my Equity card in the coming year ;) Thanks!

Any other actors with a speech impediment? by verysadwhiteboi  •  last post Dec 15th

So for as long as i can remember, I've had a stutter. Not super severe, but bad enough to where it hampered me from doing a lot of things. Well when i got into acting about a year and a half ago, i discovered that whenever I'm in character, on stage, or in front of a camera, my stutter is almost non-existant. Even with improv and not having any memorized lines, i tend to talk a lot more clearly and fluently and i was wondering if there are any other actors out there who have the same situation or have overcome their impediments through acting

Biggest acting struggle by cryoncuenow  •  last post Dec 15th

I'm working on a project and would appreciate hearing from you.... ​ I've chatted with a lot of actors over the last year. It seems the biggest struggles many actors have is ... 1. connecting with their character... and... 2. getting stuck in their head ( which hurts their ability to create authentic emotions) My question for you is... 1. What is your biggest struggle in acting right now? 2. what experiences or situations have happened that are affecting your confidence and ability to audition or perform at the level you want? 3. What would be a great outcome for you if overcame this struggle. ​ Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Acting classes by GQTheReal  •  last post Dec 15th

Is there anything wrong with majoring in acting classes in college? My friends tell me it’s a waste of time and that most actors never went to college and it makes me overthink what I want to do in life

I want to join reality tv by thelastblackvampire  •  last post Dec 15th

As a kid I always wanted to be an actor I been in a few school plays, I did a commercial for Jacob Javits and a music video. I been on a couple auditions and my lack of experience makes me doubt my acting capability. But what I do know is that I’m a social person who likes to party and get to know people. I have a great personality for reality tv, I just don’t know where to look. I went on an audition for the real world a few years back and I want to try again maybe for another tv show , any suggestions ?

Reality tv with acting agents by ryguy167  •  last post Dec 15th

Just a question that came to mind hoping someone could give some insight on. I am signed with an acting agency. If I happened to get on a reality/game show tv show, would I still need to pay them commission. They did not find the job nor am I contracted out to be an “actor”.

Voice actors needed for ambitious minecraft project! by superrollo  •  last post Dec 14th

Superrollomovies (known from San andreas myth busters back in the early days of YouTube) is working on an animated minecraft series. Not too much will be spoiled, but if you're interested in doing some (unpaid, sadly) voice acting work for a fun project, reply here and /or send an email to Any talent is wanted! Lots of roles to fill!

Actors stage presence by stile03  •  last post Dec 14th

I’m not too sure about what it’s called but how come, someone like timothee chalamet or Lucas hedges (newcomers) have such large stage presence compared to a supporting/extra role with 3 lines? Like they are both human recorded on the same what about their acting is making Lucas hedges and timothee chalamet more noticeable?