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We have found 19,368 posts across 4 actor forums:

SAG Educational Contract by cerofthepri  •  last post Nov 26th

This might seem like a dumb or obvious question, but the film department at our local university is casting for their upcoming projects. One of the notes on the casting information is that they are SAG Educational projects, and it’s unclear to me what that means if non-union actors are cast or if it means anything at all. Is anybody familiar with the details of how these contracts work?

Have a business idea for young actors to earn extra money and experience during the holidays. I don't want to be involved, just want to suggest it for the benefit of others. Text box by Colorlode  •  last post Nov 26th

Hire yourself to act as the new s/o of singles who want someone to spice things up around the dinner table. One could practice roles, counter the drunk uncles political rant, etc. It could work

Shaving my head by SteakHead97  •  last post Nov 26th

As a male stage actor (primarily, I dabble in film) with a receding hair line, would it be a bad idea to shave my head and wear wigs/hair pieces to certain auditions?

Architecture degree in the film industry by SarahTchil  •  last post Nov 25th

It's my last year in architecture and I have been thinking alot about using my skills in the world of film. I want to follow my first dream and become an actor as well!! What's the best job I can get in order to use my skills as a designer to help out in movies and at the same time make connections and in a way take advantage of this job in order to benefit also in my journey in acting? Any advice appreciated !

Leave the link to your personal website! by isaactanbr  •  last post Nov 25th

I’m in the midst of creating a personal website to showcase my portfolio as an actor. And I’m looking for inspiration, leave the links to your personal websites in the comments!

Actors on Backstage, please read. by showtunie  •  last post Nov 25th

I have to play a murder victim and I’m not comfortable with one of the scenes. by Garavila  •  last post Nov 25th

I recently got the lead in a short film where the girlfriend of a detective gets murdered by one of the serial killers he’s investigating is actually one of her colleagues. I’ve seen the guys work in town before and I’m sure they’re professional, however I’m reluctant on filming it because my tongue is going to get sliced off by a knife and I’m going to horrifically bleed out. I know as an actor I’ll have to do a range of things I’m not comfortable with but since I’m a survivor of an assault, I don’t know how this will affect me regarding my emotional and mental health. I can’t back out, and I definitely knew it was a murder mystery going into it but I can’t find away to prepare myself for this. . For anyone who has experienced anything similar , what should I do? Can I ask for a friend to come on set with me and stay for support?

Demo Reel / Actor's site feedback by NobodyNamedSmith  •  last post Nov 25th

I'd love any feedback on my demo reel. One note, I was told by my agents not to include commercial work so I've edited out a national commercial. Curious if anyone has had had the same feedback? []( PS- any feedback on my actor's site would be great, too. I've made changes based on comments from this sub. Love this community! Onward!

I'm slowly becoming disconnected with my body as a performer and I don't know why by Bearality  •  last post Nov 25th

I love to act, ive been training and doing it for nearly forever but there's an element with me that I've notice wasting away and I can no longer use and that's physicality. You know how you as an actor can make daring physical choices or at least remove that barrier that just allow you to do things that you would not normally do? For the past year that instinct has faded away into nothing. Physical gestures already in my natural vocabulary are still in me, I can pace, point, shrug wave my head, just fine but the ability to just go all out...the drive to do it...its gone. The problem has gotten so bad that I can no longer sing, hum, dance or move myself in rhythm to the point where I can't even tap my foot or nod to music and instead just sit completely still. This isn't a case of an actor ignoring their impulses out of fear of looking foolish instead this is just the cut off of all communications. If you were to tell me to "just go" or "follow your instincts" I would proceed to just stand still as there's nothing in there to follow. I get really uncomfortable now and will ignore any events and performances that require listening to music or gathering with people dancing as I do not want to be reminded of what I can't do. Ironically enough my facial expressions and vocal game is still high tier. I just don't know why my body does not want to do anything. Anyone else faced what I have?

[Advice on an acting coach]: Do you think good actors are able to do a variety of roles or could they be good at similar sorts of roles? by kickbackat7  •  last post Nov 25th

Trying to decide if I should take lessons with this acting coach and leave my current one. Recently met with this new one who has an entirely different approach then my teacher now. He's more into the idea that actors should be able to break out of their own habits so they can play a variety of roles whereas my professor now says that you should focus on your strengths and be specific about what sorts of roles you can play. Tldr: which side do you agree with? I honestly agree with both sides even though I'm just starting out.

I love acting, but I think I'm done being an actor. How do I quit? by limeofcrime92738  •  last post Nov 24th

I know this might be kind of a funny post for this sub, but its members have been so supportive over the years (thank you!) and I thought one or two of you might be able to help me out. If anyone thinks there might be a better place to put this question, let me know! I love acting, but I found something else I love more in an IT/tech-adjacent field. Now that I've made the decision, how do I let my agents (that I LOVE) and my manager know that I won't be pursuing acting any longer? I'm wondering if there's a correct procedure... like, don't break up with someone over text, haha. Does anyone have friends that have quit, and if so, have experiences they could share? I love my reps and I want to be considerate and respectful without being overly dramatic and making a huge deal out of it. Thank you all so much for the support over the last few years. Wishing you truly the best: long, fulfilling careers!

Tip: You've already memorized your lines by apologytour1  •  last post Nov 24th

Reposting from a new account, deleted my last one: A lot of new actors get anxious about memorizing lines. It's not that scary. In fact, you subconsciously memorize those lines as you go. I started teaching and coaching students in L.A. one on one a few months ago and you'd be surprised at how fast even untrained actors can memorize those suckers within an hour or less. The key is rote memorization. You can channel Meisner exercises to tap into your emotional rolodex or you can speak in a monotone. Whatever you gotta do. The more you practice without committing to a performance, (This is important so you can have freedom and don't "lock in" your choices too early.) the easier the words come naturally. It's much easier to focus on the performance itself once your lines and actions become second nature. And it happens much, much faster than you'd think After running the scene 4 or 5 times, either with a partner or with one of those apps, start trusting yourself. For your next read, hold your sides... Well, to your side. You'll be surprised at how naturally most of the dialogue will pour out. And when you pull a blank and need to check your sides, pull 'em out and look. There's no shame in doing that, especially during cold reads. As long as you don't break character and remember to maintain a connection to the reader. After that, see if you can drop the sides entirely. You'll be surprised at how much you can do. Once you get to the point where you no longer have to focus on the dialogue itself, the fun really begins. I've been acting for 10 years and coach and teach out of L.A. Always happy to answer any questions.

Do acting agencies hire in house photographers for headshots? by strawbs13  •  last post Nov 24th

Hello! I'm a photographer in Germany and I've been trying to get started photographing actor headshots/portraits. I'm having trouble getting started and knowing where to market my services. Acting agencies seemed like a good place to start. I was wondering if anyone knew if acting agencies hired photographers and if it'd be a good idea to reach out to them to ask if they needed a photographer? Or if anyone had any other insight on how to get clients?

Experience with Actor's Launchpad? by Yaars23  •  last post Nov 24th

Does anyone have experience with Actor's Launchpad? How does it compare to One on One, Actor's Connection, Actor's Greenrom?

Any thoughts on Shakespeare & Company's month-long intensive? by JaydeenKeey  •  last post Nov 24th

Hey all! I was just curious if anyone knew anything about this program? []( ​ Also, feel free to recommend courses similar let me know!!

much needed career and future advice by juliaachim  •  last post Nov 24th

hey there, i have been in a tough decision-making situation, and i utterly don’t know what to do. my parents are the type of parents that say “you can be whatever you want! as long as its a doctor” which is obviously limiting and forcing me into only one career choice. i love theater and acting, and i just get that feeling of happiness when i do theater etc. i am considered v smart: all honors classes, straight A’s, so on. i know that no 14 year old has their future set in stone, but i am the type of person who likes an outline for their life, and would hate to live “day by day”. i want to be an actress, and i think i would do well(i am very pretty, can remember things easily, can act, etc). the first issue, are my parents. they would definitely basically disown me, and never talk to me again. my dad especially looks down onto Hollywood etc, and says that all actors and actresses are full of themselves and airheads. my mom is way more open-minded, and says she would support me in any career i want, but i’m not sure she would be completely on board with a full time career choice of an actress. second problem, this may be a bit controversial saying this onto this subreddit, but being successful in the acting industry is quite a slim chance. i believe its about like 3%? i don’t want to spend my whole life working in the fast food industry, waiting for a break, as big name actors get billions. please drop some advice, it would be much appreciated! happy to answer questions, and so on :)

Help me find an acting school by zackeir  •  last post Nov 24th

Dear All  I hope you all are in good health. So since class 8th, I have made my mind of becoming an actor, although this burning desire in my head is not about money or fame yet it is for standing on stage and do my act. To make my dream true I need a push from teachers and here I am lost to make a decision. I am writing this email in very desperate times of my life as I am looking for acting school in the USA and there are many like Juilliard and Yale but it required an audition in person and the problem is I am from Pakistan which unable me to appear in auditions also their fees are not for middle-class family.  I am requesting you all to suggest me any acting school for my standers. I have done my Bachelor degree, currently planing for MFA or MA acting. Thank You

Good acting schools in Southern California ? (Preferably in Orange County) by jaysola68  •  last post Nov 24th

I have no experience as an actor. I’ve never done theatre, drama, etc. Thank you!

Planning to transform a personal comic into voice acted motion comic, need general guideline and basic answers by ColorsDiary  •  last post Nov 24th

Hi I'm not here to hire, yet. I'm here to inquire. I have never worked on anything audio. I did record audio before, and professionally too (audios of a language speaking tests), but I suppose that means next to nothing. ​ I'm thinking of experimenting with different voice actors within my community, but I really know nothing and I need at least some basic questions answered: * How to make the integrity and unity of the scene proper? We are recording online, and I suppose voice actors will work from different locations remotely. How to make their sounds integrity passable? unify the mic make and model? * How to avoid background noise? The constant hisssssssss sound that usually comes during recording? or is this remedied with good mics? * How to fill in silence between the speech of the actors? intentionally include background noise? * How do I mix and work on the audio? Software wise, is there a specific app that makes things much easier and yield professional results? * How do I go about the screening process? Demos and choosing the right actor? How do I know that they sounded what I wanted them to sound and it didn't just happen by accident? I know it sounds stupid, but I really know nothing about audio ... lol * What is the average pay, and how should I pay (per scene, per entire role, per word, etc) ? I'm hiring complete amateurs, not even interested in voice acting or working into it, but I'd like to have proper idea. I worked with professional artists and professional writers, and have good idea on how much I should rate their work, but I have never tried hiring a voice actor and would like to have a basic idea to build on. Thanks, and I apologize for the inconvenience

I’m an actor first, a singer second, and a dancer third. What style of dance should I start training in? by jadedjournalism  •  last post Nov 24th

I know this is an acting sub, but I’m posting here because I feel like you all could help me—like the title says, I’m much more of an actor than a dancer but it’s time for me to hone some other skills. I have some background in hip hop but am pretty terrible at more “traditional” forms of dance. Specifically in the context of musical theatre, which would be better to start off with: ballet or jazz lessons?