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We have found 19,368 posts across 4 actor forums:

What are some good, flexible jobs for actors? by justsomethrowawayacc  •  last post Nov 22nd

How to underplay? by josephkiya  •  last post Nov 21st

Hello fellow actors and actresses. It's been two solid months at Film School, and I've done amateur theatre in school and college a while ago until I got super fried at my desk job and finally took the plunge. I'm currently studying screen acting, and my biggest motif has been to sharpen the edges of whatever limited knowledge I have as a stage actor and apply that on screen. I'm aware that acting on stage and on-screen is a completely different ballgame, however, there are times when I go over the top when I watch some tapes of mine in my film acting classes - I find it challenging to underplay some of my roles, particularly for the screen given that stage is more exaggerated and requires that oomph. How would one approach to tone it down a little?

Acting with ADD/ADHD by ifeelpeachy  •  last post Nov 21st

Hi folks, If it's okay, I'd really like this only to be answered by people with ADD/ADHD! When I was young I did have someone suggest that I have this, but I had good grades and had some preconceived notions...anyway, now I'm an adult, know a lot more about it, and do think I may have it. I will definitely be seeing a doctor in the near-ish future, however can't get there quick enough to solve an immediate problem! I have definitely gotten distracted during a few recent performances. Today a small distraction totally threw me off and while I was able to improv my way out of it, I definitely didn't do so smoothly. So, I have a few questions for actors with ADD/ADHD: \-Do you take medication, if so what, and do you feel that the meds prevent you from fully getting into the character's emotions or that they inhibit your acting abilites at all \-Do you have any suggestions to stay focused while still connecting with the audience? That first question was really like three questions, but anyway I appreciate any and all input. Thank you.

Which cities are now best for acting careers? by JonnyTsunami12  •  last post Nov 21st

I’m currently getting into acting and I moved to Chicago a year ago. I’m curious what cities are the best for acting careers? Can you even break into the industry in Chicago? I know Chicago is great for improv and theatre but what about breaking into Film and TV? Is it best to move to LA? What about New York and Atlanta. It seems in recent years a lot of movies and big tv shows dont film in LA and are being made in Atlanta/Georgia. I’ve heard New York is great for stand up, broadway/theatre, sit coms, and some feature films and basic TV. Is Chicago a good starting point and then should I eventually move to one of these bigger hubs? I’m just curious what the consensus is out there on where the best places are to make it into the industry. Everyone I feel like wants the best odds in their favor and I’m willing to move to the city that increases the odds/ chances even though making a living as an actor are very very slim.

Which studio to get demo reel producted NYC? by radicaldoritos  •  last post Nov 21st

Hello! I’ve been working as a voice actor for almost two years now, looking to find a good studio in NYC to get a reel done. I was looking at Edge or Sweet Spot, but was curious if anyone has any other options, or had used them before! Thanks!

How many different classes should I take? by justsomethrowawayacc  •  last post Nov 21st

I recently moved to LA and took three introductory acting classes all from reputable names in the industry. I liked all of them for their own qualities and how I felt they could help me best as an actor, but I’m realizing now that I’ll have to drop one or two of them since it is just too much work week after week and too much money. How should I go about “choosing” classes? When people look at my resume, is it more beneficial to have a more reputable/well known name? Is it better to take all of them eventually and have them all listed under my training? Is it better just to stick with one that I like continuously?

Unexperince, aspiring actress. Help me start a career. Tips and suggestions wanted!! by Confusedgirl007  •  last post Nov 21st

Hi, I'm interested in becoming an actress. I'm 22yrs, I have absolutely NO experience in the acting field. I live in a smaller town with no opportunities. I live about 90mins away from Toronto. I have bad anxiety also.. 1. Do I even have a chance? 2. Where do I even start? 3. Where do I find an agent? 4. My family will laugh in my face if I told them about this, what do I do? Tell me everything you know about the acting industry!! I literally don't know what to do with my life.. I've seen people say "what did you like to do when you were younger? Go by that". Well I loved to dance (can't see myself doing that since I'm obese), I liked talking "selfies" of myself and I liked to make people laugh and smile. Please and thank you!! Xx

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Nov 21 by AutoModerator  •  last post Nov 21st

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Best On-Camera Class NYC? by Yaars23  •  last post Nov 21st

As a theater actor transitioning to film/tv I am currently looking for an on-camera class to supplement my scene study class. I have worked with an On-Camera coach, but am looking for a more regular class setting. Who would you recommend? Who has the best reputation in the industry. Also looking for suggestions other than "Bob Krakower"....Thanks!

filmmaker: an actor's thoughts on having small lines in a short film? should I give them more? by pokeoutmyirises  •  last post Nov 20th

Hi everyone. I am a filmmaker, and I will be directing a short film my friend wrote. I feel guilty that one of the characters says only 4 lines... so maybe 15 seconds of screen time. this short film is probably 5 minutes. I am making sure everything will turn out well as a film (good usable quality for demo reel), but I feel bad that the character doesn't get many lines. It's too late to add more. I guess I am asking the general acting community, your thoughts on receiving small lines. It just feels like a lot of commitment for very little payout. Of course I am compensating the actors with food and transportation and footage in the end.

ShouldI start looking for an agent now. by shawnharmon  •  last post Nov 20th

So I’ve been in LA for four months, I have 10 student film and short film credits, I am going to have a pretty good reel once I get more footage, and I have good headshots that get me work or at least into the audition room. I’m submitting multiple times a day on backstage, actors access, and LA Casting and actually trying to do it. The thought has been there but now I think it’s time to put some more effort into trying to get an agent in LA. What’s the best way of going about it, and what agency’s would you guys recommend me looking into?

Are stand up comedy agents a good idea for actors that want to pursue more comedy? by TheSasquatchKing  •  last post Nov 20th

I ask because I've been working in the industry for 6 years now, and I've done lots of comedy jobs. It's actually the main thing I get cast in. But I don't tend to be seen for a lot of broader comedy stuff. Mostly go up for dramas. I was wondering if comedy agents (as in stand up comedy managers and agents) get casting breakdowns sent through to them? And if it might be worth putting feelers out there for that reason?

Hey, as an aspiring voice actor, I have a question. by guitaristnate  •  last post Nov 20th

So, my voice is along the lines of Steve Blum, Sam Elliot, Kevin Conroy, etc... I’m currently an Audio Engineering student, and I’ve taken a liking to the sound for motion picture side of the industry. My favorite thing that I’ve done in a class so far has been working on projects that require ADR. I love it. I’m going to start volunteering my voice to student projects that need ADR and voiceover work done. If there are any experienced voice actors out there, my question is, with how I described my voice, what’s the demand for a voice like mine? I understand that auditions are based on what is being looked for, but do you think there are a lot of projects looking for my type of voice?

How to know which agent is right for you/which agent to email? by LunaIg  •  last post Nov 20th

Hi guys, I have read various guidance on how to look for an agent, I will write what I got out of that, but I am still not sure what to look for when deciding which agent to contact and how to justify it in a cover letter why exactly I am writing to that agent. I understand that I need to **check if that agent already has someone my type and if they represent actors with similar level of experience**\- I am Eastern European, so if that agent doesn’t have anyone in my age range who looks like me, and speaks the same accent- I can say, hello I noticed you don’t have anyone my type… (Although many actors today speak many accents) Another thing that was suggested is to investigate backwards- to see **which type of the show I would be right for**, and then to check who represents the actors with similar level of experience as I have in that show. Now while I would be happy to be in a tv series, I would prefer auditioning for films. So regarding that how do I justify why I am writing to a certain agent if film is my desired medium. What other things should I look at when deciding which agent to contact? Thank you <3

Speaking clearly by Coffeeholic_Comics  •  last post Nov 19th

So I’m an inspiring voice actor and I’ve been told I have good voices for characters, but the only criticism they have is they have trouble understanding some things I say. How can I speak more clearly without it sounding weird and like I’m over pronouncing it?

Scam talent agencies in Los angeles by ajm1212  •  last post Nov 19th

Has anybody ever comes across what they believed to be a scam talent agency? I am doing research looking for a talent agency, but just wanted to know if anybody has any that I should probably avoid or any actor for that matter.

Our series is on Amazon Prime! by Cerris Morgan Moyer  •  last post Nov 19th

Hi Karmafriends! A series of short films I'm in about the lives of actors in theatre (hilarious, agonizing, real and beautiful) have now been released on Amazon Prime as a series called THE FOURTH WALL - super fun to binge-watch. It's an anthology ensemble series - we all play different roles in each. Karma-wise I'm reaching out for reviews to give fire for a second season (which will focus on the lives of actors in film) please-and-thankyou-and-I-will-return-the-favor-of-course-just-ask, but also, since you're in the biz, I really think you'll get a kick out of them! Episode 1.2 "The Audition" is my favourite and you can watch in any order :) Series trailer below - enjoy!

Need an acting reel edited? by ShakaBradda  •  last post Nov 19th

Hey actors! If you need an edited acting reel put together, DM me! Full time video editor that can get it done with a quick turnaround