I posted in r/animedubs and received some hate over this, particularly why the same voice actors are given opportunity and why I'm not seeing much diversity when it comes to the anime voice acting. There are seasoned POC anime dubbed voice actors who have been around as long as their counterparts but I notice that typically the main cast is mostly white. I'm trying to answer the following questions: 1. Is there a lack of POC talent auditioning? Is it a Texas/LA race demographic or localization issue? 2. Is it laziness or a time constraint when choosing actors to dub? If it's a time constraint, doesn't that give more opportunity to the same voice actors and not anyone else? I'm not saying only POC should only get POC parts but why are so little POC cast as leads or main cast, mainly for mainstream popular anime?
I am finding it difficult to find stable housing in LA without proof of employment despite having savings and good credit. As an actor, how did you get approved for an apartment if you don't have a full-time regular job?
I am an actress with a few good credits on my resume. Recently I’ve met a big director/ producer, someone who works all the time and could change my life with a phone call
I know this might sound stupid or something but it has always been my dream of going to the movies and watching a film with me casted as a main character. I know it is extremely hard to get there and it is mostly about luck in this industry but what are the chances of that ever happening? I'm not in acting for the fame or money I just really want that dream of me being in a movie like that and feeling proud of myself. I love movies so much and just seeing that would make my life well lived.
If not, how you you go about something like that? I’m a newer actor, I’ve taken several classes but currently have no credits.
I auditioned for a feature film a few weeks ago to play the news reporter, they came back and asked my agents if I would take the lead role. The character is attacked at the beginning and is in a wheel chair for the rest of the movie. I was fine with it until production sent me an email making sure I was comfortable with it as some able bodied actors aren’t comfortable playing roles in a wheelchair; and I didn’t really consider that. What are your thoughts on it? I have thought about it in the past, but because the character is only hurt from being attacked by the creature at the beginning I didn’t think much of it.
Hello- I'm recasting a few roles for a project. I've come more prepared today with the following assets: **Master of Ceremonies** $100: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-HSmYxyLRpzisBuYdXZEOoYEgi3EHftQ?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-HSmYxyLRpzisBuYdXZEOoYEgi3EHftQ?usp=share_link) **Grot (foreman/brut)** $150 [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-A3QqO9bHV5YAB-Eg1eECwKZ5ic3olfh?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-A3QqO9bHV5YAB-Eg1eECwKZ5ic3olfh?usp=share_link) **Slim ("Thin Man") (henchmen/menacing)** $225 [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-CT8hsKSpq8yIwvW96GvM30hPOH7YP2i?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-CT8hsKSpq8yIwvW96GvM30hPOH7YP2i?usp=share_link) \--- Each folder contains reference video clips with the lines spoken at a low volume. Please use these reference clips for pacing. Your voice will be dubbed into these clips. If the actor in the clip is yelling across a large room, your acting should sound like your really yelling across the room and not "pretending" to yell. \--- Terms: you are giving me rights to edit your clips into my project. I am not selling this work. Its for fan-fiction. Submissions: please email your auditions to: [metropolis1927withsound@gmail.com](mailto:metropolis1927withsound@gmail.com) I cannot accept chat requests here since I'm not mobile (Apollo app) I apologize if I didn't reply to questions/auditions yesterday. The rules of the subreddit had changed since I last posted and my post was deleted. Thank you!
Hey everyone! Something I seem to be struggling with a lot is the process of “de-roling”, or coming out of a character after a rehearsal/ show is finished. I do have some ongoing struggles with mental illness & a tendency to dissociate, which I think makes de-roling a bit more tricky for me than for other friends I know in theatre. I seem to find myself becoming a bit too immersed in my characters, and sometimes I struggle to come back to myself when the show or rehearsal is over. It’s unintentional on my part, and can be a bit unsettling. I’ve been discussing this with my therapist as well, but would also love to seek advice from other actors who may have had similar experiences. What processes/ steps/ tricks have been helpful for you when it comes to stepping out of your character and grounding yourself? Acting seems to really dramatically improve my mental health, generally speaking, so I’m reluctant to consider quitting altogether. But I am hoping to work on establishing a little more clear boundaries between myself and my characters if that makes sense. Does anyone else struggle with this? What tricks have worked for you in the past? Any advice would be much appreciated!
I'm Australian and moving to London in a few months! Excited although anxious haha, any tips for actors living in London? I have a casual remote job lined up that will cover bills, rent, etc. Although would be up for another job in London both for extra spending money and to meet people. I'm eligible for Spotlight and will apply for that before I leave, and probably also Equity (as my MEAA membership in Aus should qualify me). Would also love to meet actors in London if anyone's game for it!
Shooting a short film next month, gonna be around 14 pages with a lot of dialogue. How do you feel about dialogue heavy scripts and what are things for you that would make shooting go smoothly for things scenes with a lotta talking
There’s an agency interested in representing me in Mumbai and I’m trying to figure out what the industry is like there (not scam - through my manager). I’m surprised that the agent seems to think there’s work for me but I know nothing about the market there. I speak English only, I’m a trained working actor out in LA. Caucasian, model type, play 16-28.
Hey I’m thinking I might make an Instagram where I upload videos of me acting (monologues) to try to have a catalog for people who are looking to hire actors to look at so they can see how good I am you know? uhh im so tired lol sorry if i didnt explain this well
My name is Jawad Asaria, and I’m a filmmaker. I made my first feature film last year in London ([https://www.imdb.me/jawad/](https://www.imdb.me/jawad/)) and am casting for my second feature film. I am looking for an 18-year-old Caucasian male, a 40-year-old Caucasian male, a Caucasian female in her mid-60s and a Caucasian female in her mid-40s. I am also seeking a production assistant with skills in rudimentary makeup/cosmetics and cinematography (preferably one with experience on RED or similar cinematic cameras). There will be ten days of filming although, for the female in her mid-60s, she will only be needed for two of them). If you are or know anyone who fits the above descriptions, please contact me via j4wad.\_ on Instagram or email me at [jawad@clapandcutrejects.com](mailto:jawad@clapandcutrejects.com). I can't promise you that I will reply to reddit messages, but I will try my hardest. This is a paid job, and we plan to aim for a festival release (shooting high, but aiming for Cannes ideally), followed by a theatrical release. As far as how much each actor will be paid, we're adopting a slightly different pay schedule, as I have decided to do this film as a one-crew team (following the general theme of me wanting to try making films in the 'hardest' ways possible). A pool of money is reserved for the six actors, who vary in screen time from 100 minutes to five minutes. The money will be distributed on a needs-basis as agreed by the actors. That money WILL go to the actors but I can't tell you how much you'll get (just that the pool is roughly 4000 GBP). This decision is made at the discretion of the actors, in order to ensure the best for film, with my guidance. I have taken a pledge not to receive money during the production of this film, of which I will be doing all the crew jobs for, and personally fronting a large portion of the money. I am here to make a film I can be proud of, not a quick dinner. I'm not a snake oil salesman and everything is covered by a production company, as well as the legal team attached to it. Everything is above-board. The film's logline is as follows: A suicide in the family and a teddy bear brings an estranged father to an uneasy reunion with his family, one of whom plans to kill him that night. If you think the concept of this film, or the fact you get full artistic freedom to explore your character interests you, please reach out to me using the previously mentioned avenues.
I graduated few years ago, as a new actor, I did a three student films as an extra, one of them was featured dancer extra role, but recent year I got casted as supporting role in two feature films, im wondering should I take those extra role credits for student films out? Or at least tBecause I don’t want be seen as an extra, i want to be seen as an actor
Hello, I am a fairly newer actor with 5 credits and a demo reel. I have been submitting to agencies but haven't heard back from anyone for 3 months. Is it impossible to get an agent without a referral? Also, who should I be targeting? I haven't submitted to the big agencies so I I'm not sure what else I can do. Are there agents that would take a chance on a newer actor. Any advice would be greatly appericated, thanks.
And sometimes... still no suspicions.
We have an amazing line up of talent at the upcoming Iowa Motion Picture Awards May 6, 2023 at the beautiful Boman Fine Arts Center in Forest City, IA! The amazing and inspiring Ricky Bartlett will be our emcee this year. Ricky has just completed filming "Intent Unknown" with Eric Roberts. We are also blessed to have the very talented Elizabeth May and Preshia Paulding performing as well as Another Fine Mess band performing! Our Annual Awards and Gala are open to the public. Come and join us! Tickets are available at www.impa.tv
As someone who is self-submitting in the southeast, I'm currently on one but wonder if the other is worth the additional cost.
A friendly reminder to our new-ish friends (and older lurkers who suddenly decide to become active) here in the r/VA sub... 99.999% of the time, it's because you don't have the requisite karma, as stated in the rules. And you get this result because 99.99998% of the time, you either *didn't bother to read the sub rules as instructed, or simply ignored them.* So, as a refresher, here is a guide to our karma policy: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ To post in /r/VoiceActing, your account must be older than three (3) days and have a combined post/comment karma of more than five (5) karma. This is to prevent new accounts from being created to spam the subreddit. On Reddit, your 'karma' is a score for your profile that is based on the number of posts and comments you make, and how people react to them, via upvotes or downvotes. It breaks down like this: * Post Karma: Your score for the number of posts you have made, and the number of positive or negative votes that others have given them. * Comment Karma: Your score for the number of comments you have made, and their votes. * Awarder Karma: When you give an award to a comment or post, the award has a positive number added to your karma. * Awardee Karma: When someone gives an award to one of your comments or posts, the award has a positive number added to your karma. The total of these numbers is added together to compute your overall karma score. It's important to note that filters like the Automoderator for /r/voiceacting do NOT take award karma into account. In the case of our subreddit, your overall karma score and/or account age is too low to get past our anti-spam filter, which prevents new accounts and/or accounts with low karma scores from participating in our subreddit. The easiest way to raise your karma score is by positively interacting (commenting on) posts that appear on Reddit's main page/screen. See [here](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/what-is-reddit-karma/) for an in-depth explanation of what Reddit karma is/does. If your account age is also too low, you must wait until enough days have passed since you created your account before you can post or comment. Once the two conditions are met, you will be able to post and comment in /r/VoiceActing! Thank you for your understanding. /r/voiceacting is strictly moderated, so that we can keep our part of Reddit a valuable resource for voice actors. Please remember to review our [Rules and Getting Started Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceActing/comments/1187tid/subreddit_rules_and_how_to_get_started_in_voice/), and welcome to our community!