I am in personal communication with a handful of actors who have had fairly successful careers overall, but none of the advice they gave me has really sparked anything to be able to emulate that in any way.
Hello Voice Actors of Reddit! I've always wanted to be a voice actor, and after graduating high school and doing a year or so of soul searching, I think I'm ready to buckle down and figure out where to go from here. So how do I start? Should I go to college and get an acting degree, or is that not something that's important for VA? Should I just make a demo reel and start submitting it left/right/center? Is there a specific field (e.g. audiobooks, character acting, etc) that's easier to get into than the others? ​ Please and thank you!
A common piece of advice that is given to actors is to create your own work. From my observation and actors I’ve spoken to, a lot actors tend to stick with the objective of auditioning for everything available. However with many rejections on a consistent basis this can mess with your psyche and deflate you so to speak. For actors that have created their own work and put it out in public, did things change or alter for you in terms of auditions or other opportunities opening up be it big or small?
With the constant hustle and bustle and brain noise we experience in our day to day lives, how do you as actors keep on top of everything in your career? Do you find having less clutter/items/paperwork etc allows you to have more time and energy on keeping on top of your day to day work as an actor? I currently have a whiteboard and a calendar which does help. As well as clearing up my Google Drive. With that being said, are there additional ways you can keep your ‘plate’ clear?
Its always in the back of my mind. I want to be an actor. I ask myself why and I can't pinpoint the exact reason. I love movies and great stories and it would be great if I could be paid to be in them. The self doubt. Not trying hard enough. I took a few classes and went to a couple auditions but gave up quickly. Didn't even try to learn a couple monologues. I guess I thought it would come easy. Scared to invest in myself. Let go and truly chase this dream. Everything else I've tried to do to make money has felt meaningless. When I think about acting I get a rush then it fades and I'm back to doubting myself. Maybe I should go back to school, work in sales, a normal job. I'm 26 now and everything else feels meaningless. If I'm not chasing this dream I ask myself what am I even living for? What do you guys think? Thoughts/concerns.
I’m just curious and wanted to of any fellow actors methods when it comes to learning lines. Not to sound new agey but is there a sort of synergy or ambience you create that helps making your lines more effective, such having a clear space. I’ve heard that writing your lines down on paper helps to ingrain them into your head. Do any of you also find whether or not the time you go over them have an effect? e.g in the wee/early hours of the morning when everyone is asleep?
Ever since I was a boy I wanted to act, I tried to enroll in a film club when I was 16 but never got a call back. Being naive and young I thought that was my chance gone (what a silly thought). Life got in the way. Then when I reach my early 30s I was told I should audition to study Theatre. I jumped at the chance. I got in to one of the colleges and I've played the lead in Macbeth and in some other plays. Yet, I still tell myself I'm too old to be starting a career in acting. I suppose if I love it enough it shouldnt matter and I do love it. I just wonder if its confidence or just thinking about the amount of actors that are doing the same thing. Any advice to help me see things in a different light? Thanks in advance
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
" ........researchers have said thespians show different patterns of brain activity depending on whether they are in character or not. " [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/mar/13/actors-show-different-brain-activity-when-in-character-study-finds](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/mar/13/actors-show-different-brain-activity-when-in-character-study-finds)
Hello, I'm new here, I've started an ADR and VO Startup Project(Not Company). My Headset won't work properly, and I was wondering if there are headsets that are designed for Voice Actors that have Built-In Mics, similar to a Gaming Headset but for Voice Actors. I really want to get into the ADR and VO Industry and hopefully I will get a big break, a bit ambitious, but still, I hope to be a good VA.
Hello, fellow actors. ​ [https://vimeo.com/317048586](https://vimeo.com/317048586) ​ This is a clip of my first-ever performance on-stage, last October. It was a monologue showcase joined together with choreography and scene changes all based around alleyways (also known as, "Ginnels," in the North of England.) Each character had their own story to tell. Each revolved around an event or events in their respective, "Ginnel". Mine was a combo-piece based on scenes from the movie, "Bronson" and "Split" (multiple characters sharing one body.) I wrote the speech myself and very much killed my darlings in reducing it's length from 6 to 2 minutes. ​ I am very new to acting and am constantly attending "good" classes with a mind of attending drama school. I actively apply for work and am very proud of myself for not only going through with the aforementioned performance, but for trying something at an awkward age; 30 (career-wise anyways) and completely falling in love and committing to it. ​ Any / all tips, advice and constructive criticisms will be well received. ​ Thank you very much for your time, ​ Ross ​
I just received an email from the director of a theatre play, that unfortunately I wasn’t cast for this play. I took it like a champ and sent a professional email thanking the director for the opportunity to audition and wishing the cast and production team a success with the show. In hind sight after sending the email, I thought I should have asked for some feedback but I didn’t (D’oh!!!) My question is, as an actor how are you suppose to be different in your next audition so that you get a different outcome. Do you have to get as much feedback as possible from your previous audition, so you that you know what not to do next time, or do you just completely forget your previous audition and start with a fresh page so to speak?
So I had a job for a year and a half that paid really good money. If I went back, in 5 years I could save enough for a down payment on a house in Los Angeles where I'm from or in 2 years for a house in Nashville where I might want to move. Hell in one year I could get a down payment for a house in most other places. This is something that's important to me because I've been homeless before. Two major problems. The job requires that I be on the road most of the year. In the year and a half I worked there I was home maybe 5 weeks. That means that I don't see friends, can't keep a relationship, can't really have any fun. And most of the work is at night so it's not like I could go out wherever I'm at, which I would probably like. I want to be an actor. It's something that I put off for years because of self doubt but mostly because life kept getting in the way. I'm at a point where I can finally try. I'm ok with failing but I don't want to live my life wondering what if. This isn't a scenario where if I choose one I can't choose the other. Well not entirely. The job, for many reasons, will be open to me for a long time but trying to be an actor any older will drastically decrease my chance at anything. It's already pretty bad that I will be 29. So your opinions would be appreciated, thanks!
Okay, so I'm still in university and I'm directing a project. I do act myself but not that much, I don't go for roles yet because I don't think I'm anywhere good enough. So I'm yet to understand what makes it easier on the talent. I've used the drama department's students in the past but it functions in a much more different way than securing actors outside of the uni. ​ So I've given all of our provisional production schedule, one or two changes may occur but it seems like it's a given. They have a good 6 weeks to prepare for the production. We will provide food and drink for them all which I know can influence one or two's decision if they're broke. I've given full character profiles quite in-depth to the company that will be sending the casting calls out alongside our script. I'm going to make sure they can all obtain a copy of the project from me directly, and I'll send them out to anyone on the day of release if they let me know beforehand they want a copy. ​ I attended a lecture and seminar with Shane Attwooll last week but he's never once looked at a casting call, his agent does it all for him which doesn't help us much in that respects. But, he brought a lot of tips about making the actors feel a sense of unity which I'm sure will help us out a lot more.
" **RADA's Dee Cannon outlines 10 questions that must be addressed in order to create a fully-realised three-dimensional person."** ​ Interested in everyone's input on these points: [https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor)
I found this today, and was interested in everyone's ideas: " **RADA's Dee Cannon outlines 10 questions that must be addressed in order to create a fully-realised three-dimensional person."** [**https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor**](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor)
Hi r/acting, so I have an interesting crossroads that I've come to. After auditioning at the New England Theatre Conference and getting several callbacks, I've been invited to attend the Stella Adler Summer Intensive. I was floored by the news and would love to go, as I've heard nothing but good things. However, I'm wondering if I should take on a second part time job to afford it. I could have a living situation in the city with a relative, really the thing is paying for tuition and food. So my question is, is the program worth it ($3800)? Has anyone here actually attended the intensive or the conservatory? I got burned last summer by a training program that was not at all worth the large amount of money I gave it. I'm looking for something intensely rigorous, not something that will just help me "find myself" as an actor. I know who I am, I want a program that will seriously test it's students. Any insight into their teaching styles and level of rigor would be much appreciated!
Now I want to preface that I understand that everyone’s journey is different. I just wanted to get peoples opinions and experiences with this topic. I know that it can be possible for at any moment for the right opportunity to come at the right the time and transcend your career to new heights. However, ideally speaking for actors interested in television and film, what is the ceiling if you’re not in those big markets like LA or NYC? For example, if you’re SAG eligible what can you expect for the types of projects you audition for? In my experience, I’ve auditioned for well known projects but these roles have usually been for very minor characters with only a couple of lines, etc. I’ve often heard that the “bigger” roles are for those in those top markets. So I just wanted to hear your experiences regarding this topic! Thank you!