I want to be an actor and have already done some work as an extra in a few movies. I've also changed my major to theater. This is the first time in a while were I know what I want. Any advice on moving up? Any and all appreciated. Thanks :D
Actors talk about truth all the time. But noone seems to define what they mean by the term truth. Thanks in advance!
Totally hypothetical question... If was an actor, and I was signed to a top agency like CAA or WME, would my agent be able to cast me into script that I wrote or present that script to a production company like Universal? How does someone go about acting in their own script otherwise?
I have done a podcast, and there are some actors who are quite accomplished that I have been able to get on, and there are ones who I think are less accomplished than those people who simply have no interest in participating. I think it says a lot about how nice people are when they're willing to give up 30-45 minutes of their time for an interview that will minimally benefit them if at all, and the opposite for the opposite. I can also email most of these people, and they generally respond to me.
Hi there, I’ve been in the film business for over 7 years now. Made 4 films as a lead actor and another 20 reoccurring roles. Last year I started loosing my hair and now it started to be aggressive and visible. Past year I’ve been riddled and depression started to hit hard. All while maintaining a career in film. I mean last year only I’ve worked on three major films. But now when I see it going so fast I’m paralyzed. Thinking that it’ll be so much harder to get jobs now. What’s your take on it? Did you or anyone close to you had a similar experience?
I'm a new actor that just landed in NYC and I need to get my first headshots. But there are specific many photographers, so many prices, so many options. I'm a man with a relatively simple haircut, do I need a stylist? Should I get one look or more? Should I be shelling out 500 dollars for my first shots or 200? I want to get these done soon but I'm just so overwhelmed by this entire process. So if you guys know some solid headshot photographers in the NYC area I'd love some suggestions or just general knowledge because I really don't want to end up with just bad headshots.
Hey, all! (First reddit post ever :-) ) I want to self-learn about voice training for acting. I intend to work with a dialect/voice coach at some point, but until then, I’d thought I’d do some reading and studying on my own to get a base down. Before I select a particular methodology, I wanted to get a good understanding of the differences between the various techniques. I’ve done some initial research on the subject, and I’ve seen some names come up a lot: Rodenburg, Fitzmaurice, Linklater, Lessac, Berry. Can any fellow actors describe the differences or similarities between these approaches? And which of these would be most suited for an actor new to the voice component of character portrayal? Feel free to include teachers I haven’t listed. Based off of my initial research, Fitzmaurice sounds like a good place to start, but difficult to self-learn from as she doesn’t have any textbooks or materials to self-learn from. Linklater also sounds good, especially since she has a textbook. I am particularly attracted to their emphasis on relaxation and understanding of one’s own voice. The other teachers seem more geared towards Shakespeare and classical theatre. My focus is in TV and Film, but I am all for learning about classical technique too. I’m just not sure it would the most applicable to my line of acting. Thanks!
Is Johny Depp a personality, interepreter, or impersonator actor? I thought he would most likely be an impersonator actor because of the various different roles he plays, but I don't know in the context of the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I read online that during the time of the movie his personality was similar to Gilbert's, so he didn't really have to change much about himself in it.
Got a question here and a theory. So from studying actors from all platforms, there’s a sense of waiting to get ready to hit the big leagues. People start with smaller roles until they progress to much larger roles, etc. But here’s the question I have. Most people around the ages of 15 to 25 may not be in a position to be able to afford a membership of $400 per year (Voice123) or a Platinum membership of ($4950) per year for Voice123. And just to match up to the competition, you have to factor in the bare minimum of equipment of other actors which is generally a Sennheiser MKH 416 ($1000) or a TLM 103 ($1000), etc. Usually both. Add in an expensive demo of the ‘industry standard’ of $3000…. A Platinum membership on Voices.com is $2999/year The point I’m trying to make is that the structure of these platforms is….age-tiered. If I’m a director and I want an actor who sounds like he or she is around 15-18 years old, would I be better off looking through Voices.com or would I be better off looking on Casting Call Club? If I’m looking for an actor that sounds 40 years old, would I be better off looking through Voice123 or Casting Call Club? It’s apparent that if you want to thrive in this career, you cannot ignore Voices and Voice123 or other forms of P2P. But here’s the thing. There is merit to it. Actors with less experience or without the financial means to buy such subscriptions will strongly discourage them. But when asked how they make money, it’s not viable. They’ll mention Casting Call Club and Twitter….and these roles are not comparable to what’s offered on P2P. The issue I’m seeing…is that it seems to be based on ‘experience’…but in doing so…everything seems to be age-tiered. If I’m looking for an actor who sounds 15 to 21 years old, I’m likely to find the genuine article on Casting Call Club. Why? Because \*they\* can’t afford $4000 of subscriptions. So they just stay in Casting Call Club and that’s where I’ll find them. But if I’m looking for an actor/actress that sounds 36 years and older, I’m better off going to Voice123 and Voices instead. And so what happens? It becomes age-tiered. Younger actors stay on Casting Call Club. More experienced actors that can afford these subscriptions will be older and they’ll be on the paid platforms. Is it fair to say that with the structure of these platforms, it actually is age-tiered? The problem is further expounded \*even if\* a younger actor is able to afford these subscriptions. After all, why would a director bother with a younger Voices.com actor when there are literally hundreds of 18-year old actors waiting for a role on Casting Call Club? So the irony is that while people wait for the big-leagues.......it inevitably becomes age-tiered. You don’t get there........... until you get older.
I know someone who has been an actor in Asia for the last 30+ years, but recently decided to move to the States to settle down. He has always been a free-agent actor, with just a small team of people aiding him through his career. However, upon his decision to move to America, he and his crew parted ways and he is now seeking to find some gigs in the U.S.. He has an extensive filmography and is quite well-known back in Asia, so I'm not sure if that would make it a slightly different approach, in comparison to being a new actor trying to start up? However, he's unsure how to even go about contacting the agencies. Should he just call the agency? Should he e-mail them? Should he set an appointment (if possible) and visit their offices? I've heard of things like actor/actress unions, which being a part of will determine whether an agency decides to represent you or not? How do you get into the union, etc.? I've already read through the FAQs in this acting forum and it did answer a few of the questions that I've had, but it still seems to be of more help to those actors and actresses trying to start up or build a portfolio. However, it did say things like "try not to worry about signing with an agent" or joining a union from the start. Would this apply to him as well? I wanted to see if I could help him in any way, but I don't (nor anyone around me) have any knowledge as to how the Hollywood industry works and would just like to see if anything here would be able to help me out. Thank you.
Hi everyone, I am 21 years old. About two years ago I fell in love with acting after a student asked me to help her with her theater project. Since then I’ve been non stop taking acting classes and improv. I strongly considered moving to LA to try to become a paid actor after watching how actors such as Arnold swarzenegger and others said follow Your dream even if it’s hell at first, it made me worried the lack of support I had from friends and family saying “you’ll never be famous” any advice?
Greeting from Seattle! It's Henry here, an Acting Trainer and and Stage Director from Taiwan now living in the Greater Seattle area. I spent 10+ years in the theatre acting and have several experience of directing, the only thing I learned from the experience was that audition(stage/film) is not quite easy for anyone especially if you don't have a decent agency to help. The only thing you can do is keep improving your personal talent and acting skill to make the opportunity knock your door. Also, I'm willing to provide personal acting class if you really need it and it's all free(for now, haha). So that's get it simple: Ask me anything you want to know about acting or what makes a good actor...etc, I'm here to help!
I'm a Bay Area native and looking to get involved more in the acting scene (classes, improv, companies, etc.). How have you gotten involved in the Bay Area?
I am in personal communication with a handful of actors who have had fairly successful careers overall, but none of the advice they gave me has really sparked anything to be able to emulate that in any way.
Hello Voice Actors of Reddit! I've always wanted to be a voice actor, and after graduating high school and doing a year or so of soul searching, I think I'm ready to buckle down and figure out where to go from here. So how do I start? Should I go to college and get an acting degree, or is that not something that's important for VA? Should I just make a demo reel and start submitting it left/right/center? Is there a specific field (e.g. audiobooks, character acting, etc) that's easier to get into than the others? ​ Please and thank you!
A common piece of advice that is given to actors is to create your own work. From my observation and actors I’ve spoken to, a lot actors tend to stick with the objective of auditioning for everything available. However with many rejections on a consistent basis this can mess with your psyche and deflate you so to speak. For actors that have created their own work and put it out in public, did things change or alter for you in terms of auditions or other opportunities opening up be it big or small?
With the constant hustle and bustle and brain noise we experience in our day to day lives, how do you as actors keep on top of everything in your career? Do you find having less clutter/items/paperwork etc allows you to have more time and energy on keeping on top of your day to day work as an actor? I currently have a whiteboard and a calendar which does help. As well as clearing up my Google Drive. With that being said, are there additional ways you can keep your ‘plate’ clear?
Its always in the back of my mind. I want to be an actor. I ask myself why and I can't pinpoint the exact reason. I love movies and great stories and it would be great if I could be paid to be in them. The self doubt. Not trying hard enough. I took a few classes and went to a couple auditions but gave up quickly. Didn't even try to learn a couple monologues. I guess I thought it would come easy. Scared to invest in myself. Let go and truly chase this dream. Everything else I've tried to do to make money has felt meaningless. When I think about acting I get a rush then it fades and I'm back to doubting myself. Maybe I should go back to school, work in sales, a normal job. I'm 26 now and everything else feels meaningless. If I'm not chasing this dream I ask myself what am I even living for? What do you guys think? Thoughts/concerns.
I’m just curious and wanted to of any fellow actors methods when it comes to learning lines. Not to sound new agey but is there a sort of synergy or ambience you create that helps making your lines more effective, such having a clear space. I’ve heard that writing your lines down on paper helps to ingrain them into your head. Do any of you also find whether or not the time you go over them have an effect? e.g in the wee/early hours of the morning when everyone is asleep?