Hi there everyone!. I live in South Africa and I'm slowly but surely making a name for myself in the acting scene. Problem is, I'm currently doing mostly future work and don't have a permanent role yet. It doesn't cover all the bills... So I've been trying to figure out what day job I can get that has flexible hours so I can also be on set during the day. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Besides the obvious of working on one’s craft, taking lessons and the like, what do you think is the most important thing an actor can do to help themselves? What have you noticed helped you the most?
Been thinking about trying to build relationships with casting directors through classes since I've been unsuccessful in finding an agent so far. Does anyone recommend one of these over the others? One on One Actors Launchpad Actors Connection Any others? ​ Any advice in general about this?
Okay. First time poster here and looking for advice. I'll try to keep it short. Some friends of mine were asking for more actors for their podcast in NYC. I live in Florida but still want to be a part of it. The creator said he'd like to work me and suggestes I get a few things. They are recording this Sunday. He suggested (https://zencastr.com/) for recording and to purchase Behringer Professional Podcastudio Bundle (https://www.amazon.com/Behringer-PODCASTUDIO-USB-BEHRINGER/dp/B000PARIZU) How is this for a first time user? Is there anything else in this price range, $100, that is comparable? Is this okay for entry level considering that the creator of the podcast is suggesting it?
This was written for the perspective of filmmakers but I thought is might be helpful for deciding whether or not to take a non-paying gig. Personally I’m always of the belief that if you can’t afford to pay your actors you can’t afford to make a film, actor compensation should always be a part of the budget from the beginning. The SAG day minimum is $125 so that is what you should aim to pay per day, when budgeting your film in pre-production. “But I don’t have any money.” You and everyone else trying to make it in this business. You are prepared to take the actors time for free and still sleep at night, when they (if they are serious, and good) are busting their ass giving their time, money, and energy to do what they love. That you don’t have any money for your film, for the most part, doesn’t matter to anyone but you, just as what’s in the actors bank account and how much they can afford to eat doesn’t matter to you. You say ‘I can’t give away money to you, I need it, I want your time and work for free.’ It’s just as fair for the actor to say ‘why should I go without, why don’t you go without?’ “My film is going to be great though.” Yeah yeah, festivals etc. Everyone likes to throw this around. It’s your movie, your passionate about it, you’re giving it everything, of course you want to believe it’s going to be great. But unless you have the experience and professionalism to back that up those dreams are just hopes with a small chance. It is not bargaining power because there is no proof, and it doesn’t mean anything in real terms. The truth is a lot of filmmakers believe that, or want to, and the movie goes on to do nothing, and in the worst case is so terrible the actor wishes they hadn’t done it. A lot of actors have had that experience. So your physical movies that you have done in the past are the only things that mean something moving forward and in the here and now. “We’ll pay gas.” This means very little more than just not paying anything. Sure it sounds nice on paper, and makes you feel a little better when you write that on the casting but the reality is it’s almost worst because you’re making the actor feel cheap by having to get reimbursed for 5 or 10 or 20 bucks, which they probably won’t bother to do because they’d feel cheap. The movie will mean more to you than it will to them. People respect filmmakers who have made a short, no one respects an actor’s talent unless they were in something they have heard of. It shouldn’t be that way, and filmmakers shouldn’t perpetuate that by not paying the actors in *their* film. At no point is it a surprise to you that you have to pay actors. If you are thinking in the beginning, ‘well maybe we just won’t pay the actors,’ then you are showing a very poor sense of professionalism, and care for your movie. If you think your movie is going to be great, don’t you want the best actors you can get? And if you do, don’t you respect them? And if you do, don’t you want to pay them? Here are some things to consider on when it might be reasonable to not pay and why. *You are just starting out and so are they* If you are in film school, and are having to spend thousands of dollars to go in to debt and you are hiring talent that are trying to build up some credits it may be fair to not pay anything. The actor in this instance is gaining experience being on set, and *possibly* something they can use in their reel. It is more reasonable not to pay them because you can not guarantee how good their performance will be. Equally they can not guarantee how good the movie will be, or their own performance, so they might not even use the footage for their reel in the end anyway. Both sides are learning and the people that will see the finished film are limited. In the grand scheme of things the experience will count for more than the finished film. There may be big dreams of film festivals, but at this stage this is not something that adds up to a lot. If the film got in to a festival it would likely be a small one that again, doesn’t really mean that much beyond personal achievement (which is not nothing but its also not an instant career). Now someone in this position might be thinking, wait a minute, I’m only going to make a good film, and it will highlight the great things I will go on to do, OR an amazing film and clearly this is the next Kubrick at work.This might come true but it’s all after the fact and can’t be used for bargaining power. The chances are the filmmakers have little to offer, and the actor has little to offer too. You are getting what you pay for and can’t expect too much, but the stakes are pretty low so it’s all ok, the acting is not being evaluated anyway, the technical things are. *You have a little more experience* You are making your thesis film, or you have a few shorts in the can, and you feel more confident about your abilities to make a decent film. But you still don’t have a lot of money. Well if you aren’t prepared to pay anything you should only expect the above type of actor. Now an actor might expect that this film would end up on their reel, but there is still no guarantee of the quality of the film and what success it would go on to have. Actors might still be willing to work for cheaper for student films, the stakes are still low for them, and they understand that you are paying to work in a professional way without being yet a professional, i.e. college. Perhaps the filmmaker has some great films to their name, and the script is great, and essentially there is some evidence that this would be a very cool project that the actor would be very happy to be a part of. In that case it’s a little more reasonable to get an actor with a little more experience than the first actor and not pay them. BUT not paying them is a gamble. You might put off certain talent because they have a hard line on not working for free — you’ll likely attract much more, and better, talent if you are paying. The actor might not feel super committed because it’s free work. It shows poor planning and budgeting, and a lack of respect for the actor. Ask yourself if you aren’t getting paid to do something how you feel about it and how much effort you give. How much time goes by before you start thinking that there is nothing keeping you there? Your effort will go down. It’s the same as getting free crew, they will care less, they can’t help it, it’s just how anyone would feel. It’s a very slim chance that you manage to find people who love the film as much as you do, and believe in you to the point where they would give 100% for no pay. Of course it’s possible, but it’s a gamble. You should also be prepared to be extremely accommodating and have more than enough food and drink. But I still think you should be able to find $50 - $150 per day, then you could avoid all the above problems and know that everyone’s happy. *They are your best friend* If you and your buddies are making a film, and paying each other is not even a thought then of course, that’s its own reward. But that’s a special circumstance, in many instances you can’t expect a professional, or an aspiring professional to give you their services for free even if they are your friend. *You have a high profile actor* If you managed to book a big name everyone would probably go above and beyond for the opportunity and the credit, and that would have more value than the money. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The bottom line is that actors have to put in a lot of time. They have spent a lot of money on classes and maybe school, they have put in a lot of time getting better at it. Working on a role takes time and energy, it requires learning lines, and preparing the character. If you care about your film, you should care about your actors, and that means paying for what they are giving you. And the reality is credits and festivals don’t mean nothing, but they also don’t mean a whole lot. When a casting director is looking for a small role for an episode of a TV show, they don’t care about a small time short that went to a festival (for the most part). ​ Lastly, a lot of filmmakers who have a couple of shorts under their belt, think the actor will feel lucky just to have been offered the role. After all the filmmaker feels good about their film and they have gone through hundreds of eager submissions. I have even heard of actors being given roles and had their acceptance assumed without even being asked! And without seeing the script, and knowing all the details of what's on offer! A good actor, which is likely the one being offered the role, has standards and expectations on their career and where they are on that timeline/progression. They may have auditioned, but that doesn't mean they will take it, the next step is figuring out the details and deciding if they accept the terms and like the script.
So my son is 20 months old and I get numerous people telling me my son should be an actor/model. Every parent of course thinks their kids are the cutest and deserve everything.. What's the proper way of seeing in he's capable of being one without paying for the BS agencies?
I had to do this scene where the girl pulls a gun out on me and I pull her close to me to take it away. Anyways she did this little moan thing when I pulled her close and let's just say my privates were standing straighter than a Baptist boy in Sunday morning church. Pretty sure everyone saw the Lion's Pride in my pants and I'm not sure if that was unprofessional or an actor living truthfully in the moment. Has anyone had experience with this event and what is the proper protocol from here on out?
I will be attending the ARTS International showcase next year in Orlando, Fl. I’ve been reading different monologues to find which genre I fit in best. Are there any tips from you fellow actors/actresses that I could do for practice to better myself? Thank you all.
Hello, Could anyone point me to free / paid equivalents to phishtank, openphish, etc. of phishing/malicious websites feed? I have a bit of trouble finding these apart from [http://mwm.rising.com.cn/](http://mwm.rising.com.cn/) where I am a bit lost. I'm interested in malicious actors/websites from China, Hong Kong etc. Thank you!
So I understand that life just goes on and people can lose interest in the business, nobody owes you anything yadda yadda. But as an on screen actor for almost ten years whos still grinding and trying to climb that ladder, its frustrating to see other actors that were in one or a few big movies that just....stopped altogether. Im not talking about big examples like Josh Hartnett or Joffrey from GOT. Im talking people like several actors from the Friday The 13th Series or some of the characters from the Halloween films etc...You were killed by Jason Voorhees (something as a horror fan I would cherish for life lol) and you gave up? Are you crazy!? I've gotten depressed at times thinking no matter how hard I work, ill never be in something bigger as a project beyond low paying student films. But I still try, I still get any film work I can. So its kinda insulting to see other artists do stuff like that. Why do you guys think this happens?
Long story short. Knew an actor/playwright friend coming up the ranks for past ten years. She's worked at acting, so have I, she decided to give it up become an agent and has been doing so for the last 3 years. Maybe it has to do with a fact she gained a lot of weight, maybe it doesn't. This year I booked a series co-star and the writers were so happy with my work they wrote me bigger scenes, more dialogue, into 9 episodes. I don't have an agent (old manager got me initial walk-on role audition) so I am now shopping around for agent. I met up with acting friend/agent and she seemed to be in a different mood with me - we used to be on such a friendly vibe, but she kept complaining to me that people only want to talk to her now that she is an agent and she complained to me about a few of her specific clients not getting work and putting them down/making fun of them which was a red flag to me indeed. Finally she looked at me and asked, "You've been at this for ten years, why do you think it's taken you as long as it has to hit this? Why do you think that is?" I didn't know how to respond. I have been auditioning, writing plays (that have won awards), casting myself in them, booking small parts in film and tv here and there, commercials, writing short films that are now winning awards with me in them, but it was such a strange question...I am a woman of color and I genuinely didn't know how to respond. Is she being bitter or is there a reason why that I just might be missing? Maybe she has a point I can learn from? For me so much of this industry comes down to talent yes but also nepotism, luck, and timing. Would love any feedback on how to respond if at all. She is not at a major agency, but one you'd probably know.
So, I'm on backstage, and there's this job that actually sounds like it was made for me! (Nervous guy, with a southern drawl) The only catch is: the only way to audition is to use an iOS app, and I have an android phone... I reached out to the people who listed the audition and they said that the android app is coming next year, and that I should borrow somebody's iPhone, but all my friends are android elitists... Ugghhhhh! I wanted to say, "well, I'm still new, so I don't have the money to up and get a new phone just to audition! I mean... Come on! You guys are too good for youtube or soundcloud links? Fun fact: this pretty big producer is trying to brand an app and breed success stories through this app as proof that this app is even useful (which... Not really. It's called clapit and it's like anchor, but for voice actors. Basically you upload your audition, and you could get a voice acting job... If you have an iPhone, currently.) Basically the only "job" I've landed recently requires me to have an iphone in two days, and even if I could find a cheap/crappy one: I get paid in three days, so... I'd really be pushing my bank account, but... Gotta do what you gotta do, right? \*Sigh\*... I'm not giving up, but mannnnn is this harder than it should be.
Hi everyone. I’m a bit lost right now and wondering what could be next for me as an actor. So far I’ve: -taken a beginner’s acting course at Barrow school (NYC) -taken the Stella Adler summer intensive (three classes) -taken an additional two acting/theater classes at my college before I graduated -Acted in a student film before I graduated -Gotten a few black and white headshots from a professional photographer I did not go to school for drama, and I’m currently working from home as a freelancer (not related to acting). Unfortunately there are no community theaters/programs where I live unless I travel to NYC. I was wondering what folks would recommend I do next if I want to take this to the next level and eventually become a working actor. Is it too early to send my resume and headshots to an agent? Should I continue looking for student films to do in the city? Join an improv group? Thank you!
I am curious what people think about this service, what the rules are, if it's worth it or better to spend $$ at One on One or the other workshops in town. Thanks in advance!
How to find a voiceover agent. https://ip214.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/40278/bebc8c28f1ddd100/10269872/eb72769c3ddedda9
Recently I went to an agent "class", a.k.a., pay-to-meet-and-greet, and had a wonderful session in the room. The warmest I've had in such meet-ups. The agent loved my monologue and gave me great feedback. We really hit it off and spent much of our remaining time smiling and laughing as...
(yes ive checked out the sidebar) The aim of this is to just get my feet wet with the entire experience of making a personal project, and also it's fun. ive had acting experience for the past 4-5ish years involving in class, and extracurricular productions so the acting side of it i'm not a total beginner.. i've also checked out a few podcasts and websites but i feel like these questions arent scratched. 1. recording a fan audiobook (for fun! not for money! its a hobbyyy!) what is the consensus on voicing characters? i was hoping that i would narrate and voice characters to get the extra practise, (i have friends who will do the female voices and young young boys because.. fuck that.) but is it better to have someone else do the narration? I suppose it doesnt matter because it's for fun, but i would like people to enjoy the completed product. 2. at which point do i upgrade my microphone, asap? i (Like all other starters) use a blue snowball and ive been thinking of practising and getting this project off the ground before i upgrade as a 'reward' after the initial experience. i dont really have any intention of auditioning for actual projects since i have this mic and i dont really feel like ive got a decent voice acting foundation, yet. ive checked out numerous videos on *what* to buy (not touching a blue yeti dont worry) 3. more work ethic-y, but what should i aim for a week, 20-30 hours a week of work? i will be doing 95% of the work (audio editing, main narration, most characters, cutting script etc) 4. should i send feedback from friends or other voice actors. for voice actors, where is the best place to get quick feedback? (tfw no va friends) thanks for reading, much appreciated