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We have found 19,181 posts across 4 actor forums:

Looking for female voice actor for World of Warcraft Machinima Series! by ed_samson  •  last post Aug 6th

Hi, folks! I am currently looking for a voice actress to play the role of Golia, deity and all-powerful mystic of seasons in the machinima series, [Aligning Azeroth](! Golia (go-lee-ah) is an all-powerful deity, namely the Mystic of Seasons, where whoever holds this power controls Azeroth's elements, weather, etc. She is also the mother of Misaam, Haramar, Illicus, and Riggal, and wife to Marthael. She is stoic, but youthful, for a goddess. What we have in mind for this character is that she talks with an accent, think [Tyrande Whisperwind]( When auditioning for this role, please send 2-3 takes of each line and send them as .wav files. Please record in MONO settings, and do not worry about editing special effects to your recordings; we will take care of it in post-pro. When you are finished recording, please post it on soundcloud and send me a PM/comment containing the link or e-mail me at Thank you so much, and break a leg! *NOTE: Some lines do NOT reflect the final product and may be subjected to change in the future.* GOLIA: Take heed, child… Not everything is as it seems. GOLIA: That word has no meaning here, you are no son of mine. What I see is a monster; a monster who destroyed our kingdom! GOLIA: You need to run as far away as you can. Your father is about to encapsulate Riggal (Rig-all) and his minions in a time sphere; if you get caught, the temporal energies could tear you apart!

[Table] IAmA: I am Christopher McQuarrie. AMA. by tabledresser  •  last post Jul 28th

**Verified?** *(This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)* **Date:** 2015-07-28 **[Link to submission](** (*Has self-text*) Questions|Answers :--|:-- [Hi! Was the idea for Tom to do the stunt his idea or was it anyone else's? Also, were you concerned on what he was going to do?](|We were looking at a model of the A400 and I made a joke about him hanging off the side as it took off. Tom didn't blink. He just said "Yeah, I could do that." |I wasn't concerned about what he was going to do. I was concerned about the variable beyond our control. When Tom is driving a car or a motorcycle, he is in control of the variables. When he is hanging on the side of a plane, he is at their mercy. |The biggest concerns had nothing to do with falling. Even small debris on the runway or a bird would have killed him outright. [Hey Chris, what was the mentality behind casting Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher? Many fans of the books, myself included, were kind of confused since he isn't very close to how the character is described in the novels. ](|It's a longer answer and one I wanted to write about to the fans before we shot the movie. There were so many factors that go into casting Jack Reacher, only one of which was his size. I wanted someone who could convey his wisdom, his calm, his presence. And I wanted an American. That narrowed the list very quickly. |We have the utmost respect for fans of the series. I think those that came to it with an open mind saw that we preserved the spirit of the character and the tone of Lee Child's novels. [How was it working for Tom Cruise? Was it a different mentality for each of the movies he did? Did you think that The Usual Suspects would be a cult following years after the movie was made? ](|1) It's the most fun I've had and the hardest work I've done. It's also some of the best. Tom pushes me to go beyond what I thought was possible. |2) Each movie is different because my role is slightly different. But they are all the same because Tom and I share a unique sense of trust and respect. |I never imagined Suspects would even make a dime, let alone live on. I did, however, always believe Spacey would win and Oscar and Del Toro would be a star. [Where did you get inspiration for the usual suspects?Did you work with Kevin Spacey at all,what was he like?](|I wrote is specifically for Spacey because he was lesser known at the time. I wanted the audience to dismiss him as a minor character. [Chris, What do You think about Jake Gyllenhaal acting performances ? Would You like to work with him in the future ?](|Jake is a brilliant actor. I just saw him in Nightcrawler and was blown away by his ability to keep me involved with such a sociopathic character. His physical transformations are also amazing. He also happens to be a good soul. I'd work with him in a second. He has my number. [What are some films that inspired you to become a writer/director? Also, what made you want to shoot the majority of Rogue Nation on 35mm film instead of using the increasingly popular digital format?](|Too many to list. Off the top of my head - the work of Sydney Lumet, John Huston, John Ford, David Lean... |I love film. It simply cannot be replaced. I do, however, see a huge value in digital. I think both can coexist nicely - I shot a lot of pieces (and all the underwater footage) on the Alexa 65. [You've been on the wrong end of a number of Hollywood "shenanigans" with your writing getting mangled, credit being removed etc. Are you generally able to brush that kind of thing off?](|I've taken my name off of more movies than I've been denied credit on. I frankly don't care much about credit. I care about the work. [With your success, and transition to directing are you immune to that thing now?](|I'll never be immune to it. That's just the nature of the beast. [Any advice for young writers on developing a thick skin?](|As for how to grow a thick skin: Take your licks. There's no other way. Just remember that you don't get what you deserve. you get what you negotiate. [I just saw Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation last night for an Advanced Screening and it was incredible! I'll be seeing it again this weekend. What was the most difficult scene to direct and would you do another MI movie? ](|They were all uniquely challenging. The opera took the longest (Including the first and last shot of principal photography), the gunfight was half a night (seriously). The A400 was a massive engineering and safety nightmare. The chase scene involved building new camera rigs from scratch. [How'd you come to the decision that you were ready to transition from writing to writing and directing? And how scary was the first day on set as director?](|I wanted to make a giant historical epic about Alexander the Great and had to start somewhere. The first day is not scary. The day you watch the first assembly? That's scary. [You have a great collaboration with composer Joe Kraemer. How did you two start working together and what is it that you like best about his work?](|We met when we were in our late teens on the set of a Bryan Singer short film in upstate New York. We started working together on The Way of the Gun - Joe's criminally underrated score. [Hi Chris, huge fan! I was wondering why the name change from 'all you need is kill' to 'edge of tomorrow'? Love that film and your work! ](|The word "Kill" in the title was deemed to be alienating to certain demographics. And, frankly, it didn't have a damn thing to do with the movie. Still... cool title. [Saw the screening last night and it's definitely got your prints written all over it, which is absolutely awesome! My question is what ended up on the cutting room floor and is there chance for it ending up as extras/ext cut on the dvd/blu ray/uv/whatever the hell the kids are putting out these days releases?](|I cut about 15 minutes of stuff - including an amazing scene with Alec Baldwin and another with Sean Harris. But they didn't serve the story. |I believe the movie you release is the movie. I'm not a lover of deleted scenes. But maybe... Just maybe... [Did everyone on the set of Usual Suspects know it was going to be such a good film in making?](|No. We all thought we were making a little movie that only we understood. We never imagined we'd be talking about it 20 years later. [Christopher, would you like to do an epic period film? Schwarzenegger will soon be starring in King Conan...Are you a Conan fan and would you consider directing Arnold!? And when did you last pump up at the gym?](|I have always wanted to do a period epic. I spent years working on an script about Alexander the Great. I don't think i have pumped at a proper gym since I was a kid. [Any update on Star Blazers?!](|None yet. I haven't had a moment to focus on it. Back at it as soon as I'm done promoting Mission. [Are there any upcoming projects that you are interested in directing? ](|Every time I finish a movie I feel like I never need to make another. Right now I'm just letting the battery recharge. [Hello.](|You'd have to ask a casting director. They bring me the people I am looking for. [ of all I want to say that I'm a huge fan of mission impossible and it is one of my favorite movies of all time! I have two questions for you. First im curious, what actors website do big budget movies like yours hire statists from? Second, what is some of the best action movies you have seen? ](|Best action movies? So many. I still think Die Hard is perhaps one of the best in terms of balancing story, character, action... [I was fascinated by Valkyrie, particularly by von Stauffenberg's story and your efforts to present a historically accurate story. Are there any interesting bits that didn't make it into the final film, but you wish had?](|Yes. There were some scenes (that really happened) that were very suspenseful in the first act. They didn't make it for a variety of reasons. It would have made the first act stronger. [1.\) As someone who grew up in and currently resides in New Jersey (Kinnelon, Morris County specifically\), I take a disproportionate amount of pride in knowing you, Bryan Singer, and Tom Cruise all have roots there. This is kind of a ridiculous thing to ask, but... how, if at all, has NJ shaped your relationships with Bryan and Tom? Personally and/or creatively?](|1) Singer and I grew up together and first collaborated on a screenplay when we were kids. Tom was always moving around but takes pride in having lived in NJ not once, but twice. [Lastly, I love your work, and please don't ever stop doing your Twitter McQAndAs. They're the best! Thanks so much for reading & participating in this AMA!](|And don't worry. I'll be back to twitter with more #McQandAs. Thank you. [Hi Chris and thanks for doing this! What is your all-time favourite movie which you did not work on?](|It changes all the time. Off the tope of my head, I love The Verdict, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Big Country... [Hey Chris, what was your reaction when Tom came up with the plane stunt idea?](|It was my idea. But I was joking. When he said yes I thought: "Why did I open my big mouth?" [Would you ever consider writing or directing a super hero film and which one?](|I worked on the first Xmen and wrote a draft of Wolverine. I think I'm good for a while. [Hi Chris! How difficult is it to adapt novels into a screenplay?](|It's a little easier in that I know in advance how the movie is going to end. [Thanks for doing this AMA! I'm a huge fan of yours. That's many films with Tom Cruise. How do these director-actor duos get formed? Is it because Tom Cruise often produces his own films these days and he'd like to stick with the same director/writer? Or is it simply because you two get along rather well?](|We get along famously. Tom is a great guy - a lot more down to Earth than he gets credit for. I wouldn't make two movies with someone who wasn't that great to work with, let alone 5. [What kind of novels do you write? And are you currently writing one?](|I never have. I would love to have the time to do it. *Last updated: 2015-08-01 21:18 UTC* *This post was generated by a robot! Send all complaints to [epsy](/message/compose/?to=epsy).*

Is there demand for Actor's websites? by Crowdfunder101  •  last post Jul 12th

As an actor myself,I need a job that gives me flexibility. The perfect job, which I am capable of doing, is web design/development. But run of the mill designers are ten-a-penny, so I thought I'd specialise in Actor/Performer websites instead. After researching, there's no real, decent designer out there specialising in actors - they're stuck in the early 2000's with their design principles, which makes me mad! But is there a reason for that? Are people willing to pay for a decent, professional website - or are they content with just basic IMDb pages and other casting profiles?

Casting Call for Lady And The Tramp 2 Fan Dub by tiernan420  •  last post Jun 10th

Hey, so I am currently looking for actors/actresses/singers to audition for a fan dub of Lady And The Tramp 2. I'd really appreciate it if you consider auditioning! Here is a link to the audition page:

[FanDub] Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! by FET-Kun  •  last post May 25th

Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! Please audition at Casting Call Club OR at Behind The Voice Actor: *Deadline:* May 31 11:59 PM *Category:* Fandub Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!Hi. I am an experienced voice actor and fandub producer. I have created countless projects for nearly 15 years now, and so I am launching this project to celebrate my 15th anniversary of my very first fandub project! Rest assured, that this project will be completed, as I run a very tight schedule and recasting policy. With the experience that I've gained over the last 15 years, this project will both look and sound like the real deal! Digimon is a show that I hold close to my heart, and the second Japanese movie, 'Our War Game!' was my first introduction to original RAW Japanese anime. Since seeing this movie, I realized just how amazing the original soundtrack was, and that's what originally pushed me to start the original 'DigiFanDub' group in 2001. Since then, I moved from simply fandubbing Digimon, to various other anime that I loved as well. I have already finished the entire soundtrack for this movie, and it simply awaits the voice talent from all of you! I intend to recruit the very best actors and actresses that I can find, and together we'll make this an amazing sounding movie. Let's get started!! AUDITIONS ARE: OPEN AND ARE DUE ON MAY 31st Either submit auditions here on BTVA, or; Send all auditions to SUBJECT: Our War Game Auditions General Information: This project will be run very strictly, so please understand that I do not tolerate VAs being late with their lines. I have, and will recast those that fall behind, so that the project at hand may be completed in a timely manner. If you think there is a chance that you cannot commit to a deadline, it might be best to not audition. The fandub is utilizing a 1080p Blu Ray version of Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! and will look and sound amazing! In fact, the overall work is done with the music, and I just need voice talent for the project. Also, Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato are on reserve right now, so that is why you will not see them below. Recording Quality And Naming Structure For Audition Lines: -High Quality 48khz 16-bit 320kbps MP3 -Clean and free of background noise etc. -Name files similar to: CharacterName_Line#.mp3 ================================= **Name:** YAGAMI YUUKO *Age:* MiddleAge *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > I'll make you a cake. --- Yes, really. Can you get me some eggs? --- Let's see... did I forget the wheat flour? > Taichi? The ferris wheel is really going around today... > Ahh! It's ruined... That's weird, it's all computer-controlled... --------------------------------- **Name:** Yagami Hikari *Age:* Child *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference video for lines: *Audition Lines:* > Writing an e-mail? > To a friend's birthday party. And this is the present. > I can't go home yet. We still haven't even blown out the candles... --------------------------------- **Name:** Takaishi Takeru *Age:* Child *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference video for lines: *Audition Lines:* > Patamon, you evolve too! > Patamon! Are you okay!? Patamon! I'll be right there! Patamon! Patamon! Patamon! > Big brother! Hurry up and find him! There's no time left! Big brother! Hurry! --------------------------------- **Name:** TAKENOUCHI SORA *Age:* Teen *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference video for lines: *Audition Lines:* > Who is it? - - Say I'm not home. - - - Just do it. > Taichi... you jerk! > Taichi... you dummy... (Last scene where the missile is falling) --------------------------------- **Name:** TACHIKAWA MIMI *Age:* Teen *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > "This is Mimi! Please leave a message!" > "Oooooo! Hawaii sure is the best! Hehe!" --------------------------------- **Name:** KIDO JO *Age:* Teen *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Ah!! Oh no! > Hi, this is Kido Jo! I'm too busy taking a test right now, so I won't be helping to save the world! - made up line for the sake of auditioning =P --------------------------------- **Name:** GENNAI *Age:* Senior *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Ahahaha... Long time no see. > So, do you know about him? > Okay, I'll send Agumon and Tentomon to the net, so hold on a second. --------------------------------- **Name:** TAKENOUCHI TOSHIKO *Age:* MiddleAge *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > One moment, she just came home. > It's from the Yagami residence. > She told me to say she's not home... --------------------------------- **Name:** PALMON *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Hiya Guys! > OK! > I'm Palmon the planet type Digimon! --------------------------------- **Name:** PIYOMON *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > We're here too! > OK! > Piyo Piyo~!! Piyomon loves Sora so much, I wish I could see her.... --------------------------------- **Name:** GOMAMON *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Gomamon here! > OK! > Marching fishes! Rise up and consume our enemy! --------------------------------- **Name:** PATAMON *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > We're here too! > Right! --- Patamon Evolve to... > Huh?! Ah! (slammed into railing) --------------------------------- **Name:** TAILMON *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > What's up! > OK! > Tailmon here! I've got.... like two lines in this movie.... --------------------------------- **Name:** EXTRAS *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male/Female *Characteristics:* All extras can be viewed and auditioned for in this thread, since there are too many to post here individually...!-Auditions-OPEN *Audition Lines:* > N/A > N/A > N/A --------------------------------- **Name:** Izumi Koushiro *Age:* Child *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Reference video for lines: *Audition Lines:* > This thing grows by eating data. And it's eating a lot... It's only at Baby level now, but if it keeps evolving, it will eat data from all over the network. - - - - Computers will go haywire! > T-Taichi-san... - - - - Ta... Taichi-san... - - - - Taichi-san! - - - - I can't hold it... - - - I have to go to the toilet... (stumbles out of the room) > He's got too much speed... Even if we have more power, our response time's hampering us. What can we do? - - - That's it... I can redirect them! If I redirect all this mail to his address...! - - Go! --------------------------------- **Name:** Agumon *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* SPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for any one of Agumon's forms, or all three! Since his voice is a bit unique in Japanese, you can either try to mimic that or the American voice, or come up with an original voice altogether! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.Reference Video for all forms: *Audition Lines:* > Taichi! Koshiro! We're here! > If not, it's up to us two to fight him again! > Agumon, Warp Evolve To...! --------------------------------- **Name:** Greymon *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* SPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for any one of Agumon's forms, or all three! Since his voice is a bit unique in Japanese, you can either try to mimic that or the American voice, or come up with an original voice altogether! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.Reference Video for all forms: *Audition Lines:* > Greymon!! (Evolution Sequence) > Kabuterimon! > Mega Flame! --------------------------------- **Name:** WarGreymon *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* SPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for any one of Agumon's forms, or all three! Since his voice is a bit unique in Japanese, you can either try to mimic that or the American voice, or come up with an original voice altogether! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.Reference Video for all forms: *Audition Lines:* > WarGreymon!! (Evolution Sequence) > Taichi! -- Taichi, be strong, and leave it to us. > Gaia Force! --------------------------------- **Name:** Gabumon *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Gabumon - MetalGarurumonSPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for either both of Gabumon's forms, or one or the other! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.I suggest taking inspiration from the american voice actor, or just try an original voice.Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Agumon! Tentomon! ------ Sorry we're late! > Gabumon Warp Evolve to! > Petit Fire! --------------------------------- **Name:** MetalGarurumon *Age:* Ageless *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Gabumon - MetalGarurumonSPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for either both of Gabumon's forms, or one or the other! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.I suggest taking inspiration from the american voice actor, or just try an original voice.Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > MetalGarurumon!! (Evolution Sequence) > Do you know where he is? > Metal Wolf Claw --------------------------------- **Name:** TENTOMON *Age:* Child *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Tentomon - KabuterimonSPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for either both of Tentomon's forms, or one or the other! Again, since he has a bit of a unique voice in Japanese, you can either try to mimic that or the American one, or come up with an original voice altogether! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Koushiro! How have you been? > Aren't the others connected yet? - - - Yeah, but... > Tentomon, evolve to! --------------------------------- **Name:** Kabuterimon *Age:* Baby *Gender:* Male *Characteristics:* Tentomon - KabuterimonSPECIAL NOTES: You can audition for either both of Tentomon's forms, or one or the other! Again, since he has a bit of a unique voice in Japanese, you can either try to mimic that or the American one, or come up with an original voice altogether! Best to try variations too, as to increase your chance of being cast.Reference Video: *Audition Lines:* > Kabuterimon! (For Evolution) > We can't hurt him! What's going on here? > Mega Blaster!! --------------------------------- Please audition at Casting Call Club

EPA's NYC by Suzanne Sadler  •  last post May 21st

I'd love to hear tips/advice from Equity actors who have gone to an EPA in NYC, i.e., those without appointment times. Is it absolute crazy madness? All comments/opinions greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Strangest Audition by Gregory Blair  •  last post May 5th

Auditioned today for a death scene. While standing up. Almost stranger than playing a paintbrush. (Yes...I've actually had to do that, to!) What's the strangest thing you had to do at an audition?

Looking for talents for a animation teaser for a game. by v78  •  last post Apr 30th

Hi all! I am creating an introduction cartoon for a [game I'm currently developing]( and was looking for both actors and actresses. You can find all the important info at the [Voice Acting Alliance]( thread I created. Deadline is on May 15th 2015 :)

Looking for Female Voice Actor for WoW Machinima Series (Unpaid) by ed_samson  •  last post Mar 22nd

I am currently looking for a female voice actress for the role of a e-sportscaster for one episode (four lines). This character should be excited to see the fight in the episode unravel. Please send me a downloadable soundcloud link/dropbox link of the recorded lines. Thank you! MARIN: That’s right, Keith! It won’t be too long until the warlock meets his doom! MARIN: I don’t think that’s He-Man. From what I can see, it’s Flash Gordon, Savior of the Universe. MARIN: That’s a darn shame. MARIN: And it looks like Middle-Aged Fabio is joining in the fight-

Need Female Voice Actors! by EnticingFedora  •  last post Mar 7th

Bubbline Yuri Audio Drama: That Night Please audition at Casting Call Club *Deadline:* Apr 14 12:00 AM *Category:* Presentation THIS PROJECT HAS HARDCORE YURI AND LGBT STUFF! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, THEN LEAVE!Hey everyone! Otaku Princess here. I am currently in the progress of scripting and putting together a fan audio for the Bubbline ship that will be uploaded onto YouTube. I will need two female voice actresses who are energetic and feel like they could fit the part. I recommend the age 15-25 due to there being a bit of adult humor and I was going to do a sex scene but cancelled due to the fact that I'm way too innocent to script that. If you don't have a problem with that, this project is for you! Thank you so much, and I look forward to working with you. Here is some about the project:Ever since that night, things between them have been awkward. They've tried to be romantic, really, but nothing can compare to the ecstasy between PB and Marci on that fateful night. What happened, you ask? Prepare to find out.Alright! And I will be judging these based on emotional standards and which voice is closest to the part. If I do not choose you, I'm sorry and I look forward to working with you somehow. We will work something out! :)If you would like a scheduled live Skype audition, please contact me and I will get back to you, I promise. ================================= **Name:** Marceline *Age:* Teen *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* This character will definitely be the most aggressive out of the two, obviously. Marceline is very dark and mysterious. Again, stay true to the TV role and try to hit that exact voice if you can. *Audition Lines:* > 1. Erm.. Hi, Bonnibel. Didn't expect you to get here so fast. (Somewhat surprised) > 2. What is WRONG with you lately?! Ever since that night, you've been acting like a total stranger! Can't you see?! I love you!! Why does everyone around you have to be perfect? Who cares if I'm not perfect! --------------------------------- **Name:** Princess Bubblegum *Age:* Teen *Gender:* Female *Characteristics:* Just like in the show, Bubblegum is very gentle and kindhearted. Stay true to the role, and give her a soft and elegant-like voice. *Audition Lines:* > 1. Ohhhh! I know what you want. TUTORING! (Excited) > 2. I didn't say you had to be perfect! (Angry yet desperate) --------------------------------- Please audition at Casting Call Club

Actor's Websites by schmevie  •  last post Mar 4th

Hello fellow actors! I am a recent grad looking to get some insight on actor's websites. I have been reading articles about how important it is for an actor to have a personal website to showcase all of their work. After reading this I wanted to find out whether there was a demand at all for actors to get custom made, personalized websites. With that being said: I have a couple of questions for y’all. I wanted to know how many of you had personal websites for your acting careers and those that have them where did you get them? Are the free website services such as Weebly and Wix not cutting it in terms of customization? And lastly would you like to have somebody custom-making your website to ensure that it is a personalized as possible?

Looking for a Voice Actor/Actress for a short school project. by available_usernames  •  last post Mar 1st

I have a script written thats just about 250 words. The video highlights Heritage Square in Phoenix, Arizona which is a 4 acre park cut out of downtown that is composed of several residential buildings from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Please let me know if you're interested!

Having a hard time with Squarespace-- any recommendations for easier ways to build an actor website? by marshalseth  •  last post Feb 5th

I'm at the high end of not tech-savvy, so coding is out of the question. I hear wix, weebly and wordpress are good, but then, I heard Squarespace was good, too. My biggest issue with SS is that it's not intuitive at all. Any time I want to so much as change the size of a picture, I end up looking up how to do it. I just want something simple, but functional and not too obviously outta-the-box, mass-produced looking. Any ideas?

Casting for AGORA (working title) by Dustin Coffey  •  last post Jan 24th

ANN (Please attach demo) 50's - 60's ANN looks a bit like a 1970's earth mother.  Former surgical nurse.  She is very efficient and practical. Has a heart but approaches things analytically. She has met a man on the internet and has become engaged to be married in Utah. She  is moving on with her life after taking care of her 28 year old agoraphobic son for the last ten years.   FRANCIS (Please attach demo) *casting a name* 40's - 60's Owner of a dive bar where former Marine, Maggie works. Francis is Maggie's best friend and is a former Marine gunnery sergeant. She is caring in her own way and has a rough look. She has secret attraction to Maggie.   RICK (Please attach demo) late 30's to early 40's Maggie's husband and is a former Marine. Suffers from PTSD. He is serving a life sentence for a first degree murder he didn't commit. In prison he has become a born again Christian. Prison has broken him and he is struggling to hope for a future.    MOUNTAIN MIKE (Please attach demo) 30's - 60's . Big Homeless man. In exchange for cash he pretends to be the one witness that saw the murder Rick is in prison for. He is a veteran. Please email Alex at with picture, resume, and a LINK to your demo on vimeo, youtube, imdb, or your website.

New Acting Website Filled With Resources by ActingAustralia  •  last post Dec 16th

So I've launched a new website for actors, directors, and producers. It's mainly a collection of interviews and articles. However, since I'm the writer I can easily become blind-sighted to what people actually want to read about. So check it out and leave me some feedback.

Need Advice Commercials by Suzanne Sadler  •  last post Nov 5th

Have a commercial audition for the first time in years. Any tips? Okay, go! Thanks!

Some are actors, but they're not acting. by thedeadfeed  •  last post Oct 23rd

There's been a lot of debate concerning the authenticity of the people on this show. Much jnformtion has come forward about how many of the Utopians have acting experience, and therefore the show must be scripted. I auditioned for this show. I was flown to LA in June for callbacks and spent a week being interviewed and photographed. How did I hear about the show? An audition website for actors. That is why there are a few people with acting experience in the mix. Production advertised for people on acting boards. Why actors? Probably because they'd be more open to being on television, filmed 24/7, and giving up their lives for a role. I was told in callbacks that the producers would absolutely never script anything in the show. Instead they would "guide things" in order to make sure there was a complete and clear story for viewers to follow. For instance, if we discussed sleeping arrangements and made the decision in two seconds saying "I'll be here, you be there", that's not a very interesting conversation. So producers would step in and tell us that we need to discuss things more in depth. There have been a few occurrences where Mike and Rob have mentioned that they are there to play a role on the show. They are generalizing their precense and speculating why they were chosen. They were not talking about specific instructions given to them by production. Anyway that's all. I just wanted to get that off my chest as it always bugs me when I see people suggesting that production is scripting the whole show.

Trying to get into voice acting. by ryrysosexy143  •  last post Oct 23rd

I just started auditioning for voice acting work on Behind the Voice Actor's website last June. I have had limited success and thought I'd create a short demo reel (with possibly more to come in the future after some more practice) to showcase some of my personal favorite auditions so far. I wanted to post it here to get feedback as well as to openly offer my free services to anyone who needs voiceover work done in the near future. I hope you all enjoy this little video and feel free to hit me up anytime if you think my range is acceptable for your project. Thank you! :) P.S. I have been working extensively since these auditions to improve the quality of my voice acting; these were simply my first attempts at voice acting ever... thank you again.

Looking for a voice actor for DJ project I am doing... [European/Female] by BobbyMidnite  •  last post Oct 17th

I am looking for a female voice actress for a DJ podcast and possibly radio mixing for live friday and saturday night sets. I have a script for lines to read and willing to compensate if its what I am looking for. Voice should sound energetic and attractive. Podcast/DJ Intro Script: ----Generic Tag lines 1. You are tuned into Rhythm Rock Radio, Podcast Edition 2. You are listening to Bobby Midnite 3. You are tuned into Rhythm Rock Radio, live in session 4. You are now in session with, Bobby Midnite, here on Rhythm Rock Radio 5. Thank you for tuning into this Strange Kid Production 6. Drop us a like at Strange Kid Productions on Facebook, Twitter, and Soundcloud for mix updates, live sessions, and events! ----I also have some unique line openers and intros: 1. "Music saves lives, there is no discrimination, the only requirement is to be you!" 2. "Don't be afraid, never let fear guide you, release yourself from your mind and listen." 3. "One good thing about music: When it hits you, you feel no pain." 4. "Created by echoes of the past! This is the sound of a new generation. Let's make some noise for the future!" ***Edited for Voice description***